Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Crusade: Act 1 ❯ Sakura-chan ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Unholy Crusade

Act 1: Reign of Fear

Chapter 2: Sakura-chan


Selena couldn't stop thinking about him as she piloted the Reckless 2 to the nearest town. She wondered how he was doing; it had been years since she last saw him. She missed his kind smile and amused chuckle occasionally, because it reminded her of her father.


Shaking the thoughts of the two men out of her head, she quickly took out a pocket map from her jean pocket, and took a look at where she was as she drove. She had left Sancho City and was heading towards Pepper. Pepper City was very big, with lots of people. Remembering the monster named Cell, Selena didn't know if that was good or bad. If Pepper City had more people than Cell could handle, then he would stay away. However, if he was looking for lots of people, then Pepper was pay dirt.

50/50 chance. I hate 50/50 chances…

Well, I'll gamble and head there. I'll call grandma and grandpa while I'm there…

She took a moment to sniff one of her armpits, and wrinkled her nose at the unpleasant aroma of her sweaty skin.

Maybe I'll take a hotel room and take a bath while I'm at it. I've got money.


Cell swiftly climbed up a tall building and swung his body onto the flat roof. He stood up and walked to the opposite edge to look out at the titanic city of Pepper. It stretched out to the horizon, and all the streets were busy with humans needing to get from point A to point B in a hurry. Cell grinned as his mouth watered.

So many people…such a large city…I don't know where to start…I feel like a child in a candy shop! Perhaps I'll strike at the heart of the city and work my way out to the limits. This is going to be fun!

He chuckled to himself, feeling out thousands of low human ki for any sign of danger. He felt something weird to the east of his building, and he turned his head in that direction. The ki signal he received was familiar. He recognized it immediately.

There you are! I was wondering if you would pass through this way, Selena.

He licked his leathery lips at a budding idea.

This will be very fun.

But first, I must find out what her business is here…


Selena found a small but suitable motel, and checked in a room for about two hours. As soon as she walked in the door to her room, she opened up her capsule case and popped open the hoi-poi capsule for her suitcase. After picking out a clean change of clothes, she headed into the bathroom.

"I'm sweatin like a horse…" she complained as she turned on the hot water and took off her shirt and pants. "That fight with that monster took a lot out of me." She had been ignoring the pain in her neck and back after she had crashed through that wall. Also, her nose wasn't quite broken. It was just a little bruised, which was all. He didn't hit her as hard as she thought he had.

After the tub was full, Selena closed the faucet tap and slipped into the water.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" she sighed in pleasure. "Now that's nice…" She began scrubbing herself up a bit, and shampooing and rinsing her hair while humming a quick and happy Irish reel through her closed lips. After she was all clean, she relaxed in the warm water, letting her mussels relax in the warmth.

"I could stay in here forever…" she murmured to herself, feeling a little sleepy. She hummed to herself again, this time a much slower and relaxed tune. Unfortunately, the hot atmosphere, her fatigue, and her humming was beginning to tire her. She unknowingly fell asleep.


She was running…

What for, she wasn't sure…

She was chasing someone…

That someone opened a door, walked through, and closed it behind them…

She opened the door and ran inside…

"Get back here, you son of a bitch!"

She wasn't in a room…

She was in a forest…

The door slammed behind her…

She looked behind her, and the door had vanished into more forest…

It began to rain, and thunder rumbled in the distance…

She felt a drop on her head, and walked foreword…

A drop hit her hand…

She instinctively looked at it…

The drop wasn't a rain drop…

It was blood…

She looked into the sky…

The raindrops were red…

It was raining blood…

She cried in disgust, and ran foreword to find shelter…

She was becoming soaked in blood from the sky…

She didn't like it…

She couldn't accept it…

She wanted to get out…

She screamed…


She slowly woke up. In her tire, she wasn't able to make sense of her surroundings until she moved her hand to smooth loose hair out of her eyes. She heard the trickle of water, and it snapped her awake.

