Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ The Bonding ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters you see in the show, movies, manga, etc. I'm not making any money off of this story so please don't sue me.

Author's Note: Hey All! Thanks for the excellent feedback on the last chapter! I just wanna say now that there will be no Bulma/Bardock luvin' in this story. I am a total B/V fan and I won't dare make either of them stray from their destined path…*giggle* Anyways, I got one review that sorta confused me. It wasn't a flame or anything and I'm not mad about it but I just wanted to know why one of my reviewers thought Vegeta cheated on Bulma, cause I certainly didn't write that. Did I accidentally make it seem that way in one of my chapters? If I did, can someone please tell me so that I can change it? Anyways…on with the story!

*Special Thanks to Vegetababe and Bulma Peacecraft for beta-ing!*

Uncertain Future, Chapter 18: The Bonding

"G…'Geta? Ahhhhh!!!!" Bulma cried out, her body arching in a violent fusion of pain and pleasure as she felt Vegeta's sharp fangs imbed themselves into the soft flesh of her shoulder…

Soon after, the pain abated and Bulma was engulfed in a wave of pleasure so intense it caused her to release several times right there. Her body spasmed uncontrollably as the incredible sensations coursed through her body like an electric shock. Vegeta seemed to be 'suffering' from the effects of the initial bonding too. His eyes were screwed shut tightly and his hips were thrusting wildly against Bulma's, as if he was trying to enter her right through their clothing. She could feel the hardness of him against her, and she knew that he was experiencing multiple orgasms as well.

"Ahh! Ahhh! Ve…ge…ta!" Bulma cried out as she crested one last time before blacking out completely, unaware that Vegeta had succumb to the void of unconsciousness at the same time as she.

Visions surrounded her, darting around the edges of her mind, then like vicious birds of prey they seemed to dive at her, all coming at once. Like a slide show, pictures flashed before her mind's eye. At first they were blurry and indecipherable, but gradually cleared up to reveal memories of long ago. They weren't her memories though, they were Vegeta's. Bulma cringed inwardly as she was forced to watch the brutal scenes, nearly all of them full of hatred, fear, and death. His first day of training, the first meeting with Frieza, countless beatings from his father, Tyrecan's death, the defeat of his father by Frieza, the glory of turning into a Super Saiyan in order to beat Freiza down to his death…

Gradually the scenes became more recent… The first time Vegeta met her, the first time they danced together, the first time they made love… Bulma could feel the confusing swirl of emotions as she witnessed the events through Vegeta's eyes and it warmed her to see the caring burst of love he had for her when they had first expressed their feelings toward each other. Another memory entered her mind then, one from only a few hours ago. She felt an unbearable pain descend upon her as she witnessed herself in Bardock's arms. She felt all the rage and anger Vegeta had felt, but above that she could feel the immense pain it caused him. He loved her. He loved her in every sense of the word and more, yet she betrayed him.

Bulma wanted to cry out, she wanted to apologize and throw her arms around his powerful neck. She wanted to lavish him with kisses and please him till she collapsed with exhaustion. She tried to reach out to him, but found she could not speak, nor could she move, so the young female had to wait, had to bide her time until he was done with her memories.


Vegeta felt unbelievably calm as his mind was suddenly assaulted with Bulma's childhood memories. He wanted to laugh and smile as he watched her, all the time thinking how cute his little female was when she was a brat. The visions changed soon, to her teenage years and the hunt for the mythical Dragonballs. He laughed at how she acted towards little Kakarott, and raged with jealousy as he witnessed her feelings toward the human man she called Yamcha. He felt her fear as the Yranians arrived and admired her bravery in the face of danger. He watched, horrified, as she was almost raped by that filthy purple alien and he smirked to himself as he felt her feelings for him at their first meeting. He felt her undying devotion to him as they made love for the first time, and he felt her sorrow and confusion as Bardock kissed her. He witnessed Bardock's apology, and the telling of Tyrecan. He felt her uncertainty as she approached him in the darkened room, and her love as he continued to frighten her…


Bulma awoke about an hour later to a feeling of light pleasure to find Vegeta gently licking at the wound he had made. "Ve…Vegeta?" she murmured quietly.

"Shhhh. Everything is okay now." he whispered into her ear, then leant back down to continue his gentle ministrations. Bulma moaned aloud as Vegeta suckled the wound lightly, drawing out blood. She felt herself heating up and she shifted her position slightly so that she was straddling her King's lap. She looked around, still slightly dazed and noticed that they were on the floor in the main room. Her eyes widened as the events of the evening came back to her in a rush and she realized what Vegeta had done.

