Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Crusade: Act 1 ❯ Guardian Angel ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

In the last chapter of Unholy Crusade

She looked out the window closely. The sun was starting to dip towards the west, coating the city in gold. Selena looked at a clock by the mirror, and saw that it was a little past five-o-clock in the afternoon. She looked out the window again, and could see the faint speck that was Piccolo land on a rooftop. Landing slightly closer to Selena's hiding place was Cell. Selena winced in concern.

"There he is!" Sakura worried loudly.

"Shhhh-shhh!" Selena shushed. "Don't worry. Let's wait until they start fighting again, then we'll make a run for it." Sakura held onto Selena's neck in preparation for the get away. Selena rubbed the girl's back. "Don't worry, I said. We'll have ice cream after all this is over, alright?"

Suddenly, Cell turned his head in their direction. Sakura gasped and Selena clutched her more tightly.

"Don't worry…" Selena tried to comfort Sakura as well as herself. "He can't see us, Sakura-chan…He can't see us…" Then Cell mouthed something in their direction. Selena noticed the movement of his mouth and clearly read his lips:


Oh no! Not only can he see us, but he can hear us as well!

What am I gonna do?!

Unholy Crusade

Act 1: Reign of Fear

Chapter 3: Guardian Angel

"We've got to get out of here." Selena deducted.

"Uh-huh." Sakura agreed, hugging Selena tightly.

"Let's go." Selena decided as Cell looked away from them. Selena headed for the door, but stopped herself just as she reached for the doorknob. "No, wait…"

"What?" Sakura demanded. "C'mon! Let's go!"

"No, no, wait a minute…" Selena hesitated as she thought. "He wants us to do this…He wants us to leave…to run away…" She thought it through a little more.

But he knows where we are. If we don't leave, he'll come for us. I guess we have no choice but to get out of here.

However, we're not gonna do what he wants us to do. Luckily for me, I still have my capsules.

"Okay, let's go." Selena nodded, opening the door and cautiously looking around. After deciding it was safe, she headed for the stairwell, and headed up. She was headed for the roof. She heard a few explosions outside as she climbed.

"They're fighting again…" she muttered to herself. "That should give us the advantage." Sakura was too scared to agree, or to ask what the word "advantage" meant. Selena kept climbing up until she had scaled four flights of stairs and opened a door to the roof. The sounds of the explosions got louder as she walked on the flat cement roof, but she couldn't see where they were fighting. Sakura covered her ears with a scream at the loud battle sounds and almost fell out of Selena's arms. Selena quickly caught the girl.

"Careful." She warned.

"But they're being loud!" Sakura complained.

"Shhh." Selena hissed softly. "I know. Now, let's get outta here." She freed a hand from Sakura's embrace, and took a capsule case out of her pocket. She took out the capsule that stored her swoop, and she popped it open. She quickly sat in the seat and started the engine.

My bet was that Cell expected us to leave on foot and run into the vulnerable street. He wouldn't expect a flight by air. Ha! If you can't fight 'em, you gotta out-smart 'em!

She pushed down the gas pedal, and flew off into the air above the street.

Unfortunately, she was doing exactly what Cell wanted.


Cell caught the shape of Selena's swoop out of the corner of his eye.

Fool! He laughed to himself in his head. You're all mine now!

The battle between Cell and Piccolo took a pause, and they stared at each other for a while. Then, Cell turned his head and watched Selena's swoop fly away. With a pleased growl to himself, he took off flying for her.

"Oh no!" Piccolo panicked. "Lawless!" He flew after Cell, but was having a surprising amount of trouble catching up to the monster. Selena was in danger because of underestimating Cell's flight speed. Cell could fly faster than he could run! She was as good as dead once he caught her!

Selena didn't notice Cell behind her until it was too late. He flew past the swoop to get ahead of it, and the loud buzzing sound of his wings rang in her ears. She screamed in fear when Cell flew in front of her and pressed his wrists together. He prepared to attack.

"Kaaaaa…meeeeeee…" he chanted.

"NO!" Piccolo screamed.

"Oh God!" Selena panicked, steering the swoop so that it would fly underneath Cell and not plow into him.


