Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Times of Our Lives ❯ Sleep ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: Sleep

Vegeta smirked. He had the woman right where he wanted her, underneath him clad in a skimpy night. It had all been part of his plan, of course. He had broken the door of her lab, and had insulted her. She had refused to repair the gravity room next time it broke, and said that he had to sleep on the couch for the next week. Well, Vegeta wasn't going to stand for that. The brat had gone to sleep, and was sleeping peacefully. They were alone, and Vegeta had plans.

He looked down at the woman underneath him. She had been planning on locking him out, but he hadn't allowed. Instead he had tackled her onto the bed, and there they led. He kissed her hard, and was planning on doing more when-


Vegeta felt himself being thrown through the air, still holding on to the woman. Bulma glared at him, after they landed in a pile of broken wood, which used to be the two dressers that Bulma used. "What the hell did you just do?" She yelled angrily at him.

Vegeta stood up, and glared at her. "I didn't do anything, Woman!"

Bulma stood up. "Well, something obviously happened." She looked around the ruins of their room. If she hadn't been under Vegeta, she'd probably have been crushed.

Vegeta snorted. "What a genius you are."

Bulma glared at him. She was about to reply, but cut short as a piece of ceiling fell right in front of her, missing her by inches. She shrieked, and jumped into Vegeta's arms. "What the hell is going on? The whole building is coming apart!"

Vegeta glared at his mate. "I do not know." He stepped over the pile of rubble, to get out of the room. He also ad to get the brat out of its room. He shifted Bulma to one hand. "Do I have to carry you? I need to blast a way into the brat's room."

Bulma had forgotten about Trunks. "Trunks! Oh my god, I hope he's all right!"

Vegeta formed a ki blast, and shot it at the wall. "He'll be fine. He's a Saiya-jin Elite."

Bulma muttered something about Saiya-jin Elite that even Vegeta couldn't understand, and got out of Vegeta's arms, running towards the hole in the wall to Trunks room Vegeta had just created. She picked Trunks up out of his crib, shaking plaster dust out of his blankets, and returned to Vegeta's side. "So, Veggie, what are we going to do now?"

"Get out." And he blasted a hole to the outside.

* * *

Bulma stood outside, clutching a robe that she had managed to grab. Vegeta was in his boxers, and nothing else, and Trunks was still in his pajamas, sleeping peacefully. She looked at the rubble. Capsule Corps had been the only building destroyed, and not fully, either. Everyone else in town was sleeping peacefully. What was going on then?

Vegeta joined her at her side. "The Namek's on his way."

Bulma looked at him. "Piccolo? Coming here? Then there must be some problem."

Vegeta shrugged, and ignored her statement. "Why did they only attack one part of the building? And I didn't feel any hostile kis."

Bulma pulled the robe closer on her self. "Honestly, Vegeta, I have no idea. I can't sense ki, but, it doesn't seem as some evil being is trying to take over the earth."

Vegeta looked behind her. "The Namek's here."

Piccolo touched down, and hurried over to them. "Have you seen Gohan?"

Bulma looked up. "Gohan? No. We were getting ready to go to bed, and then this huge explosion rocks the house and destroys part of it."

Piccolo wandered over to a pile of rubble, and stared at it. "Gohan's down there."

Bulma stared at Piccolo. "Gohan's hidden under that pile of rubble?"

Vegeta nodded. "Right. I can sense him. His ki's weak, lots weaker than it normally is."

Vegeta went over to the pile, and moved a huge piece of wall, revealing an eleven year-old boy, wearing a training gi. He grabbed him out of the rubble. "He'll be fine in a few days. He's unconscious, but he'll wake up in a few hours. What we need to do is get him in the Rehabilitation Tank." He turned to the boy. "Es bene? Are you all right?

Gohan didn't even stir. He laid there in Vegeta's arms, not moving.

Vegeta frowned. "Non dormi. Surgi!" Don't sleep. Wake up.

Bulma hurried inside the part of the building that wasn't destroyed. "Here's a blanket. The problem is that the Rehabilitation Tank has probably been destroyed, or is inaccessible. And how did this happen? We'll also have to cal Chichi."

* * *

Piccolo looked at the rubble, and looked at the small blue haired woman in front of him. She had a frown on her face, clutching Trunks to her chest, who was still sleeping peacefully. He knew that when she found out, she was going to be furious.

