Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Ahmek Dan ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Extra warnings (and notes)!!:
This chapter contains many, many flashbacks. The flashback scenes are separated from 'real time' scenes by three astrisks at the beginning and it will be all in italics.

There is a small section in the middle of this chapter that I added and has not been beta read. I was just about to post it and I had something to add, but I didn't want to make you all wait for an update! There will be a '^' symbol before the separation astrisk so you can mock and tease me for it!! ^-^

This chapter contains some lemonish bits...I don't know if they are good enough to be called lemons...but, enjoy it just the same!!!

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 37
Ahmek Dan
The History of Trunks: Part 1

“As everyone knows,” Bulma began the story happily, standing behind Vegeta and slipping her arms around his neck, “I was terribly, passionately in love with your father.” She gave Vegeta a quick kiss on the temple before slipping out of the prince’s reach. Vegeta clenched his hands into fists, pressing them against his thighs as he tried not to explode. “Well, even though those were uncertain times, I was certain that your father was special.” She stopped behind Trunks next, mimicking the action she had with his dad, hugging him and placing a kiss on his forehead. Trunks blushed, embarrassed to hear the story of his conception, let alone in front of his family and friends. He looked to his father and decided that the little bit of embarrassment was worth honoring his Saiyan side. Bulma continued. “And who knows for sure what day it was, but one day you began as a beautiful miracle...just a tiny spark of life.”

“You know exactly what day, woman,” Vegeta snapped. He was mortified that she would be sharing this story in front of this unworthy group, but he wasn’t about to disrespect Saiyan tradition in front of them.

Bulma smiled as she looked upon the prince.

“You’re right...” she said, nodding. “I do remember.” She took a deep breath and looked off to her side at nothing as she continued the tale. “It was the tenth of March, to be exact. But don’t worry, gang,” she laughed. “I’m not telling everything.”

Trunks raised his eyebrows in a small sign of interest. He hoped that the fact that his mother knew the exact day of his conception was a sign that his parents were not extremely active. At the same time he wasn’t sure if he would rather know that his existence was simply the result of some random event.

“It was really cold that day...” Bulma reminisced. “I was in the gravity capsule trying to start a new program for the simulator...and that’s when Yamucha showed up.” She turned her eyes toward her old friend, and he looked shocked to be included this early on in the story.

“I did?” he asked.

“You did...and you really hacked me off, too. We fought, don’t you remember?”

Yamucha laughed and shook his head. Bulma shrugged.

“We did...and it was over the stupidest thing...”


“You’re gonna be in here all day, aren’t you?” Yamucha asked.

Bulma looked up and smiled.

“Almost. I’m hoping that I can get this compiling so I can go inside and read for a little while. My hands are killing me!”

“Maybe I could give you a massage?” he asked, coming to stand beside her. Bulma laughed.

“I think a nap is more in order,” she told him. “A nice long nap.” He shrugged.

“Maybe I could help you there as well,” he said mischievously. Bulma rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

“Yamucha, I mean actual sleeping. Valentine’s Day was more than three weeks ago. You can stop hoping for a ‘thank you’ for your flowers that is anything other than these two sincere words: thank you.”

“I don’t expect you to sleep with me to thank me!” he defended. “I want you to sleep with me because...well...just to have a little fun. Let go...”

“Yamucha.” Bulma turned to him and spoke plainly. “Sex is a very serious matter to me. I can’t just throw it around like it’s not important.”

“It doesn’t have to be so serious!” he tried to reason. Bulma did not look convinced. “C’mon. You know I’ll always think that you are pretty…” he told her, running his hand down her arm.

“What does that have to do with anything?” she asked. Yamucha gave a weak grin and blushed, answering sheepishly.

“Well, I know how sensitive you can be sometimes. I know that those are the sweats you wear when you’re feeling fat. But it’s just a few extra pounds, babe. You can lose them in no time with a little cardio.”

Bulma froze as though she had just been turned into a statue.

“What?!” she spat. Yamucha immediately pulled his hands from the vicinity of her body.

“Um, but you still look great, baby! Really!”

“How dare you!” she shrieked. “Don’t you ever presume to tell me anything about my body or how you think I can fix it!”

“No, it wasn’t like that -” She cut him off before he could finish stammering.

“Get out of my way!”

She pushed him to the side and stormed out of the GR without thinking to grab her coat. Even with his martial arts training, Yamucha had to hurry to keep up with her.

“Bulma! Wait, baby!”

