Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ tHe DeStInY oF ChAlLeNgE ❯ Bitter Attraction... ( Chapter 11 )
The Destiny of Challenge
~Disclaimer- Obviously I do not own DBZ! But I own this story and the writing is my own as well!
~Author's Note- Well here is the next chapter. Sorry for those of you that had to wait SO long for my last chapter, but hey, at least now I'm going to try to at least post every week if not more. And I promise no more cliffhangers, just thought I would try it out for once lol.
Chapter 11~ Bitter Attraction…
Though suddenly, just as fast as it came, it vanished, and in the same fashion…unnoticed. Bulma let out the breath she had unconsciously been holding. A scowl now rested on her face as she turned to leave, only to be met by a pair of black orbs. All light seemed to drown in the fathomless depths just as Bulma was now, drowning in his unrelenting gaze.
Little did Bulma know, Stump felt the same as he was captured with her piercing sapphire eyes. She seemed slightly bemused, yet other emotions were flitting across her face. Most he could place yet others eluded his searching eyes. His bewilderment passed shortly and he was quickly reminded of the task ahead as Bulma shifted her weight, uncomfortable under his protruding stare.
"Miss me, onna." Stump whispered huskily.
Bulma hadn't even noticed how close they were until that very second. She could tell it wasn't a question, but chose to answer it nonetheless.
"Where'd you come up with that idea, monkey boy?" she taunted lightly, trying not to raise her voice because of their close proximity.
A smirk curved at Stump's lips in response to her words, instead of answering to her inviting argument.
Bulma tried to maintain her glare so she wouldn't be tempted to look at Stump's lips. Her gaze fell on his broad chest momentarily before she jerked her head back to his eyes. Suddenly reminded that she had seen this man in nothing but his bare skin, a blush began to creep on her already flushed cheeks, from previous anger. Quickly sucking in a breath, she only could hope that Stump wouldn't notice.
Of course, she had no such luck.
"Silly onna, what has you flustered now?" He asked as he stealthily stepped closer, quickly closing the small space between them with his body.
Bulma was terribly uncomfortable now, and was tempted to take a step back and run away. Though of course her pride wouldn't allow her, so she remained there, her chest heaving with each breath and involuntarily brushing against Stump's well-muscled body. Inside she was screaming curses for allowing herself to be put in such a circumstance, though in all reality, what could she do about it now except just live through it. Suddenly that seemed very unlikely as she looked onto Stump's chiseled features. She never really had been that close to him, as Bulma, and decided she would take this as a chance to study him a bit. After all, he's the one who got himself in this position. I'll simply take advantage of that, Bulma thought smugly.
Who knew that he would just be more attractive up close…and here I always thought the closer you got to someone the more blemishes you could see, Bulma thought with a chuckle before she mentally slapped herself for referring to that…that monster of a saiyan as attractive. She decided she would deny the obvious fact for just a little bit longer, at least.
Before she could continue any further, she was brought out of her inspection by a low voice.
"See something you like?"
Bulma was utterly baffled, she wasn't about to admit that she was ravishing in his rugged looks, and he would surely catch a lie at this range. So, instead she did the worst thing possible…she stuttered!
"I…uh. Umm…uh.huh." She responded in a weak voice.
Immediately after, Bulma could feel his chest beginning to vibrate with his soon to come laughter. Determined she wouldn't give him that victory she did the only thing she knew that would shut a male saiyan up…she kissed him.
Leaning in closer, and extending her face up to his, she brushed her lips against his before completely covering his own with hers.
As expected, Stump was completely dumbfounded. He most certainly didn't expect that. He had to hand it to the onna; she would do what she had to…just to keep her pride in tact. I would've done the same, he thought mildly as he caressed her lips with his tongue.
Bulma really hadn't expected the kiss to actually last, but in the heat of the moment, she didn't want it to end either. Leaning further into the kiss, Bulma partially parted her lips. Stump took the invitation eagerly just as Bulma did the same. Stump slowly barraged her mouth with his tongue, explicating a soft moan from Bulma. Both of their lungs were begging for air just as their instincts were demanding more of the newly lit passion. Though it couldn't last as they both broke the kiss. Bulma was panting for air while Stump contained most of his composure except for his quickened heart rate.
