Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ the (corny) majin buu saga outtakes ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The (corny) majin buu sega outtakes.

Director: Action!

Baibidi: *little spell chant that he uses. *

Nothing happens.

Baibidi: *little spell chant again. *

Director: baibidi, did you overload your magic again?

Baibidi: blushes a humiliating shade of red.

Director: special effects!

(Buu is hatched. Take 1.)

Director: ACTION!!

Buu: boo!

Cell: oops! Wrong set.

Buu: ahhhh! What is that thing?

Cell: ……

Buu: get it away! Get it away!

Everyone: sweatdrops

Cell: um… I'll be in my trailer.

(Buu is hatched. Take 2)

Buu: boo

*Buu walks towards baibidi. *

Buu: boo- huh?

*Buu falls over *

Gohan and the supreme Kai: *laughing *


Director: It's a conspiracy against me. It has to be.

Cameraman: I know how you feel.

(Any scene where they're flying.)

Gohan: so where are we… ACK!!

Goku: gohan? What's wrong?

Gohan: I *cough* think I swallowed a bug.

Goku: oh… is that all?

Gohan: yeah, let's do the next take


(Scene where gohan was blasted by buu)

Buu: *blasts gohan*

Gohan: AHHHHHH * hits the background and falls into the spaceship set*

Gohan: what the heck?

Buu: gohan? You ok?

Gohan: Yeah I'm fine.

Director: * head in hands* what's happening here? This is the fifth take.

Cameraman: it's like a conspiracy. Well we can send the tape to Americas funniest home videos… * gets hit over the head with a clipboard. *


(Goku and vegeta fighting. Take 1.)

Goku: it seems that … vegeta, behind you!

Vegeta: like I'm going to fall for that! *Vegeta gets blasted from behind. *

Vegeta: ok, who did that?

They hear people yelling on the next set.

Ash: mewtwo what the heck were aiming at?!?

Mewtwo: it bounced off mews force field.

Mew: mew mew mewmew * squeak*

Mewtwo: shut up you stupid cat, it's not time for the lecture.

Vegeta: Ihate that show.

(Getting the dragonballs)

Bulma: just a sec… *switchesonthedragonradar* *the dragon radar switches on, but it shows a baseball game* what in the….

Yamcha: wow, this thing doubles as a TV? Who's winning? *Grabs the dragon radar and stares at it*

Bulma: HEY! It's MINE! *They start fighting over the dragon radar/TV*

Director: NO! CUT CUT CUT!

(buu is hatched, take twelve.)

baibidi: he-he's at full power, MAJIN BUU IS AT FULL POWER!! * ring-ring*

Supreme kai: you still have your cell phone on?

Baibidi: hold on a sec… yes? Hi mom. I will be home for diner. No I can't talk very long. Mom we're in the middle of shooting a scene! No Fred cannot talk to gohan. * Sigh* gohan, my little brother wants to talk to you.

Gohan: umm ok I guess… hello?

Supreme kai: oh no now you've done it. He'll be talking for hours.

Baibidi: well… then can we break for lunch?

Supreme kai: I guess so…

Director: *falls over anime style but gets hurt because he's not anime* NO LUNCH! THE SKY!

Everyone: sweatdrops

Director: *dancing in a circle* the sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Everyone: bigger sweatdrops

Camera guy: huh…. I guess he snapped…

Director: *hugs Camera guy* TEDDY BEAR!!!

Camera guy: AAAHHHHHHHH!

*Vegeta and krillen are laughing they're asses off offset. *

((Uhh… the desert scene… I think…))

Baibidi: *standing around, waiting for the energy* what's taking so long?


Kid link: *following adult link* I DON'T WANNA GET IN ANOTHER GAME!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Baibidi: *standing there, looking surprised*


Baibidi: remind me not to get a Manager like that.

((The tournament, take three.))

Director: *trying to regain his sanity* a-action!

*Its vegeta's turn with the punching machine*

Supreme kai: *offset* vegeta, wait a second, you have a sign on your back.

Vegeta: *reaches for the sign and grabs it* pretty in pink?!?

Goku, krillen, gohan and the supreme kai: *offset* *laughing they're asses off. *


?????: *Laughing, a female's voice. *

Gohan: who is that?

