Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Truth or Love? ❯ Hell Hath no Fury Like Pan's Scorn ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"So, who should go first?" Marron asked, smiling broadly. Bra shrugged.

"Why don't you go, since it was your idea." She suggested cheerily. Pan groaned inwardly. She could sense where this was going. Marron beamed and nodded her thanks.

"Alright! Pan-chan, truth or dare?" She asked. Pan smacked herself in the forehead. `Gee, didn't see THAT coming.' She thought sarcastically. But now she had to figure out which one would cause the least potential damage. Truth was the seemingly innocuous one, but there were certain questions… Pan looked at the evil glint in Marron's eye. Yup, she would most definitely ask those questions.

"Dare." Pan said at last. At least with the ground rules they wouldn't have her doing anything TOO bad. Marron paused to think for a minute. When she looked back at Pan, the demi-saiyan's stomach turned to led. Her friend bore a very alarming grin.

"Pan, I dare you to go find and Trunks and confess your romantic love to him!" Marron said, before she and Bra both broke out into peals of laughter. The colour completely drained away from Pan's face. Her mind went over Marron's wording desperately, searching for a loop-hole. In these games they were often her salvation. Had she said just `love' and not `romantic love', Pan would have been able to find Trunks and say `I love you like a brother, man' or something harmless. But no. By now, both Marron and Bra knew her too well. `I could take the penalty… But, what if the first guy I see is Trunks? Kissing him might be worse!' She thought despairingly.

Pan stood, shooting death-glares at Bra and Marron, who were still rolling with laughter on the floor. "Fine." She snapped, starting for the door.

"Wait, Pan-chan, we have to come to make sure you do it!" Bra said, calming down a bit, and wiping a tear of mirth from her eye. Marron nodded, and Pan waited while the two collected themselves and stood, red-faced from all their laughing. The trio started down the hallway.

"When I finish this, you two are so dead." Pan warned menacingly. In spite of that, however, neither Bra nor Marron could stop smiling. The group soon reached Trunks' room. The sounds of the boys' muffled conversation leaked through the door, unintelligible. Marron motioned for the other two to lean in close and whispered.

"Bra and I will wait outside here. Pan, you tell him, loud and clear so we all know you did." She instructed. Pan mumbled something about `fried Marron' and pulled away, waiting while her friends stood along the hallway beside the door. She drew a deep breath. `Quick and painless, like pulling off a band-aide. You can tell Trunks it was just some stupid dare later…' She told herself mentally.


Meanwhile, in Trunks' room, the guys had just finished watching their last video. Goten pulled it out of the VCR and sighed. "I almost feel bad we told Pan we were watching dirty flicks instead of Terminator." He mused. Trunks shrugged.

"It was the only way to get her to leave so we could talk, guys." He said. "We can watch it with her tomorrow anyway." Goten smiled and nodded, slipping the video back into it's case.

"So, what did you want to talk about anyway? You got a new girl or something?" Uubu asked curiously, picking at a loose thread in his sweatpants. Trunks turned a light pink.

"Sort of." He mumbled. "It's a little complicated, though. I don't think she feels the same way…" He explained. Goten and Uubu both looked at him in complete surprise.

"Dude, have you SEEN you? All the girls have a thing for you! You know that. What's with the sudden lack of confidence?" Goten asked curiously. Uubu nodded his head vigorously, equally curious as to what might quell the son of Vegeta's ego. Trunks sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, it's just I've known her for a long time, so it's not like I have the same effect on her. I know she likes me. But, it's not really likely that she'll just run in and say `Trunks, I'm in love with you!' any time soon." He explained. Suddenly the door to the room burst open and Pan marched in, a determined look on her face. She turned on her heels to look straight at Trunks.

"Trunks, I'm in love with you." She said clearly. Then before anyone could say anything, she swung around, marched back out the door and slammed it shut behind her. There was a silent pause as no one said a word. Trunks swallowed hard.

"D-did you guys see what I just saw?" He asked, slightly dazed. Uubu nodded slowly, while Goten just stared at the doorway, mouth hanging open like a fish.


Pan was bright red as she marched straight past Bra and Marron, who struggled after her, trying to keep the peals of laughter in. She headed back into the bedroom and turned, glaring at her two best friends. Yet again the pair found themselves rolling on the floor. Steam practically flew out of Pan's ears. She turned to Bra, who kept pounding the floor with her fist, laughing hysterically. "Oh my Dende Pan-chan, that was SO funny!" She howled. Pan fumed.

"That wasn't funny, it was humiliating. Bra! Truth or dare?!?" She demanded angrily. After a few minutes Bra and Marron both calmed down enough for Bra to answer the question. She paused a minute in thought, looking at the dangerous expression on her friend's face.

"Truth." She said at last. Not being a timid person by any means, she figured that there were few things she could be asked that would humiliate her. Pan took the time to sift through her blinding rage long enough to find the right question. When she had it, an evil smirk crept onto her face.

"Why, exactly, did you name your Ken doll Goten when you were ten?" She asked evilly. All traces of mirth left Bra's face as Marron looked at her in surprise.

"You named a Ken doll Goten?" She asked curiously. Bra blushed a violent crimson and glared at Pan. Marron hadn't known that! No one but Pan ever found out about her secret crush on Goten, and that was only because Pan overheard her playing with `Goten' and the Barbie doll who's hair she died blue. In the game, `Goten' and the blue-haired Barbie were getting married. Bra glanced at Marron's expectant face. She would never live this down!

"…I pass." She said suddenly, looking at Pan. The demi-saiyan blinked, then shrugged.

"Then you have to take the penalty." She said. Bra blinked. `Oops.' She thought, as she realized how badly she'd weighed the situation.

"Er, never mind, I'll tell…" Bra began, but Marron cut her off.

"Nope, Bra-chan, you can't do that. You already said `pass'." She told her firmly. Bra looked frantically around, and Marron and Pan both hoisted her to her feet, pulling open the door to the bedroom. The pair pushed her out, following behind her.

"Okay, just go over to the room where the boys are, and knock on the door. Whoever you see first who isn't Trunks, you have to kiss. We'll be watching." Marron said. Pan couldn't wipe the grin off of her face and Bra started shakily down the hallway, white as a ghost. She reached the boys' room and raised a hand, ready to knock, when suddenly the door was pulled open from the inside…

And that's that people, end of the first chapter. So, what did you think? Anymore truths or dares to suggest? Anymore couple ideas? Review and let me know!