Selena ducked her head as the swoop piloted underneath Cell, but he thought quickly. Powering down his attack, he launched his tail towards Selena and wrapped it around her neck. She gagged, and let go of the controls to her swoop as she was suddenly hoisted out of the seat. Sakura was left alone in the swoop seat.

"Selena-san!" Sakura screamed in worry. Selena was left hanging in mid air, struggling to get breath before Cell strangled her to death.

"Did you really think you could escape me, Selena?" Cell chuckled down to her. "You are a fool." Selena couldn't say anything in her defense. She was running out of air.

"Shikimi!" Piccolo shouted, coming to fly to the girl's rescue. Cell used his tail to hoist Selena to his level, and he wrapped one arm around her and freed her neck from his noose. As Selena gasped for breath, Cell poised the tip of his tail spike at her throat.

"Stop right there, Namek!" the android snapped. "You don't want to be the cause of this girl's death, do you?" Piccolo stopped himself just a couple feet from Cell. The both of them hovered in the air among the tall buildings. Piccolo clenched a fist and gnashed his teeth. As soon as Selena got her breath back, she began struggling to get free.

"Hey!" she yelled, struggling to free her arms. "No fair using a chick for a shield! Let me go, you mugger!" Cell used his free hand to slap her quiet.

"I'm not asking much of you, Piccolo." Cell said sternly as Selena moaned over her stinging cheek. "Just turn around, fly away, and forget you ever saw me."

"…" Piccolo refused to leave.

"Yeah, right." Selena rolled her eyes. "He's gonna let a little bastard like you get away with this…" Cell raised his hand at her, and she turned her head away and shut up.

"Let her go." Piccolo ordered. "She has nothing to do with this."

"She does now." Cell insisted. "Now leave…" The tip of his tail inched closer to Selena's neck, "…or she leaves instead." Selena stared nervously at the tail, and clenched her eyes shut in fear. Piccolo didn't know what he should do, he was all out of ideas.

Coward…taking a hostage to keep himself alive…

The air was still with tension. The balance depended on Piccolo's decision to stay or leave. All three peoples were quiet as the Namek contemplated his options. Selena dared to open one eye and peek at Piccolo. He seemed to be in very deep thought. She had no idea what she should do either except hold very still and hope that tail didn't accidentally stab her neck.

Piccolo spoke up suddenly.

"It doesn't matter what decision I make. You'll kill her either way. I won't let you."

Suddenly, Cell's grip on Selena tightened and she gasped in surprise and pain.

"I am loosing patience." Cell warned. "Make your decision now."

As if on some sort of signal, Piccolo hung his head, and slowly turned his back to Selena and Cell. Selena blinked in surprise, and her mouth hung parted a bit.

He's going to leave me here to die?!

That bastard!

Cell chuckled quietly in satisfaction.

"I knew you would see things my way." He boasted. "And now you will pay the consequences of you decision." With his free hand, he formed a power ball. "Die!" He flung it at his opponent.

"Piccolo!" Selena screamed, and the power ball exploded on contact to the Namek, forming a gigantic cloud of smoke. "NO!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Cell laughed to himself. "Idiot!"

"No! Let me go!" Selena demanded, struggling to wiggle out of Cell's grasp, leaning foreword. "Let go! Piccolo!"

"You want to plummet to your death?" Cell smirked as Selena looked down at least fifty stories to the ground. She whimpered, and turned her head to the side. She hesitated before retorting.

"Anything is better than dying by your hand!"

"You say this now." Cell reasoned as Selena kept leaning further and further away from him, but he still kept his bear hug around her. "But once you experience the fate I will bestow on you, you will wonder why you resisted. Selena, you will become a part of something far greater than you can possibly imagine."

"I can imagine a lot!" Selena barked, continuing to lean away.

"It's more than that." Cell promised. "Come, child. Be a part of the perfection." The tip of his tail poised itself at the center of her forehead, and slowly began to force her back up.