"AAAAA!" she yelped, sitting up in shock. "I'm still in the tub!" She looked around, and noticed that something wasn't right. Well, for one, the water had gone cold… She must have slept well over an hour…

Selena turned her head to the door, and noticed what was wrong.

The door's open.

I know I didn't leave the door open when I got in…

"Hey!" she called out into the next room. "Is there someone out there?"

No answer. Selena climbed out of the tub, and drained the water from it.

"I'll bet it was some perverted cleaning maid or something…" she grumbled, wrapping a towel around her body, and walking out into the bedroom. Except for the door to the room being open, everything seemed to be in place.

But still, something felt very wrong…

Selena closed the door, and walked to her change of clothes on the bed.

Whatever. She thought to herself, unwrapping the towel. Nothing too unusual. Probably just some thief who tried to steal my capsules and money…

Then she noticed something about the change of clothes on the bed…

They weren't hers…

And there was a stab hole in the shirt…

Selena's eyes widened in slow shock.

Oh my God, it can't be…


She quickly changed into her intended change of clothes, and ran out the door without even thinking about combing out her wet hair or taking her capsules with her. She ran into the motel lobby, and the sights of Sancho City appeared before her eyes again. Clothing everywhere, most of them stabbed through the shirt and slumping where it fell. A few weapons scattered on the floor, a high powered rifle among them.

I can't believe it…

She ran out into the street, and it was so quiet her ears began to ring. Again, clothing everywhere, fallen items and accessories, crashed cars, broken windows, kicked in doors, she even spotted an overturned baby carriage. She ran to it in hope, and looked it over. Inside were just blankets and a stabbed one-piece outfit.

He attacks everyone…not even the babies are spared…

That monster…

Selena stood, and bowed her head to the ground, feeling like she was going to cry. A question came to mind.

Why am I alive?

He attacked all these innocent people, but I am still alive…

He found me…the door to my room and the bathroom were open…he left those clothes on my bed…

Did he let me live?

Why would he do that?

Not sure how or why or even if that was the case at all, she ran back into the hotel room to get her staff.


Trying not to make any noise, she kept her swoop in its capsule and walked the streets of Pepper on foot. Even though finding a single person in a big city like Pepper was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, she had to make some attempt to look for him. She concluded if Cell did intend for her to be the only survivor, then he wanted her to find him.

But what for, I wish I knew. This guy is weird…

Her eyes darted in every direction, and her head swayed from left to right and even looked up occasionally. She couldn't see him, and she couldn't feel him either. He was a good hider. But if he was so tough and powerful as Piccolo said he was, why was he hiding?

This guy is very weird…

As she rounded a street corner and headed into a residential area, she found another survivor barking at her. It was a leashed dog, barking and yelping at her in fear. She smiled at it, daring not to go too close to it, and continued to walk by. As she passed the dog, she saw its name on the doghouse: Sugar.

Well, this world is full of weird people…

She quickly walked to the next street corner, and looked down it carefully. Sugar was still barking at her, and refusing to be quiet. Selena ignored him, and started walking down the next street.

"Cell," right? Where the hell are you?

Suddenly, she heard Sugar yelp in pain. She snapped her head behind her, and suddenly, the dog was silent. Selena ran back to the previous street, and saw an empty dog collar and leash tied to a dog house where Sugar used to be. He seemed to disappear…


Selena gasped silently.

Cell's footsteps…


Selena looked around her, hearing the footsteps come from every direction.

That clever son of a bitch…he's making the sound bounce off the walls of the houses…I can't tell where he is…

KT-CH! KT-Ch! KT-ch! Kt-ch! kt-ch!

The footsteps seemed to fade away until she couldn't hear them anymore. He walked away from her.

Or did he? She couldn't tell.

I'll bet he's hunting me…

Well, I can only think of one way to draw out a hunter…

She tried to feel out his ki to be sure that he was watching her. Although she got a strange feeling that she was being watched, she couldn't feel any ki at all. Taking a chance, she turned on the ball of her foot and ran as fast as she could back the way she came.


Her quick running steps echoed off the walls of the houses too. As she ran, she couldn't hear Cell's footsteps at all. He wasn't following her.

