Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unkown Distances ❯ shot down *sort of* ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An: *sniffs* I can't believe this! I got no reviews at all….I feel so unappreciated….*sniffs* well to all of those who actually read my story here's part 4! Hopefully you'll like it, you probably hate me because I don't have the couples you want and I'm so sorry but this is the way I like it and if you guys would be kind enough to review it would be nice it only takes 2-5 minutes and it won't hurt to do so either!

Thank you!


"Ugh! I can't believe this!" grunted Goten "first day of school and we get homework on almost every subject, thank god I have P.E at least I'm good at something" sighed Goten "it wasn't that bad" Uubu tried to cheer his friends up, but instead got 2 death glares from them , he shook his head and sat to do his homework "hi guys!" greeted gohan some what cheerful to them, "'sup gohan?" asked Uubu from the desk "nothing really. I'm just in a good moon" answered gohan and trunks and Goten snickered "does it involve a certain "blonde" teacher, who is my English teacher?" asked Goten grinning at the reaction of gohan, Uubu shook his head but couldn't help grinning either "ask her out" suggested Uubu "what?!" yelled gohan turning crimson "I don't even know her!" "that's the whole point!" argued Goten "you get to know her better if you did!" Uubu added "and besides you need a girlfriend" added trunks laughing and gohan glared at him "it's true gohan" Uubu added closing his book "I think you have us study more than actually having fun!" he said in a whiny voice that he rarely heard "fine! I'll ask her out" he said defeated "yes!" they all said in their head .

On the next day gohan walked up to her "hi ginger" she looked up to meet his ebony eyes "hello" she said in her sweet voice and smiled at him "uh" he couldn't help blushing he was interrupted by a guy, same age as gohan, he had blonde hair and black eyes, which he reminded gohan a lot of sharpener "hi sweetie" he said and kissed her on the cheek all the while gohan just gaped at them "oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" he said sheepishly and sat by her putting his hand on her shoulders "what was that you needed gohan?" she asked somewhat sheepishly too "me? I uh I just needed to see what my brother and his friends uh need to do for homework, you know c-can't let them fall behind" gohan lied, he himself couldn't believe it. "oh" said ginger "I gave them the assignment yesterday and besides it's not due until next week so nothing to worry about" she said kind of confused since she already told him that the day before "oh yeah!, oh sorry to bother you, my brain isn't working that well today" he said and walked off with gingers and her boyfriends eyes following him.

After they came from school the 3 youngsters couldn't help but to feel a bit happy that gohan liked someone, their mood soon changed as soon as they saw his face, pure rejection was written all over it, "gohan? Bro what happened?" asked Goten concerned "she has a boyfriend, or most likely fiancé" gohan sighed "they are marrying end of this month" he told them, and they all looked at each other while gohan looked down "hey gohan it's ok, there's plenty of fishes on the sea" trunks said patting his back, "I know" said gohan "but I wanted that fish" "sorry to hear gohan, well were going to practice now" Uubu said as soon as he saw the clock, he didn't want to be rude or anything but he could feel that gohan wanted to be alone "practice?" asked gohan "yeah we joined the football team" said Goten "we just wanted to know how you do" trunks added "yeah and we're running late" Uubu said in a hurry while pushing the semi-sayajings out the door "what was that for?" asked Goten "my brother is heart broken right now!" he yelled at Uubu "he wants to be alone" he reasoned with Goten "yeah it's true Goten, I wouldn't want to be with anyone right now after I found out the girl I liked was marrying someone else" trunks said and Goten sighed looking at his dear brother, "guess your right" mumbled Goten…

AN: how ya like? Tell me *hint hint!* I personally like how this story is coming out, I'm going to make it a bit angst but not that much since I am terrible at them, but I thought that it would be nice to add to the story!


Luv Always ~*Alex*~ !