Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unexplainables ❯ Ch 1 ( Chapter 1 )
O_o, I'm getting as bad as Selenity Jade! Yet another B/V. This one is inspired by a dream ^_^ I have cool dreams! It's set in the three-year period.
AU, B/V? What would happen if there were no Androids, no Mirai Trunks, and no heart disease? What happens if something else paid everyone a visit and decided to give Vegeta everything he wanted? Everything? And what are the 'unexplainables'? Hmm, is there any length I won't go to torture Vegeta? Well, read the first two chapters to find out!
Disclaimer: I'm not a man so I'm definitely not Akira Toriyama. I'm not making money off this fic, it's not good enough for that…. But if I could, I would have everything in my house Vegeta. (gg) I already have three action figures and mangas 1-8, plus a poster!
"Woman! Get in here now!"
Bulma sighed and rolled her eyes where she sat on her couch, "No, your highness! If you need me that badly come find me!"
Vegeta's form soon revealed itself out of the corner of her eye and she turned her head from the program she was watching to look at his glare, "You act as if finding that insignificant ki of yours would actually be a challenge."
Bulma sighed and turned back to the TV, "What is it Vegeta?"
"What? No snide comeback? No smart remark? I'm shocked, woman! I thought your mouth would be the last in the universe to shut."
Bulma's head snapped back to see Vegeta's smirk, her eyes livid, "Listen here, jerk! I've had a really bad day and I don't feel like any crap so cut it! If you want food, order it out. If the gravity room's broke, go back to regular training. You know, the kind even Goku gets stronger doing."
Vegeta's smirk fell and he turned on his heel and left the room, but not before leaving a parting shot in his wake, "So, how do you use the microwave?"
The question had its intended result as visions of a burning Capsule Corporation filled her mind. Bulma practically leapt off the couch and dashed into the kitchen, waylaying Vegeta before he reached the microwave. She was infuriated to see the smirk had returned, "I'm ordering pizza, Vegeta. Don't touch that microwave!"
Vegeta's smirk widened considerably, "Whatever do you mean, woman? I'm perfectly satisfied fixing my own meal."
Bulma snorted, "I mean, that with as much as you overload that gravity machine, the simple operation of a microwave would be beyond you."
Vegeta shrugged, looking amused, "Whatever." He sat down at the table and raised a brow in her direction, "Well? Call them. I'd like the food before tomorrow."
Bulma rolled her eyes, feeling as if her eyeballs would fall from her head if she had to do it one more time. "Yes, your highness."
Picking up the phone on the kitchen counter by the sink, she soon had twenty large pizzas with everything ordered. Vegeta watched with a half-interest as she gathered her purse, keys, and jacket and finally decided to listen to his curiosity, "Where are you going?"
Bulma's eyebrows went up, "Why, your majesty wishes to know about my insignificant life? You wanted the pizza, didn't you?"
Vegeta scowled, "Don't they 'deliver'?"
Bulma sighed with disgust, "The last time I had something delivered you almost killed the man, Vegeta. Now they won't come here any more and that was my favorite Mexican restaurant too!"
Vegeta shrugged again, "Whatever."
Bulma suddenly let out a frustrated snarl and took off, slamming the door behind her, much to the Saiyan's amusement.
That human gets any more amusing and I'll have to start paying her.
' ' '
Bulma let out another shriek of frustration just for good measure as she popped out a red convertible. Here it was, a nice day, the sun shining, the birds singing, all the world basking in the pre-summer weather and not only was she stuck with an egotistical alien as a lunch partner, but she also had to pay her 'boyfriend' a little visit.
She decided she'd better get that out of the way first, then pizzas, then Vegeta.
Pulling up in front of the apartment Yamcha shared with his cat, Puar, Bulma got out and decided on her mood while confronting her boyfriend. Well, the bossy one had always intimidated him. That would work.
Yamcha answered the door and looked a little surprised to see her, "Hey, babe! What's going on? Vegeta getting to you again?"
Bulma crossed her arms and pursed her lips in an expression that Yamcha knew and had him sweating in an instance. She pushed past him and into the house, waiting until he had closed the door and had faced her before she began. "Don't 'hey, babe' me, buster! I heard you were out last night at that night club I didn't want to go to."
