Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ The Return of the Androids ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"Hiiiiiiiiii.....ha!" Vegeta aimed another low-blow kick to Goku.He jumped and knocked Vegeta on the head.The Caps-Corp Gravity Machine shook.500x gravity began to wear down on the two.They had been training with Goten,Gohan and Trunks.
"Breaks over,Boys.Back to work"
"But Dad!"Trunks whined.
"No Buts!"Vegeta snapped.But before he could retaliate an explosion sounded.
"Whaa?"Goku said,astonished.The fighters zoomed out and took off to a nearby cliff.A City close was ablaze.The fighters went to inspect.A riot had broken out between police and men in cloaks.
"Red ribbon army........but no.I destroyed them....."Goku has a sudden flashback of the fight with Cell,the androids,and the generals and colonels of the red ribbon army.He clenched his fists.A blinding flash appeared,followed by an explosion,destroying the City and knocking the fighters back into the cliff.
"Those innocent people....."Goku mourned,regaining himself.
"Who did that.Who was it.Red ribbon army definately had some part in this.But at the sacrafice of their own men?"the bodies lay scattered.
"Something important,then"Said his son,appearing at his side.A blast of wind blew Gohan's hair,as Vegeta raced by.
"I cant resist a good fight,Kakaroto!"Goku was furious.
"Wait!Hmph!He never learns."Forgetting his son,Goku persued,Trunks and Goten at his side.Gohan returned to the Gravity machine,but while he was setting the dial a silvery shadow came up behind him
"You........no,you were killed..........noooooooooo!!!!!!!"The shape streched out a hand and jumped into Gohan's body.He had taken over his mind.Gohan's hair turned bright Silver,and his skin glowed bright.He took off to follow his father.
Meanwhile,Goku,Vegeta,Trunks and Goten were in hot persuit of the people responsible for the attack.
"There are 5 of them,Goku.Can you see?"
"Yeah."Goku said.He did not feel much power,but had a bad feeling about the whole thing.The people,or things,stopped and zoomed down into the sand.They just went through.
"Thats impossible.Goku,did you see that?Somethings at work here."Vegeta Swooped down,and hit the soft sand.
"kakaroto!Its pulling me........aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!"Vegeta dissapeared under,as his son and Goten hit the sand too.In no time,they had sunk under.
"No!",Goku cried,"Fools.I'll just have to follow them........."But before he could go down,his son appeared in front of him before he could move
"Son.You look pale.......are you sick?Need some help?"Goku stretched out his hand but Gohan beat it back.
"Hey!.......son?What the?"But Gohan had pulled back his arms and powered up.He put his hands together;
"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!!!!!!!!!!"with a blinding flash and a large explosion,Goku was seen no more.Gohan Looked into the sky,laughing.He jumped down into the sand.
Meanwhile,Vegeta,his son and Goten were flying along a dark pasage.They were travelling very fast,but the passage seemed endless.Vegeta stopped suddenly,noticing a light.His son knocked into him and fell back onto Goten.
"Yeah,"Goten piped up,"Why did---"
But Vegeta had taken off.He was next to a room,and peered round the rock to see where the light were coming from.He heard a noise,and he pulled back around,holding his son and Goten back,and putting a finger to his mouth;
"Very good Cell.You have successfully put the andriods in.Check the temprature.We have a fixed number of Steamers available.Good invention,dont you agree?
Powers up every Race known.Even our precious androids.Lets face our guests,shall we?"
Vegeta pushed the two young boys back behind him.A old man in a white lab coat stepped out.Behind him a creature,mimicing imperfect cell but red,appeared behind him.
"The androids have informed me of your presence.There is no need to hide.Bring out your children."
"These boys are not your concern."
"Now,now,lets not be too hasty.another visitor has dropped in on us.Gohan had arrived,still glowing.He flew over to the other in the room by the other person.
"where's my manners?",the old man said,"This is Cell.Cell3,to be precise.And I am Dr.Myuu."
"I dont care.why are you here,why did you kill those people,why did you destroy this city,and what do you have with Kakaroto's son?"Vegeta growled
"I do not know of this "Kakaroto".If you mean Goku,yes,this is his son.I will explain all questions now.My androids need to be powered-up anyway,so get comftable."
"It all started 9 years ago,after than clown goku's son destroyed perfect cell.Me,Dr.Gero,Cell and #17 were all in hell,biding time.To this day,the wereabouts of android #18 are unknown."
Vegeta twitched,but kept quiet about 18's marriage with Krillin.
"Dr.Gero was getting impatient.He wanted revenge on Goku.We all did.So we got to work.We made a cell2.He fused with cell,while I created hell fighter 17.He fused with 17.The two went around destroying sections of hell.The king of all evil,Dabura,got angry.He came in and challenged our fighters.He destroyed them.
Me and Gero were annoyed and embarrased.We were driven on.We took cells from the dead body of them both.We fused them together.We called him Cell3 and then sent off a Cell-bug,to collect cells and information on people.We had all the Z fighters,you,Goten&trunks,Frezia,Buu---
"A creature.He travelled with Dabura and this wizard called Babidi.We killed them and got our revenge,before taking their cells.Our fighter is literally invincible!It has so many powers.But,let me continue.We sort of did you a favour by killing off them before they reached Earth.We wanted you off your guard--"
"Sai-jins do not drop their guard.Maybe that oaf kakarota.................."
"Do not interrupt me again.We created another batch of very strong androids,21-26.Very strong,powerful and skillful.Just when we about to take off for Earth,we met up with another who wanted revenge on Goku and the Sai-jins,a lone survivor of a rare race,the Tsurufujins.His name was Bebi.He offered to help.He made the Steamers,which I took credit for.When he had his back turned,finishing off the last one,We killed him.Gero was working on a "ghost cell".He was cell but translucent and you can walk through him.We put Bebi's cells in him,so he can posses everything.I believe he is possesing Goku's son.Now,we have told you too much.Cell,Gohan.ATTACK!"
The two landed in front of Vegeta.The boys powered up.
"Boys!"Vegeta said,"You can attack Gohan if you see him again.He is possesed,so be careful.Now go!Run!Get Goku!"
"But dad......."
"Go"Vegeta said.