Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ the (corny) majin buu saga outtakes ❯ the return of the majin buu saga outtakes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, the buu saga outtakes are back! And as corny as ever!! So let's start reading now, peoplez!

Disclaimer: me: umm, what was I gonna say again?… supreme kai: say that you don't own dragonball z, ok? Me: oh, all right…. I don't own dbz. Now, on with the fic!

<Middle of the night, trunks and goten are awake>>

Trunks: (wearing a black body suit) *in a whisper* goten, hurry up. We need to find sierra's sugar. I hear she keeps it under her bed.

Goten (wearing the same and trunks) but trunks, she'll get really mad at us, and won't buy food for us anymore!

Trunks: *clamps a hand over goten's mouth* be quiet!

Goten* muffled* it's still wrong.

Trunks: oh just come on…

(Both of them sneak into sierra's trailer/house, and start to look for the sugar.)

Goten* looking in the bathroom* trunks, why are we doing this again?

Trunks: *looking in the living room* it's because we don't get paid as much as our parents.

Goten: oh, ok. *Comes out of the bathroom, and starts looking in the kitchen* trunks, I found a clue.

Trunks: *follows goten* what did you find?

Goten a candy wrapper. *Picks the wrapper off the ground*

Trunks: *sniffs the air* I smell…. Chocolate! It's over there. *Points to a cabinet*

Goten: *opens the cabinet, and a bunch of chocolate bars fall out of the cabinet* wow…

(They both grab all of the chocolate, and run out the door)

<<Next morning>>

Sierra: (is wearing a t-shit that says "instant human, just add sugar" and a pair of pants) *yawns* I need sugaarr…. *Walks into the kitchen and looks in the cabinet, finding nothing* hmm, I must have ate it all… WAITAMINUTE!! I had enough chocolate to feed ten supersaiyans here…

(Everyone is waken up by sierra yelling, "TRUNKS! GOTEN!! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!")

Trunks and goten: uh-oh, we gotta go! *Run into a closet*

<<(With new director) pulling out the Z sword… take 16>>

New director person: ok, ACTION!

Gohan: *is about to pull out the Z sword*

*A scream and a crash come from offset*


Goten* knocks over something, while singing the sugar song* sugar sugar suuugaaaarrrrr!!!! Blah blah blah, I can't remember the words…. SUUGAAAR, SUUGAARRR SUUGAAARRRR…

Trunks: *is dancing the sugar dance on top of a desk* laaa laaa laaa….

Director: who let that kid in here? And why are the two midgets bothering her?

Supreme kai: oh no, what now?….

Gohan: I don't think I even wanna know….

Sierra: *is holding a scratched-up CD* waaahhhh…. ;_; GOTEN AND TRUNKS KILLED ALL MY

CDS!!! ;_;

All but Sierra, trunks & goten: *stares* huh?

Sierra: waaahhh… and the spider-man soundtrack was my favorite CD… *gets out her mallet of DOOM, batty* YOU WILL DIE, TRUNKS AND GOTEN!!!!

Goten & Trunks: *are dancing in circles* Doo Doo Doo, we're the sugar faeries, lalala….

*Sierra attacks goten and trunks, who run away. The director chases after them, yelling about kids trying to talk to anime people*

All: *stares*

<<Teaching the fusion dance, take one>> ( thanks for the idea, lulie! ^_^ )

Goku: ok, the fusion dance is like this….

*Goku and piccolo do the fusion dance, with one minor difference. Piccolo and Goku fuse, to create Goccolo! *

(A/N: Mooncatz: lol, Goccolo…. Goccolo: THIS ISN'T FUNNY, MOONCATZ!!!)

All: *stares*

Director: CUT!!!

<<Teaching the fusion dance, after Goku has to go back to otherworlds>>

Piccolo: do you two have to see this dance again?

Trunks: ssuuuugaaarrr…. Huh? Oh, yeah.

Goten: *nods*

Piccolo: all right… krillen, get over here!

*Piccolo and krillen do the fusion dance and they fuse.*

Director: NONONO!!! That's not in the script!!!

Sierra: *appears next to the director's chair and is eating a cookie* hmm, never thought I'd see a krillen/piccolo fusion….

Director: what are YOU doing here again??

Sierra: oh yeah… I'm not supposed to be here…. Oops!

<<Tournament, when Hercule's trying to get more attention>>

Hercule: *being a stupid-head* YEAH!!! I'M THE STRONGEST MAN ON EARTH!!!

Crowd: *cheers*

Hercule: *is being his usual self* *blinks* *looks around* wat was that? *Turns to the announcer guy*

Did you hear that?….

Announcer dude: I dun't know….

*A roar comes from offstage*

hercule: whta the ehll??

