Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Future ❯ 15th birthday ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Hey everyone here's chapter 2 of The Future. I know that's a stupid name but you'll find out later why it's called that. Oh yea the 1st chapter is called Kitty and Amelia, well it's now called Kitty and Haley. =3~

"……..it's two babies", replied Trunks staring down into the space pod. "Wow cool," Goten said reaching down inside to poke the babies. Then Trunks put his hand down and pulled out the baby who had a necklace on that said Kitty on it. "Her name must be Kitty", Goten pointed out. A/N: If you're a Goten fan I'm sorry for making him seem so dumb. I like Goten too even though Gohan is my fave. It's just how I see Goten.) "No duh Goten", said Trunks still staring at the small wiggling baby in his arms. "Look she's got a tail, fur, and cat ears", Goten said pointing at Kitty. Then Goten reached down and picked up the other baby and her necklace said Haley. "That one has small pointy ears and a tail that almost looks exactly like Kitty's but, Kitty's is thicker at the end", Trunks pointed out. "Maybe your dad knows about them, or maybe your mom can do a special test thingy on them", suggested Goten. "Ok Goten."

Goten and Trunks fly over to CC and they go inside. "Mom, dad! Where are you?" yelled Tunks through the house. As they are looking for Trunk's parents they hear a loud scream. "What is that?!" yelled Goten over the screaming. "I don't know either it's a caring exploding or it's Bura. They walk into Bura's room and they see Trunk's mom and Bura A/N: Ok I'm going to be saying her real name, Bra, because you can guess why.) "Mom, we found these two babies in the woods near Goten's house", said Trunks. "Oh my god!" Bulma practically yelled. Bulma looked down at the two small babies. She then touched the baby with the small pointed catlike ears (A/N: It's not the neko but the circan baby. Think InuYasha ears. Oh and I didn't make up Nekos but someone named Neko, no that's not her real name, it's her nickname. She has one of the best websites ::looks at the mediaminer people glaring at her evilly:: …Uh…no not better than Mediaminer. Her site is called www.DragonWorldZ.net ) Bulma put Bura in her crib and took the two girls into the lab. "Here we can determine the race of these two" , she said while taking out the small needle. "Y..y..your going to….," Goten stammered while staring at the sharp needle, "stick them?!" Goten yelled then jumped under the table. "Ignore him mom", Trunks said while shaking his head. "Well yes Goten I will have `stick them'." "Nooooooooo, be brave little ones!" "Shut up Goten!" Goten walks away feeling hurt. (Ah poor Goten) Bulma takes out a needle and is about to `stick them', when Vegeta walks in. "Woman what are you doing? Make me dinner!" Vegeta looks down at the two babies and gasps. "Woman where did you get those two brats?" "Well Vegeta the boys found them in the woods." Vegeta looks back down at them again and sees their tails and sees Kitty's cat ears. "That one there is a neko and the other one is a circan." "Oh yea I remember you ranting about them once," Bulma says thinking back. Bulma then does a blood test on both of them. It was true one was half neko and the other was half circan. But they were also half saiyins. "Vegeta, these two half saiyins partly have the same DNA as you do," Bulma said looking up at Vegeta with a strange look on her face. Vegeta looks around before muttering under his breath, "No it can't be!" "Can't be what Vegeta?" "Well I had a younger sister she was about 8 years younger than me. But I thought that she died in the explosion of Planet Vegeta……. (You would probably see Vegeta beaming from ear to ear when he said Planet Vegeta since like it has the same name as him. Even though it like exploded and he would be sad about talking about it but it's a planet with the same name as his. But it would still be hurtful and yea. I'm just going to shut up now ok?)

Later Bulma tells ChiChi and they decide to adopt each of them, Bulma takes Kitty, the Neko, and ChiChi takes Haley, the Circan.

15 years later

Taking care of the two girls was really hard for ChiChi and Bulma since well they were two very stubborn kids. They were celebrating their 16th birthdays (Yes they know their birthdays and yes they are twins even if they do have different fathers) "Mom what did you get me!?", Kitty asked excitedly bouncing up and down. "Well Bura gave me a hint of what you might want," Bulma replied happily. "Come Kitty open it!" her sister told with not much excitement in her voice. (Oh yea by the way Vegeta's sister's name was Valerie and Haley's dad's name was Kinu, I know it sounds like Inu as in InuYasha. Once I get the fanart up you'll see that Kinu looks just like InuYasha. And Kitty's dad was Kris.) Kitty opens her gift and inside is a pretty white gown and those long white glove thingies and there are 3 inch high heel shoes. Kitty's eyes sparkle creepily. "Wow they're beautiful. Thank you mom, Bura!" Kitty jumps up and gives Bura and Bulma a huge hug. Next it was Haley's turn and from Goten and Trunks gave Haley a black gi. And then Bulma and Bura gave her a pretty black gown A/N: Just so you know these downs are for their high school prom) "Uhhh…thanks Mrs. Briefs," Haley said. You could tell she really liked the down alittle bit by her face. "Oh Haley there's no need to call me Mrs. Briefs just call me Bulma and you're welcome." After their party everyone got ready for bed. When Bulma and ChiChi were washing dishes, Haley walked in with a plate in her hands, when all of the sudden she dropped the dish and held her head. "Haley! What is it?!", ChiChi asked frantically. "I..I..feel something strange coming this way like something very strong. ChiChi and Bulma look at each strangely. Haley just keeps holding her head like she's in great pain. They bring her over to the couch and put her down. "I feel something like a great power coming maybe 1000 miles away."

~Bum bum buuuuummmmmmmmmm! What will happen next?! Who knows? `Cept meeeeeeeeeee. Hehehehehehhe ::runs away giggling like an idiot:: You'll neva find meh! You'll neva find meh! ::keeps on running until she gets beaten up by people:: Legolas my lord! Save meeeeee! ::watches Legolas walk away whistling as the people with bats, clubs, and torches start to hit her:: ~