Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth Hurts More ❯ Confessions ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

LES: Okay, confession time! I totally still love Disney! And I'm 19 years old!
Muse: … O-kay…
Chapter XII: Confession
Today was, thankfully, a Saturday, and that meant no school. It was good for Videl, because she was planning to visit Gohan. But she hadn't been able to see him since she dropped him off at Capsule Corp. five days previously.
She had been meaning to visit him sooner, but she found it near impossible. Even if she could manage to sneak past their `house guest' Majin Buu, there was still Bee the dog to deal with. It was like her father and Majin Buu had trained that pup to start barking every time she left the house. Her father would appear so quickly she could have swore he used Instant Transmission if she didn't know any better, and started interrogating her.
But her father was out on some stunt, leaving only Majin Buu and Bee.
As usual, Bee started barking as she headed out the front door, and Buu appeared, eating some ice cream straight out of the carton. “Videl leaving? Where Videl go?” Majin Buu asked.
Videl sighed. “Out. I'm going to visit a sick friend.” She didn't quite trust even this `good' version of Majin Buu yet. The rampages of Majin Buu's evil side were still too fresh on her mind. One could not easily forget being turned into chocolate and eaten.
“Oh. Okay! Videl go. Buu play with Bee!”
“He's your dog.” Videl said dryly. One of the strongest in the universe, but talking to Majin Buu was like talking to a two year old… an extremely dim two year old.
“Okay! Bye-bye, Videl! Bee say bye too!” Majin Buu said and Bee the puppy barked happily.
Videl rolled her eyes and left, taking to the air. She couldn't travel as fast as the Z-Warriors, but it was still plenty faster than her old Jet-Copter.
Once in the air, she quickly got her bearings and headed for West City. Thankfully, it wasn't too far away.
Videl, upon landing, was in awe of the fact that she had been allowed on Capsule Corp. property. As expected, she had been stopped and interrogated by Vegeta upon her arrival.
“You here to see Kakarot's brat?” The Saiyan Prince asked.
“Yes, sir.” Videl answered. “Do you know where he is?”
“Of course.” Vegeta said. “If that moron had trained you properly, you'd be able to find him yourself. See that big tree over there?” Vegeta pointed. “Kakarot's brat is there.”
“He's feeling better?” Videl asked.
“Since this morning. Recent developments sped up his healing progress.” Vegeta was referring to Bardock's arrival. Bardock's ship had a standard First Aid kit which was more than enough to handle broken bones. It had tripled Gohan's healing.
“Okay, thanks, Vegeta.” Videl said, walking off.
Vegeta smirked to himself. A young human female who would have been worthy of being a Saiyan… she would certainly keep Kakarot's brat on his toes.
The Saiyan Prince nearly laughed out loud with the thought of attending his rival's brat's Bonding Ceremony. The ceremony between Kakarot's brat and that Satan girl was sure to be interesting.
At first, Videl was worried that she'd lose her way in Capsule Corp's vast estate; but thankfully the tree in question was large enough that she did not lose sight of it.
As she approached the tree, she found Gohan in what appeared to be a meditative state. But it wasn't how any human would meditate. If it were her, she'd be at the base of the tree, in the shade, where she could focus on her own breathing. But not Gohan. He was up in the tree, hanging from a large branch by only his tail.
It can't be easy to meditate like that. All the blood rushing to your head and making you woozy. Videl thought to herself. Then again, maybe it doesn't affect him. What do I know about a Saiyan's body? Maybe his heart is stronger and his circulation is better than a full human.
She was reluctant to break his meditation, but really felt the need to talk to him. “Gohan?” She called softly.
Instantly his expression morphed from one of peaceful tranquility to one of shocked pain. His tail lost his grip on the branch and he fell out of the tree. Videl cried out in horror of what she had done, but it was for naught. Gohan's body twisted in the air like a cat, and he landed on his feet.
“Oh my God, Gohan; are you all right?” Videl asked urgently.
Gohan seemed a little stunned, but he was otherwise okay. “Didn't anyone ever teach you not to interrupt someone when they are meditating? If I had interrupted my sensei's meditation when I was a boy, he would have blasted me!” He snapped.
“I'm sorry, Gohan. I just wanted to talk to you. I didn't know coming out of that state would hurt you.” Videl said truthfully.
Gohan seemed to calm down now that the sudden shock of his pain had worn off, along with his snappiness. “I'm sorry, Videl. Any Martial Artist should know that training to overcome your weaknesses is the most difficult and painful training you could ever do.”
