Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The We-Must-Be-Out-of-Our-Tiny-Minds Road Trip ❯ Hijacking Pink Ice Cream Trucks, Well That's New ( Chapter 1 )
Yes, the road trip is FINALLY HERE!!! Sorry for stalling you guys ^_^
Heero: It's her specialty.
Juunana: Trust us. WE KNOW.
Uh…SHUT UP GUYS! * Pushes them away * Uh…dun mind them O.o they're like….not right in the head ^_^'
Juunana: * muffled * SHE'S the one that's not right in the head!
Errrr….*runs backstage where crashes and screams are heard *
Duo: Heh…since they're busy I'll do the disclaimer: TRF doesn't own DBZ or the other authors in this fic. Actually, I wouldn't mind if she did but everyone else says that's cause I'm insane and- *A spray of bullets come towards Duo and someone is heard laughing maniacally * Uh………Bye bye! *runs *
TRF sat at her computer desk. There was nothing to do. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I think you get the point.
"There's nothing to dooooooooooo!" she moaned, crashing her head against the computer desk, of course doing this had magical properties but I won't tell if you don't, 'I wish some other authors were here or something. And I wish Heero was here too. Then we could have fun like in a messed up fanfic…'
Poof. That's right, poof. Don't look at me like that.
"HEERO YUY!" TRF cried hugging Heero.
Heero glared at her, "Get off me TRF. I'm not supposed to exist in your world."
"Well you do now…I think."
"Great," muttered Heero sarcastically. The doorbell then rang (See how these plot conveniences just keep popping up?).
"I'll get it!" TRF cried running upstairs to answer the doorbell.
"I wouldn't have done it anyway," muttered Heero following her so he could use the upstairs TV, which was of, course, bigger then the dinky one downstairs.
TRF opened the door and there stood a girl of about 5'0 tapping her foot impatiently, "Hi! Uh…do I know you? You're not some weirdo trying to convert me to a devil-worshipping cult are you? Because if you are I'm fine with being a Catholic thank-you-very-much."
"Er…no. Actually-"
"Oh! You have NO idea how often I get that! Come in unless you're selling something, in which case GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE! CAN'T YOU SEE THE DOOR SAYS 'NO SOLICTERS'?!"
The girl looked at the door, "Well, no actually, I DON'T see a 'no solicitors' sign. But I can make sure there's no misconception!" the girl took out a black marker and wrote "No solicitors" on the door, then smiled happily, "You know…somehow I feel like I know you…"
TRF contemplated how many hours it would take to rub off the marker from the door before answering, "Me too. Ok, soooo…who are you?" TRF then noticed a monkey standing behind the girl. Looking as miffed as a monkey could.
"Well, you can just call me Bananagirl, Bana for short. Or BG. And this monkey is Quorky!"
TRF looked at her I an astonished way, "No way…who are you really and why did you rob the zoo? And I'm TRF!"
Bana, in turn looked at HER in an astonished way, "Who are YOU and why did you rob..," Bana looked in the door and saw Heero watching G Gundam with interest, "Gundam Wing!"
Quorky walked in and over to Heero, "We're not supposed to be in the real world," Quorky stated with minimal interest.
"Nope," Heero answered. They turned to the TV and watched G Gundam.
"Er…are you REALLY Bana?"
"Are you REALLY TRF?"
"Okaaaay, this is stranger than some things that happen in OFUD!" Bana muttered, "Where are we anyway? I have a suspicion that I'm not in England anymore…."
TRF shook her head, "Nope. Welcome to Columbus Nebraska! Boring city extraordinaire!"
"Can't be more boring than where I live."
Just then, the town hick came up to TRF and Bana, "Look at this big snotball I picked from my nose!"
Bana shook her head, "I stand corrected."
TRF nodded, "Everyone does."
They walked inside and glanced at the episode of G Gundam playing, it happened to be "George! Beat the Nightmare!" but since you guys probably don't care, we'll move on..
"What do we do now?" asked TRF. She'd seen the episode already.
Bana shrugged and looked out the window, "Let's hijack that pink ice cream truck!"