Just as it was getting interesting, Bulma growled inwardly before realization dawned on her. Here she was with Stump…no the Prince for goodness sake…and not only that but KISSING him! By the gods I'm confused, Bulma thought irritably.
As Stump pulled away, he couldn't avoid the thoughts that were coursing through his mind. He simply couldn't comprehend why kissing the onna, while knowing it was the blue harpy, was so different from when he thought it was some average slut. Thoughts constantly were nagging at his cold interior through he simply dismissed them as unreasonable accusations, and from his own mind no doubt. It was the same wench before, why would it change so drastically, Stump thought baffled by the concept.
Stump wasn't the only one who felt the heated passion that thrived within their very souls. Bulma was also trying to decipher the reasons behind this newfound passion, though was coming up with blanks. Some genius you are, Bulma scolded inwardly. What are trying to do to me Gora!, Bulma screamed at Vegeta-sei's protector. Now Bulma was at a loss of what to do.
Thankfully Stump broke the silence that ebbed its way between the unsure pair.
He broke the silence…with the sounds of his footsteps echoing through the hall?
Bulma just couldn't believe it! Her mouth was gaped open as she watched Stump's retreating back, slowly closing and re-opening like a fish out of water. And that's just how she felt, totally out of her element.
Before he was completely out of sight Stump suddenly halted his movements, but didn't make any effort to even look at her.
"Close your damn mouth baka onna, you look like a god forsaken fish!" he teased.
"Don't tell me I'm already your air." He finished off in a rough, seductive voice barely above a whisper before he left with a smirk firmly planted on his face.
Bulma promptly shut her mouth as Stump left her sight. She made an awkward noise as she sighed in relief since he left and released a feral growl from his past words.
"I never thought I'd see the day when HE would say something romantic. I couldn't imagine that entering his thought process." Bulma mumbled skeptically.
I guess there's a first for everything, she thought flippantly as she made her way towards the dinning hall.
* * * * * * *
Yamcha couldn't believe what he just heard! He was sure as hell that the Saiyan no Ouji was not the least bit romantic.
I more romantic than him! Why doesn't she notice me?, Yamcha thought bemused at the very concept.
He was so enthralled in his simpleton thought process, he didn't even hear the bell's chiming throughout the estate, indicating breakfast was to be served.
How dare he try and steel MY Bulma Babe!, he thought, now furious.
"I'll take her back, that's all!" Yamcha cheered to himself.
Conniving thoughts started to bundle in his mind, while it clouded over with jealous fury. Realization hit him as he concluded his devious plan, he would simply screw the Prince over at his own game. The Prince may be winning over HIS female at the moment, but what would he do with two females, Yamcha finished inside his head.
He let a cruel chuckle erupt from his throat as he marched triumphantly through the halls toward the dinning hall. Though his mind remained on the task at hand, he was determined to win his Bulma Babe back. And that was final.
"How strong could he be anyways? He has been living in a palace all his years." Yamcha thought flippantly.
No comparison to an elite guard, Yamcha gloated. Even though he wasn't even one himself…
* * * * * * *
"Can't you just at least do one thing right!?!" Chi Chi barked.
"I wish Bulma was here…" someone in a far off corner mumbled.
"WHAT! What did you say, you little prick? Why don't you take a whack at instructing you imbeciles!" the outraged saiyan snapped back.
"Hey Chi!" a baritone voice called out.
Chi Chi's head jerked around to peer into the opaque eyes of her beloved Kakorrot. A smile spread across her ruby lips as his strong arms encircled her. She let out a small squeak as his grip tightened on her.
"Umm…Kakorrot." She squeezed out of her constrained voice.
"LET GO!" she yelped finally, as anger discolored her pale face.
Immediately letting her go he looked down onto her flushed face.
"Why ya blushing Chi?" he asked grinning widely.
"I'm not!" she snapped agitated, "You were just squishing me." She said, her voice softening drastically as she was presented by his innocent expression.
"Oh…sorry Chi. Guess I don't know my own strength." Kakorrot said while scratching the back of his head and smiling sheepishly.
"Along with many other things." A gruff voice snorted in irritation.
All heads turned to see Stump leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.
Kakorrot whipped his head around to see what had caught everyone else's attention. As soon as he saw his Prince he did as he was taught throughout his many years in the academy and crouched to his knees while he brought his fist to his chest. Everyone gawked at the guard who was positioned in a royal salute in front of a…slave?