“Is that what you were doing by meditating?” Videl asked.
“Meditation is a great way to deal with pain. If you focus your mind on something besides the pain you are in, it becomes possible to overcome your body's natural reaction to pain. When you called out to me, it broke my concentration, and all the pain came back to me in a rush.”
“I'm sorry, Gohan.” Videl apologized again. “I didn't mean to. Why are you putting yourself in such pain anyway?”
“That is how Saiyans train.” Gohan answered, sitting down on the grass. “Remember how I told you Saiyans gain strength through injury. Pain works the same way with us. You should see my father and Vegeta training. They literally beat each other within an inch of their lives. Saiyans have trained that way since we first developed the ability.” Gohan paused. “That is how Saiyans train, and since I am one, I train that way too.”
Videl sat down next to him, staring down at her hands. “Gohan, I have a question. Why do you keep calling yourself a Saiyan?”
“Videl, I am a Saiyan.”
“No, you are not, Gohan.” Videl began. “You are half-Saiyan. But you are also half-human. Why does being half-Saiyan define who you are so much?”
“Videl, being a half-breed is hard. You only have to look at my relationship to my parents to know what I go through as a half-breed on a daily basis. My father doesn't understand my intellectual curiosity and my human desire for knowledge. But my mother doesn't understand my strength and Saiyan love for battle. Both my parents can't understand a part of me, so it's much easier to just choose a side. Besides, I'm sure you've noticed it's easier for me to make friends as a Saiyan than a human.”
Videl could understand that. He had more friends in the ranks of the Z-Warriors and their families than outside. They understood that he was not fully human and were not put off by his feats of unusual strength. At Orange Star High School, where he tried to make friends as a human, you could count his friends on one hand. Everyone was put off by his intelligence, strangeness, and unusual strength. Plus, being Saiyaman and a freak that could change his hair and eye color in an instant didn't help his odds in the school-wide popularity contest.
“You… you're right, Gohan. I have no idea what you have to go through because of your mixed heritage, having to always hide who you are.” Videl said. “But, for what it's worth… I wouldn't change a thing about you.”
Videl didn't notice the blush that colored Gohan's cheeks because he quickly got it under control. “You really think so?”
“Definitely. I wouldn't want you to be a full-Saiyan like Vegeta. He's strong, but he not exactly the nicest guy to be around.”
“Vegeta does take some getting used to.” Gohan admitted.
“And I wouldn't want you to be fully human, because then you would have lacked the strength to do all the amazing things you and your father have done.”
“So… are you only interested in my family because of the things we've done?” Gohan asked innocently.
“Well… maybe that's not the only reason.” Videl said softly, suddenly feeling rather flirtatious. She immediately mentally punched herself. No! Videl Satan is not the type of girl who flirts with guys! Even with amazing guys like Gohan. Videl was secretly relieved to see that Gohan seemed to miss the flirtation in her voice. “Knowing you has opened my eyes to a lot of things. You've answered questions that I've been asking myself my entire life. You've shown me there is a God, and even introduced us. You've shown me that magic and miracles do happen. You are living proof that we are not alone in the universe, that there is more out there in space than hunks of rock, ice, and noble gasses.” You've shown me what love is like. Videl kept that thought to herself. “You've given my life meaning and depth. Thank you, Gohan.”
Gohan scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment and blushed. “Gee, Videl, I didn't really do all that much…”
“You let me know you.” Videl said. “That is enough.”
Gohan stared at Videl for a moment, secretly appreciating the girl who still… not only accepted him, but cherished him, despite the fact that he wasn't fully human. “Hey, Videl… do you wanna…” Gohan paused, and almost lost his nerve when she glanced at him. “Do you wanna… go somewhere… with me?”
Is he asking me on a date? Videl asked herself in shock. If Gohan were fully human, she would have instantly taken his invitation as a request for a date. But he admitted himself that his Saiyan instincts ruled him more than human ones. Maybe that sort of invitation had a different meaning in the Saiyan culture…?
Well, only one way to find out. Be straight forward. “Gohan? Are you asking me out on a date?”
Even if he says no…Videl thought to herself while Gohan began to sputter and gasp like a fish out of water. …it was worth asking that question just to see his reaction. He's so cute when he does that!