She turned on a different street, not wanting to go back to the motel, and ended up in a down town plaza full of stores. None had any people in them, but stabbed clothes were all over the place. She stopped running, and looked behind her.

Nobody was behind her.

Maybe he did leave…

Then, another scenario came to mind.

No, he recognized the trap.

He didn't fall for it.

Yeah, this guy ain't dumb…but how is he going to find me now if I ran away from him?

Then, she heard crying. She looked down the plaza, but couldn't see anyone. It sounded like a small child.

Cautious that Cell could be setting a trap for her, she pointed the jeweled end of her staff before her, and walked towards the direction of the sound.


Selena continued walking with her staff aimed at anything that could be a possible danger. The crying was getting louder, telling her where to go and what she might find when she arrived. She wasn't sure if it was some kind of trap Cell was setting, but she was ready for anything that could try to surprise her. It could be a child, it could be Cell, it could be an animal, or it could be her imagination…

She turned one last corner, and cautiously looked out into the street.

What she saw broke her heart.

A little girl no older than seven was crying in the street next to a pile of clothes that possibly belonged to her parents. The girl was small for a child her age, and she had shiny black hair and tanned skin, and she was wearing pink overalls over her black, long sleeved shirt.

Selena loved kids. Seeing commercials for adoption services made her cry, and she sometimes joined them to send donation money. Kids were her best playing field, she always knew how to talk and behave around kids. One of her goals in life was to have no more than six boys and girls of her own. Seeing them cry or in danger melted her heart and tough girl attitude.

Selena lowered her staff, and began walking to the girl.

"Hey kiddo…" she greeted softly. "…are you hurt? Are you alright?" The girl looked up at her with tear-worn eyes and a red face. She gasped at Selena, and tried to get away, but there was something wrong with her foot. Selena spied the problem immediately, the girl sprained her ankle, and it was bleeding. Selena was about to rush to the child to help her, but a sudden movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned her head to face a store window that displayed a large variety of cell phones. Through the darkness inside the shop, Selena spotted Cell.

He was haunched over, creeping towards the window like a cat on the hunt. His tail was swaying in the air in anticipation. His fingers were curved like claws, and he stepped very slowly and very softly. Then, he turned his head towards Selena and their gaze locked. They stared at each other for a while, before a slow and evil smile grew on Cell's face and he licked his lips as his head turned in the child's direction.

Selena instantly got the message.


She and Cell took off running at the same time, both headed in the little girl's direction. Selena quickened her pace, hearing Cell's footsteps run beside her. The girl's face became horrified, and she screamed as she tried to get away. Selena reached the girl, and picked her up as she ran. At that moment, Cell crashed through the window, and slashed down on Selena's back intending to grab the girl. Selena felt Cell's claws sink into her back for a split second, but she quickly got away from Cell. She gathered the girl in her arms protectively as she ran.

"My, my…" Cell chuckled in amusement. "How fast you run, my dear." He gave chase, quickly catching up to her. Selena didn't dare look back, knowing that would slow her down. Everything seemed to play in Cell's favor easily, since he was the faster runner, and Selena had both of her hands full, and the girl was screaming and squirming in Selena's grasp. Selena didn't give up hope; she wanted the little girl to live.

Suddenly, Cell jumped into the air, and landed in front of Selena. Selena skidded on her feet to avoid plowing into Cell and came to a halt just inches from him. He didn't move as he did so. Selena stumbled backward for protective distance, and Cell still didn't move. He just stared back and forth between her and the screaming girl struggling to get out of Selena's grasp. Cell shook his head in disappointment.

"Pointless." He pitied, taking a step towards Selena. The guardian took a step backward to keep the distance equal. "Absolutely…pointless." Cell sighed melodramatically. "I didn't even want to hurt you, Selena. All I want is that child."

"Leave her alone!" Selena screamed at him. Cell just blinked once and stared at Selena again. Selena's breathing became heavier and she felt herself shake all over. Even though she couldn't sense Cell's ki, she could feel the evil atmosphere around him. It was a very powerful evil that she had never seen before.