*there are screams from offset, and people start running around*

Random terrified person: EHLP!!! TI'S A THOING!!!!

Sierra: *walks to the tournament ring* hum? What did I miss?…

Hercule: htere's a thng uot there!!

Sierra: uh-oh, typos, that means….

*Another roar comes from offset, and a demon-like thing walks onto the set*

Demon-thing: *roars, loudly*

Sierra: *mutters and holds her head* why now?…

Hercule: *starts running around in an afraid fashion* HIDE ME!! EHLP ME!!!! ASVE ME!!!

Sierra: *thwacks Hercule on the head with super-pan (another of my frying pans.)* Shut up, stupid! It's just a typo demon!!

Typo demon: *jumps into the ring and roars at sierra*

Vegeta: *walks onto the set, eating a donut* *drops the donut* what the ehll is htat thing??!?

Sierra: *flicks the typo demon on the nose* ED! BAD TYPO DEMON!!!

Ed the typo demon: *rubs it's nose, and whines*

Sierra: I Said to stay in my room! Ed, you're scaring everyone away!

Ed: *whines again, and then walks off*

Director: *looks at sierra* you have a PET typo demon???

Sierra: *smirks* YEP!!!\

Vegeta: *whines* that's my smirk….

<<Majin vegeta trys to beat majin buu take one>>

Vegeta: and that ugly blob must be majin buu.

Buu: he call buu u-gly? What u-gly mean?

Baibidi: it means tha-

*trunks and goten fly onto the scene, and land. They start to sing the sugar song, and dance*

trunks and goten: we are the sugar faeries, we are the sugar faeries, we dance the sugar dance all day…*continue singing*

Baibidi, buu, and vegeta: *stares at T&G*

Vegeta: is my son… dancing??

Buu: boys not supposed to be in this scene…

Director: *looks up from getting coffee* huh? Trunks and goten??

Trunks and goten: *dance over to the director and start dancing around him* we're the sugar faeires, and this is the sugar toadstool… we're the sugar faeries, and this is the sugar toadstool…

Goku: *walks onto the set and sees goten and trunks* why are trunks and goten dancing?

Vegeta: kakarot, you stupid clown, they're on a sugar-high.

Trunks and goten* get some coffee cups and start throwing them at each other* GO POKEBALL!!

All but T&G: o.O????

Director: *has spilled his coffee on his shirt* ok, CUT!!!

<<later, on a ten-minute coffee break>>

Vegeta: *is rubbing the ugly M on his forehead* tell me why I had to get this tattooed to my head again?

Sierra: *is playing monopoly with trunks and goten (who are no longer on a sugar-high, BTW)* because you're a majin, veggie-head.

Vegeta: *turns to sierra* well, at least I don't have a crush on-- *gets hit with a flying frying pan*


Vegeta: *now has a big bump on his head* stupid girl, I wasn't going to say that you have a crush on-- *gets hit with a frying pan again*

Goku: *looks up* who does sierra have a crush on, anyways?


Chichi: (she's gotten over the whole Goku-crying thing* sierra, you can tell, we're all you're friends, remember?

Sierra: *glares at vegeta and kibito (whose still annoyed over the whole sign thing)* I don't trust too many people with that secret…

Vegeta: *glares back at sierra* it's not my fault that you left you're diary out in the open. And it's not my fault that I stole it.


Supreme kai: *blinks* I though I was the only one that stole sierra's diary for blackmail…

Sierra: *blinks, then glares at the supreme kai* you did…. What?!

Supreme kai: *looks nervous* did I say that out loud?…. Uh-oh….

Sierra: *starts chasing the supreme kai and vegeta with a frying pan* AHHHHHHH!!!! I DON'T LIKE YOU PEOPLE ANYMORE!!! ARRRGGGGGG!!!!

All: *stares*

Goku: well… I guess that's the end of that….

Gohan: I wonder if vegeta's gonna be ok?…

Lulie: *appears out of nowhere* I don't think anyone is safe when sierra's got her frying pan….

All: *nod grimly*

Lulie: ok, well that's the end of this fic…. Beware.

Sierra: *yells in the distance* MAY THE DOOM BE WITH YOUUUUuuuu…….


Mooncatz: supreme kai, I still haven't forgotten that my diary is still missing….

Supreme kai: *is hiding something that looks suspiciously like a book behind his back* it's still missing? Really?

Mooncatz: *glares at the supreme kai, then looks at the screen* well peoples, tell me what you think, and if you want more corny buu saga outtakes,

Just leave a review saying so, or email me. Seeya all laters and I hope that you like donuts, because that's the free food I'm giving out today. ^_^ *Waves*

The end

(Or is it?)