"Vegeta? Does this…Does this mean what I think it does?" Bulma asked, suddenly alert.

"It does…my Queen." Vegeta murmured, still lapping at her neck. Bulma smiled slightly, they had bonded and now she was a queen. Kami she loved him. It felt so good to know he loved her back.

"Vegeta…" she pushed her hips down against his. "Vegeta…I want…"

"Shhh." Vegeta murmured, pressing his lips against her own. Bulma shivered slightly, her need growing as she tasted her own blood on his tongue. Vegeta lifted her in his arms, never breaking the kiss, and carried her up to his bedchambers. Very gently, he laid her down on the bed and removed his mouth from her own.

Taking his time, he began to undress her, stopping every little once in a while to nip at a newly exposed piece of flesh. Bulma was trembling with excitement, the process of undressing seemed like prolonged torture to her. She wanted him badly, and her little hands began to tug urgently at the hem of his pants. "A little impatient aren't we?" Vegeta chuckled, pushing her hands away. "All in good time, little one, all in good time."

Bulma was soon naked before him and he smirked. She was his, all his. Gently, he pushed her back down onto the bed and began kissing her, all over her body. To Bulma, the feeling of his clothing against her skin was maddening. She wanted to feel his smooth warm skin against her own but was powerless to do anything about it as she felt his tongue penetrate her entrance. She moaned softly as she felt Vegeta's tongue swirling around inside of her, and whimpered with protest as he removed himself before she had a chance to release. Smirking, Vegeta took her hardened little nub between his lips and began sucking gently at it as Bulma squirmed and writhed with pleasure. She let out a little squeak of surprise as she felt two of his fingers slide into her wet entrance, gently probing as he continued to suck at her. As Bulma was beginning to climax though, he stopped his ministrations, ignoring her cry of protest.

Bulma shivered as he pulled away, and watched in fascination as he undressed himself. She was still dripping wet with desire and fighting the urge to touch herself. "Vegeta!" she whimpered. "I want you now!" Vegeta smirked and walked towards his little mate, clad only in his pants. He lowered his head down and captured her lips in a demanding kiss. Bulma moaned as Vegeta's tongue entered her mouth. She could taste herself on him and it was driving her crazy.

Breaking the kiss and pulling away from her, Vegeta undid his pants and pulled them off. Bulma couldn't help but stare at his aroused manhood. Though she had seen it many times before, the sheer size and girth never failed to amaze her. Licking her lips with anticipation, she moved over to make room for him on the bed. Vegeta lay down on his back, allowing Bulma to crawl over him. Gently, she kissed the tip of him before running her tongue along his entire length. She took him into her mouth, moving her head in rhythmic bobbing motions as she increased the speed.

Vegeta groaned as she tightened the pressure of her lips around him. Bulma moaned aloud as she felt Vegeta's soft furry tail caress her wet womanhood. Gently, he pushed it into her and thrust in time with her bobbing motions until she released with a high pitched cry. Soon after Vegeta allowed himself to climax, letting out a feral growl as he did so. He withdrew his tail from her, the furry appendage waving gently around in the air. Bulma caught it between her hands and gently began to suck and lick at the wet, sticky fur, rewarded by Vegeta's growls and grunts of pleasure.

Vegeta felt himself harden again and he moved to position himself over her, nudging her thighs apart with his knee. Bulma was happy to comply, and she wrapped her legs around his torso as he thrust himself in. Vegeta began to thrust gently in and out of her, building up a slow but powerful rhythm. Both felt their climaxes building at a torturously slow rate, but Vegeta continued along with his slow, even pace, despite Bulma's attempts to do otherwise. When the climax did finally come, both Saiyan and Human cried out, releasing simultaneously. They rocked desperately against each other in the aftermath of the most powerful orgasm either had ever experienced. After finally recovering, even Vegeta was almost too weak to move. With a great effort, he managed to pull the soft warm blankets over both of them though, and he drew his new mate into his arms.

"Goodnight 'Geta." Bulma murmured, snuggling into his chest.

"Sleep well, my Queen." Vegeta whispered, kissing her forehead before settling himself down and falling into a deep, well deserved sleep.

Well, that's it for now! I hope you liked it! Don't worry though, this isn't the last part. I still have more planned in the series, and before you ask, Prince Trunks will be born in a later chapter! Remember to review! Bye till next time!