“Don’t call me that!” she shouted, marching up the stairs. “I don’t want to hear another word!”

With that, she slammed the door to her bedroom just as he had reached it.

“Bulma...” he spoke piteously. “Bulma, please let me explain.” There was no response. “Um...I’ll go get some ice for your hands? Would you like that?”


“Okay. I’ll be right back.”


“Basically, he told me I looked fat,” Bulma explained. There was laughter from the group as Yamucha blushed.

“I can’t remember ever saying anything as stupid as that.”

Vegeta gave short bark of laughter at the remark.

“Your history is full of such idiotic slips of the tongue,” he stated. “You can’t help yourself.”

Yamucha rolled his eyes. It was pointless to try to defend himself against the arrogant prince.

“I bet it took you a long time to get over that,” Chi Chi told her. Bulma smiled, but it was Vegeta who replied.

“Not really...”


At the sound of retreating footsteps, Vegeta poked his head out of his bedroom. What on earth was going on? He moved across to Bulma’s door and tried the knob. It was locked. He knocked quietly.


At the sound of his voice, Bulma opened the door and pulled him quickly inside before shutting and locking it again. He could tell by her flushed skin and wide eyes that she was angry.

“Should I pound him?” he asked. Bulma shook her head.

“He can’t help it he’s an ass.”

There was a knock at the door.

“Bulma, hon, I got you some ice,” came Yamucha’s pitiful voice. Vegeta raised his eyebrows, as if asking if she wanted to change her mind on letting him get pounded. Bulma shook her head.

“I don’t need it,” she called back. “I just want to be alone and take a nap.”

“Come on, baby. You know I didn’t mean anything bad by it,” he continued.

Bulma came closer to the door, the only thing separating her from it being Vegeta.

“I don’t want to hear anymore! Just go away! I’m going to lie and if you disturb me, it will only make me more mad!”

She glanced up to Vegeta’s face. His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted, and his breathing even and deep. What was he thinking?

“Come on, baby! Just let me apologize!” Yamucha begged.

“No,” she stated. Vegeta opened his eyes and looked down at her. “Go away now, or I will never forgive you!” There was silence for a moment.

“Okay,” he finally answered. “But can we talk later ?”

“Depends on how fast you move right now!” Bulma replied.

“Okay! I’m leaving now!” She could hear his voice getting fainter. “I will come find you later, B!”

She and Vegeta stood quietly a moment, waiting.

“Is he really gone?” she asked him. He gave a nod in reply. Bulma gave a sigh of relief. “Man, he makes me so mad! He is just too much!” She turned to her bed and threw herself across it. She rolled to her side, propping her head up on her hand and looked to Vegeta. “What were you thinking about just a moment ago, with your eyes closed?” she asked him.

He shrugged, clasping his hands behind his back.

“The way you smell.”

Bulma frowned. The last thing she needed was one more insult.

“What about it?” she asked.

Vegeta shrugged again and moved to the bed to sit on the edge.

“It’s....alluring.” She smiled brightly.

“Thank you!” She beamed at him. “Do you know what Yamucha said to me? He said that I was fat.”

Vegeta responded with the ever versatile raised eyebrow. He couldn’t imagine why the idiot would have made such an observation. Except, of course, because he was an idiot.

“I know I feel a little heavier than normal, but I am not fat! It’s just water weight!... What a jerk.”

Vegeta lay back on the bed, mirroring her posture. She looked so beautiful, her face colored from anger and now joy. Joy that he caused. Why did that make him feel...good? He brushed a lock of hair back over her ear.

“You cannot expect a simple human male to appreciate the minute details and subtle transformations that are representative of a highly attractive female.”

Bulma felt a blush rise to her face at his words, but didn’t want to give him too much credit.

“Oh, and you do?” she teased.

“Mm,” he replied the affirmative, moving closer to her. “The human being thinks it is so highly evolved and cerebral that it has long since forgotten the beauty of the physical.”
She watched him slowly lick his lips before adding. “And the carnal.”

Bulma felt her mouth had suddenly gone dry.

“Um…do...do tell.” She spoke so low, it was almost a whisper.

“Well...” he began, his hand coming to her shoulder and gently forcing her back onto the bed. He moved his arm to lay above her head so he could look down into her face. Had she always been this beautiful? “For one thing, while the brain can deny, the body cannot
. It cannot abandon what it was meant to do.”

“Such as...?” she prompted.

