Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unkown Distances ❯ *need to get better tittles!^^* er..um...unexpected? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With a heave trunks threw his stuff inside of his locker in the boy's locker room "oh yay! Why am I here again?" he asked and Uubu sighed "trunks for once stop complaining about everything" he said while grabbing his helmet and straighten in up "were here because were going to try out for the football team" he explained "oh yeah!" said trunks "come on guys! I want to go out there and play football already!" whined Goten and Uubu walked towards him to the door "yeah yeah, yeah" said trunks waving his hand like it wasn't nothing and ran after his 2 friends

Oh the field trunks noticed something, or someone the cheerleading squad practicing by the football field and he smiled at them, which sent every single girl swooning at his feet except for one which he recognize as "hey Lissa!" he waved at her, and she waved back like friends would do, or that's how

He picture it anyways "trunks! Stop flirting and let's go to the foot ball field already!" yelled Goten and trunks blushed while running towards the field.

Once he arrived there he sat and listened to the coach drown on and on about the game it's roots and why he wanted all of them to do their best…

Meanwhile gohan wasn't doing that well either and he sighed "stop it gohan!, it's just a puppy love, girls will go and come all the time so why let one bother you so much?" he told himself and shook his head, he hasn't been in the town more than a month and he's already depressed, he gathered his paper works and started grading his students paper…

"Lissa , how come from the whole squad he only speaks to you?" asked a blonde girl with a pony tail "because he's my neighbor!" Lissa said as if it wasn't nothing "uhu right girl and I'm a fairy and I can fly!" another girl said and they started laughing and Lissa her self couldn't help it 'I wish he thought of me as something more than a neighbor' Lissa thought sadly "ok team let's try this again!" she said waving her pom- poms around

Just then a girl that was carrying waaaay too many books stumbled on the field by the cheerleaders and fell flat on her face letting fly all of her books "oof!" she grunted and the cheerleading squad laughed while Lissa helped her up "you ok sis?" she asked in a kind tone, and kristel yanked her arms from her sister "I'm fine!" she said with venom dripping from both words, she hurriedly picked her books up and sat in a nearby table and started to study, all the while Lissa feeling guilty for her sister, she didn't do anything, except for stealing the boy she liked, but she couldn't help it!, she twirled around and began giving the squad some new routines to try out.

Kritel was writing away and then she stopped and looked at her sister, no need to be mad at her! I mean really she never means to hurt anyone, sighing she went back to her books 'guess I'll apologize to her whe new get home' she thought with a smile, they been together all their life and they could never stay mad at each other, just then she looked up to see 3 boys dominating the field as if it wasn't nothing, hew eyes were wide as were everyone else's, they were great, no wait scratch that they were awesome! She saw the coach smile and she knew what he was thinking, "gold mine!" she said a bit aloud , she then soon recognized the 3 boys, they were her neighbors! She smiled, she could congratulate them, especially since her sister had a crush on the lavender haired guy, trunks, Well everyone did they always ogled him and drooled all over him, but he wasn't the only one, nope, there was Son Goten and Uubu who refused to tell what his last name was, since they moved here, they had most girls at their feet with just a smile, what's not to like? With that last thought she went back to her homework that never seemed to end.

In the locker room, all the boys were taking showers or/and changing after sweating so much, trunks smiled "well that was a nice practice" he said in a cheerful voice "yeah I guess" reply Uubu while putting his shirt on, mean while Goten was just coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist "what you mean 'yeah I guess'? today was one of those days that keeps dragging on and on!" Goten said while changing into his clothes

"what do you mean Goten?" Uubu asked perplexed then it came to him "you mean your still upset aobut gohan?" Goten nodded "he's my only brother, he's been depressed for a long time ago, and when he finally getting better he get rejected!" Goten said to Uubu who nodded "look on the bright side Goten!" said trunks "what 'bright' side" he said dryly "you got a fan club, and half the girl population drooling over you!" said trunks with a smirk and Goten blushed "oh gee thanks, you make me sound like I was all that!" he said rolling his eyes, trunks too rolled his eyes "if you haven't noticed, gohan has every single female teacher/student at his feet too!, he just hasn't notice yet" Goten looked up "your right maybe if he went with someone else then he can get his mind off Ms. Adams!" he said getting his 'cheerfulness' back up, Uubu just shook his head, hearing trunks and Goten plan stuff like this always came up a disaster!, Uubu walked away from the locker room and out towards the school's drive way, "can't believe I can't drive 'cause I don't have license" he muttered once he got inside the air car, then he re-considered if he should leave Goten and trunks there or just wait a while more, he being so nice and stuff decided to stay and wait for them to stay, he sighed and looked around "tree, car tree, pretty girl, building, car…" he said looking around then he saw the 'pretty girl' again and squinted his eyes, no that couldn't be! Could it? Could it be……

(An: hangcliffer!! Nah I hate those!)

"Marron!?" he said standing up and walking towards her, she looked up to him when she heard her name, blinks "s-sorry do I know you?" she said perplexed, Uubu frowned and sat in her table, then sighed "don't you remember me? From the martial arts tournament? Son Goku?" he said trying to give her hints, she then grinned "Uubu?!" he nodded smiling and she hugged him "oh wow! Never thought of seeing you here!" she said cheerfully and settled back in her seat "ditto! Well I'm not alone, trunks and Goten and gohan are here too" he said trying to start a conversation with her "really? I can't wait to see them, it's been a while and they never say hi anymore" she said sadly "so what brings you here? He asked trying to change the subject "me? Well I got such good grades back in Japan, that they offered me this collage, one of the best, they say *shrugs* it seems the same to me" she said smiling and Uubu nodded "right" "where you live?" Marron asked "who knows said Uubu "in this huge manor that you can easily get lost in?" he said sarcastically "I hate that place is so big it's scary" said Uubu "I know what you mean I'm used to being in a small area, surrounded by mother nature, now…I'm surrounded by concrete and glass everywhere"…

After that they kept talking