Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unkown Distances ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here it is, unknown distances! Enjoy!

"Ah! Just great !" Goten said out loud, "first I lose my friends now my family and now my girl friend?!" he was walking down the street with his hands on his pockets, he was looking down not really paying attention to were he was going, that is until he bumped into someone, "sorry!" he heard the someone say, he dusted himself up and sighed mumbling "it's ok" and kept walking.

He arrived home he was tired and just went straight to bed, just then his phone rang, he let it ring until his answering machine went off "Hey This Goten Son, sorry can't come to the phone right now, but please leave a message and I'll call you right up!" beep! "hey Goten this is Bra, heard what happened to you and Paris" he rolled his eyes and sat in his couch sighing in frustration "sorry to hear that, so we um, I mean I'm throwing a house party, at my place tomorrow at 9:pm if ya don't mind to come it would be great, besides I got some friends I want you to meet!" 'probably wants me to hook up with some girl' he thought "ok c ya later Goten!", after a while he started to consider the idea, maybe going somewhere would help a little bit to clear up his mind!

Groaning Goten, woke up, stood up and yawned all not so excited, he look at his alarm clock it read '10:00 am', "great" he mumbled, he was fired yesterday so no need to wake up early no more, he needed to find a job well at least he could do something to pass the day.

"great just great!!" Goten yelled over and over, all of his day went screw up

"now how am I supposed to do? I won't be able to pay the bills if I have no work, no work no money no money no food!" he said frustrated, then he remembered Bra's party, hey she and Bulma had one every what? special holiday, or event like "bra is graduating? PARTY!, Trunks landed a big gig? PARTY! Or Vegeta said I love you? BIG PARTY!!"

With a huge sigh, he got dressed up, got ready and went to Bra's party and flew there (an: how else?).

He landed in front of the Briefs-Vegeta residence, how could you miss it? He brushed his slacks and sighed and walked up to the party. There he saw his child hood friends, he smiled "hey guys!" he said even though he wasn't that cheerful he fooled them really well " hey buddy" said trunks patting his back, from the corner of his eyes he saw Bra and a few of her friends, he got closer so he could hear what they were saying better, then he totally regretted it "so his name is Goten?" one asked "yeah" said Bra "he looks cute but I heard that he's as dumb as a brick!" the second one said, smiling she agreed with them, he growled and walked up to them, he had a smile on his face and he greeted them, he dragged Bra out the group and he spoke to her in a cold tone, and a cold tone for Goten IS pretty bad "hey bra what were you and those other girls talking about eh?" as he said that Bra's face turned nervous "we, uh well we were talking about how cute yo-" she was cut off by Goten " liar! I heard you! Your like family to me bra how could you?" "Goten I'm-I'm sorry! I-I love!" she said desperately, while Goten frowned "if you love me so much why couldn't you just say it to me instead of spreading a rumor with you friends? Your lying your just trying to weasel yourself out of this one, but hey you know what your not! You're a snake a dirty cheater SNAKE!" he yelled everyone was now listening and bra looked around, she saw her brother he was looking down, she looked at her mother and she was ready to kill with that bra smiled confidently she was sure her mother would come to her rescue, but she was wrong, she instead slapped her, "MOM!" she gasped actually everyone did "I can't believe you! After all we did for you, you turn your back at your friends? I'm ashamed of you!" yelled Bulma, bra was ready to cry when she saw her daddy, the only one that cared enough, or so she taught "about time!, you spoiled her bad, now I hope you can get to the once sweet honest person WE raised!" he said with a sneer, he look so evil, bra has never seen that coming to her, there she busted crying, Bulma then yelled "out! Everyone get out of here no more party!"

Slowly everyone left except for Uubu and Goten. Goten was still mad Bra but "hey Uubu what are you doing here?" he asked blinking, Uubu sighed looking down "I have to ask the Vegeta-briefs for something" he said lowly, Goten shrugged and looked at Trunks, who at the moment was picking grass with a bored _expression.

Later on Bulma came out of the house, she flipped her aquamarine hair, and sighed, she didn't look her age at all, "hmmm probably invented a blue dye that doesn't ware off" Goten mussed with himself, sighing Bulma addressed them "hey boys!, I'm sorry for the party Goten I really am, I have no idea where we went wrong" she said half angry and half disappointed, he heard Uubu whisper "how about when you spoiled?" and Goten started to laugh, soon Trunks joined in with Uubu and they started laugh furiously they became quiet when they saw Bulma's murder _expression "AS I was saying" continued Bulma "I want you trunks to go to a business trip, but since it's going to take more than a year or so, and I can't do it" "awww mom! Do I have to?" said trunks in a whiny "YES!" was Bulma's answer, trunks grumbled "fine but only if those 2 come with me!" he said pointing towards Uubu and Goten Bulma growled "fine! Be ready tomorrow your going to the USA!" she said walking towards the mansion "wait what?" bellowed Uubu and Goten "are you mad man?" how am I supposed to go and and" then he stopped, and grin "wait this is great! I could use a vacation" he said pondering "yeah me too" joined in Goten, trunks smiled " thanks guys!" "yeah yeah" said Goten waving his hand around, he could use a vacation too……….

An: so? Ya like?, yeah I have a reason of why everyone turning their backs at Bra, but no I DON'T hate her, she's one of my favorite character, I have a reason of why doing this ok? So don't blow your heads!