“Such as...” He spoke, his hand gently skimming the flesh of her throat. “Humans spend such time and effort masking their scent when it was designed to proclaim to others their intent, health, arousal, fertility...” His fingers deftly undid each button of her blouse before laying open the fabric to reveal her pink satin bra. “Women and even men go to great lengths to remove hair that helps retain scent from areas where these glands are most concentrated.” Bulma frowned.

“I noticed Saiyans are pretty much hairless,” she pointed out.

“Yes, but humans do not have our superior olfactory senses,” he replied. “But as important as scent is, visual clues are also ignored,” he continued, unclasping the hook in front of her bra. Bulma winced. “Women avoid contact with men at times in their cycle when they feel their body is tender.” His fingers brushed lightly over her breast, eliciting a gasp from Bulma as her body reacted. “When it is really just heightened sensation.” He let his hand continue to travel down her body until his palm rested on her abdomen. “And what you attribute to water is your body’s attempt to normalize itself with the feminine curves it was designed to have.” He gently began to massage the area beneath his hand. “Soft. Round. Like a woman.”

Bulma looked up into his eyes as he spoke, his deep husky voice raising goose bumps on her skin.

“That a man would want a woman to be built like a child is shameful,” he told her. “Especially one so beautiful...” He leaned down, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Bulma’s hands came up to his sides, sliding around his torso to pull him close. She reveled in his kiss, the taste of his mouth.

“Vegeta,” she gasped, “I want you.”


“Vegeta had a certain way of...speaking...that made it all better.” Bulma grinned. “He told me I was beautiful.” She smirked then, crossing her hands over her chest. “And that was the day we decided to have a baby.”

Trunks grimaced.

“You decided to have me because Uncle Yamucha called you fat?”

Bulma laughed out loud and threw her arms around her son once again.

“Of course not!” she exclaimed. “We decided to have you because we knew that we were in love...” She smiled at her husband, knowing full well he remembered that day as well as she.

Vegeta's eyes were boring into hers in a command and a plea for her silence. He could feel the anger heating the back of his neck until he noticed his son's eyes on him as well. The prince's emotions began to cool from the look of happiness in his child's blue eyes.

'Just as I told you, boy,' Vegeta's internal dialogue was focused on Trunks. 'You were, indeed, part of my plan.'

As if hearing the words, Trunks gave him a wide smile. Vegeta smirked to keep from returning the expression. He no longer cared that his 'secret' of purposely trying for a child was just revealed to these low-level morons. He might have been surprised to know that it was more unbelievable to everyone that he was capable of such emotion (or compliments) back then. Well, unbelievable to almost everyone.

Goku watched the display between father and son. He had know that Trunks' birth was imminent, but he would have never guessed that it was planned. He had just always assumed...

It was no wonder, really, that Vegeta should have chosen Bulma. She was beautiful, smart and very rarely backed down to his brutish attitude. But sometime in those two years after they had met, Vegeta had chosen her. They had become close. They fell in love.

And Vegeta had wanted a child.

Goku's brows knitted together as he pondered those facts.

In less than three years Vegeta dedicated his life to one human woman. Gave her his heart.

In more than twenty years, Vegeta still wouldn't give him the time of day!

Goku shifted in his seat, trying to ignore the tiny pang of...could he call it...jealousy? The idea was discomforting. What did he have to be jealous of?


“Vegeta,” she gasped, “I want you.”

Vegeta leaned up on his arms and looked down into her face. Her creamy skin was flushed with desire.

“Did you not hear what I said, woman?” he whispered gently. “You are fertile right now. Our joining could very well produce a child.”

Bulma shook her head slowly.

“I don’t care,” she told him, to his surprise. She brought her hand up to touch his face. “I...I love you.”

Vegeta stared down into her eyes for what seemed like eternity. Did she just say what he thought she said? This woman...loved him? Him?

He was moved. No one had ever said those words to him before. His father told him once that his mother had loved him greatly, but that was when he was an innocent child. But this woman, she loved him as the man that he was now. Was this Kami’s offer of a second chance?

Bulma was surprised when he finally leaned back down to kiss her. It was gentle...thoughtful. Bulma melted beneath him. It was so unlike the other times they had been together. His actions were slow and deliberate. For what seemed like a blissful eternity, he held her there in his arms, kissing her with deep, soul searching kisses.

Vegeta slowly stripped her of her clothing, laying soft kisses on each inch of newly exposed skin. Bulma moaned, writhing beneath him as he slid her sweat pants and panties off. It was probably the most unattractive outfit she had ever worn, but she felt incredibly beautiful from his attentions. His hands traveled the length of her legs back up to her hips, his head dropping to place a kiss on her abdomen.

