Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy of Ansai ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: The Mission

(More explanations. Frieza did come to check Planet Ansai and, thanks to Zhuki's warning, found nothing. He became annoyed of always checking a deserted planet and left to search for other planets with inhabitants he could torture. Zhuki kept in some contact with the Rebels by comm, but did not do this very often for risk of being discovered. About Zhuki: No one knows about him except the Elites and NO ONE knows he is Vegeta's brother. (Except Vegeta and Zhuki himself.) He's 17 years old. Anyway, since Frieza did not return, Vegeta took it upon himself that he could now send someone on a recovery mission to…well, you'll find out!)

"Who should go? Where? When? These are the questions we need to answer. We have suspicions of a Saiyan on a planet called Earth, but we also have evidence that there could be one on Drinsh, both with no memory of their homeland." Vegeta said loudly to his Elites. They were holding a meeting and at such times, Vegeta wanted to show he was in control. "Drinsh? Is not that the land of the spectres?" Krovozhadny asked, his over-long long, spiky hair brushing the floor. "Yes, I believe it is. Why do you ask, Krovozhadny?" Vegeta replied with mild surprise; Kro almost never spoke, especially to him. Kro preferred to try and scare the younger Rebels out of their wits. "I will go there." Kro replied, standing immediately. (Fact: Kro's tradition is to drink the blood of his victims. Spectres would interest him greatly.) "Sit, Krovozhadny. This meeting is not over yet. But I believe you can go to Drinsh." Vegeta ordered, glad to have a volunteer. (Vegeta always uses full names for people; it's just his way…) "There is still the matter of Earth. Who will go there?" He asked, looking expectantly at his other 2 Elites: Bardock and Voin. Voin returned his gaze and said, "I can't go, Leader. I have been training some of the older Rebels and they're showing improvement. I can't just abandon them for a mission that may prove futile." Vegeta nodded slightly in acceptance of the excuse, but spoke in Voin's head, (Another power of his: Reading minds and telepathy.) "I may need Bardock here. Then you will have to go." Voin nodded, showing he understood. Vegeta's gaze now went to Bardock, who had been silent most of the meeting. (Strange for him.) He appeared to be in deep thought. "Bardock?" Vegeta said questioningly, hoping for a reply. For if not, Bardock would have to be reprimanded. "Yes. He went there…I will go to Earth!" Bardock stated loudly, not even realizing Vegeta had been talking to him. "Good. Voin will remain and train the Rebels. Krovozhadny shall go to Drinsh and Bardock will go to Earth. Voin, you are dismissed." Vegeta said, watching Voin expectantly. Voin rose and left, closing the door behind him. Bardock was looking left and right, a confused look on his face. He had no idea what was going on, as he had been 'tuned out' for most of the conversation. Vegeta turned to Bardock and Kro, giving them instructions, "You will each take one of the three ships, not pods since you have to retrieve someone. You must bring them back; conscious or otherwise." At this, Bardock glanced at Kro, a surprised look on his face. Then he looked at Vegeta, his eyes saying, "You trust that he will knock somebody out and NOT bite their throat?" Vegeta glared at him and Bardock dropped the gaze. Vegeta continued to explain to them that they had one year to retrieve their charges, and if they did not return within that allotted time, they could consider themselves dead. He then dismissed them and returned to his room, pacing until midnight. ***********************************************************************

"What if we don't get back in time?" Bardock asked, sounding worried. "Then you will be exiled." Vegeta replied icily; the ships were being checked over for one final time before departure and Bardock was pestering him with questions. "But if we DON'T COME BACK?" Bardock demanded, urgency in his voice. "Then you will be considered dead." Vegeta answered, annoyed. "Yes, but" Bardock began to protest but Vegeta cut him off, "Bardock, I have enough to think about without you bombarding me with questions like a seven year old! Will you please, for once in your life, SHUT UP!" Bardock fell silent, almost glad Vegeta had reprimanded him. It showed that Vegeta was thinking clearly. Spacital stalked in, an annoyed look on his face. The reason why entered a few seconds later. Kro was trailing him, trying to scare him. The anger that was beginning to build up in Spacital was evident. He strode briskly over to Vegeta and said, "Leader, can you order him to leave me alone? I would have told him myself, but I know he is going on a mission today and needed to be in good condition." Vegeta noticed the glint in his eye and knew that if he didn't order Kro off, they wouldn't have much of an Elite left to go on the mission. "Krovozhadny! Get ready for your departure! NOW!" Vegeta barked, and again stared at the engineers. What was taking them so long? They were way behind schedule. Spacital nodded to Vegeta, then to Bardock, respectively saying, "Sensei" and left the room again, heading outdoors where he could watch the takeoff. "Leader! Kro's ship is ready for takeoff and the coordinates are set for Drinsh. He can depart at any time!" The head engineer said, throwing down his clipboard and pointing to the far ship. "Well then, GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Vegeta yelled, pushing Kro forward. Kro's face was glowing with happiness; he would finally get to meet some spectres. (This was one of his life's dreams. Sad…) He stumbled forward, then righted himself and stepped into the ship. The automated door shut behind him and the engineers cleared for takeoff. They were not fighters and their power levels were extremely low, therefore they would not be able to withstand the gusts of air and smoke coming from Kro's departing ship. Vegeta and Bardock stood their ground, watching the ship rise and shoot off into the multitude of stars and nebulae, heading for a planet silvery-white, stained with spots of red, never to be erased.

Outside, Spacital followed it for a long time. (He had very good eyesight.) "Now, Sensei must go." He whispered to himself, grabbing some of the loose dirt and letting it drop. Each grain was insignificant, but together, the formed a fairly powerful whole, capable of covering a small rock. Spacital was not thinking of it in such a form. He was thinking in terms of battle, just as he had been taught. The grains were the Rebels and each one alone was not powerful enough to conquer Frieza. (The rock.) (Figures. I always said he had a hard head.) But together they could. Or so it was said. Spacital sighed, now focusing on the exit port, where Bardock would soon be leaving.

"Leader. The other ship is ready and the coordinates are set for Earth!" The head engineer yelled again, now speaking of Bardock's ship. Bardock gulped and said, "Well, I guess I'd better go." "You're only going for a year Bardock! What's your problem?" Vegeta replied harshly; he had no time for such emotion. Bardock shrugged, saying, "I don't know. I'm just not happy about leaving you here with all your stress and Voin training the Rebels and there's so much to do. Maybe I shouldn't go…" Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "I think you're hiding something, Bardock. And I think it has something to do with Earth. I'm going to check the histories and see what I can find, ok?" Vegeta said, pushing Bardock onto the ship and basically treating him like a child. Bardock's face went deathly pale. "No…you can't do that…it's nothing important…I was just joking…" Bardock began to protest but the automatic door shut in his face. Vegeta turned his back on his only friend, not needing to watch him leave. He wanted to go check the histories; Bardock was hiding something and it was obvious.

Spacital watched the second ship blastoff, along with one of the only Saiyans who provided a challenge to him when he was fighting. In truth, he had never actually fought with Bardock, but he knew that the Sensei was stronger than he was and they could have a good fight. The only other Saiyans he knew of that could challenge him were The Leader and… well he only knew that The Leader and his Sensei, Bardock could challenge him; or he them.