This can't be happening…

Help me…


"What?!" Cell suddenly gasped, and Selena was left leaning where she was. She looked up at the clouds of smoke where Piccolo had once hovered. He was still there, hovering in the air with no problem at all. His cape and a few folds in his turban were a little tattered, but he otherwise suffered more damage. He gave Cell a very hard, unforgiving glare.

"You have to do better than that, android." Piccolo disapproved. Cell grew frightened, and began to shrink away in surprise.

"It can't be…" he muttered. "That should have killed you…"

Suddenly, Selena formulated a plan of escape using her situation. She quickly drew her head back fast and hard, headbutting Cell's face with the back of her head. Taken completely by surprise, Cell yelped in pain, and accidentally let go of Selena. His tail grazed her cheek as she tumbled down to the ground below.

"Tien!" Piccolo shouted nowhere in particular. "Catch her! I'll take care of Cell!"

Oh no! Cell panicked. Not wanting to risk too much energy, he dodged Piccolo's attacks as fast as he could. Some grazed him by centimeters, some missed him completely, others made painful contact. He quickly glanced down at Selena to see Tien catch her and drop to a landing onto the street below.

If only there was a way to lose them… Cell growled in his mind. I'm not through with that girl yet!


Selena fell right into Tien's arms as he flew a few feet above the ground. He quickly began flying away to somewhere he figured was safe, but Selena began flashing him a hard glare.

"You're going the wrong way!" she screamed at him, squirming in his arms to get away. "Let me go!"

"Wrong way?" Tien wondered. "Don't tell me you really wanna go back there. You could have died! Do you know how lucky you are?!"

"LET ME GO!" Selena shouted, freeing herself from Tien's arms. She fell five feet to the ground, and landed on her feet. She began running in the direction her swoop was headed. Sakura was the only thing on her mind.

The swoop probably crashed. Sakura-chan…please be alright…

"This girl is absolutely crazy!" Tien shook his head. "She's gonna get herself killed…"


Cell flew right over Tien's head, heading in Selena's direction. As Tien blinked in shock…

"Tien! Get outta the way!" Piccolo shouted behind him. Tien flew higher into the air, and Piccolo flew through the place Tien was hovering. Piccolo was flying as fast as he could, trying to catch the elusive Cell. Tien saw that Cell had the head start, and Piccolo probably couldn't catch him. Tien could see Selena far down on the ground running as fast as she could down the street.

"SELENA! LOOK OUT!" Tien shouted a warning to her. Selena looked up and slowed down…a deadly decision.

Cell continued flying past her, ignoring her for the moment. Piccolo followed him persistently.

Tien resumed blinking in surprise. Selena had stopped in shock as well, looking in the direction she was headed.

Selena wasn't Cell's target.

Selena screamed when she realized what Cell was really after!



The swoop had crashed into a large bramble of tree branches in a large forest. Sakura tried to stop crying and be calm as she climbed down. She wasn't afraid of heights, but she was afraid of falling with the swoop to the ground. She started to climb down the tree trunk, grabbing branches for support. As she put her weight on one thin branch, it broke, and she tumbled to the ground with no more than a startled yelp. The ground was so close to her, she didn't have time to scream. She landed on her back in a bush, and lay there for a moment in shock. After a while, she got back up, and dusted herself off.

"Aw!" she cried, looking at a hole in her pink overalls. "I tore my pants!" As she began fretting over her clothes, she heard a faint rustling in a bush opposite of her. She gasped as reality struck her once again. She was being hunted by that monster.

She froze in fear, sniffing back frightened tears and clutching frightened fists by her throat to protect herself.

"Selena-san…" she muttered to herself.

In a flash of a second…

…the monster jumped in front of her…

…no time to scream…


…she was sent fling…


…her back hit a tree…

…the monster stood to full height over her.

Sakura felt she couldn't move. Her back hurt her so much, and she was so scared. She wanted to run away, but there was no where to run to. Petrified eyes kept watch on the tall, standing monster…

Selena-san…help me…

The monster growled slightly, pleased with his prize, and began walking towards Sakura.


Sakura whimpered. Was there anyway out of this nightmare?!


Finally, Sakura cried out.

"Selena-san! Help me! Help! Please!"

"She can't hear you, little one." the monster replied.




