Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy of Ansai ❯ The Rebels ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: The Rebels

(This requires explanation. This is ten years from when Frieza murdered King Vegeta. Prince Vegeta is now the 15 year old Leader of the Rebels. He has vowed not to use Regen tanks since they could not save his Father. (In reality he has used them a few times; it was when he was unconscious and would die if he didn't use them. He preferred to heal naturally. You know the bandages, the peroxide…anyway) Bardock is now 34, Sensei to younger and newer Rebels. His is Vegeta's only friend. Goku or Kakarot, as he would be called on Ansai, the Saiyan planet, is older than Vegeta at 20 and abides on earth with his ten-year-old son, Gohan. (Ages are messed, I know! But it doesn't work any other way! Ok? OK!) Voin is now 26 and an Elite Rebel. There are other Elites; you will find out who they are in due time. If you're wondering what the Rebels are, they're the Saiyans who are still alive. The effort to form a rebellion was started by the late King Vegeta and continued by his son. Spacital is… well I'm not going to tell you that, simply for the sake of suspense. CYA!)

"You're doing well, Bardock. They are all training and growing stronger at an accelerated rate." Vegeta remarked, arms folded 'cross his chest and eyes flitting from one spar to another. "It's not me, Leader. It's Spacital. He threatened to beat them into the ground if they didn't train harder. He demonstrated too; on Rownack. Poor kid…" Bardock explained, pointing to the shorter boy with hair apparently blown to the left. He was training alone. This was Spacital, a 12-year-old with a destiny to fulfill…but he didn't know that yet. The others (who had not been sparring; they had been training alone.) were all clustered around a body and trying to extract it from the ground. This was obviously Rownack, Spacital's sparring partner. "He's fine! Get back to your training!" Spacital barked, not even turning his head. The others immediately parted and returned to their previous training activities, revealing a body forced into the ground and not moving. "I have to get that boy to the Regen tanks. I'll see you later, then?" Bardock spoke over his shoulder, not positive that Vegeta was still there. He could sense him all right, but with Vegeta you could never be sure of anything. "Fine." Came the reply and Vegeta sunk into the shadows, traveling by his own secret and silent methods to another area of the Base. Bardock walked over to Rownack, lifted him from the ground as easily as if he were a rag doll, and said to the students, who ranged in age from 7 to 16, "I'm taking Rownack to the Regen tanks. All of you, obey Trakick while I'm gone." Many of them showed acknowledgement, and one of them, a burly 16-year-old, nodded proudly. This was of course, Trakick, feeling very proud of himself to be trusted enough to be in charge while the Sensei was gone. (You'll notice Bardock DIDN'T say, "No fighting." yes? Well, they are Saiyans aren't they?) Bardock gave a curt nod and left the room. As soon as he was gone, Trakick walked over to Spacital, smiling viciously. "Did you hear that? I'm in charge now. So you obey me." He said, sounding confident since he was twice Spacital's size. Spacital ignored him. That worthless excuse for a Saiyan did not deserve his time. He kept punching the power wall, which was designed to not break, even under extreme pressure. Bardock had said you would graduate from his classes if you broke it. Many had tried and failed, now it was Spacital's turn. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Trakick raised his voice, poking Spacital on the shoulder, a move which had no effect whatsoever. Spacital continued to ignore him, but the intensity of his punches seemed to rise. The other students all gathered around in a half circle, hoping to see a fight. "Hey! Are you deaf or something? ANSWER ME!!!!" Trakick yelled, making to punch Spacital on the shoulder. (Bad move.) Spacital tripped Trakick and nailed him into the wall, hard, before anyone else could draw a breath. "That's my answer." He said, breathing heavily in anger. He threw him to the ground and yelled to the others, "What are you all looking at? Get back to your training exercises!" They all scurried off, not wanting to pick a fight with Spacital. Spacital scowled and returned to the power wall. Trakick lay unconscious on the ground, forgotten. When Bardock returned, he found his unconscious pupil and the others with more sweat than usual on the backs of their necks.