Stump's face curved into a deep scowl as he swiftly raised his hand to set off a small ki explosion. Which Kakorrot would have to stand to deflect, unless he didn't want to live that is. Stump had moved so fast, the common eye couldn't pick up on his movements, just how he wanted it. And not one of the saiyans noticed him move, to them it appeared that he had remained still all the while.
Kakorrot saw the bright ray shoot from Stump's hand and leaped to his feet before deflecting the supposedly small ki blast. At least to Stump it was.
As the flaring ki blast shot back towards Stump, he quickly dodged his own blast before it could catch flame to his hair. Never loosing its momentum, the powered ki flew out of the dining hall heading straight for an unsuspecting saiyan…
* * * * * * *
As Yamcha neared the dining hall he was taken by surprise as he was roughly thrown back into a neighboring building by an unknown force. Completely stunned as his body slowly gave way and slid down the side of the building, Yamcha was in a state of utter horror. He hadn't even seen the ki that now burned at his flesh. His head started throbbing as he made a futile attempt to stand.
All who had seen the abrupt thrashing that was dealt to the one known as Yamcha gasped as he lay immobile on the ground. No one made an attempt to help the saiyan, some shocked, other's dazed, some not knowing what to do, and the majority were just trying to hold their laughter. Though no one was about to laugh at one of the estate guards, especially in their positions as mere slaves. That is until someone took the privilege at laughing at the stupefied guard.
Cruel laughter echoed throughout the estate as Stump stepped out from the shadows of the building.
The sound made Yamcha cringe as it rung throughout his sensitive ears. His eyes flared open as anger swelled in his being.
"How dare a slave mock me!" Yamcha snapped, searching for the perpetrator.
As soon as he found the saiyan, somehow he wished he hadn't. Coal black eyes glared back at him as he fully opened his eyes to see the compact body of the Saiyan no Ouji. Or Stump, whatever!, Yamcha growled inwardly. It wasn't lucid in his mind why the Prince was here under disguise but at least he knew his true identity.
"Foolish weakling, I don't need to mock you. You mock yourself with your petty ways, how dare you call yourself a saiyan. Your strength is belittled by the women you bed!" Stump growled in a menacing tone, "You mock your very existence in my presence," he spat, pausing for a brief second, "a true saiyan."
Not one stirred as Stump slowly strode towards the fallen saiyan, a challenging smirk curving the side of his lips.
"Mokin shi abeit nekyui kokerir ni toumi demar neysum quias poma." The Saiyan no Ouji said in the ancient Saiygo tongue, his voice deep and dangerously low, etched with anger and strung with malice. "But you'll have to do."
***Translation- "You are an unworthy advisory to the dirt beneath my feet."***
***Pronunciation: Mow-ken she i-bet neck-e-i coke-er-a-r knee to-amm-e d-mar nay-som key-ahh-s pom-ahh***
(Author's Note: I decided to make a little bit of my own Saiygo, but don't worry their will always be translations right below the text. When attempting to pronounce think French, you have to use a accent when speaking properly. And roll the R's and elongate the A's.)
Yamcha's eyes widened, along with everyone else's. The ancient Saiygo language was long since used, leaving very few that could speak the dialect of their ancestors. Many couldn't decipher the words that left the saiyan before them, but if his tone could tell you anything, he wasn't offering Yamcha help up.
An unexpected voice broke the silence as the owner made her way towards the two male saiyans.
"Fenshi re hoduci toumi vaquikrama?" A feminine voice asked, amusement was strung in her soft tone, yet it was taunting as well.
***Translation- "Would it honor the weakling?"***
***Pronunciation: Fen-shy ray ho-do-see to-amm-e va-key-cra-ma***
Stump most definitely didn't expect anyone to understand him, let alone respond in the same tongue. Quickly turning on his heel to view the face of who knew the ancient tongue, he came to face a pair of deep sapphire pools. He had to suppress a gasp, this was just getting too much. How could the onna know the ancient tongue, and speak so fluently no doubt.
As if reading his thoughts, a smirk curved on Bulma's lips, a perfect mirror image of his own smirk that he wore so often. If Stump wasn't so caught up in thought he would have been proud.
