Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth Hurts More ❯ Saiyan Mating Ritual ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

LES: There's a Goku/Chi-Chi LEMON in this chapter. Even though I consider this to be a Gohan/Videl fic, Goku and Chi-Chi will end up getting the first LEMON. Well, they are already married, while Gohan and Videl are going to be sorting out their feelings for quite a while.
Chapter II: Saiyan Mating Ritual
Chi-Chi knew that scent very well. No other human would be able to smell it, but her nose had been hard-wired to recognize the scent from the first time she had made love with Goku.
Saiyan pheromones.
Goten was hanging off her leg, still a little shy around the father that he had never known.
Goku was at the table, having just finished off his mountain of food, and was simply staring into space. Chi-Chi had rarely seen her husband content to sit still. In the past, a bored Goku would have flown off without notice to spar with the other Z-Warriors.
Maybe it's because he's aroused. But he's never brooded about it before. He's always been playful when he's aroused. Brooding was something a dog-housed Vegeta might do, but not her husband.
Chi-Chi sighed and looked down at her youngest son. “Goten, it's time for your training.”
Goten glanced up at her. “Okay, Momma.”
“Not with me. Go and find Gohan. He left earlier with Videl on a flying lesson.”
“Oh! You mean kissy-kissy!” Goten giggled.
Chi-Chi also giggled. Videl certainly seemed a fine match for her precious boy Gohan, the girl's oafish father aside. And the thought of being a grandmother made Chi-Chi bubble with happiness. “Hopefully.”
“Gross!” Goten groaned, but then swiftly ran out of the house and took off in the direction of his older brother's Ki, which was now nearly impossible to hide to the full extent.
Once Goten was well out of ear-shot, Chi-Chi turned towards her husband, who had quietly watched the whole exchange. “Goku…”
“I could have trained him, you know.” Goku said simply. “It's only fair. He should train against the second strongest before he trains against the strongest.”
Chi-Chi sat beside him. She knew that Goku was extremely proud of how strong his eldest son had become, but still… a little of the old `passing on the torch' resentment remained. “You knew ever since Cell that Gohan was going to get stronger than you.” Chi-Chi gazed into her husband's face. “But you and I both know that's not really what's bothering you.”
“Chi-Chi, there's nothing bothering…” Goku began innocently.
“I've known you too long for you to lie to me.” Chi-Chi said. “Not that you were ever a good liar, Goku.”
Goku leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees while staring at his clasped hands. “I… Cheech, I did a terrible time to you.”
“If I had known about Goten, I would have fought King Yemma like hell to get back to Earth, no matter what sort of dangers I posed or what offers I had to train with the Grand Kai…”
“Don't blame yourself, Goku.” Chi-Chi said. “Even I didn't know about Goten when you left to face Cell. There's no way you could have known, even with your Saiyan nose.”
“That's no excuse.” Goku said. “Even without Goten in the picture, I still had you and Gohan. I missed my first-born son growing up. I died when he was eleven and came back when he was an eighteen year old man.”
“He certainly has become a man.” Chi-Chi said. “Have you seen him with that Videl girl?” Goku nodded. “They are so much like us when we were younger. But, at least Gohan doesn't think that `wedding' is a type of food.” She glared playfully at her Saiyan husband, recalling the day of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, when they had fought and he had proposed.
“So? It's still the best food I've ever had.” Goku said.
Chi-Chi smiled fondly. Finally, there was the Goku she knew and loved. She moved behind her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck, and slipped her ands under the collar of his training gi. She felt her husband's already rock-hard muscles tense under her touch. “Goku, I know you want me. Why are you resisting?”
Goku almost laughed. “After what I put you through? I thought I was in the dog house.”
Come to think of it… Chi-Chi realized. We made love the night after Majin Buu was destroyed and we realized that Goku was still alive, but we haven't had sex since. She sighed. “I'm sorry, Goku. All of this…” She made a gesture as if she could convey the whole Majin Buu incident with a single wave of her hand. “… is taking some getting used to. But you aren't in the dog house. But you will be if you keep lying to yourself.”