"I still can't figure out what happened. There's a huge crash and explosion, and then we find Gohan unconscious in the rubble. What the hell happened?"

Piccolo knew perfectly well what had happened, but he decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Well, it wasn't Kakarotto's brat. If he had purposefully flown into the building, he certainly wouldn't be unconscious." Vegeta racked his knuckles. "But as soon as I find out who did this, I'm going to break them in half!"

Piccolo had to admit that now he was feeling a little bit of fear.

"Just who did do it, though?" Bulma asked, looking at the rubble.

Piccolo gulped. He didn't want to say anything, he wasn't going to say anything, but he had fused with Kami a few years ago, and when you were to fuse with someone, they became a part of you. They helped you think, made you more powerful, and, they also butted in when they weren't wanted. Kami was adamant that Piccolo fess up. And he did. "I did."

Bulma, who had been busy checking over Gohan, looked up. "What, Piccolo?"

"I did it." Piccolo took a breath, and then began, quickly, just so he could get it over with. "Gohan and I were meditating, and he fell asleep, and so I threw him into a mountain, but then he didn't stop, and he went through lots of mountains, and then he hit this building."

Bulma stood there working out the jumbled words in her sleep deprived brains. But once she had_ "YOU DID WHAT?"

Piccolo was about to reply, but then found himself on the ground, as Vegeta tackled him. "YOU DESTROYED MY HOUSE!" Vegeta shook him. "YOU WILL DIE! YOU RUINED MY NIGHT!"

Bulma grabbed Gohan's gi, stopping him from hitting the ground when Vegeta had dropped him to lunge at Piccolo. She juggled Gohan and Trunks, s that she laid Gohan on the ground, and then stood up, pulling Vegeta off Piccolo. She knew what Vegeta had meant, when he had told Piccolo that he had ruined his night, and she knew how violent the Saiya-jin got when he was interrupted when doing-ahem-.

"Vegeta calm down." She then turned to Piccolo. Her voice was shrill, like it should have been, due to the level of anger she was feeling. Her voice was almost sweet. "Piccolo, you do know that you have to buy me a new house, or at least pay to have it fixed."

Piccolo looked up at her, and got up off the ground. She knew perfectly well that Piccolo didn't have any money. "I can't."

Bulma smiled. "Oh well, then I guess you'll be in dept to me."

Piccolo paled. This was the woman who when Vegeta once lost a bet, she made him go shoe shopping at the seventy-five percent off end of the year sale. She made people do horrible, awful, embarrassing things. And he was in dept to her.

Bulma thought. "At the moment, I'm sleep deprived, and can't think of a good enough punishment. But-" She smirked a Vegeta smirk, "I did think of a good punishment for you right now." Her smirk grew even bigger. "You get to tell Chichi what you did to Gohan."

Piccolo fainted.

* * *

"You did WHAT?" Piccolo and Vegeta cringed. With their enhanced hearing, Chichi's yells were twice as loud as normal, and even Bulma cringed a bit. "You threw my BABY into a MOUNTAIN! How could YOU!"

Chichi glared at the green Namek. "MY BABY'S UNCONCIOUS!" She burst into tears.

Bulma decided it was time to calm down her friend. It was ten at night, and Bulma was getting tired. Gohan was laying on the couch, still unconscious. "Chichi, look, he'll be fine."

"I don't care! It's the principle of the thing! I don't even want him to train, and you all convinced me to let him. Now look what happens. My little boy's unconscious." Chichi grabbed a dish towel, and rang it out. "My little boy."

She rang the dish towel tighter, and tighter. "That's it. He won't ever train again. He'll just work on his school work. Ever since he's met that horrible green MONSTER-" she threw a glare at Piccolo, "All he's ever wanted to do was train, and neglect his studies. Well, no more."

Bulma looked at Chichi. She had never suspected that Chichi would forbid Gohan from training. Vegeta had once admitted that the training was the only thing keeping Gohan with them. After what happened before_Bulma shook her head. "Chi, you can't do that."

Chichi threw the dish towel down. "Yes I can! Gohan's my son, and I am his mother. You can't tell me what to do!" She burst into tears. "I lost his father twice to fighting, and I'm not going to lose my son!"