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"What should we do, Bardock? They aren't strong enough! They may be advancing at an accelerated rate, but Frieza keeps coming back and most of them don't even have a ten percent chance of survival after an encounter with him!" Vegeta stated angrily, his frustration evident. "I don't know, ok! I can't take any more, unless the Elites help out more! But then again, there are only 2 available. Well, 1 that's sane enough for the job. Why are you so choosy about your Elites, Vegeta?" Bardock replied, also sounding a bit annoyed. "I have to be! Carelessly promoting Rebels will not help us at all!" Vegeta snapped, then sighed. "You have WAY too much stress for a 15 year old, Vegeta. You should take a break or something, you know? Go on a training mission! Get away from it all!" Bardock suggested, knowing what he said would have no effect whatsoever. "I can't! You would all fall apart!" Vegeta shot back, but he knew Bardock was right. He sometimes looked at the younger Rebels the same way they looked at him; with jealousy. "Leader, sir. I have news." A voice spoke from the shadowy folds of Vegeta's office. Bardock's head whipped around and he demanded, "Zhuki? Vegeta, do you have a meeting with him?" "I never have meetings set with him. He simply comes when there is news. Bardock, these meetings are confidential." Vegeta replied coolly, gesturing to the door. Bardock nodded and left, carefully closing the door behind him. "Sir, it is important." Came the voice again. "Drop the formalities, Zhuki. You are my brother. So what is it?" Vegeta ordered and a form materialized from the shadows. It was tall, had spiky hair that fell to its waist and though you couldn't see it through shadows cast by its hair, the face was very scarred. His armour, which was not the style of the Saiyans, had the emblem of Frieza stamped on it. This was Zhuki, a spy for the Rebels. "Fine. But if you are discovered, it is not my fault. Frieza is planning another check here. In approximately 24 hours he will arrive and if you are visible in any way, he will destroy the planet. It will be his last check for a while, since he has been coming here for nearly ten years and found nothing. Then it should be safe to send rebels on training missions, away missions and such." Zhuki said, sitting down on Vegeta's couch and sighing. "It feels good to be with my own kind again." He whispered contentedly, and who could blame him? He had been on Frieza's ship for three months strait and had not been able to show his tail or see other Saiyans. His tail rolled out, spreading itself lavishly across the couch and saying in Zhuki's head, "Finally! I was getting stiff!" (The tails have slight minds of their own and are connected to their Saiyan. They know what their Saiyan wants, feels and cares about. Not too good in some situations…) Vegeta's brow was creased in concentration. He moved the hidden comm device to him mouth and spoke orders into it quietly, "Bardock, close the South Quadrant doors. Voin, take the East Quadrant and Krovozhadny, take the West Quadrant. Bardock, tell Spacital to take the North exit and round up any Saiyans outside the base. Then have him close the North Quadrant. After that, we must sink the base. Not in water, you nimrod! The ground! The Frieza procedure, you idiot! 'Oh yeah, I forgot!' Well, don't forget. Now, get to it. IMMEDIATELY!" Zhuki stared at his younger brother in amazement. Only 15, yet he had more responsibilities and stress than their father did his whole life. Vegeta now spoke into a P.A. system, which was installed through the whole of the base, "Attention all Saiyan Rebels. Return to your sleeping quarters at once. Frieza is returning. I repeat, Frieza is returning." "I must leave. Frieza will want to know where I am and I must be available. I have been promoted." He sounding bored and his voice lacked the pride that comes naturally to Saiyans. "I will return as soon as I can." Zhuki said quickly, knowing Vegeta would want to go make Rebels return to their room's etc. "Fine. But know this: You are an Elite; we simply cannot mark you for risk of Frieza noticing." Vegeta replied, sounding almost apologetic. Zhuki nodded, whispering, "I know." They turned their heads as yelling rang down the hallway, and Zhuki stood quickly. He must not be found; it would raise panic. (How would it look for the Leader to be conferring with one of Frieza's top men?) Footsteps were approaching. He melted into the folds of darkness; pathways that only the two brothers could travel. (Thanks to their mother.) Vegeta stared after his only living family member, his older brother. "The only reason Zhuki is not Leader, is because no one knows he is related to me. Only the Elites know of him at all." Vegeta thought, "And it is not fair."

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Hammering erupted on Vegeta's door. "Enter." He called hoarsely. After an hour or so of telling the younger Rebels to "GET TO YOUR ROOMS IMMEDIATELY!" his voice was shot. The door swung open and a figure of average height swept through the doorway. The tail wrapped around its extremely thin waist had gone around twice. A loose braid flung over the shoulder signified that she was female, but Vegeta did not recognize her. (With good reason; she was not all that noticeable before now.) "Why are we locking up?" She demanded, tone angry. Vegeta was taken aback. Such fury over simple security measures? "We are locking up because Frieza is returning. Didn't you hear?" Vegeta said coolly; he could sense that he could defeat her easily, if need be. "So why are we locking up? Aren't we supposed to be trying to defeat Frieza? And here we are, hiding under the ground like bugs!" The female retorted, still sounding annoyed. "You have to admire her courage. And a good spirit for a Saiyan, as well." Vegeta thought, though it was not really admiring, just an observation. (He observes a lot.) "If you must know, Frieza would kill us all with a single wave of his disgusting hand. We are waiting for a better time to strike. But I did not think someone of your supposed age and rank would be informed of such important military matters. Now, hold out your right hand and tell me your name." Vegeta said, tone mocking at first, but dissolving into a business-like one as he went about identifying the Saiyan. "Kislia. Age: 13. Rank: New Rebel." She said, thrusting out her right hand, palm face up. Upon it were two bright red scars, in the form of a 'X'. This was the marking of a Rebel, and a single vertical line on the either side of the 'X' indicated you were trusted enough to leave the base. A vertical line on both sides indicated that you were an Elite, such markings had Vegeta, Bardock, Voin and Krovozhadny. "Fine. Now, return to your sleeping quarters. Or must you know more secrets of the Rebels?" Vegeta said caustically, after making some mental notes about Kislia. (He keeps almost everything in his head.) She sighed and left the room, slamming the door behind her; anger evident after being mocked so well but not having the right to retort.