The young demi-Saiyan chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck in a way that identified him immediately as a member of the Son family. “Well, yeah. I guess.” He said nervously. “I mean… if you want to and you're not too busy…”
Videl began to reply, and then quickly paused, realizing just what was taking place here. Videl Satan, a girl who probably had the least amount of interest in boys and dating out of the entire Orange Star High School student body was actually giving a boy a chance. She had been asked out on dates before, mainly by Sharpener, but she never considered any of those proposals for even a fraction of a second.
I was just waiting for the right guy. Videl told herself. Man, everyone at school's gonna have a heart attack when they find out I went on a date with Son Gohan.
“Okay.” She agreed. “I'm actually free right now. My pop is gone for the night.”
“Oh, um… sure…” Gohan trailed off, wondering where he should take Videl.
Videl waited patiently while Gohan thought. She knew that a fancy restaurant was out of the question. She knew that the Son family couldn't afford to give Gohan a large allowance. Many people thought that Son Goku was a washed-up prize-fighter dead-beat of a father and husband. But Videl knew the truth. Being the greatest member of the Z-Warriors was a full-time, no salary job. Chi-Chi was a full-time stay-at-home mother. Videl had figured out from some eavesdropping that a majority of their income came from Chi-Chi's father, and a lot of their stuff came from Bulma at large discounts, even free. Their house was one of those things. So she knew that Gohan probably couldn't afford to take her out to eat, but she had faith he'd think of a good and cheap substitute.
After a few moments, he seemed to come to a decision. “Okay, I got it. But I'll have to fly you there.”
“Why? I've gotten better at flying.” Videl said.
“Because the land of Korin is half-way around the world.” Gohan said. “You aren't used to flying distances like that yet.”
“Korin?” Videl asked. The land of Korin wasn't much of anything. Just some forests and some Indian tribes. “But what's out…” She paused, suddenly remembering something. “Oh, Kami's Lookout is above the land of Korin, isn't it?”
Gohan nodded. “You probably didn't get a chance to see the true beauty of Kami's place.”
“Are we allowed to just go to Kami's Lookout whenever we want?” Videl asked. “It is where a God resides.”
Gohan waved off her worries. “Don't worry. Dende and I were friends long before he became a God.”
“Wait a second… `Became a God'? He's a God, isn't he? How could you have known him before he was a God? Aren't Gods immortal?”
Gohan shook his head. “No race in the known universe is immortal. Even the Gods. Shenron can make a person immortal, and I know one person who had it done. Garlic Jr. was an evil alien who became immortal with the power of the Dragon Balls. But, if you'd talk to him now, he'd probably tell you wishing for immortality was the worst mistake of his life.”
“Why? What happened to him?”
“We inflicted a punishment on him much worse than death.” Gohan said. “Now he's forever locked in a different dimension of nothing and darkness called the Dead Zone. He's been locked away for about ten years now… I'll bet he wished he was dead.” Gohan paused. “Gods aren't immortal. In fact, we've both lived through two Guardians, the one before Dende became Guardian seven years ago. Come on, let's go.”
Gohan hesitated for a moment before he picked the young woman up bridal style. They both blushed before Videl wrapped her arms around Gohan's neck, grinning up at him. Gohan blushed a bit more before taking to the air and heading towards the land of Korin at speeds that caused Videl to press her face against his chest.
When they were almost there, it suddenly became night.
“Gohan, what…?”
“We're on the opposite said of the Earth.” Gohan said. “It's morning in West City, but night has just fallen here.”
“Oh yeah. Now I remember.” Videl said.
“Don't worry. I promise you'll be back before night in West City. You won't even have time to feel jet lag.” Gohan said reassuringly.
Videl nodded. “Okay.”
A few minute later, they arrived on Kami's Lookout. As Gohan suspected, Dende was standing on the edge, gazing down at the Earth.
“Hello, there, Dende.” Gohan called out as he landed and set down Videl.
“Oh, hello, Gohan. You're feeling better?” Dende asked.
“Much better. Saiyan medicine is really advanced.” Gohan said. “Beautiful night, isn't it?”
Dende nodded in agreement. “I never knew nights could be this beautiful until I came to Earth.”
“Uh…” Videl began, confused.
“Oh, Videl, right?” Dende asked, and the young woman nodded. “Nice to meet you again.”
“You never saw a night before you came to Earth?” Videl blurted out in shock.