TRF looked at her strangely, "Why?"
"Because it's really ugly and deserves to be hijacked," Bana answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
TRF shrugged, "I guess."
They went outside and ran up to the truck.
The person inside the truck side, "Ok, what do you want?"
The person, or rather woman, inside the truck looked at Bana funny, "No." she answered.
"But…why not?" asked TRF.
"Well first of all-"
Suddenly somebody around the back screamed and then stuttered out, "Th-there's th-th-thr-three people in the back of this truck!"
"People living in the back of ice cream trucks…weird. I wanna meet these people!" Bana ran to the back and let out a gasp of surprise upon seeing who the "three people" were, "THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE!"
TRF smiled, "Eh…I'm TRF and that's my friend Bana,
The person stared at her open-mouthed, "You…your…."
TRF beamed, "Have you read our fics?"
"Well…actually I'm J'dee…."
"How is this possible?! I mean, you both live across seas from me and yet you're here!"
J'dee shrugged, "Let's not dwell on that now. It's almost as confusing as Chibi Goten being right here," she pointed to Goten who was strapped into the seat next to her.
"Yeah, Heero and Quorky are here too. But they're inside now watching G Gundam for whatever reason.
J'dee blinked and then looked towards the back, "We should probably go see what everyone's screaming about. STAY HERE GOTEN!"
Chibi Goten shrugged, "Alright," he looked at his plate of cookies hungrily
TRF and J'dee went to the back of the truck and saw Juunanagou, Juuhachigou and Juurokugo sitting in there staring at the people screaming.
"Oi," J'dee opened the back of the truck, "I thought I told you guys I didn't take hitchhikers!"
"What would you call Chibi Goten?" asked TRF.
"He just appeared in the truck next to me so he's not REALLY a hitchhiker."
Bana turned around to face TRF and J'dee, "Chibi Goten is here too? Who next? Kakarot, his other spawn and harpy mate?"
No one really wanted to answer that. It'd be a bit too strange. So instead J'dee decided to usher the people away, "Ok, ok! Nothing to see here! Those are my…science experiments! Last year of college! These things are important you know!"
The people left. They didn't buy the 'science experiment' thing but decided for normality's sake that they would pretend they did.
"Hey Bana," TRF said, "This is J'dee."
Bana looked at her, "Really?! What's WITH today?! It's almost like we're in some twisted fanfic!"
"Yeah," TRF responded, "Like that would ever happen."
J'dee nodded, "Let's be real here." They stood in silence glancing at the ground and at one another.
"Sooooo…." J'dee tried to start a conversation since she hated silence.
"Yeeeeeeeep…." said Bana.
"Let's er…go on a road trip!" TRF said quickly.
"Why not,"
"Ok then, just a second!" TRF ran inside dragging out Heero and Quorky.
"Hey!" cried Bana, "I want to drag Quorky!"
Well, after more meaningless conversations and small squabbles everyone got settled in the van, ready to go. TRF also grabbed her DVD player and Anime DVDs figuring her family wouldn't miss them.
"Hey wait a sec!" said TRF running to the back of the unnaturally large van and opening the door that led to the freezer type place, "Juunana get your cute butt out of the freezer! I wanna sit by you!" she whined.
Heh, how was that? J'dee, Bana-Sorry if I got you or your muse out of character (Chibi Goten only had one line though…how could I get him out of character?).
If an authors out there want to be in this fic send me this information either in a review or by my e-mail: anime_girl_17@hotmail.com it's a lot but keep in mind I worry about getting people of character and I'll have fun with these:
Country of Residence:
What do you think of restrooms in gas stations:
Do you like animals? If so what are your favorite kinds?:
What annoys you most?:
Favorite DBZ Character(s)?:
Least favorite DBZ character(s)?:
Do You Have a Muse who'll acompany you?:
Does your muse talk?:
Do you like big pink ice cream trucks?:
What's your favorite kind of ice cream?:
What you're opnion on bugs?:
If you saw your favorite char. what would you do?:
What other anime do you like besides DBZ?:
Any anime you can't stand?:
Do you anger easily?:
Ok! See ya later!