Bulma stared up at him with half lidded eyes as he sat up to remove his shirt. Bulma leaned up and kissed his chest, her fingers moving over the hard defined muscles of his abdomen to pull down the fabric of his shorts. Vegeta reached down to pull back the sheets before laying Bulma back onto the bed, kicking his shorts to the floor.

Bulma enjoyed the feeling of him over her and the incredible sense of security in his arms. His pace was maddeningly slow, yet strong, and he continued to gently kiss her mouth, her face, her shoulder. Bulma felt like she was in heaven.

She ran her fingers through his hair, tilting his head to give her access to his mouth. As they kissed, Bulma felt Vegeta falter, himself deep inside of her, and the warmth of his release spread through her abdomen. He broke from their kiss, leaning his forehead against hers, sighing softly.

Bulma ran a hand down from his hair to the back of his neck, stroking the now relaxed muscle at his shoulder. She was a little disappointed, but rationalized that she was starting to become spoiled to having an orgasm with him every time.

Vegeta looked down into her eyes. She smiled at him warmly. She watched in awe as his eyes slid closed, and he began to move slowly against her. She gasped from the sensation, Vegeta’s focused movements stimulating her in exactly the right places. As the pressure built, her moaning became short, desperate pants until she too felt the incredible rush of her climax.

When the spasms subsided, Vegeta pulled himself from her, but remained lying over her. He looked down into her face, brushing the damp hair off her forehead. Bulma smiled at him again, blissfully. This had to be the most beautiful time she had ever made love.

The thought hit her like a mallet. He had made love to her. This wasn’t sex; it was love. She had told him she loved him. And he'd answered.

Tears began to well up in her eyes, but through the mist she could see Vegeta’s concerned expression.

“What?” he asked. “Am I hurting you?”

Bulma shook her head, bringing her hand up to wipe away the tears.

“No, I’m happy,” she answered.

Vegeta moved to lie beside her, propping up his head on his hand.

“Happy, yet crying? This is a human reaction, right?”

Bulma laughed that his tone bordered on irritation.

“Yes, I’m sorry.” She cuddled up to his chest, and her tears threatened again as his arms came around her to hold her close. She wished she could stay like this forever. Unfortunately, she knew that was not going to happen. She sighed. “What are we going to do now?” she asked. Vegeta stroked her hair absently.

“Nothing has changed. I will continue to train. You will continue to assist me as needed, will you not?” he asked. Bulma nodded. He continued. “Nothing has changed.”

Bulma didn’t want to spoil the moment, but her curiosity was getting the better of her. She looked up into his face.

“What I mean is, we will get to know one another better, right? Will we share with each other or...” She blushed. “Or is this just sex to you?”

Vegeta pulled her head back against his neck.

“Did it feel like just sex to you?” he asked.

“No,” came her muffled reply.

“There is nothing about me that should interest you. I am what I am. But if you wish to tell me about yourself, I will listen.”

Bulma didn’t reply. She just lay there, listening to the beating of his heart. After a moment, she spoke.

“You don’t trust me.”

“I do not trust anyone,” he answered simply. “It has nothing to do with you.”

Bulma leaned up again and looked into his face.

“Well, I will never betray you, Vegeta.” She spoke from her heart. “Whether or not you think you can trust me, you can.” She kissed him on the mouth. Vegeta raised an eyebrow but didn’t show any indication of confidence. She smiled, though. She had a feeling that maybe she was having a good effect on him. And lucky enough for both of them, she was just as patient (or stubborn) as he was. At this moment, she felt she could settle for him not voicing it, as long as he told her with action. “Now,” she continued, seductively drawing her finger across his lip, “make love to me again.”

“Now?” he inquired in a do-you-know-what-you-are-in-for tone.

“Mm-hm,” she answered, pressing her lips to his. Tears sprung to her eyes again, feeling him open his mouth to her. She was right. She had gotten through to him at some level, even if he could not admit it. Slowly, he rolled her over onto her back so that he was again the one above her. Their kissing became deep, passionate.

Vegeta was a bit confused by the tears. Was she not happy? She said she was. Was she still thinking about the stupid human’s remarks about her appearance? He hoped not. To make her cry, let alone twice, was beyond unacceptable to him.
Like it or not, he wanted her all to himself now. He couldn’t say it to her in human terms; Saiyans just didn’t do that. And whether or not he liked it, his body was speaking volumes from his heart.