Yamcha looked confused, "Yeah. I didn't want to sit at home twiddling my thumbs. I figured since you didn't want to go, you wouldn't mind if I went."
"Oh, I wouldn't have minded if you hadn't taken that blonde back to your house!"
Now Yamcha looked confused and alarmed, "Blonde? What blon- Oh, what's-her-name." He raised a brow. "She had a flat tire so I gave her a lift to her place. Then I went home."
Bulma pointed her nose in the air, "That's not what I heard."
Yamcha sighed, "Well, I don't know what you heard or who you heard it from, but that's all that happened." He narrowed his eyes at her, "Are you accusing me of cheating?"
Bulma narrowed her eyes, "If that's what you did, then yes!"
Yamcha threw his hands in the air and gave a frustrated snarl that was uncannily like the one Bulma had given Vegeta, "I swear, Bulma! Every time I try to go out and have some fun without you, you always come storming over here with some rumor that so-and-so told so-and-so's sister, and every time you storm out of here basically calling me a liar and a cheater! I mean, come on Bulma! We both know what's going to happen! We'll break up, go for a few weeks, and then both decide we should try it again.
"How long have we been doing this, Bulma? Ten years, that's how long! Well, if you can't trust me when I'm not in your sight, then I quit!
"Seriously, ten years and you still think I'm some lying, cheating jerk! I may not be that girl-shy young teenager you brought from the desert to the city anymore, no, but I am a man of honor, Bulma! Enough honor to not cheat on you, or at least tell you the truth if I was!"
Bulma's eyes were as wide as they could go. Yamcha talking back to her like this, showing a hint of a spine, was like Vegeta deciding to be nice! She blinked, then she blinked again and nodded, "You're right, Yamcha. I guess I am a bit eager to believe whatever's said. But-why haven't we gone any further in our relationship? Like you said, it's been ten years." She looked at the floor next to her feet, "Maybe we should decide whether we want to move forward or-'quit'."
Yamcha took her hand and she looked up at his soft smile, seeing the answer before he gave it, "I don't want to lose our friendship. I think we should always keep that. But I think that the prospect of us being anything more than friends is dim. I mean, when we are more than friends, we end up breaking up, and we only get back together when we feel closer as friends. Maybe-we're too different to be more than friends."
Bulma smiled back at him and rubbed his palm with her fingers, telling him she understood, "Yeah, or maybe we're too alike." He looked confused for a second than gave a strange smile, almost knowing in nature, that she didn't understand.
He chuckled, "Yeah, too alike. That must be it." He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, which she returned.
"I hate to leave on that note, but I ordered pizzas and his highness gets grumpy when he's kept waiting.
"Hey! Why don't you come over for lunch? I ordered enough so that I should have a whole pizza to myself, and I can't eat all that. Besides, you'll be better company than that jerk alien."
"That sounds great! Just let me get changed out of these clothes and I'll be right over."
Yamcha let Bulma out, happy that for once, she had left smiling.
Bulma herself was happy the rest of the way to the pizza shop, where she even managed to coax the teenaged boys there to help her load the pizzas in the car. The extra tip for each of them helped, not to mention the looks she threw their way. Beauty and money always got you through the tight spots.
It was going home when something happened that excited her even more. A beeping sound came from her purse and she pulled over to rummage through it; the item being at the bottom, as all things a woman needs eventually winds up when she needs it most. She finally retrieved the item and her eyes went wide.
Ever since the Saiyans had come down she had pondered a way to make a sort-of 'early warning system' for any foreign aircraft that entered Earth's atmosphere. What she held in her hand was the result of that pondering and currently there was an Unidentified Flying Object heading for Earth but a few miles from where she was now, off-road.
Almost gleefully, feeling as she had when she was teenager and had just found a dragonball, she got out of the car, shedding purse and capsulating the whole car, pizzas and all. Capsules were so convenient.
She started off, not noticing the sagebrush she passed or the myriad number of animals that skittered out of her way, or how far away from civilization she was getting. The blinking spot on her device had stopped moving, which meant the ship, it had to be one, was stationary now. She'd felt no impact so it was probably bigger than the Saiyan pods and had landing gears, maybe as big as Lord Cold's ship had been.