Vegeta: come down here and fight like a man!

??????: Ahh, but I'm not a man.

Vegeta: *growl*

??????: *laughs, then the sound fades*

Director: *hiding under a table* I-it's a g-g-g-ghost!!!

Everyone: sweatdrops

((In the spaceship, dabura's going into the mediation chamber.))

Baibidi: but who will… dabura, hold up, you got a sign… let me read it…*laughs*

Dabura: wha?…

Baibidi: it says… `Kick my ass, I'm the bad guy'

Dabura: *pulls off the sign* *turns to someone offset* vegeta, can I help you rip whoever did this into a million pieces?

Vegeta: *offset* sure.

((Tournament again, this time, the fighting's starting.))

Goku: *stretching for the fight with vegeta*

Gohan: dad, you have a sign on your back…

Vegeta: *reads it, and looks happy* someone agrees with me.

Gohan: let me read! *Reads it. * Dad, it says, `I have no brain, kick my butt please'

Goku: hey, piccolo has a sign too.

Piccolo: I do?

Gohan: *reads it* it says `I'm a pickle'

Piccolo: *looks at vegeta, and sees a sign* vegeta, the signer signed you again…

Vegeta: WHAT??!!?? *Pulls the sign off his back* it says `stand back, my hair's a weapon' what the hell?

??????: Ooh, bad vegeta, you said a bad word.

Vegeta: whatever.

??????: Oh, and tell kibito he has a sign on his back.

Supreme kai: *hears ?????? And looks at kibitos back* *trying not to laugh* kibito, you have a sign on your back.

Kibito: *grabs the sign and reads it* *it says `I think the supreme kai has a nice ass'* WHAT?!? *Rips up the sign so no one will read it*

??????: *Laughing* sorry kibito, couldn't help myself.

Kibito: *growl*

Director: the ghost is back! AAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!! *Runs into a wall*

Everyone: big sweatdrops

Camera guy: do any of you think he's going to get back up any time soon?

??????: Nope.

Goku: big no.

Supreme kai: doubt it.

Gohan: uhh…

Camera guy: well… pizza, anyone?

??????: Me!! Pizza good for me!

Supreme kai: tell us who you are please, then we get pizza.

??????: Well, duh, I'm the author, Sierra.

Vegeta, Goku, dabura, and everyone else I signed: WHAT?!?

Dabura: I guess we can't rip her up then, can we…

Sierra: sorry about the signs, but it's supposed to be an attempted comedy

Kibito: *growl*

Sierra: I said I was sorry, now can we get pizza?

Goku: FOOD!

*They all go and get pizza and other eatable stuff *

>>>Later, at the filmy-film place…<<<

Sierra: well, the director is knocked out, I guess I have to direct now…

Goku: *sob* they didn't have my favorite food! *Sob*

Chichi: *appears out of nowhere* which one of you made Goku cry? *Grabs a frying pan out of nowhere*

Sierra: we didn't do it!

Chichi: who are you? Nevermind, you still made Goku cry! *Tries to hit sierra with her frying pan*

Sierra: AHHH! STOP! I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT! *Gets out trusty (my frying pan) and knocks out chichi*

Goku: you beat chichi, you new mate!

Sierra: uhh…

Vegeta: *laughing uncontrollably*

Sierra: oh, shut up veggie head! *Thwacks vegeta with her frying pan*

Vegeta: *has swirls for eyes*

Goku: *latches onto sierra's leg* MINE!!!

Sierra: *starts hitting goku with trusty* AHHHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! *Gets away from Goku and runs away*

Everyone except Goku and sierra: *sweatdrops*

Supreme kai: do you think we should help her?

Gohan: yeah, dad's getting weird…

Sierra: *hides behind piccolo* help meeee!

Gohan: *sighs and grabs Goku and puts him in a straightjacket* supreme kai, could you call the loony bin? We need a room for dad there.

Supreme kai: *goes looking for a phone*

Sierra: *hugs gohan* thank you, you saved me!

Gohan: need….air…

Sierra: oh, sorry…*lets go of gohan*

Piccolo: ……that was scary.