Who is he?

Where did he come from?

How did he get this way?

Why is he doing this?

Cell took another step towards her, and she backed one step away. Amused by this, Cell took two steps towards her. Selena stumbled four steps away for a little more distance. With a playful smile on his face, Cell began taking even steps towards her, walking casually. Selena walked away backwards, too wrapped in fear and confusion to be fully aware of her surroundings. Her back was soon pressed against a wall, and she had no where to go. Cell then ran towards her to corner her, kicking up dust from the ground. Selena turned the girl to the wall to shield her, leaving her back open to Cell's attack.

Cell quickly stopped just centimeters away from Selena, leaning his face over her shoulder. The dust billowed over them, then slowly faded away. Selena didn't dare move, feeling Cell's chin rest on her shoulder.

"You don't even know that child." Cell reasoned softly, almost whispering. "Surrender her, she's the one I want. You don't have to die. And no one has to know about this." Selena remained silent. "Oh, come on now, dear. Don't throw away what's left of your life."

"Why are you letting me live?" Selena whispered back.

"That is for you to figure out." He insisted. "Now, give me that child. That's all I want. Give her to me, and I will leave you alone."

Selena shuddered, pressing her eyes closed and clenching her teeth. Cell's head moved so that he could look her in the face. Selena bent her head to keep his whispered words out of her ears. Her heart was beating wildly in fear, and her grip on the girl was growing stronger. The girl was clutching Selena protectively and was crying into her shirt softly. Selena had absolutely no idea what to do. Cell was so close to her, she could feel his hot breath on her neck and cheeks. She couldn't escape, and she couldn't blast him with her staff. She could probably get a good shot at him.

She attempted to attack.

Keeping some of her weight on the wall, she kicked Cell's shin. He didn't budge or make a sound. No good. Freeing her right arm from her shield, she swung it around her and right into Cell's face. The impact was strong enough to make him stumble away for a few steps and groan, but that was all. He pushed his face downward, forcing Selena's fist to fall away. A four letter S-word ran through Selena's head a few times before she took off running again.

Cell's tail arched, and whipped itself around Selena's leg. Selena tripped, landing on her shoulder. Cell's tail dragged her back to the monster for her punishment.

"You're not being very nice today." Cell snarled, then made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound. "I will kill the girl first, and then you will die a much more slower and more painful death beyond your greatest nightmares. How would you like that?"

"Not before I kill you first, you son of a bitch!" Selena shouted back, reaching for her staff and aiming it at Cell. "Tamashii no Ya!" a blast fired from the staff and exploded on Cell. His tail let go of her leg, and Selena quickly got up and ran away, holding the girl tightly. As the light and smoke cleared, Cell shook the soot off of his face.

"You sneaky rat!" he yelled at her. He was about to run after her, when a Namekian styled side kick plunged into his face and sent him crashing through the wall, and through two more walls as well. Cell quickly jumped to his feet, and saw his new opponent through the holes in the walls.



Selena didn't dare stop running, she heard loud explosions and felt the shock waves and quakes the energy blasts caused. She could feel Cell's ki, and another familiar ki. She recognized the second fighting power immediately.

"Piccolo!" she cried. Then a third flew into the fight. "And Tien! Alright guys! Way ta rescue the damsel in distress!"

Finally, after running all the way across town with the girl in her arms, she stopped to catch her breath. The girl resumed crying, and Selena hugged her close.

"It's okay." She soothed. "It's okay. The monsters gone. You're safe now."

"I want my mommy!" the girl bawled. "I want my daddy! Mama!"

"I'm sorry, little one." Selena sighed sadly. "Your mama can't be with you." The girl cried louder and harder. Another explosion rocked in the distance. Selena turned towards it, then looked at a nearby office building. She walked inside for shelter from Cell, and walked up a few flights of stairs and into a bathroom. She closed the door behind her and set the girl down. The little girl quickly ran for the opposite corner, and huddled there in a tight ball and sobbed as loud as she could. Selena looked at her sadly, then walked to her to comfort her.