Goku smirked. “You know me too well, Chi-Chi.” He stood and instantly enveloped his wife and mate in an embrace, nibbling at the refreshed bite mark on her neck.
Chi-Chi sighed as her legs turned into jelly at his attention to the Saiyan mate mark on the base of her neck. It brought back all the memories of their wedding night. Goku had been so naive and inexperienced, and she had to coach him through the foreplay. However, at the moment when he took her virginity, his personality had made a complete one-eighty. He had suddenly become confident, possessive, and just a little domineering. And then, as they climaxed together, he had sunk his surprisingly sharp teeth into the base of her neck. At the time, Chi-Chi didn't understand, and neither did Goku. But now they knew that it was just his more primitive Saiyan instincts breaking through.
But Chi-Chi was no longer a blushing virgin, and Goku was no longer the inexperienced young man that he had been.
She slid her hands across his chest, brushing the top of his training gi off his shoulders. One of her favorite physical features of her husband was his chest. Well… actually, it was her second favorite physical feature.
She ran her hands over his well-defined muscles, down his abdomen, and then back up again as she kissed him passionately.
Goku groaned loudly as he began to work on removing his wife's clothes without ripping it to shreds. Chi-Chi had lost a lot of outfits that way, especially during the early months of their marriage, before Gohan had been born. Thankfully, now he had enough practice to do it blindfolded.
Goku's lips left hers and began to leave a burning trail down the column of her throat as he somehow managed to remove her clothing, save for her bra and panties, without braking contact with her skin.
“Oh, Goku…” Chi-Chi moaned softly as his kisses and nips trailed down her collar bone and between her breasts.
“Cheech…” Goku responded. “I really missed you…” He reached around her body and unclasped her bra, letting it fall unceremoniously from her body. He wasted no time with attack her left breast with his lips, starting at the base and moving to the nipple.
Chi-Chi moaned loudly as her hands clenched in her husband's hair to prevent him from moving away as she arched her body into him. “I… missed… Goku-Augh! Let's go to bed…”
Goku grinned in his utterly arrogant Saiyan way of his as he picked her up easily and held her against his hard body, her legs wrapped around his waist and her sex pressed against his groin.
Chi-Chi gasped when she felt the hardness of her husband's arousal against her and, on instinct, she bucked her hips against his.
Goku hissed in pleasure and instantly pressed her against the wall, grinding himself against her in order to relieve some of his itch.
Chi-Chi's head was flung back and her eyes closed as she gasped with his every thrust. Even though their lower bodies remained clothed, it still felt wonderful and intoxicating. “Goku, bed.” She reminded him, gasping as though she were out of breath.
Goku grunted in response and stopped pinning her to the wall and carried her to the bed, nipping at her mating mark the whole time.
Goku kicked the door in and Chi-Chi flinched. Her first thought was that she was going to have to get that door replaced. Her second thought was that she wished she had her frying pan handy. Her third thought was wiped clean from her mind when her husband deposited her on the bed and climbed over her body possessively.
She gazed into her husband's face as he smirked again. Normally, Goku could pass off as a decent human, but in battle and in bed, it couldn't be clearer that he was anything but human!
When his instincts took over, he was Goku no longer, but the Saiyan Warrior Kakarot.
Come to think of it, tonight is the full moon. Chi-Chi thought to herself. Even thought he had his tail removed by Kami years ago, his Saiyan instincts always seemed to be stronger during the full moon when he normally would have rampaged as a giant ape. Tonight, she would deal with an animal of a different kind.
Her slim hands slipped down until she reached the waistline of his training gi, swiftly loosening the knot, and pushed the fabric as far down as she could reach and Goku assisted with the rest.
“Cheech…” Goku moaned as her searching fingers quickly found his erection, driving him swiftly into the throes of ecstasy.
“You like?” Chi-Chi asked.