Cell stopped in his tracks, just two feet away from Sakura, and turned his head to look behind him. Selena stood a full yard away, staff held in one hand, slightly out of breath from running. Cell turned his eyes to the sky. He didn't see any sign of Piccolo or Tien. Hiding his power level made them loose his trail. He looked back at Selena. She was now in a sideways stance, feet wide apart, knees bent slightly, shoulders tense, pointing the jeweled end of her staff at him.

Cell couldn't help but smile.

"What a strange and foolish girl you are, Selena." He admired, turning himself towards her with no fear. "You honestly believe you can fight me."

"Yes." Selena answered, not moving. Cell crossed his arms, unimpressed.

"You should understand that you are completely out of your league. This is the real world, my dear. You are fighting the best of the best, who are beyond your level."

"I don't care." Selena growled. "I can't let you kill that girl."

Cell chuckled.

"You really do think you are a guardian." He chuckled, closing his eyes. "How long are you planning to keep up this act, little girl? It could get you killed one day."

Selena didn't respond.

"Very well, my dear. We'll do things your way. This is your final warning, however. You will not be able to beat me."

"I can try." Selena growled, finally catching all her breath. "Sakura, move out of the way." The little girl, motivated by Cell's intimidation, crawled on her hands and knees to a farther away tree and hid behind it. Cell kept his gaze on Selena, and listened to Sakura move behind him. He smiled.

"Shall we dance?" he mocked with a very playful grin.


Selena gripped her staff tightly, and lunged for Cell. She pulled back the staff for a bone-shattering cracking, but before the jeweled end could come in contact with Cell's head, the monster seemed to disappear. Selena quickly stopped herself in mid-lunge, and spun around to guard her back. Under prediction of instinct, Cell appeared opposite of her to attack her backside, but she was prepared. He flung a jab at her, but she blocked with her staff, and used the blunt end of her staff to smack him across the face. He faltered backward a few steps, and Selena charged foreword. Cell took the defense, blocking with his palms to deflect Selena's staff attacks. Selena began with attacking with such speed and strength that Cell started moving backwards for a respective distance, but Selena moved with him.

He caught her side unguarded, and used his tail to slap it. Taken by surprise, Selena faltered to the side with a yelp, and Cell took his turn to attack. He flung his left arm for a chop, but Selena ducked it and began moving backward. Cell began peppering Selena's defense with an extremely quick series of punches and chops. Selena did her best to dodge and block them all as she moved backward. A few hit her in the face and neck, and they hurt like hell. She did her best to withstand his attacks, but she finally began heeding his earlier words.

It's not worth it…

You're out of your league…

This is how you will die…

Determined not to give up, she tried attacking again. She swung her staff for Cell's head again, but he caught it with one hand, and held on. Selena tried to free her staff, but Cell's grip was too tight. She couldn't budge it. Cell noticed she was completely off guard, and flung a very hard punch for her face. It cracked down on her nose and one of her eyes, and she was flung backward into a tree. She hit the tree so hard, it snapped in half and fell over. After a small pause, she stood and shook her head clear of tweeting birdies. Cell blinked a few times in astonishment, then smiled.

"Impressive." He admired. "Any other human would have died."

"I told you." Selena snorted. "I'm the perfect warrior." Cell half-smirked for a split second with a "hmph", and tossed Selena's staff aside.

"You don't even come close." He snarled, lowering himself into a fighting stance. Selena did the same, crossing her flexed hands before her chest in a more defensive stance. Cell took his turn to start the attack.

She didn't even see him coming…



Selena screamed as the hardest punch she had ever felt slammed into her stomach. She was in so much pain, she couldn't even move. Then, she felt an even stronger uppercut on her chin that rocketed her into the air. Cell cackled as he jumped up after her. Selena tried to recover, but her pain was too great. She heard Cell fly up above her, and she managed to look up after him. He stopped and hovered in a respectable distance in the air, then he charged downward with a flexed foot.

She looked away.

"This is gonna hurt…" she murmured to herself.

It did.


