Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Royal Family ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors note: Hi this story has 9 chapters plus The Royal Family 2. Sorry it's taking me so long to get it up. Please be patient. I'm not done with the second one yet but I'm working on it. Later Yaiko Youkai! ^_^

Dragon Ball Z

The Royal Family

Chapter 2

When Vegeta's power was tested he was called a super elite Saiyan. When he was one Kisha started to teach him things like; common sense, blocking an attack, and countering an attack.

"Vegeta here is you life long sparing partner." King Vegeta said when the prince was two.

"But...you said I could be his sparing partner." Kisha whined because King Vegeta had pointed over to Nappa.

"Kisha you all ready have one." The King said.

"Put mine with him, and me with Vegeta." A minute or two went by as king Vegeta thought about it.

"Why?" he questioned." <well that's an odd and stupid question. It took him that long to come up with that.> Kisha thought.

"A Super Elite should spar with a Super Elite. And since there are only two of us we make the best partners." Kisha answered logically.

"All right but when one of you leaves the planet you take your old partners understood." The King said.

"Yes sir. Perfectly!" Kisha said as she was bowing. <Finally I get rid of Raddiz. Thank Kame!!!> Kisha thought.

The next day Kisha took it easy, but she couldn't take it too easy sparing with Vegeta because she had all ready taught him a lot. King Vegeta was watching them.

"STOP!!!" he yelled, "What are you doing? Don't take it easy on him. Do it for real. Make him work for it!" the king said.

"But...he's not up to my level yet." Kisha said.

"He would get there a lot quicker if you'd stop PLAYING AROUND with him." the King yelled and Kisha With a look of shock and terror on her face, she bowed a little and said, "Yes sir sorry."

"Just get on with it." The king said. Kisha stood back up and turned to Prince Vegeta.

"Look alive. It's getting harder. I'm going to get faster." Kisha said to her little brother.

"Go for it. I have a little surprise for you when ever your done talking that is." Prince Vegeta said in a cocky tone.

"Cocky aren't we lil brother. Come and get it any time." Kisha said in her own cocky tone.

Vegeta finally decided to attack her and he was right he did have a surprise for her. Because she was the one defending and he was attacking.

"Having fun yet?" Vegeta asked his older sister.

"Oh yeah. I'm having a peachy time!" Kisha said in a sarcastic tone. She could only move fast enough to dodge his attacks by inches. She through a punch and missed him completely. He was behind her and as she was turning around he attacked hitting her in the side and then in the face. He landed several good hits. She swung back and missed again he hit her in the stomach then in the face again. She fell to the ground on her butt. She was bleeding from her lips and over her right eye. Her arms were scratched and pants were tore as well.

"Not on your level huh!" King Vegeta said walking over to the two.

"Well...he...shouldn't be...with what I've taught him!" she said in a surprised tone trying to catch her breath.

"I've taught myself a little." Prince Vegeta said in an amused tone.

"I can see that Vegeta." Kisha said still sitting on the ground.

"Hahahahaha...that's my son. Teach your self. You didn't think of that did you? Well today's training is over!" Prince Vegeta helped Kisha up.

"You've had it next time lil brother. I've got a plan for you!" Kisha said.

"You're a sore loser." Prince Vegeta said laughing a little.

"I'm not a sore loser. I get even though." Kisha said and looked down at Vegeta and smiled.

"You are too, Kisha." King Vegeta said.

"What?!" Kisha asked in surprise at her father joining their conversation.

"A sore loser." King Vegeta said.

"Well I guess I can be!" Kisha said and they all laughed the in tire way back to the palace.

Authors Note 2: It's me again sorry it's a short chapter. But I'm not going 14 chapters back (including The Royal Family part 2 chapters.) and making it longer sorry. I'm lazy. Please Review. ^_^