She did not notice the passage of time that slipped by from minutes to fifteen of them. She suddenly jerked her head up from the device. The ship was right over that ridge. Abandoning all sense of caution, Bulma ran up the last few steps, panting and leaning heavily with her hands on her knees at the top. Her eyes widened at the sight before her and she forgot her need for air in scrambling down to get closer to the object.
It was indeed a ship. The silver metallic surface threw her reflection back at her perfectly, as if there was not a curve to the thing. However, it was evident that there was a curve.
The curve was a giant, three-dimensional oval. She calculated that it had to be at least 12 feet tall and twice that much around. There were no openings in the ship so Bulma knocked on the hull, hearing nothing. No echo, no clang on metal that should have been there. Nothing.
As Bulma inspected this phenomenon, a portion of the ship suddenly seemed to dissolve in a rectangle, the portion in front of her to be precise.
She shrank back as a voice, cold and monotone sang out from the darkness of the hole, "Only the best."
She began to walk backwards, slowly, like she had been taught when she confronted a snake. If it were snakes she confronted, then she might have avoided them, but the things that came out were not snakes.
They hovered, yet looked to have no kind of wings or rockets to keep them up. They were wider than they were long, oblong, and had eight, spider-like legs that were segmented in such a way she imagined they could clutch something. Right now, the legs were still, but the robots weren't. They steadily advanced on her; pouring out of the ship so fast they had her flanked before she could blink; nearly a score and half of the things.
They stopped, unmoving, and she looked around her, searching for an opening, a moment when one would move before the others and allow her to escape.
Instead, they moved as one onto her, burying her in sheer numbers.
' ' '
Vegeta rapped his fingers impatiently on the table, bored out of his mind. The woman should have been back fifteen minutes ago. Finally he sighed and reached out his senses, hoping he didn't find the woman with that pathetic weakling. That was the last thing he wanted to 'sense'. He wanted his food! If he wanted that, he'd turn on the TV to that X-rated channel, ridiculous as half that stuff was.
He suddenly straightened in his seat. He had found the woman but her ki seemed dangerously low.
There! There it spiked up in fear and pain! He stood up, wondering if he should call Kakarott's harpy of a wife. It was Kakarott and his gang that would know what to do in this situation. They were the heroes!
He scowled. While he was standing there debating, the woman's ki was getting weaker! He shook his head violently and took off out the back door, taking to the air as soon as he was outside. It didn't matter who was the hero or villain. He was the only one available at the time so he would have to do.
It took him just a few minutes to get to where she was, pouring on the speed, but even then he could barely feel her ki.
He halted in the air in shock. There was a ship! Just in front of the opening of the ship was a metallic mass of something that moved, they had no ki that he could sense. As some of the things parted slightly he caught a glimpse of blue.
"Woman!" Vegeta was suddenly in the midst of the robots, blasting and hurling them away from the human as fast as he could. His attack was sudden and vicious enough that the things fell back in confusion, trying to identify this new specimen.
He picked up the unconscious Bulma and slung her over his left shoulder, quickly taking off. It seemed the ones he had blasted were picking themselves back up and more were coming out of the ship. They definitely had the advantage of numbers and he had an unconscious Bulma. Retreat was unfavorable but necessary.
He shot out of the rapidly enclosing circle of robots and into the air, scattering those trying to cut him off in front with rapidly fired blasts.
He took off as fast as he could, and was, therefore, surprised when one of the robots, faster than the others, shot ahead of him. He felt a sharp, hot pain shoot into his gut and looked down in shocked disbelief to see that some tube-like projection was sticking out of him. With a snarl, he whipped his head up to meet the robot's eyes and fired a blast that separated the body from the 'arm' and sent it careening into the ground.
With a pained grunt, Vegeta tore the arm out and took off, plowing headlong into the robots that had managed to partially surround him. His world tilted suddenly and he quickly had to correct his flight path to keep from crashing into the ground. He felt the moist feeling of the blood seeping out of the wound in an alarming rate and pushed himself to go as fast as he could, despite the repercussions to his body.
The robots started after him and the girl he held that they had originally chose when the voice came out of the ship's opening again. "No. Only the best." The robots' target changed, they again took off after the Saiyan.