>>>Later still…zzzzzzzzzzz…oh sorry…<<<

Everyone: *sitting around, doing nothing. *

Sierra: what do you wanna do gohan?

Gohan: I dunno, what do you wanna do?

Sierra: I dunno, supreme kai, what do you wanna do?

Supreme kai: I dunno… piccolo, what do you wanna do? *Gets no answer and looks as piccolo* he fell asleep wile meditating, that's a new one, I didn't think piccolo could sleep.

Sierra: I didn't know he could sleep ether…

Gohan: I wonder, did any of you ever stop to think and forget to start again?

Vegeta: that happened to kakarot when he was born.

Goku: I heard that…

Vegeta: and I care that you heard my comment… why?

Goku: *shrugs*

Sierra, gohan and the supreme kai: ….o…k…

Sierra: hey, where are trunks and goten?

Trunks: *walks in the door* right here.

Vegeta: dunno…

Goten* walks in the door* hello?

Trunks: they're ignoring us, do you know what that means?

Goten:…. What trunks?

Trunks: we get to eat sierra's chocolate!

Sierra: *almost chokes on the sandwich she's eating* trunks, don't you dare touch my chocolate or my coke.

Trunks: dang, she heard us talking!

Vegeta: trunks, if you take away her sugar, she might make you do something you'll hate.

Trunks: and how will she do that?

Sierra: *evil smirk* I am the author! BWHAHAHAHA*cough**hack**cough* oh, I hate laughing evilly…

Everyone except sierra: *sweatdrop*

Sierra: what?

Supreme kai: nothing…

Sierra: *looks at the camera* erk… it was recording…

Camera guy: oops, sorry.

>>>next morning<<<


Vegeta: *falls out of bed* what the fuck?

Sierra: *throws a bucket of water on everyone* hello? WAKE UP!!! My friends are going to come to watch the making of the eps.

Supreme kai: wha? Do I have to get up now?

Sierra: yes now, after the party bulma threw last night, you gotta clean it up.

Vegeta: damnit woman, I was having a good dream.

Sierra: *after seeing something… of vegeta's she blushes* yeah, I'm suuure you where… SHOWERS, EVERYONE, NOW!

Gohan: Ohh… hangover…


Sierra: *sits in director's seat* ok, lets do this!

Lulie: *walks into the door with Dorothy, Sophie and Meredith* we're here!!

Vegeta: *pulls Sophie away from the rest of the people* why them???

Sierra: I dunno, why?

Vegeta: *falls over*

Sierra: ok people we need to do this quickly.

Goku: *still tied up but out of the loony bin* hey, what about me?

Sierra: AHHH! HE GOT OUT!!!

Gohan: calm down, it's under control.

Sierra: he still scares me. *talks to the supreme kai and Gohan* protect me, ok?

Supreme kai: fine.

Gohan: just don't hurt me with your frying pan.

Sierra: which one? Trusty, super-pan, or do you not wanna get hurt with batty?

Gohan: *looks VERY scared.*

Sierra: erm… ok, places everyone!

*Gotten and trunks walk into the room to watch the horror that will happen to the z fighters*

Lulie: *looks at gotten and trunks's backs and tries not to laugh* trunks, gotten, you have signs on your backs.

Trunks: huh? No way!*grabs the sign and pulls it off.* tweedle-de?

Gotten: *pulls his sign off his back* tweedle-dum?*looks up to see his big brother Gohan has a sign on his back too.* Gohan, you have a sign on your back!

Gohan: what? *pulls off his sign.* tweedle-dork?

Sierra: don't look at me, I didn't do it this time.

Gohan: Then who?

Sierra: I have no idea. But it was all the demi-sayins that got signed. This time.

>>>Tournament, right after gohan's energy got sucked up<<<

*The supreme kai has flown off, and goku and the z fighters are taking*

Goku: well, I'm going to go because if I don't, I wont know what's happening. *Jumps/flies to the

Tournament ring* talkstokibitoabit, and* (jumps into the air) TO INFINITY AND BEOND!!! (Falls on his butt)

Sierra, the supreme kai, Lulie, Meredith, Sophie, and Dorothy: *laughing really hard offset and go into hysterics when goku falls onto the floor*

Goku: sorry, I wanted to say that ever since I started to fly.