Vegeta, who had been leaning on the counter, snorted and went into the living room where Gohan lay. He cast a glance at the boy lying on the couch, and turned to look out the window. He wasn't watching the boy, no. He didn't care. He was only watching the stars. Or at least that's what Vegeta had to tell himself over and over. He wasn't showing any sympathy over Kakarotto's eldest brat.

Bulma watched him through the door. Who does he think he's kidding? It's obvious that he cares about Gohan. Why else would he have taught him about his culture, and language? Why else would he have picked him out of the rubble, and refused to let Piccolo take him? Bulma smiled in thought. Ever since Goku had died, Vegeta, even though he'd rather face Cell again than admit it, was watching out for Gohan. It was almost sweet in a way.

Vegeta then turned and came into the kitchen, where Chichi was still sobbing. "There's no way he's going to train, no way."

Vegeta shook his head. "Woman, stop crying. You can't keep him from training. He's part Saiya-jin, fighting's in his blood. You can't keep a Saiya-jin from fighting. He'll do everything possible to keep fighting."

Chichi glared at the Saiya-jin Prince. "He'd never disobey his mother."

Vegeta burst out laughing, bringing Bulma in from the other room, where she had been checking on Trunks, who was sleeping on the arm chair, and Gohan, who was sleeping on the couch. Vegeta laughing was an odd thing indeed.

"He's a SAIYA-JIN! IT'S OUR NATURE TO FIGHT, TO KILL! IT'S IN HIS BLOOD! You can't keep a Saiya-jin from fighting. First, it won't work, they'll always try to fight. And secondly, if he doesn't fight, all the emotions, all the raw power inside of him will EXPLODE! That boy's the most powerful warrior in the universe. If he were to release all his power, it'd destroy the planet, and we'd be lucky if it didn't destroy the universe. Not to mention it'd kill him."

Chichi shook her head. "No, no, that couldn't happen." She started to ring the towel again.

Bulma put her hands over Chichi's, and stopped he ringing the towel. If the towel were alive, it'd be dead several times over. "Chi, he's the most powerful warrior in the universe, and Vegeta does know about Saiya-jins. Even if he wouldn't explode, so to speak, you can't keep him from fighting. He loves it so much."

Chichi shook her head. "No." She whispered. "No. If it weren't for that green monster he'd never have been into fighting. He would have grown up being a scholar, only doing homework."

Bulma shook her head. "Chi, think of all he's done, to help save the planet. If he hadn't started to train, Vegeta here," Bulma threw a glance over at the short Saiya-jin, who was leaning on the kitchen counter, "and Nappa would have destroyed the planet. If Gohan hadn't helped at Namek, Freezer would still be alive. If Gohan hadn't defeated Cell, Cell would still be alive, and there'd be no earth. We'd all be dead, or slaves, depending on if Freezer enslaved us all, or decided to kill us. He needs to train."

Chichi shook her head. She was so tired of her family getting hurt. "No, Bulma, I can't let him do this. I just can't." She started to cry again. "If I were to lose Gohan_ I don't know what I'd do."

Bulma sighed. "Chi, I understand. But, your chances of losing Gohan dwindle when he trains, and gets stronger. He's the strongest warrior in the entire universe, and if he were to stop training, he could easily be beaten by some alien tyrant, like Freezer, for example." Chichi hung her head, and Bulma knew she had to play her last card. "Chi, remember what he almost achieved, a few months after the Cell Games?"

Chichi brought her head up at the memory. How did she remember. It still terrified her, getting called to Capsule Corps, seeing Gohan, so weak, Vegeta the same way, and when she had heard what happened, her heart had literally stopped.

"He won't do that again, I know he won't." She said, trying to make her voice seem confident.

Bulma shook her head. "How do you know for sure? He tried it once, he might try it again. And training means a lot to him." She gestured to the living room, where Gohan was laying on the couch. "See him lying there? Dressed in a carbon copy gi of his father's? Who taught him a lot of the fighting arts? Goku. Who was there that year, when they trained in the Room of Spirit and Time? Goku." Bulma took a breath, and watched her best friend cry. "Chi, that's what Goku and Gohan did together. They fought. It's fun for them, and not only is it fun, but it's a necessity. They need to fight, and they enjoy doing so. It brought them together. You can't forbid Gohan from fighting, it's the only connection to his father."