“Planet Namek is a strange place compared to Earth.” Gohan said in Dende's place. “The planet is mostly water and almost no plant life besides grass. The sky is green. Namek also orbits three suns, so there is always at least one in the sky. Planet Namek has no night.”
“Oh wow.” Videl couldn't imagine living on a planet where there was no night.
“Hey, Dende, you mind if we hang out here for a while?” Gohan asked.
“Sure, but Mr. Popo will want to know why.” Dende said.
Gohan's gaze shifted. “This is sort of… like a date.”
“A date?” Dende was confused for a moment. After all, his native race was an all-male race that reproduced asexually, so the word didn't register right away. “Oh! You mean like a human courtship ritual?” Dende grinned evilly. “Should I tell your mother?”
“Oh God, no! Anything but that!” Gohan said desperately.
“Oh, come on, Gohan!” Dende laughed, playfully slapping his shoulder. “I wouldn't feed you to the sharks like that. You're my friend.”
“Don't do that, Dende!” Gohan said. “You almost gave me a heart attack! I'll tell my mother about this… later.”
“I'd help you, but you know even a God can't stand against a woman obsessed with grandchildren.” Dende said.
Gohan laughed knowingly. “Thanks, Dende. I'll keep that in mind. We'll be fine.”
“Okay, `Han.” Dende said. “Enjoy yourself.” He headed back into the building at the other end of the large platform.
Videl faced Gohan. “Okay, now what, `Han?” She asked playfully.
“Look up.” Gohan said.
Videl did just that and gasped out loud. She had never seen so many stars in her life. The whole of the heavens was like a sea of stars. “It's… beautiful.” Videl gasped.
“It is.” Gohan agreed. “The only way you could get a better view of the stars is going out in space. There is not as much atmosphere and light to drown out the stars.” Gohan sat down. “Come on, and I'll show you things about the stars that no human could tell you.”
Videl sat down. “I guess being a half-alien means you'd know a lot about outer space.”
“I've even been there.” Gohan said.
“Where was the Saiyan planet before it got destroyed?” Videl asked.
Gohan glanced around and then pointed. “Do you see that star there? It's glowing red?”
“That was the sun of Planet Vegeta.” Gohan said. “The one place in the universe I'd like to go, but will never be able to thanks to that lizard, Freeza.” Gohan shrugged. “Oh well. It's probably for the best. According to Vegeta, a half-breed like me would probably be looked down upon and shunned on Planet Vegeta.”
Videl sat down and Gohan joined her. Videl wrapped her arm around his waist. “It doesn't matter how those Saiyans would have treated you if they were alive. I accept you, Gohan.”
Gohan stared at her in shock as he felt her arm around him. But at her words, he smiled.
An hour later found the two teens laying side-by-side. Gohan was talking, but Videl wasn't really listening anymore.
Instead, she was concentrating on the most heavenly scent that had invaded her nose and dominated her senses.
What is that smell? Videl wondered. She couldn't even describe it. She had never smelled anything like it before. Well, I am in the Realm of the Gods. Maybe they're cooking up some Ambrosia over there. She turned to face Gohan to ask if he could smell it too, and paused. The smell got stronger. It can't be… Gohan?
She shifted closer to the young man, pretending that she was cold when, in actuality, Gohan's aura was more than enough to keep her warm.
Yep. The smell definitely got stronger. Videl thought. Oh God, how could any mortal being smell this good?
The young woman had no idea that what she smelled so strongly was Saiyan pheromones. Male Saiyans always gave off trace amounts once they Came of Age, but spiked when they got close to their mate, just like Gohan was now.
Videl was suddenly overcome with an overwhelming urge to lick Gohan's skin to find out if he tasted as good as he smelled.
Gohan glanced at Videl since it had been some time since she last responded to his words. He was completely shocked by the look in her eyes… lust. It was the same look his mother gave his father and Bulma gave Vegeta. He quickly sniffed the air and realized that it was thick with his own pheromones.
Oh crap! “Videl, I…” Gohan began, but then he paused. Videl had gotten much closer to him without his noticing. They were now nose-to-nose. His voice had gotten caught in his throat.
“Gohan…” Videl began her voice much softer than normal. “Why do you smell so good?”
“Well, I… um…” Gohan began, but Videl cut off the rest of his stuttering with a kiss.
Gohan's mind quickly flashed back to when they almost kissed in the wilds of Mt. Paoz. But this time was real… very real!
His brain finally seemed to unfreeze and be began to kiss her back, his hand finding its way to the back of her head.