Once noticing the smirk on the fiery onna's face, he regained his composure within seconds and smirked right back.
"Most definitely." He gloated, re-crossing his arms over his chest.
"Someone thinks highly of himself." She retorted with ease.
Even though none of the onlookers would admit it, they were glad that they could understand the pair now. The episode occurring before their eyes was to interesting to not know what the hell was going on.
"I have reason to, something you wouldn't understand little onna." Stump taunted, his smirk only widening as fire sparked in her eyes.
She crossed her arms, mimicking his own stance, defiance oozing from her being with the expression on her face. She gave him a glance over with a skeptical look on her face until she rested her eyes on his own again.
"No, I guess I wouldn't. But I know you do." She said in low whisper, but his highly acute ears picked her voice up.
"Oh. And how is that so?" Stump responded, expecting she would give reference to their former kiss.
"Let me help you," she said in a sultry voice. Now Stump was most definitely expecting her to kiss him…but instead she spoke on, "See." Bulma spoke as she puffed her chest out and ran her hands down her sides slowly, putting extra emphasis on the curves and contours of her body.
"Clearly." He ground out in frustration, he had been eager to grace her lips with a kiss from his own. Taking her wrists into his hands he softly gripped them and revoked them from her own body and brought them to rest on his own. Now her fragile hands were placed on his muscled chest.
Bulma was stunned momentarily by the action, but as he released her hands they started to gradually glide down his broad chest to his rippled stomach. She sported a devious smirk as she slowed her hands down, gently massaging the steel muscles beneath his clothes with the tips of her fingers.
"Why see, when you can feel." He said in a deep whisper, more as a statement rather than a question.
Such simple words really shouldn't arouse anyone, but at the moment Bulma found it very sexy as her fingers reached inches from his abdomen. Suddenly all movements ceased as a forced clearing of someone's throat destroyed the moment. Bulma lifted her hands from Stump's body as she turned around, her hands clenching and un-clenching.
So close…so damn close!, Bulma thought with a snarl.
Bulma turned to face a very disturbed Chi Chi, her foot tapping in an agitated fashion. Bulma couldn't suppress a small whimper at the look on her best friends face. Biting her lower lip she tried to come up with some kind of excuse, just come up with anything.
Maybe an escape route would be in order, Bulma thought giggling uneasily.
Chi Chi arched her brow as Bulma started to giggle. That was the last straw!
"Bulma Briefs! Get inside and start stuffing your face, and that goes for the rest of you to! I didn't slave away in the kitchen just to have you three spoil it!" Chi Chi barked, eyeing the trio- Bulma, Stump, and Yamcha, who was now just starting to rise to his feet.
Everyone just stood frozen, that is except for Kakorrot who immediately jumped to the offer and went into the dinning hall.
"What are you all waiting for! For hell to freeze over- that won't be happening anytime soon, at least not until I get there so get your ass's inside!" Chi Chi snapped at the top of her lungs.
All the saiyans near by cringed but heeded the warning given and crowded into the dinning hall.
That left just the four of them- the trio of perpetrators , and the one threatening their lives, Chi Chi. A shiver ran down Bulma's spine as she attempted a weak smile. She was about to make the first foundations of a conversation to build up to peace, when a passing figure caught her attention.
It was none other than Stump ambling confidently past Chi Chi and herself towards the kitchen.
I swear he's the only man I know that isn't afraid of my banshee of a friend, Bulma thought with a snort as she watched him reach the doorway, giving no recognition that anyone other than himself existed. Princes these days, she mentally scorned as he disappeared into the dinning hall.
Chi Chi would have been more than happy to stop the egotistical brute had it not been for the previous time they had encountered one another. She cringed at the thought of his hands wound around her delicate neck, trying to squeeze the life out of her. Then Kakorrot came, she thought with a dreamy sigh.
Bulma took her once in a lifetime opportunity to take a run for it, and she ran as fast as she could, partially using some of her ki to give her jump-start. She released the breath that she unconsciously been holding as she took her seat at the wide dinning table, that stretched at least 250 feet long. This room was only used on the fifth day of each solstice, the only time when the entire estate would sit and enjoy a meal conjoined together. Almost as a pre-celebration for the tri-annual festival that would occur in the passing of eight moons and the revolution of Vegeta-sei's two suns.