Chichi looked up, and dried her tears. "I know, Bulma, I know. But, it's so hard. I lost Goku once to Radditz, and I lost him to Cell as well. I almost lost Gohan and Goku to the Androids, and I almost lost them to Freezer, as well as when Nappa, and Vegeta came." She looked pointedly at the Saiya-jin prince who was examining the paint on the cupboards. "It's so hard to lose them, even to think of the possibility of loosing them."

She took a deep breath. "But, I do realise that it's the connection between father and son. I realise that they both enjoy it, that it's even fun for them. I realise that even if I forbid him, he'll continue to try to fight, even against my wishes. And therefore, even though I don't want him to fight, I have to let him decide if he wants to train or not, and be happy, and allow time for if he does choose to keep training."

She stood up, and looked at Bulma. "How long should he sleep for?"

Bulma shook her head. "He's not sleeping, he's unconscious. And I'd say anywhere from a few hours to a few days. I don't have an medical supplies, and I can't make an accurate hypothesis without checking him over thoroughly. He'd also wake up sooner if I could put him in the hospitable or such, but, due to his Saiya-jin blood, too many questions would be asked."

Vegeta heard her comment. "The green god."

Bulma jerked her head up. "Of course, Dende! Dende can heal him. Vegeta, you bring Gohan to Dende."

Vegeta looked as if he wanted to protest. But before he could open his mouth, Bulma jumped in. "If you don't, I won't ever fix the gravity room again, and I mean ever."

"Damn Woman." Vegeta muttered, and went into the living room, picking up the boy. He exited through the back door, and glaring at his mate, leaped up into the sky, to Dende's Palace.

* * *

After arriving at Dende's Palace, Vegeta lowered Gohan to the ground, as Dende came rushing out. Dende knelled on the ground next to Gohan, and instantly spread his hands out, over Gohan. Vegeta wandered off to lean against a nearby tree.

Dende pushed his aura out, letting it cover Gohan like a blanket. It was fairly dark, after all, it was after ten at night, and it was getting hard to see. But that didn't really matter. As long as Dende could make out Gohan's form, it was fine. Dende pushed the power into Gohan, waiting for him to wake up. Usually he'd wake up spontaneously, and if he were really hurt, it might take a few minutes. But it never took more than five, and it never took as long as the ten minutes it was now taking.

Dende turned to Vegeta, who was still lounging by the tree. "Vegeta, could you bring him inside? Something's wrong, and I think it might help if he were lying on a bed, inside a room."

Vegeta didn't say anything, but walked over and picked up Gohan, following the green god into the palace. He deposited Gohan onto a bed, and moved to the door way. Dende immediately tried to heal Gohan again.

Dende frowned. It still wasn't working. He was giving it all the energy he had, and Gohan wasn't even stirring. If it wasn't for the small rise in Gohan's chest, and the beating of his heart, Dende would swear Gohan was dead. But there had to be reason_and Dende couldn't think of one. He had studied healing at Namek, and he had also read many of the healing books here in the Palace Library, when he was bored, and didn't have anything better to do. But he couldn't understand why Gohan wasn't healing.


The Saiya-jin Prince looked up. "What?" He growled.

Dende gulped. Vegeta actually cared a lot about Gohan, and there was a rule about dealing with Vegeta. One didn't mess with people Vegeta cared about, unless they wanted to feel Vegeta's wrath, the wrath of the second strongest warrior in the universe. And Vegeta wasn't going to be happy to hear what Dende was about to say.

"Well, Gohan's not accepting my power, I don't know why, but he isn't. If he doesn't accept my power, there's very little I can do for him. We could try a Magical Bean, but those won't work either, they do pretty much what I just did to him." Dende gulped. "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

Vegeta turned towards the boy lying on the bed. Gohan was an eleven year-old Saiya-jin, in good health with a high power level. Vegeta took Gohan's height and weight into account, and concentrated on the diseases that were possible for an eleven year-old Saiya-jin to have. There were a few diseases that Gohan might have, but one of them was Cauda Ægritudo, which required a tail, and the other was impossible if Gohan wasn't born on Vegeta-sei. And the fact that a Namek's healing powers weren't working was very odd in deed. Vegeta then realized what it was.

