Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unkown Distances ❯ school starts and someone new too! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An: hiya! I got no reviews for my 2 chapters! I kind-a feel bad! *sniffs* I'm putting this chapter up and if anyone re-views I'm might reconsider finish writing it *hears the wind howling* err well here's the story!

School starts…

"WAKE UP!!" yelled Goten in trunks ear "w-what" trunks mumbled and fell of the floor "off!" grunted trunks, he rubbed his head "what do ya want?" he asked angrily "school man! It's today remember?" Goten asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world "oh sh*t!" swore trunks and he got out of his covers and jumped inside of the shower while Goten laughed at him.

After Goten woke Uubu up too, he went down for breakfast, where gohan stood trying to make a egg omelet, he was never the great cook like his mom "morning bro!" said Goten cheerfully for once in weeks

"morning" mumbled gohan trying to concentrate on the food in front of him, that is until he caught his apron (which read kiss the cook" which everyone thought was kind-a funny and yet disturbing) "AHHH!" he screamed trying to put the fire away "Goten help me!" he yelled and Goten tried to put it way with a mitten that he found on the counter only to catch it on fire too "AH!" Goten and gohan yelled just then a white foam hit them both extinguishing the fire "it's a fire extinguisher" Uubu said at the semi-sayajings covered in the white foam "next time try using this instead of a mitten Goten" he said half concerned half jokily "thanks" grumbled gohan "ah! We don't have anything to eat!" whined Goten "relax Goten" Uubu said "we can go out for lunch you know" "great idea" murmured trunks as soon as he saw the mess they were in "hey gohan where are you teaching at?" Uubu asked now that he remembered "huh? Oh in the sane collage you guys are going to" answered gohan "really?" asked Goten "yup" "that's great, for once I can pass a subject!" said Goten gleefully, and Uubu and gohan sweat dropped "right let's eat!" said trunks "yeah! I'm starving!" added Uubu "fine! But next time you cook trunks!" gohan said "me? Why me? I hate cooking!" trunks insisted "make Uubu!" he said "huh?" said Uubu "fine I don't care!" said gohan "wait why me!?" Uubu complained "because they might burn the house down" whispered Goten "oh." said Uubu in agreement.

"so were eating at school?" asked Goten "how original" added trunks "will you stop whining?" asked an angry gohan, then they all blink except for gohan "what's bugging ya?" asked Goten "nothing" murmured gohan "right right" said trunks and settle back on his chair that was the last spoken words in the whole trip

When they arrived at the school, almost everyone stopped doing what they were doing, stares and giggles and glares came from all directions when they were walking towards the school, Uubu sweat dropped "uh guys, is it me or is this place getting kind of tense" he said in a nervous laugh "it's like this at every school you go to!, you get use to it" said Goten "yeah they just never saw anyone as good looking as me" added trunks "ego maniac" whispered gohan.

"where are we gohan! We been walking for circles!" said Goten "I know!" hissed gohan "I'm trying to look for someone or a teacher that can help us, "oh look there's a lady, ask her!" Uubu said to gohan "fine!" he walked up to her and tapped her lightly on her shoulder "um excuse me we uh" he stopped in mid-sentence, he looked at the girl in front of him, he saw crystal clear eyes, peach skin, and blonde hair, he blush as soon as his eyes started wondering "yes how may I help you?" she asked in a sweet yet hurriedly voice "um yeah we need to get to the cafeteria" gohan stammered, she pointed to her left where it read in big black bold lines "CAFETERIA" he blushed "thank you, my name is gohan son, I'm new here" he said extending his hand "hi I'm Ginger Adams, you can call me Gin!" she said in her sweet voice while shaking his hand " I have to go now nice to meet you" she said and she walked off

"see you caught someone's eye there gohan" said trunks poking his best friends older brother, "yea right" said gohan turning crimson, the others just snickered at him

After they had breakfast a really weird one too, everyone kept looking at them as if they were aliens, well except for Uubu sure they were! That didn't mean that they were weird!

Well with out counting the fact that gohan Goten and trunks had a little race it didn't seem that bad after all!

"Aw man!" Said trunks "I got the same stupid classes as my last year! How about you Goten?" "I got the same schedule as you do!" said Goten "you Uubu?" "I got 2 with you 2"he said to trunks and goten

"Well at least well see you" trunks said, just then the bell rang "well gotta split!" said Goten "see ya at lunch" called Uubu

An: I have decided to stop here, why don't know, it's not a cliffhanger I think……

Err yeah still waiting for those reviews…..please!!!! *makes puppy eyed face* please!! You'll be my best friend!