Outside, Chi Chi decided to let Yamcha off easy since he had already been embarrassed enough for one day. So, with a huff of breath Chi Chi entered the room and took her seat next to Bulma, just as Kakorrot was trying to be seated closer to the food that was being set on the table, she automatically reprimanded him for not sitting next to her. I mean, the nerve of some people these days, namelessly guys.
Kakorrot's head turned, his face molded into a childish expression as he took his rightful seat next to Chi Chi. Chi Chi sighed as he sat down with a clunk, it had been hard to keep a straight face when he held such innocence in those black depths. Bulma had to smile at the unlikely pair, it was quite amusing to see her friend with a saiyan exactly how she always said she would never be involved with; `Muscle bound guard with a severe case of idiocy.' Had been her exact words. Letting out a small chuckle she quirked a smile as Chi Chi's attention rested on her once more. Reluctantly Chi Chi returned the gesture, how could she stay mad at her best friend?
Well there was that one time-, Chi Chi started to recall before she mentally scolded herself, this was a celebration and she was going to keep it a clean one. Meaning no dead saiyans. She wouldn't put it past those blockhead guards that constantly would rave about their strength. A crowd of saiyans shuffled into the room along with Lord Zaladar himself and took their appropriate seats according to their importance and such. If Chi Chi had a say in it, the `employees' of the estate were most definitely the most important.
"Exactly my thought." Piped Bulma, as if reading Chi Chi's thoughts. Or maybe it was because Chi Chi brought that up almost every time they were in a position like this.
"Is it a hobby or just an obsession?" a gruff voice asked deviously.
Bulma looked forward to see Stump, of course, sitting directly across from her at the table. As if on cue, Yamcha took a seat beside Bulma with a poorly attempted seductive grin playing across his lips.
"Is what a hobby?" Bulma questioned, doing her best to ignore Yamcha as he leered at her body.
"Running that persistent mouth of yours constantly." He responded nonchalantly.
"Only to shut yours up! Yet, I have a question for you." Bulma replied haughtily.
"Is that so, well if it would shut you up, enlighten me." Stump said, scorn evident in his voice.
"Do your feet lead you, or is it that ego of yours? I must say I'm curious as to why a specimen such as yourself could hold an ego that size, let alone gain one. Or are your standards that low?" Bulma asked in attempted sweetness, her eyes narrowing significantly as she spoke on. Her face contorted into a condescending glare.
"Interesting perspective onna, though I can't say I'm surprised. One such as yourself would see things significantly amplified to a higher degree than others, especially while in my presence. I would be lying if I said I had no pride, little onna, but what you left out in your exaggerated speech, was the simple fact that I have reason to be. Opposites, while placed together, would accentuate the obvious, especially through the eyes of the perceiver. Would you agree?" Stump said in a degrading tone, returning her glare tenfold.
"Yes I must say you have made your point. Though reasoning behind your `pride' eludes me. I'm the perceiver, am I not, why is it not so obvious as you claim it to be?" Bulma retorted, her cerulean pools leaping with flames. Stump black depths seemed swallow the flames until they bended to his will.
"Try as you might you cannot bend my words, nor my ways. Just as you cannot distort my image with your foolish accusations. Under close scrutiny you will discover soon enough."
Bulma snorted at his choice of words.
"That wasn't very lady like." Stump taunted. Bulma only grunted to that as well.
"You have avoided my previous question quite skillfully, but my `persistent mouth', as you put it so delicately, does not yield." Bulma said changing the subject all together.
"And what question are you referring to? Your constant jabber has caused my memory a lapse in that subject."
"Do not flatter yourself, I know just as well as you do that you hang onto my every word. But I will oblige you this once, what is it that leads you? It most definitely isn't your legs, if you can refer to them as that." Bulma said snidely, a quirk of a smile edging the side of her lips. She put special emphasis on his size every chance she had.
"My heart." Stump said close to a whisper, yet it sounded somehow bitter.
Bulma was baffled to say the least, and more than a little skeptical.
"Is that so? I'm surprised to hear you have one." Bulma responded with a level voice.
"Yes, yet unlike any you have ever encountered. One of stone, my ears are deaf to compassion so spare me with any of your nonsense. It has never led me astray as your weak emotions have done so repetitively." Stump growled, the same bitter malice tangled within his baritone voice.
