Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Trunks & the Z Fighters ❯ The Future ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dragon Ball Z

Trunks & the Z Worriers

Chapter 1

The Future

"Kisha, Vegeta, what's going on?" Gohan asked as he ran into Capsule Corp.

"I don't know let's go find out." Vegeta said. Then Kisha, Vegeta, and Gohan left. They met up with the rest of the Z fighters about half way to the island they were heading to. Things are being blown up and people killed by some one or something.

"Now where did they go?" Bulma asked herself back at Capsule Corp.

*News Report*

"An island 9 miles south west of South City is being destroyed. Resident can only call them 'evil monsters.' But scientists in the area are calling the duo 'Androids' well what ever they are they are killing every one…" the news reporter said on TV.

"That's where they went. Come on Trunks lets go. I want to see these so called androids." Bulma said and walked outside and got into her air car with Trunks. And they took off for the island. Trunks started crying.

"Oh Trunks don't worry daddy and you aunt won't let any thing happen to us." Bulma said in a loving tone to her 1-year-old son.

"What do you think is going on Vegeta?" Krillin asked.

"Yeah this is bad. Goku died 6 months ago." Yamcha said in a worried tone.

"Do you people just rely on Kakarot to save you pathetic butts?" Vegeta asked.

"They're Humans." Kisha reminded Vegeta.

"We can win this with out my father!" a young Gohan said.

"But Gohan…" Tein tried to objected to Gohan.

"No Buts! We can handle this." Gohan yelled at his stunned friends.

<Damn he's turning into a Saiyan Warrior.> Kisha thought. But it wasn't a happy thought though. <Kakarot I won't let anything happen to Gohan. I promise.> Kisha thought as her power raised a bit.

"What are you doing, Kisha?" Vegeta asked.

"Flying. What are you doing?" Kisha asked with a look of 'duh!' on her face.

"I know your flying. I'm flying too." Vegeta said a little Perturbed.

"Glad we got that straightened out." Kisha said.

"Ahhh…Forget I asked!" Vegeta yelled and everyone else started laughing. When they arrived at the island they stopped laughing and started looking for the so-called androids.

"We're almost there Trunks just a couple of more minutes." Bulma said as Trunks stretched and yawned.

<This is so wrong. Goku is gone. We'll probably need him. But there's Vegeta and Kisha they can do it.> Bulma thought.

"There they are!!" Yamcha yelled.

"Let's attack them together!" Krillin suggested.

"No, I'll go first!" Piccolo said.

"I agree with Krillin!" Tein said.

"Yeah!" Choutzu said.

"No! Think about it people if we attack together we don't know what they can do so we will all die of the same mistake at the same time!" Kisha said.

"She's right let the Namek fight first." Vegeta said then the Androids spotted them. One is a young blond female and the other is a young black hared male.

"Oh no they've spotted us!" Krillin yelled and backed up in fear a bit.

"You are going to fight them aren't you. That's what you're here for isn't it?" Kisha said.

"Yeah but…" Krillin whined. Then the blond appeared in front of Kisha and hit her in the gut. Kisha flew back into a mountain. Then the black hared guy flew up in front of Vegeta and knocked him to the ground.

Meanwhile when Bulma was almost to the island Trunks started to cry very loudly.

"Oh Trunks what's wrong are you hungry?" Bulma asked totally clueless.

When Kisha and Vegeta got back up they noticed Piccolo and Gohan fly past them into a bunch of buildings.

"Vegeta they're going after us by power level. You and me then Piccolo and Gohan." Kisha said.

"Yeah lucky us, we're the ones in danger." Vegeta said then went after the black haird young man named Android 17. And Kisha went after the blond women called Android 18. Then Gohan joined Kisha and Piccolo joined Vegeta. The others just stood back stupidly.

"Oh my gosh they're already fighting!" Bulma said as she arrived at the island.

"Stupid women!" Vegeta said out loud not meaning to. When he did the androids turned their attention to the air car. The androids went after the car.

"Oh no you don't leave my women and child alone!!" Vegeta yelled as he attacked the two. Kisha was right there fighting by his side.

"Kisha get Trunks and Bulma out of here as quickly as possible." Vegeta said not paying any attention to what he was doing and he got hit in the face. Kisha flew back to Bulma and told her to fallow. Bulma did as she was told.

"Bulma here stay here you can see what's going on and not be in the way." Kisha said then took back off to the battlefield.

"Are they safe?" Yamcha asked and Vegeta gave him a death glare.

"Yes! They're safe Vegeta!" Kisha said knowing that Yamcha had asked the question. <Bulma isn't his wife and Trunks isn't his son so I won't answer him.> Kisha thought.

After an hour or two Piccolo, Vegeta, Kisha, and Gohan are all that is left. Gohan was truly wiped out of energy, Vegeta had the most energy left but he was loosing it quickly, and Piccolo and Kisha had a little energy left but not much.

"Kisha take Gohan and get Bulma and Trunks out of here…Ahhh…" Vegeta screamed as he got Ki blasted through the heart.

"VEGETA!!!" Kisha yelled tears coming from her eyes.

"K-Kisha g-go pl-please. P-p-protect them!" Vegeta said then he was Ki Blasted again and he was gone.

"Kisha go!!!" Piccolo yelled and pushed her.

"Come on Gohan…" Kisha said then took off.

"Where is Vegeta?" Bulma asked worried when she saw Gohan and Kisha land. Kisha fell to her knees crying.

"Bulma he's gone." Gohan said sadly.

"NOOO!!!!!!" Bulma yelled and fell to her knees crying as well. Then Kisha suddenly jumped up and ran over to Bulma and pulled her and Trunks up.

"Let's go! Piccolo's gone now too. We've got to get out of here." Kisha said and took flight. "Gohan let's go!" Kisha said in a worried tone.

"I can't I don't have the energy." Gohan said scarred to death. Kisha landed and lowered her power as low as it could go and grabbed Gohan, Bulma, who had Trunks then, ran into a cave.

"What are you doing?" Bulma asked as she held a crying and very scared Trunks.

"Hiding! What does it look like!?" Kisha asked very perturbed.

"Why?" Bulma asked.

"Gohan doesn't have any energy. I have very little left and you don't know how to use it. I'm not being meen it's the truth. We're all that's left of the Earth's Special Forces. We need to stay alive." Kisha said then looked at Trunks and Gohan. "Especially Trunks and Gohan. They may be able to destroy those things one-day! Some thing we couldn't do." Kisha said and smiled a little at her baby nephew.