"There they are!" Piccolo noticed, seeing Selena and Cell in the air. As he flew for them, he witnessed Cell downkicking her back to the ground and disappear into the canopy of trees. Then the ground shook with the force of an earthquake. That forced Piccolo to speed up in his flight.

Oh no…that could have killed her!


"I'm very impressed." Cell smiled, walking away from the small crater he created with Selena pounded in the middle. "You're still alive. This probably would have killed Piccolo." Selena was somewhat alright. A line of blood was trickling out of one corner of her mouth, and she was giving Cell a glare hard enough to shatter glass. She slowly pulled herself to her feet, and hopped out of the crater.

"Selena-san!" Sakura called from behind another tree, the one she was hiding behind fell over with the forming of the crater. "Are you alright?"

"No." Selena would have answered, but Cell was around to hear that, so she kept quiet. She was hurting everywhere really bad. She was sure she was bleeding internally, but she couldn't be sure. Nothing felt broken, but the pain was tremendous. She couldn't believe how strong Cell was. She was almost convinced Cell wasn't from Earth. She took the small pause in the fight to think over what she could be up against.

I remember a small alien invasion force about five years ago…but there was two of them…could he be something like that? I dunno know…

He fights like a demon from hell…

Look at him, he's just standing there, daring me to attack…

Selena resumed taking a fighting position. Cell didn't move.

The land was quiet.

Selena's eyes widened for a split second, then she lunged for Cell, fling across the crater. She flung some open hand punches for his face and chest, but Cell moved away from each of them effortlessly. Selena went for a kick, but Cell bent over backward for the dodge, missing her foot by inches. In the moment of two seconds, Cell's hands landed on the ground under him, and he lifted his feet up to Selena, kicking her into the air. She yelped as she was once again flung into the air as Cell flipped over to righten himself to his feet, then promptly launched himself into the air.

Selena quickly regained herself, and watched Cell fly past her to get above her. She sensed he was going to kick her back down to the ground, so she spun her body around to face him. He hovered above her, and poised his foot to kick her again. Not to be attacked the same way twice, Selena held her hands out before her. Cell charged for her, foot first, and Selena grabbed it in her hands. The force of Cell's charge did force her to the ground, but she used the force of the charge to fling Cell in front of her and down to the ground. Cell tumbled to the ground, but caught himself and hovered just before he could hit the dirt. Feeling slightly dizzy, he shook his head to clear it.

Most impressive…he thought to himself. He opened his eyes just in time to see Selena's foot inches from his face before it contacted. His head bumped the ground, then Selena stomped on his face with her other foot and flipped foreword to escape. Cell hit the ground, but not very hard. He rolled over on his hands and feet and stood up. A shoeprint shaped dirt smudged blemished his face, so he wiped it off with one hand. He peeked behind two fingers at Selena. She was making a mad dash for her staff, and had grabbed it. Cell smiled behind his hand as he cleaned off the rest of the dirt.

"I underestimated you, Selena." He admitted as she pointed her staff at him. "You're pretty good, and…my, my, you are fast."

"…" Selena decided not to retort, so Cell continued.

"However skilled and fast you are, you aren't much in the strength category, are you?"

"I will admit you're stronger," Selena said, "but that doesn't mean I don't have advantages of my own."

"Name one." Cell dared.

"I'm smarter than you."

Cell smiled with interest.

"Oh really? So…this isn't a battle of brons, it's a battle of brains? Do you have any idea how interesting you are, Selena dear?"

"Stop calling me 'dear.'" Selena ordered firmly. The jewel on her staff began glowing. Cell smiled, knowing she was going to attack. He held one hand out to her, and a small powerball appeared in his hand. Energy buzzed between both opponents, one waiting for the other to fire first. As long as two minutes passed, Selena started breathing heavily in fear. The blood line at the corner of her mouth had already dried and started cracking, and she was sore all over. Cell finally had feeling in his face, and was otherwise unharmed. They stared into each other's eyes intently, waiting for the other to attack.

The land was quiet.

Selena's ki suddenly rose.