"Namek, you're just wasting your energy." Vegeta barked at Dende, who was still trying futilely to heal Gohan. "I know what it is. Somnus Ægritudo."

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Videl yawned. She had to get to bed soon, but she didn't care. She was trying to find out everything about this Gohan she could, and his personalized computer was a good beginning. Already she had found out that he knew Bulma Briefs well enough to have the personalized security codes for her house, and that he also knew the baseball player Yamchu, because Gohan had several pictures of him, as well as his home address.

Videl didn't know what to think of this kid. In the park he was cold, mean, he had blown her of, and he was down right rude. Now, looking around his computer, she realized that he had written many stories and poems, had many pictures, and was very intellectual, due to the fact he had a paper written: The Properties of Quantum Physics by Gohan. Videl had decided to read it, it wasn't a story, or poem, something one would keep private, but a school essay. Videl couldn't understand the first sentence. Well, Gohan's obviously a genius, I wonder if there's anything else interesting about him?

Videl clicked around, and came to a picture. A man, who looked quite like Gohan, was wearing an orange and blue fighting gi, and Gohan was wearing a purple one, with a white cape. Why was Gohan wearing a gi? Does this mean he fights? Videl yawned again. She really should be going to bed soon, and fix her computer.

"May I come in?" A knock sounded on the door, and Erna entered the room with a platter of milk and cookies.

Videl looked up from the computer, and rubbed her eyes. "Oh, yes, of course."

Erna smiled, and set the platter down on the desk, drawing up another chair. "You should be getting to bed, Miss. It's ten, and you always wish to wake at six."

Videl took a cookie in her hand, and nodded. "I know, Erna, and I will get to bed soon. But a -friend- gave this computer disk to me, and I'm trying to figure it out."

Erna smiled, and stood up. "Well, I'll come in in half an hour to check on you, and I suggest you be in bed, asleep before then."

Videl nodded. "Of course. Good night."

"Night." Erna left and shut the door behind her. Videl turned back to the computer screen. She exited the program, made sure everything was fixed, and then de-installed it from her computer. She could give it back to Gohan tomorrow, and then she had an excuse to see him again.

She got ready for bed, and climbed in, pulling the sheets up to her chin. She knew she had to fall asleep quickly, she wanted to train for an hour before school started at eight. She yawned, and rolled over. Tomorrow afternoon, at five thirty, p.m., she would go to her clearing, and wait for Gohan. He was hiding something, she knew, and she had a lot of questions to ask him. Not to mention she had a certain disk.

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Bulma patted Chichi on the back. She was still crying over Gohan, and Bulma decided to make tea. Tea was one of the things Bulma could manage to make with out causing too much chaos.

"Chi, don't worry, Gohan will be fine."

Chichi shook her head. "No, I know something's going to happen."

Bulma hummed, and removed the water off the stove, pouring it into two cups, and stirring in the leaves. "Gohan's so strong, and getting thrown into a building shouldn't bother him at all. I'm sure he's fine."

Piccolo, who was still leaning in the kitchen, nodded. "Dende's a good healer."

Chichi and Bulma startled. They had completely forgotten about Piccolo. Bulma recovered first. "Yes, he is. It'll be no problem."

Chichi looked up, slowly, taking a sip from her tea. "Are you sure?"

Bulma smiled confidently. "Of course. Before you know it, Gohan and Vegeta will be flying in, everything perfectly all right. It wouldn't surprise me if they came right now,"

Famous last words.

Just as the words left Bulma's mouth, Vegeta entered the kitchen, still carrying Gohan. Chichi saw Gohan's unchanged condition, and burst into tears.

Bulma stood up, and stomped over to Vegeta. "Well, why isn't he healed?" She glared at him. "Did you even take him there?"

Vegeta nodded ever so slightly, his eyes still on Bulma's form. She had forgotten that she was wearing a very -skimpy- nightgown, but Vegeta hadn't, and when she was mad, it stood out even more.

Unfortunately for Vegeta, Bulma noticed that at this time, and slapped him, earning her a hurt hand. "Damn Vegeta, why do you have to be so hard?"

Vegeta took the other meaning of her words, and quite foolishly said, "Well, why don't you find out." He smirked at her, and attempted to kiss her, owing him another slap.