"Leave me alone!" the girl shouted at her angrily, flinging a slapping hand at Selena's face. It wasn't much of a slap, it was more like putting a hand to her cheek and quickly sliding it across her face. Selena frowned at her.

"Okay." She shrugged. "If you insist. I saved you from that evil creature, and I don't even get a thank you."

"Leave me alone!" the girl ordered again, hiding her face behind her hands. "Go away! Maaaamaaaaaaaaa!"

"I'm right here if you need me." Selena noted, sitting on the closed toilet seat. She rested her elbows on her knees and set her chin on a two-handed fist. The girl just sobbed and cried until she was almost out of breath. Selena patiently watched for five minutes as the girl quieted down, and started to fall asleep. Selena smiled at the girl, hoping that she would be in a better mood when she woke up.

A very loud explosion in the distance woke the girl up with a gasp, and she looked at Selena. Selena smiled at her.

"It's okay." She comforted. "They're a long ways away. I doubt they'll come here." The girl looked at her with watering, frightened eyes. She had as much of a clue what was happing as Selena did: none. "We're safe." Selena estimated. "Don't worry." The girl uncurled from her ball, and stretched her legs out and lounged against the wall.

"What about everyone else?" she asked. "Where did they go?"

Selena wasn't sure how to answer that. So, she tested how much the girl was taught.

"Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?"

"They're dead." The girl said sadly.

"Well, everyone else is dead too." Selena sadly reported. "You survived."

"My mama flung me into a house, and I hurt my leg." The girl explained. "Then, a monster came and she melted away. So did daddy."

How sad. The girl's mother died trying to save her…

Cell must have destroyed so many lives already…

"Want me to help you with your leg?" Selena asked. "It was bleeding."

"Okay." The girl accepted, sniffing back a tear. Selena took a whole roll of toilet paper, and wrapped it around the girl's ankle. Confident that the girl was trusting her, Selena tried to chat with her.

"My name's Selena. What's yours?"


"Sakura-chan?" Selena wondered. The girl smiled weakly at that. Selena nodded as she tied off the makeshift bandage. "You won't be able to walk on that for a while. You'll be fine once we get you to a hospital." She quickly changed the subject. "So, what's your favorite ice-cream flavor?"


"Banana?!" Selena blinked. "There's such thing as banana ice-cream?"

"Uh-huh!" Sakura nodded with a happier look. "It's yummy!"

"Hmmm…" Selena thought. "How about chocolate? Do you like chocolate?"

"Yeah!" Sakura nodded enthusiastically.

"I love chocolate ice-cream." Selena admitted with a smile. "How about this: after we get outta here, I'll buy ya some chocolate ice-cream. How about that?"

"Yeah!" Sakura cheered, then she reached out and hugged Sakura's neck. "Thank you, Selena-san!"

"Sure." Selena agreed, hugging the girl. "It'll all be on me. Here." She picked up Sakura, and held her high enough to look the kid straight in the face. "Let's see if the coast is clear before we go." She headed for a window. "It should be. I haven't heard any noise for a long time."

She looked out the window closely. The sun was starting to dip towards the west, coating the city in gold. Selena looked at a clock by the mirror, and saw that it was a little past five-o-clock in the afternoon. She looked out the window again, and could see the faint speck that was Piccolo land on a roof top. Landing slightly closer to Selena's hiding place was Cell. Selena winced in concern.

"There he is!" Sakura worried loudly.

"Shhhh-shhh!" Selena shushed. "Don't worry. Let's wait until they start fighting again, then we'll make a run for it." Sakura held onto Selena's neck in preparation for the get away. Selena rubbed the girl's back. "Don't worry, I said. We'll have ice cream after all this is over, alright?"

Suddenly, Cell turned his head in their direction. Sakura gasped and Selena clutched her more tightly.

"Don't worry…" Selena tried to comfort Sakura as well as herself. "He can't see us, Sakura-chan…He can't see us…" Then Cell mouthed something in their direction. Selena noticed the movement of his mouth and clearly read his lips:


Oh no! Not only can he see us, but he can hear us as well!