"Oh." Was the only response Bulma gave as she studied the dark orbs that were penetrating her very being.
Both Bulma and Stump turned their heads to see Lord Zaladar looming over them with a speculative gaze. Bulma hitched her eyebrow inquisitively, awaiting a further response. Though to her dismay it never came, as Yamcha chose this particular time to add his on input.
"Yes, well enough of that. I believe it is time for the celebrations to commence. Don't you agree, Bulma Babe?" Yamcha said dismissively as he leaned in closer to Bulma to receive her response, as if her voice wouldn't carry out in the large room.
Bulma took this more as invitation to blow out his eardrums, and did so quite willing.
"Don't you ever call me Bulma Babe! My name is Bulma! BUL-MA! B-U-L-M-A! Get that through your thick skull! In fact don't even talk to me at all!" she screeched at the top of her vocals.
Though unintentionally, Bulma had succeeded in bringing pain to every saiyan in a two-mile radius, if not more.
Stump winced as his ears started to ring, bringing great annoyance to the Saiyan Prince. In his haste to stop the unrelenting noise he sprang at Bulma from across the large table, clamping a hand roughly on her mouth. It remained there until Bulma's gaze turned to him in utter shock, her eyes as wide as saucers being obvious proof of it. Blinking once, as if to see if she was imagining things or if it reality, Bulma came to see the exact same situation once her eyes re-opened. A feral growl erupted from Bulma's throat, causing Stump's arm to vibrate to a minute degree. Without a moments hesitation Bulma promptly brought her canines done on the hand of her assaulter. Warm blood spilled over Bulma's lips as she clamped harder on his flesh. Though to Bulma's disappointment Stump didn't jerk his hand back, he didn't even flinch as her teeth dug into his soft flesh.
She met his gaze to find him smirking in amusement, as if not bothered by the act. With this knowledge Bulma released her hold and let him return his now bloodied hand. Some saiyans gasped as they saw Bulma's face smeared with blood, along with the hand of the one known as Stump. Immediately jumping to conclusions Chi Chi's mouth dropped open before she started a tirade of her own.
"How dare you waltz in here and hurt MY friend! What did you do to her?" Chi Chi growled. Then turning to Bulma, Chi Chi reached her hand out to comfort her friend. That is until she saw the rather disturbing display of Bulma licking her lips free of the crimson liquid, that moments ago literally covered the lower half of her face. Chi Chi then wrenched her hand back, as if it were going to be contaminated. Then looking back to Stump she realized the now rather obvious slash across his hand, now that most of the blood dipped off.
Though Chi Chi found what Bulma did appalling, some of the male saiyans would oppose the idea. They found it be somehow arousing. Though what can you say, leave it to the males to come up with something like that!
After clearing her face without any help from a napkin, Bulma returned her gaze to Stump to find the exact same smirk etched across his face. She glanced down at his hand, which was now at his side balled up into a tight fist, making blood ooze from his wound, if you can call it that.
"Did you think you could actually harm me, little onna?" Stump inquired skeptically.
"That wasn't my, main, intention. I got what I wanted," Bulma spoke lucidly, though her voice was considerably lowered.
"And what would that be?"
"Your hand off my mouth!" She snapped.
By the gods, the mood swings of that woman are unpredictable!, Stump growled inwardly. Just how I like it, he added as an afterthought before mentally scolding himself.
I would like to personally thank all reviewers.
J~Kat!- I'm glad you deemed my writing worthy. Thanks =)
Saph- I hope as the story progresses you'll feel the same.
Kitten- I'm happy you like it, and I'll try not to make any more cliffhangers, I promise.
pochahontas82- Hey check it out, this is the second update in one week. I'm trying to make up for it =)
Android18- Thanks for sticking it out through my writers block! I appreciate it!
videl621@yahoo.com-Thanks for the kind words =)
ZeKintha- Ya, I take pride in coming up with original work and I'm glad to hear that others recognize it as well.
Silverkonekotsukari- Thanks! And I'll do my best to make the chapters longer so you can read more lol.
Amieva- Well heres the next chapter, hope you enjoy just as much if not more than the past chapter.
Sunshinegirl- Thanks for reviewing and keep reading cause the story isn't over quite yet.