Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Royal Family ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dragon Ball Z

The Royal Family

Chapter 1

It was a very dull and boring morning for a Saiyan on the Planet Vegeta. Then all the sudden the dullness was shattered by King Vegeta.

"Kisha!! Where are you?" King Vegeta yelled but got no answer back.

"If I have to look for you! Answer me." He yelled but still no answer. But there was a noise. Some one was in a tree right behind the King.

"Ah ha! I found you Princess Kisha. You were care less." He turned around and looked up to see his 3-year-old daughter jumping towards him.

"Daddy! How did you know I was out hear?" Princess Kisha asked him as he caught her.

"We'll talk about that later. I have to talk to you. I'm getting remarried." A long silence followed that remark as they walked back towards the only building that hadn't been destroyed or damaged in any way, during the countless wars on the Planet Vegeta. Saiyans fighting Saiyans is a very distractive war especially when the moon is full (only once every 8 years). The planet looked like a mess but the Saiyans didn't seem to notice at all. It was a miracle two Saiyans walked by each other and they didn't hit each other. But no one hits the King or the Princess. Well they don't hit the Princess because when her power was tested as a baby she was called a Super Elite Saiyan. The highest class a Saiyan can achieve except becoming a super Saiyan but that hasn't been done in over 3 thousand years.

"So why are you getting married daddy?" Princess Kisha asked.

"Getting? Uh… may be I should rephrase got remarried." He said.

"OK. Why? Are we not doing gook on our own?" she asked in a puzzled tone.

"I need an heir Kisha." He said flatly.

"Uh… I thought I would just get married myself but a little brother sounds good. Can I be his sparing partner?" she said in a happy tone.

"So you don't mind at all?" Vegeta said in a stunned voice.

"No! I've always wanted a brother." She said smiling up at him.

"You'd only be 1/2 brother and sister. Although you were born first when I go your brother will take over." He said.

"I know, but I still keep some control don't I." She said.

"Of course you would." He said and they walked into the palace to let the Princess meet the new Queen and her new mother.


<Kisha's mother was killed in a major battle. Taking over a planet for Frieza! Not actual characters in the show.>


A year later, during an important battle. The battle would secure King Vegeta's place as King and he is no where to be seen. The only member of the family is the 4-year-old Princess Kisha. Fighting to keep her family in control.

King Vegeta is at his Queens side. She is having a child, an heir, a boy. They named him Vegeta. A few hours-latter Kisha stumbles in to the room where her father and step mother are looking at her brother. The battle had been won but with serious injures to Kisha. She leaned against the wall until she got her balance she walked forward and then losing her balance again she fell to her knees. She caught her breath and said:

"Why weren't you there?!" she stared at her father for an answer, but none came.

"We almost lost because you decided to take a break and not show up. Our warriors are thinking of going to the other side." She said losing her breath again.

"Doctor! Kisha needs medical attention." The king said.

"I don't need a doctor. I need to know why!" she yelled.

"All right. Kisha you have a brother. His name is Vegeta." He said. She was pretty injured and bleeding but she stood up and pushed the doctor away from her. She walked over to her parents and looked at the child.

"He's adorable." She smiled at her dad and said

"He's a brother not a step brother. And that's final." Then she laughed and smiled again looking at Prince Vegeta. Then she started to collapse but king Vegeta caught her.

"It's all right." He said. He picked her up and took another look and Prince Vegeta. King Vegeta then took her to another bed.


While she was unconscious Prince Vegeta got away from the Queen some how. He fell to the floor but not a sound came from him. He crawled around until he crawled into King Vegeta's leg.

"What the…Vegeta! What are you doing down there?" the King said as he picked up the Prince. "One day you will be king my son." The king said then took him back to his bed.

Kisha was unconscious for two days. When she woke up King Vegeta and his Queen were looking out the window. Prince Vegeta was in bed asleep. She got up walked over to his side and looked at him for a long time. Then the doctor came in and said, "Kisha!" this got the attention of king Vegeta. "You shouldn't be up Princess!" the doctor said in a concerned tone.

"Oh leave her alone doctor." King Vegeta said.

"You have no right telling me what I should or shouldn't be doing. You should be more concerned about your son. He's in worse condition then I am." Kisha said.

"My son has not been in any battles." The doctor said.

"Oh yeah! Well why don't you go talk to the traitor before you go shooting your mouth off." Kisha said in a very obviously angry tone.

"My son is no traitor. If he fought in a battle it would be on this side!" the doctor said also in an obviously angry tone to.

"Oh Really!" Kisha said. The doctor walked up to her and said, "Really!" and then hit her in the stomach. Since she was so badly injured in the battle she fell to the floor. As she fell she hit Vegeta's bed and he began to cry. King Vegeta stepped forward and knocked the daylights out of the doctor. Then he went to pick up Kisha but she said, "Leave…Me…Alone. I don't need…your help to stand up…on my own two feet." He backed off and she got up. They both walked over to Vegeta's side.


An hour later there was some arguing in the hall. Kisha go up looked out of the door <Hum, I guess he didn't know> she thought as she watched the doctor and his son. The boy saw that there was some one watching him. He walked over kicked the door open. And saw his worst nightmare King Vegeta with an heir.

"A boy! No! It must die!" the guy yelled. Then he tried to shoot an energy beam and Prince Vegeta but couldn't. He found himself on the floor with Kisha standing over him.

"You won't live this time. You've pissed me off now!" she was ready to shoot an energy beam at the young man but found herself on the floor with the doctor standing over her. The boy got back up walked over to the door and was getting ready to try to kill the new prince again. But the doctor looked back to find him dead.

"Told ya!" Kisha said and laughed. Then the doctor looked back and Kisha and said,

"You killed my son. Now I kill you." Just then King Vegeta walked out and saw the doctor hit Kisha again. King Vegeta blasted the doctor into oblivion.

"You dare to strike the Princess twice and try to kill the Prince!!" then Kisha gets up and walks over to her dad's side, and they walked back into the room together as if nothing had happened.