Sierra: *wiping tears from her eyes* Hahaha haha… it's…. Hahaha…ok, goku.

Vegeta: Kakarot, you have something on your back. *Points to a sign*

Goku: really? *Reaches for the sign* *it says, `I'm a fart'* look what it says. *Hands the sign to sierra*

Sierra: *reads the sign and bursts into hysterics *

Supreme kai: *takes the sign, and starts to laugh again*

Dorothy: whatsit say?

Lulie: I wanna know too!

Supreme kai: *hands Lulie the sign, and looks at the camera guy* cut.

(The Z sword, take one)

Gohan: *is trying to pull out the Z sword* unghh….*pulls really hard, and breaks the handle* uh…. Oopsy…*tosses the handle behind him* I didn't do it!

Supreme kai: Gohan, you broke the sword!?!

Gohan: uhh… no, you just think I did!

Sierra: CUT! Gohan, why did you do that?

Gohan: it's not my fault that the sword is made really cheaply…

Sierra: oo-kay, then you gotta get the handle and superglue it back to the sword.

Gohan: oh alright….

(the Z sword, take two)

Gohan: *trying to get the Z sword out of the cliff* man, my hands are getting sweaty… *hands slip off the z sword, and Gohan steps backwards and falls off the cliff* IEEE!

Supreme kai: *walks to the edge of the cliff and asks kibito* do you think he's going to be ok?

Kibito: I really have no idea…

Sierra: damnit… cut.

(the z sword, take 3)

Gohan: *tugs on the z sword, and it comes out of the rock easy* hey, I did it this time!

Supreme kai: I see that you did.

Gohan: *starts dancing around for joy and drops the z sword on his foot* OUCH!!! *starts hopping around holding his foot*

Sierra: *offset* DAMNIT GOHAN! CUT!

(The Z sword, take 4)

Gohan: *tugs on z Sword, pulling it out of the cliff, but he pulled too hard, and the Z sword hits gohan's head* OWWW!!! *Drops the sword on his foot again, and starts jumping around*

All except gohan: *sweatdrop*

Gohan: owie owie owie owie….

Dorothy: owie?

(Kibito gets blasted, take one)

Dabura: *is about to blast kibito, but laughing comes from off the set* eh?

Kibito: *looks offset where lulie Dorothy and sierra are*

*Camera view turns to offset*

Dorothy: oh no, a blast, I better move. *Pretends to get blasted* oh no, too late.

Lulie and sierra: *cracking up, sierra starting to fall out of the director's seat*

Gohan: err… what in the heck?

Goku: what's so funny?

Sierra: Nevermind, let's get back to shooting the scene.

(Running around at kami's lookout, take one.)

Piccolo and krillen: *running over to meet Goku, but suddenly stop*

Sierra: *suddenly runs on the screen wearing socks (but, for all you hentai minded people, she has cloths on too), and slides on the tile floor* weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Lulie: *follows sierra* this is fuuunn! *Slides quite a ways on the floor*

Krillen: *cracks up* what are you two doing?

Sierra: having fun, I always wanted to slide on the floor here, it makes for the perfect sliding.

Piccolo: *trying not to laugh* why here? Why not capsule corp.?

Sierra: …because. Oh, anywz, I got you a new director, so soon this fic is gonna end soon. Like… right about now. Wave to the screen, or I get my mallet.

Everyone: *waves at the screen, and runs away from Sierra*

Sierra: …what?

(Author's notes)

Mooncatz: well that was fun.

Gohan: *walks next to Mooncatz covered in Band-Aids* for you or for me?

Mooncatz: ^^;;; umm, it was fun for… everyone! Right?…. *Is holding her mallet*

*Gets replies of `it was fun' and `I'll like it if you don't hurt me'*

Mooncatz: Okie then, R&R please, would you like fries with that? Thank you, and come again. *Waves*

Disclaimer: dragonball Z is not mine, no matter how much I want it… if I only had the dragonballs….

Oh, and all original characters are copyrighted to me. And my friends are copyrighted to themselves, and yadda yadda, insert usual stuff here… ok, did I cover everything? Good.