He couldn't believe that he was here, under the stars of Kami's Lookout, locked in their first kiss.
The thought struck him as funny, remembering the ancient myths of the punishment dealt on mortals for doing such things on Holy Ground. The legend of Medusa came to mind. Medusa had made love with the Ocean God Poseidon in Athena's temple. And, as punishment, Athena transformed Medusa into a snake-haired Gorgon that could turn a person into stone with just a glance.
He was feeling just a little giddy from the kiss, so he began to chuckle against her mouth.
Videl pulled away slightly. “Gohan? What's so funny?”
“We're gonna bring Dende's wrath down on us.” Gohan said. “The Gods have never been forgiving of those who partake in pleasures of the flesh on Holy Ground.”
Videl smirked. “Stop thinking so much, Gohan.” She maneuvered her body until she was lying on top of the young man, and kissed him again.
This time, she got a little bolder by pressing her tongue against his lips. Gohan gave a jolt of surprise, but then quickly realized what she wanted. He opened his own mouth and allowed his tongue to meet hers in a playful dance.
Gohan was in shock of the feelings going through his veins. She didn't possess as strong pheromones as he did, but she captivated his human side completely. But the strange thing was his Saiyan side didn't have anything to contribute. It was strange, because his Saiyan side was much more passionate than his human side. It was like the Saiyan in him was saying `No, not tonight.'
But he decided not to dwell on it. He didn't mind his body saying no, though it did confuse him. Videl probably wouldn't be ready for such a step anyway.
His musings trailed off when he felt Videl's lower body begin to grind against his, trying to sexually stimulate him.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. His Saiyan side had been tolerate of a little fun, but Gohan's Saiyan instincts had to put a stop to it now!
Gohan quickly broke the kiss and lowered Videl off his body so that she lay next to him instead of on top of him.
Videl, who was more than a little angry at Gohan's actions, could barely contain the annoyance in her voice. “What is it, Gohan?!?”
“I don't know. Something's wrong.” Gohan said, utterly confused. The last full moon had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was ready to take a mate, and he had only dreamed that it would be Videl. Saiyan emotions developed quickly and surely, and Gohan knew that he was in love with her…
That thought stopped Gohan's mind in its tracks. I love her? When did this happen? But, upon rolling the words around in his mind, he knew that it was true. He loved her! It was like his subconscious mind had known it all along, and was just waiting for the rest of him to catch up.
His mind reeled for a split second, and then he accepted it.
Videl sighed loudly. “Gohan, I thought you knew me better than this. I wouldn't do things like this with a boy unless I really meant it. I love you, Son Gohan.”
Gohan's brain shut down again. Did she just say… she loves me? In light of his own mental realization, her confession carried significant meaning. He snapped back to reality when he realized that she was staring at him, waiting for a reply.
He pulled her into his arms and embraced her. “Videl… I love you too. And it's not that I don't want to… do this with you. Something in my Saiyan instincts was telling me to stop, that this is not the time.”
Videl seemed to understand… or at least as much as Gohan understood. “What are we doing wrong?”
“I don't know.” Gohan confessed. “I mean… Vegeta explained some things to me, but maybe he left something out… a phrase or ritual, maybe.”
“What is a Saiyan wedding like?” Videl asked.
“I don't think Saiyans have a formal wedding ceremony. Vegeta made it sound like once we agreed to be mates and had sex; we'd be mated forever by Saiyan standards.” Gohan said.
“Well, I'd say that Vegeta has a lot of explaining to do.” Videl said.
Gohan nodded in agreement. “Yeah. We could either go beat an answer out of Vegeta now. Or we could stay here and mess around some more.”
Videl wrapped her arms around Gohan's neck. “Just a little longer.”
Gohan smirked and kissed her.
LES: At the request of my readers, the whole Saiyan-marks-him-mate-with-a-bite thing is overly cliché, so it is permanently removed from the story. Love bites are still in, but no marking. Instead, I am going for the textbook meaning of `Bonding' in terms of a relationship. The Bonding stage is a public event where a couple expresses their love for each other, like a wedding. So, obviously, sex wouldn't fit the bill. So, I have come up with what I hope is a believable Saiyan wedding ceremony. It is supported by known facts about Goku and Chi-Chi's relationship, so in my universe, Goku and Chi-Chi had a Saiyan marriage before they had a human marriage. The details will be revealed next chapter.