"Tamashii no Ya!" she chanted, and an energy wave erupted from the jewel on her staff and flew towards Cell. Cell raised his other hand, and slapped the attack into the air. It arched far away, and exploded in a different part of the forest. Selena's eyes went wide in panic. Before she could scream…


Cell quickly pressed his wrists together and fired a bigger energy blast. Selena had no time to react…


Instead of feeling the blow of an energy blast, Selena felt a rising sensation. She opened her eyes to see Piccolo holding her in his arms and rising high into the air. Down below, she could hear Cell roar in anger.

"Piccolo…" Selena murmured.

"Listen to me this time." Piccolo snapped at her as he flew. "Get out of here. Run as far away as you can. You can't fight this monster." Selena stared at him with watery eyes. She lowered her head in defeat. She did initially try to escape but she fought to save Sakura.

"Okay." Selena grumbled. Piccolo suddenly dove for the canopy, and Selena looked over his shoulder. Cell was flying right behind them. Piccolo crashed into the soft leaves of the canopy, and dropped Selena on a thick branch before landing on the forest floor. Selena crawled as close to the trunk of the tree as she could as Cell dove past the branches and leaves to get to Piccolo. As soon as the monster spotted Piccolo, he forgot about Selena and attacked the Namek instead. Piccolo took the fight deeper into the woods and Cell naïvely followed. Selena saw her chance, and jumped from the tree and ran to where she had left Sakura.

"Sakura?!" She called as she approached the crater. "Sakura! Sakura-chan!"

"Selena-san!" Sakura called from a different tree. Selena ran to it, and saw the girl standing and not harmed at all. Selena was so happy to see the girl alright, she bent down and hugged her.

"Thank God…" she whispered. Then she said to the girl out loud. "C'mon, let's get outta here. We can get some of that ice cream I promised you."

"Yeah!" Sakura cheered happily. Selena picked the girl up in her arms, and headed for her crashed swoop.

"Oh no…" Selena frowned. "I'll never get it outta that tree without destroying it…looks like I gotta get another one." Freeing one hand, she reached into her pocket, and took out a capsule case. Sakura helped her take the desired capsule out, clicked the top, and threw it to a respectable distance. The capsule exploded into a large cloud of smoke, and a new swoop appeared. Selena smiled. "Thanks Sakura. The Reckless 3 can take us somewhere safer." She hopped on, securing Sakura and herself in one seatbelt and then took off at high speed. Selena looked over her shoulder once. No one was behind her, but seeing that crater gave her a painful memory. She frowned.

That monster…killing all those innocent people…

And he's so strong…no normal human would stand a chance against him…


What game are you playing with us, Cell?

What game are you playing with…me?


They came to a bustling town that Selena didn't catch the name of, and she immediately drove to the nearest ice cream parlor. Selena treated herself and Sakura to chocolate ice cream, and they both talked and got to know each other a little better. Sakura was a native to Japan while Selena was a nomad from Ireland. They both shared jokes and mentioned their brief brushes with love. Sakura had a crush on one boy until he pushed her in the mud and she beat him up. Selena was amazed how much of a tomboy young Sakura was. She was only six years old, and already a legend of the playground.

After the ice cream, Selena decided to see a doctor before continuing her nomading days. She drove to a hospital, and took Sakura in with her to the doctor's room. After an x-ray and psychical examination, the doctor gave the young woman the good news.

"You're a little shaken, but not stirred." The doctor chuckled. "You're not seriously injured, no bones were broken, and…well…how did you say this happened again?"

"I got in a fight." Selena confessed. "I thought he was going to kill me."

"I'll say." The doctor nodded. "You're lucky to have no serious injuries. You'll have that black eye for a few days, I'm afraid." Selena frowned. Her left eye was really hurting her, and she didn't have any make-up to hide it with. It was a little embarrassing… "I can't believe you aren't dead, the way you've been beaten, my dear. A few parts of your body are bruised or scratched and will heal in a few days. Take some aspirin to relax those sore mussels…my God, I am just so amazed."

"Thank you, doctor." Selena bowed politely. "C'mon Sakura, let's go." As Selena began heading out the door, the doctor said to her back:

"You have a very strong guardian angel watching over you, my friend." Selena stopped to nod.