What am I gonna do?!

To Be Continued


Selena: Hmmm…what anime characters shall we be today?

Piccolo: Dragonball Z.

Selena: **sweatdrop** You are a DBZ character.

Piccolo: I remember what you did to us last time you did this! I still haven't forgiven you for that!

Selena: You're still mad at me for making you wear a wig?

Piccolo: Yes!

Cell: I don't mind dressing up as another character. It depends on who it is, tho.

Selena: I can't think of an anime. Cell, can you help me out?

Cell: **crosses his arms and thinks** Hmmm…how about Dr. Slump?

Selena: But I haven't seen that!

Cell: You should. It's a good show.

Sakura: I know! How about Pokemon?! It's my favorite show!

Everyone else: POKEMON?! NO WAY!

Cell: I'm not dressing up as a Pokemon character!

Selena: You don't have to. You are a Pokemon.

Cell: **vein pop* Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

Selena: You transform, or "evolve" as the dub of DBZ put it, into different forms, don't ya? You also use the Pokemon technique "Mimic."

Cell: **multiple vein pops** I AM NOT A POKEMON!

Sakura: **lol** Cell's a Pokemon!

Cell: **faces Sakura** Don't you start, you little brat!

Selena: Well…oh why not? Let's dress up as Pokemon characters this chapter.

Piccolo, Tien, and Cell: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

Selena: **glares at them* Which would you rather be, boys?! Pokemon or sailor scouts?!

Piccolo, Tien, and Cell:

Selena: Thank you. I'll go first. I think I'll be…Misty! **snaps her fingers, and is instantly dressed as Misty**

Tien: **mumbles to himself while crossing both fingers for luck** Please don't make me Ash, please don't make me Ash, please don't make me A…

Selena: **snaps her fingers and Tien is instantly wearing Ask Ketchem's clothes and cap**


Cell: **falls over, and laughs**

Sakura: **looks up at Selena** Can I be Pikachu?

Selena: Sure! **snaps her fingers and Sakura is magically wearing a Pikachu costume**

Sakura: Yay! Pika, pika, pikachu!

Piccolo: Cell?

Cell: **stands up** Yeah?

Piccolo: Shoot me now, Cell. Shoot. Me. Now.

Cell: **puts his hands behind his head** I would if I had a gun.

Selena: I'm not sure what to make Piccolo: MewTwo or Giovanni…

Tien: He'd make a good Giovanni…

Piccolo: Traitor.

Sakura: Not MewTwo. He's scary. I don't like him.

Selena: I got it! **snaps her fingers and Piccolo is dressed up as Jigglypuff**


Everyone: **laughs his or her asses off**

Piccolo: **faints in shock**

Cell: **lol** He fell asleep, and he didn't sing a note.

Tien: So, what's Cell going to be?

Cell: **sweatdrop** I dunno whether I should say "Give it your best shot" or "Oh [CENSORED!]" What do you think I should be, Selena? I say, put me in a Team Rocket uniform.

Selena: **shakes her head** Nah. You'll be yourself. You are a Pokemon after all.

Cell: **another sweatdrop** Do you really believe that?

Selena: **innocent face** Of course not, Cell. **evil grin, then holds up a Pokeball** Now shut up and get in your Pokeball!



Tien: **snaps his fingers and is back in his normal clothes** I don't think I should be in any more of these dress-up bonuses…

Sakura: **bounces up and down** I love it!

Tien: Sure. **snaps his fingers and changes Piccolo back into his regular clothes** Hey, you wanna help me carry Piccolo outta here?

Sakura: Okay!

Tien: **picks up Piccolo by the arms** **calls over his shoulder** Hey Selena! Try a Clow Card!

Selena: **still chasing Cell** Not this chapter! Maybe next time!


I can safely say that these end of episode bonuses will continue. Do any of you have ideas what the cast can dress up as? Next chapter is Final Fantasy 7 characters!

So, until next time!

To be continued!