Minutes trickled by along with Vegeta's blood as he tried to keep the horizon before him in a straight line. The world was slowly dimming and objects that should have been straight were starting to curve in toward him. He might as well have been drunk.
Vegeta gritted his teeth, pressing on despite the pain. In spite of his efforts, he felt his trajectory lowering and turned his body so that the woman wouldn't get the brunt of his impact with the ground, which now had him plowing a furrow into the ground, wound burning at the gravel and dirt being engraved into it.
Luckily it seemed as if the jolt awoke Bulma, for he felt her moving in his arms, groaning in protest, though he himself couldn't move enough to release her. She did so herself and he felt her hands shaking him, probably calling his name too.
As he slipped into unconsciousness, he knew someone must have been on his side for she was calling frantically to Yamcha, telling him to get him into Capsule Corporation.
' ' '
Bulma didn't understand where she was or what was holding her down but she soon freed herself to find Vegeta lying on the ground, looking as if he'd made an impromptu landing, his eyes rolling into the back of his head alarmingly.
She called out to him and shook him, suddenly frightened when his body easily turned over to reveal a growing puddle of red originating from a gaping hole in his gut.
Frantically she looked up, hoping they were somewhere she could get help. Capsule Corporation? He got me all the way back to Capsule with an injury like that?
"Yamcha!" she yelled to the scarred man as he ran toward them, confusion and worry evident in every line. "Help me get him into Capsule Corp.! Now!"
Yamcha wasted no time with questions, as Vegeta had lost consciousness and was losing even more blood. The pained scowl etched on his features deepened as Yamcha grabbed him under his shoulders and Bulma by his ankles and they both half-carried, half-drug the compact man into the building, sighing in relief when they were finally able to put him down on the medical room's bed.
Bulma paled considerably to see Vegeta's face a pasty white and sweat breaking, already soaking his shirt. She moved to the wound and immediately cut the cloth around it, getting a groan for her efforts. A needle and thread were soon in her hand, along with a wet cloth and some disinfectant. Taking a chair beside the bed, she leaned over and began to work as diligently as she ever worked on any invention. A hand rose to wave off what was causing the pain and was held down by Yamcha.
Bulma bit her bottom lip at the depth of the wound and the amount of blood Vegeta had already lost. She continued to work to staunch the flow of blood still coming out and addressed Yamcha without looking at him, "Never mind his hand! Get Goku over here now! Tell him to bring a senzu!"
Yamcha nodded and dashed off, which allowed Vegeta's hand to grasp Bulma's arm, trying to pull it away from the wound with a strength Bulma was surprised he still had. "Stop that, Vegeta! I need to close the wound."
"Too late."
She did not look up at the scratchy voice or stop her task, "Goku's bringing a senzu, just hang on!"
She heard a grunt and didn't know if she'd stabbed too hard with the needle or whether he was just agreeing. She almost jumped out of her skin when Goku suddenly popped into being beside her, and Vegeta's yelp was because of the needle that time.
"Sorry!" Despite the apology, or maybe because of the way it was delivered, hand sheepishly behind his head, Bulma glared at Goku and Vegeta growled from his quite powerless position on the bed.
"Senzu!" Bulma demanded, a hand out for emphasis.
Goku shook his head, eyes downcast, before meeting Vegeta's eyes with his own saddened ones, "We don't have any. I tried to get some from Korin just yesterday and he said they weren't in season yet. Sor-" This time he did not finish the apology, just ended in a sigh.
Bulma was not one to be told that she was to just give up, "What do you mean, they're not in season? Go back and tell him to make them in season! I refuse to just stand here and-"
"Woman. Stop. It's over." The voice didn't carry the inflection it should have.
Bulma aimed her glare at the downed man, "Shut up, Vegeta! It's not over till I say it's over and it's not over!" She whirled back around to Goku, "I know you, Goku. You've got to have something up your sleeve. Anything?" The last ended in a strangled plea.
Vegeta spoke up before Goku could, voice so soft and faraway that both looked at him, "They're coming."
Bulma leaned in closer to him and his unfocused eyes centered on hers, "Who's coming, Vegeta?"
His face looked confused and he would've shrugged if the motion were possible, "Those probes. There are fifteen coming right now."
Bulma leaned back and looked extremely doubtful, "Probes? The robots? You can feel their ki?"