"I'd say so." She agreed, opening the door and walking out. Sakura held her hand as they walked out of the hospital, and to Selena's parked swoop.

"So, what now?" Sakura asked as she climbed on Selena's lap. Selena thought as she strapped in the seatbelt.

"I dunno…" She admitted as the image of Cell popped in her mind for a split second. "…but I think this whole thing is far from over."

To be continued…


Selena: Today's bonus theme is Final Fantasy VII characters!

Tien: Final Fantasy what? I can't read Roman numerals…

Selena: For the numerally challenged out there, that's Final Fantasy 7.

Tien: Oh!

Cell: Alright, the best video game ever made!

Piccolo: Uh, do we have to dress up as the characters again?

Selena: Always.

Sakura: I love dressing up!

Selena: Okay…FF7…first things first. Who's Sephiroth?

Everyone: ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!


Piccolo: I'm the most like Sephiroth, so I deserve to be him!

Cell: **shoves Piccolo aside** You don't have the hair to be him! I'm the villain, so I should be Sephiroth!

Tien: Hey, I'm the one with the build to be Sephiroth, so it should be me!

Sakura: **a little confuzzled** Who's Sephiroth?

Selena: **sigh** If we can't agree, then I'll have to be Sephiroth.

Everyone: **anime take where they become giants** NO YOU'RE NOT!

Selena: **falls over, then gets back up** Okay, okay, I guess we can bend the rules this chapter. How about this: we can all be Sephiroth, alright?

Everyone: **happy** Okay!

Selena: Alright! **snaps her fingers, and everyone is dressed as Sephiroth**

Cell: Alright! This is great!

Piccolo: Now here's a costume I don't mind putting on!

Tien: Absolute coolness!

Selena: Sakura, you look adorable!

Sakura: **she looks like a chibi Sephiroth! Aww!** ^.^

Selena: Okay everyone, since this bonus is Final Fantasy 7 characters! We'll be everyone else together.

Piccolo: Huh? Hey, wait a minute…

Selena: Alright, let's all be Cloud! **snaps her fingers and everyone is dressed as Cloud Strife**

Piccolo: **with a spiky blond wig on his head** Selena, you didn't say anything about this!

Tien: AAAAAA! The sword on my back is too heavy! **falls over backwards**

Cell: No fair, Selena! Put us back in those Sephiroth costumes!

Sakura: **looks like a chibi Cloud! Kawaii!!** But I love dressing up like this!

Selena: **swings the sword around effortlessly** Hey hey, lookit me! I'm Cloud Strife, first class SOLDIER! … Hey, why is SOLDIER always in caps? That's bugged me for a long time.

Cell: It's the name of the organization.

Selena: But still, it's in all caps…it's distracting…

Piccolo: Lawless! I demand you change our costumes back!

Selena: **points sword at Piccolo** If you have any more complaints, I'll shove this sword up your ass!

Piccolo: **speechless** …

Cell: **lol**

Sakura: Selena-san, that was mean.

Selena: No, this is mean. Alright everyone, let's all be Aeris!

Piccolo, Tien, and Cell: WHAT?!

Selena: **snaps her fingers, and everyone is dressed in Aeris's pretty pink dress**

Piccolo, Tien, and Cell: **screams** AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Selena and Sakura: **lol**

(The boys run away to take off their pretty pink clothes, and Selena changes herself and Sakura into their normal clothes.)

Sakura: That was fun!

Selena: Yeah, but it was short. I wanted to dress up as everybody. **lol** It would have been funny to see the boys dressed up as Tifa!

Sakura: Selena-san, what is Final Fantasy 7?

Selena: **walks away, holding Sakura's hand** Well, it's a story that happens in a world that is ruled by a single company called Shin-Ra Inc. The story begins in the city of Midgar, when a train was pulling into the Sector 1 station…

Yes, it is amazing to see how an epic story like FF7 began. And even though Unholy Crusade will never be as great as this famous game, it will still be unbelievable to look back at the very beginning and see how it all began. Also, FYI, I write UC to FF7 music, so that's what made me think of today's bonus.

Well, that ends Chapter 3, but Chapter 4 is still on the way, so stay tuned!