"Vegeta, get your mind away from there, now!" Bulma shrieked. She grabbed Gohan out of Vegeta's arms, and dropped him. "Oh, he's so heavy!"

"He's a Saiya-jin, we're all heavy." Vegeta remarked, catching Gohan. "And I did bring him to the greenling. He couldn't do anything for him. The brat has Somnus Ægritudo."

Chichi looked up. "What's that?"

Vegeta laid Gohan on the table, and then began. "Somnus Ægritudo is translated as `Sleeping Sickness'. It's not that common, but it does appear once in a while. After a trauma, the victim falls asleep for ten days. During these ten days, the victim is fully healed of any injuries over their entire life, and the power level doubles. It resembles unconsciousness, and can not be removed until the victim wakes up ten days later. It only appears in Saiya-jins around their eleventh, twelfth year."

Chichi looked a bit relieved. "So, this isn't going to cause lasting damage?"


Chichi nodded. She was feeling a lot better. She turned to Bulma. "Do you want to spend the night here?"

Bulma shook her head. "Why? It isn't that far to fly to Capsule Corps."

Chichi smiled, and placed her tea cup in the sink. "Bulma, remember? Capsule Corps is partly destroyed."

Bulma jumped up. She had forgotten. "Oh, I remember now. Yes, a place to stay would be nice." She then turned to Piccolo. "Piccolo." Her voice was sugary sweet, an obvious sign of something wrong. "Tomorrow morning at five a.m. I want you at Capsule Corps. You get to rebuild my house for me."

Piccolo paled. A full day, spent at Capsule Corps, just to rebuild it? The horror! But then Piccolo realized something. The Dragon Balls. All he had to do was gather up them.

"Oh, and no Dragon Balls, Piccolo." There went that idea. "You have to actually do the work."

Piccolo nodded mutely, and then escaped through the open back door, which Vegeta had never shut after coming in with Gohan.

Chichi watched Piccolo leave, and then turned to her best friend. "Well, you two can have the guest room, and I'll get down Goten's porta crib from the attic. The guest room has clean sheets, and towels, and I'm sure everything will be fine."

Bulma yawned. "Thanks a lot, Chi. I know I'm tired, and I'm sure Vegeta is too. We'll just go to bed."

Chichi nodded, and then realized that Vegeta was still in his boxers, with nothing else on. She knew that Saiya-jins didn't get cold, but she decided to offer him a pair of pajamas anyway. "Vegeta, would you like a pair of Goku's pajamas?"

* * *

Chichi hummed to her self. After getting yelled at and threatened by Vegeta, Bulma had pulled him up to their room, apologizing. Vegeta had been screaming about never wearing any of Third Class Kakarotto's things, and other things.

Chichi had a silent house. Gohan had been moved to his room, Bulma, Trunks and Vegeta were asleep, and so was Goten. She washed the tea cups from earlier, and sat down at the table. She felt -giddy- almost. She didn't no how to describe the feeling, but she felt more than happy, like she could walk on air.

She shook her head, and dried the dish. It was probably nothing.

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Gohan looked around the room. It was white, with a girl sitting at a desk. She was writing something. "Hello?" Gohan tried to get her attention.

She kept on writing, ignoring him. Gohan came closer. Her dress was silver and white, and she wore a silver circlet. She stood, and Gohan backed up.

He stared at her, as she waved a hand, and a portal appeared. A purple short man, with a white mohawk walked in, and sat down on a chair that had suddenly appeared. The pair seemed to discuss something, but Gohan couldn't hear.

He sighed, and sat down on the ground.

* * *

Gohan looked up. He was tucked into his bed, but the last thing he remembered was sitting in the white room. So what was he doing in bed? He climbed out of bed, and searched for auras. Chichi was still awake. Good.

He walked down stairs, remembering the dream he had had. The people there had totally ignored him, and he couldn't figure out why. He shook his head. After all, it was only a dream.

He neared the kitchen, and saw his mother's shadow in the door way. "Mom?"

* * *

Chichi stood up. She was going to go to bed. She knew she'd have to be up early, Goten liked to get up at six, and she was dead tired. She yawned, and stretched, pushing in her chair. She still had the feeling, and wasn't sure if she wanted it to go away, or not. Getting ready to leave, she stopped as she heard a voice. "Mom?"

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