Goku grunted and gave her a short nod. To repay her, his fingers slipped into her panties until he was returning the favor and fondling his mate.
Chi-Chi gasped and arched against his hand, begging for his touch.
They writhed together, getting thoughly tangled in the sheets. Finally, after what seemed a lifetime of bliss, Goku removed his hand from her panties and stilled her hand on his erection. “I want you, Cheech.” Goku growled.
Chi-Chi smiled. “Then take me.” She wiggled her body against his; the action caused her panties to inch slowly down her thighs. And while Goku loved the feeling of his mate squirming beneath him, he didn't have the patience for it today. He hooked his thumbs on the fabric and ripped it down, leaving her completely exposed to his hungry gaze.
Chi-Chi took advantage of his momentary distraction to relieve him of his last article of clothing and flipped them over so that she now had the power and advantage over her husband.
“Chi…” Goku began to gasp. His Saiyan instincts were never comfortable with being submissive to a woman, even if that woman was his mate. But he knew that he would lose in such a protest.
According to Vegeta, Saiyan women were real fire-crackers. They had fierce tempers and they were easily as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than male Saiyans. The women were trained in combat, just like the men, and were the protectors of the planet. When Saiyan men went to war, the woman mostly remained behind to protect the planet against any possible counter-invasion.
Imagine an alien conqueror's surprise when he finds a seemingly defenseless planet and discovered at the moment of death that Saiyan women could kick as much ass as the men!
So it was no wonder that the only two Saiyans left had found Earthling women with similar qualities to Saiyan women.
Chi-Chi quieted him with a finger to his lips. “I want you, Goku. I promise you'll have your turn.”
Goku stared up at her, and then nodded his consent. He was the one who had wronged her, so it was only right that he let her have her way… for now.
Chi-Chi strattled his waist and eased onto her husband. She was already well-prepared from the foreplay, so he entered her easily. Chi-Chi threw her head back and moaned loudly. “Goku…”
“Cheech.” He replied simply, adjusting their position until he was propped up against the headboard. He grabbed her hips to help assist with her movements.
She rocked against his body, supporting her weight on his hard chest, in a rhythm as old as time itself.
Once Goku had her going in a satisfying rhythm, he released her hips and wrapped his strong arms around her body and attacked her collar bone and breasts with his hot, moist lips. Chi-Chi gasped and buried her hands in his thick, spiky hair to hold him in place against her chest as she continued to ride him and draw all those sexy noises from his throat.
Without fail, Chi-Chi reached her peak rather quickly and screamed her husband's name as she clung to him more tightly than before. And then, much to Goku's surprise, she began to cry against his chest.
“Cheech…?” He whispered.
Chi-Chi wrapped her arms around him as she continued to sob against his chest. “Goku… I've missed you so much…”
“Cheech…” Goku repeated, embracing her firmly. “I missed you too. I missed our family. I missed your home cooking. I even missed that damn frying pan of yours.”
That brought a small giggled from Chi-Chi's lips. “Goku, I love you.” She whispered.
Goku smirked, rolling his hips against hers to show that he was still quite hard and had not reached his climax in the way that she had. “My turn.” He said before flipping them over and retaking the spot of dominance.
Without wasting a second, he began to rock in and out of his wife in short, hard thrusts that caused her to cry out with every movement.
Their cries for each other grew more frantic as their climaxes approached. This time, they came together and swallowed each other's cries of passion with an energetic kiss.
They rode out the full length of their orgasms together and, throughly spent, Goku barely managed to stop himself from collapsing on top of his mate, and instead, fell to one side to lie next to her.
Chi-Chi sighed in contentment as she leaned over and began to plant hot, passionate kisses to his sweat-covered chest. “Goku…”
“Chi-Chi… I love you.” Goku whispered as they pressed together to enjoy their last few private moments before the inevitable return of their sons for lunch.
LES: My first ever DBZ Lemon! The first one I make for each new category is always awkward, but I promise that I can improve with practice.