Vegeta shook his head, wincing at the sudden movement, "No. They have no ki. I can hear them."
Both Goku and Bulma listened intently, but heard nothing. Goku opened his mouth to say just that but was cut off by Vegeta's snarl, "Not with my ears, in my head. I can't understand them, but they're coming." His eyes suddenly widened and his head turned to the window just to their left, "They're here."
For just a second, Bulma could've sworn that Vegeta's eyes changed to a silver metallic color with no pupils, but just as suddenly Vegeta's eyes were back to their black color.
Bulma's attention turned to more immediate problems, such as the loud humming sound coming from the direction Vegeta was looking. With a sudden crash of broken glass, fifteen of the spider-like probes darted into the room, breaking off to separate and attack each individual.
Five immediately harried Bulma, trapping her in a corner of the room and keeping her there whenever she tried to get out. She had to stand and helplessly watch as the remaining attacked Goku and Vegeta, trying to bat away the things that swooped at her but made no move to attack her as they had before.
The five attacking Goku were held at bay for a while before they too started harrying him into a corner. It seemed he was having more luck than Bulma, although every probe he knocked down only recovered to attack him again.
Vegeta himself was the worst off. The five probes had surrounded him, and after dodging some weak ki blasts and his own badly positioned attacks, all five backed off, making a semi-circle around the Saiyan. One went forward, ducked under an unsteady blow from a shaking fist, and literally latched onto Vegeta's chest.
Vegeta raised both hands to ward off the feeling of the 'legs' hooking around his body only to find them not responding to his commands. He had already exerted all the strength his body had left. It didn't matter what these things did to him. He wouldn't be alive long enough to experience it.
Goku's attention was finally drawn by Bulma's frantic shouts of Vegeta's name to the man himself and he let out a growl that made the probes pause long enough for the growl to change to a full-throated roar as Goku went Super Saiyan. Now, as the probes attacked him, his blasts left them empty husks of metal, if that. His five were taken care of in a matter of minutes and he moved to take care of the ones around Vegeta.
Vegeta was staring down at the one on his chest, searching the eyes that were looking into him. He heard words. They were clearer this time. He strained with his ears to understand the words fully but was prevented when the probe was wrenched from his body, causing him to arch in sudden pain that shot through him like a lightening bolt.
Vegeta sat straight up on the bed to gaze around at the smoking piles of probes around his bed, in a pile where Goku had been, and now piled around Bulma, who was gingerly stepping over them to rush to his side.
"Vegeta! What-? You're healed."
Vegeta inspected himself and grunted in discovery, "I am. They healed me." His brow furrowed, "They were trying to tell me something. I couldn't understand it." He stood up and made his way to the window, before sighing and looking back at Goku, "Are you coming?"
Goku moved slightly toward Vegeta, as if he would halt his progress, "Where, Vegeta?"
Vegeta snarled with disgust, "To the ship, of course. If they had something to say I want to hear it."
Goku was shaking his head, "No. I think we should get the others, come up with a plan or try to find out more about these things before we go into their territory blindly."
Vegeta snarled in a feral manner and made his way over to Goku to poke him with one finger on the chest that he was eye-level with. "I need answers now! You can wait for the rest of your groupie to scratch their heads and give an okay, but I'm going now!"
Bulma grabbed the arm that was doing the poking to catch Vegeta's attention. He violently shook her off and glared. "I agree with Goku. Wait for the others. What do you mean by 'answers'? Are they asking you questions?"
Vegeta glowered at her and backed to the window. They had been trying to tell him something. He could've sworn they had answers to questions he'd never dared asked, "Never mind, woman! Stay here and twiddle your thumbs waiting for Kakarott's idiotic gang to show their faces and gab! I won't go halfway!" With no further explanation, Vegeta took off out the broken window, flying in the direction of the ship.
Bulma glanced at Goku, who was looking at her as if she knew what Vegeta meant by he 'wouldn't go halfway'. She shrugged, "Please go get him, Goku? I don't know what these things are and I don't like the fact that they've been 'communicating' with only Vegeta."
Goku nodded and put two fingers to his forehead, disappearing just as Yamcha entered the room.
Yamcha took in all the destruction and said the only thing appropriate at the moment. "What happened?"