“Don’t cry, woman,” he whispered into her ear as he once again entered her. “Unless you are crying out my name.”

Bulma moaned in reply.



“How can you be so sure that day was the day?” Videl asked hesitantly. She didn’t want to pry, but she remembered her own experience with trying to conceive Pan: months of charts and calendars and ovulation prediction kits.

Bulma shrugged.

“I just know. I mean, Vegeta spent a lot of time training...We didn’t see each other very often...As much as I loved him, I knew that letting him train was very important to everyone.” She blushed when she saw Vegeta smirk, and she turned from him back to Videl. “That day was very special...”


After a short nap, Bulma and Vegeta awoke. Bulma stretched, giving a small moan of contentment that put a prideful smirk on Vegeta’s face.

“I need a shower,” she mumbled, snuggling up to his side. “Care to join me?”

“Since I am in need of one as well,” he answered, “I see no harm in it.”

Bulma giggled and stood, pulling him by the hand. Vegeta relented and followed her into the bathroom.

“My new bath is plenty big enough for two,” she stated happily, turning on the water to a nice warm temperature. Vegeta joined her underneath the soothing spray of water.

Bulma grabbed the shampoo and leaned her head back into the water, soaping up her hair. Vegeta took advantage of her position and leaned down to kiss her throat.

“Now, now...” Bulma admonished unconvincingly. Vegeta continued as she rinsed the suds from her hair. “Okay,” she stated, “your turn.” She poured more shampoo into the palm of her hand and began to massage it into his hair. Vegeta closed his eyes and leaned closer to allow her better access to his head. Bulma smiled.

After rinsing his hair, she picked up a large sea sponge and the soap. Vegeta watched her with awe as she began to dutifully wash him. He was transfixed by the way she slid the sponge languidly over his skin. After thoroughly ministering to the front of his torso, she moved around to his back. Before she started, she lay a tender kiss between his shoulder blades and delighted in the shudder that ran up his spine.

“Now, now...” he spoke softly.

Bulma chuckled and continued with her work, not missing an inch from his shoulders to his heels. She returned to stand in front of him.

“Almost done,” she smiled. Vegeta’s eyebrow rose slightly.

The sponge slipped from Bulma’s hands as he pulled her into his arms. Their mouths met in a desperate, passionate kiss. Vegeta’s hands slid down her back, over her buttocks to her thighs. He lifted her effortlessly and pinned her to the shower wall. Bulma’s reply was wordless as she wrapped her legs around his hips and moaned at the rush of pleasure she received as he pressed his hardened length inside of her.

This was not the slow, intimate act they had performed only hours ago, but a mutual, eager thrusting for the sake of nothing but physical gratification. Bulma broke from their kiss, desperate for air. She pressed her shoulders against the cold tile wall and tilted her hips to meet his advances. Vegeta gave a growl of pure animal desire as he pressed his body against hers, increasing the speed of his thrusts.

The grinding of his body to hers sent Bulma over the edge, and after her explosive climax, she went lax in his arms. She draped her arms over his and laid her head on his shoulder as his movements caused warm aftershocks to wash over her.

Vegeta grunted as his own release spilled forth from him. Hearing Bulma’s moan of satisfaction at being filled with his essence, he thought he might come again. Could this beautiful creature really be that taken with his every cell?

Vegeta buried his face into the curve of her neck, hiding his smile of pleasure from the woman’s prying eyes. After his body recovered, he lifted her from him, and she placed her feet back on the floor of the tub. She was still breathing deep, her skin flushed from activity.

“Now....” she spoke uneasily, “...now...” He smirked at her. Bulma bit her lip as she watched him slowly kneel, his dark eyes never leaving hers. His smirk broadened into a seductive grin as he placed a kiss on her abdomen before returning to stand. He took her hand in his and turned her palm up before dropping the sponge into it.

“My apologies,” he murmured. “As you were...”

Bulma gave him a smile of amused disbelief and chuckled as she began once again to bathe the incorrigible Saiyan.

After actually succeeding in becoming clean with the second attempt, Bulma and Vegeta exited the shower. Bulma wrapped a towel around her body and another around her hair. She pulled another towel from the linen drawer and turned to Vegeta.

“Your drying cloth, majesty,” she said with a grin.

Vegeta only raised an eyebrow and put his hands out to his sides. Bulma’s grin widened into a smile. She crossed over to him and wrapped the towel around his hips.

“Thank you, servant woman,” he replied. Bulma rolled her eyes.

“Come on, Mr. Ego. Let’s get dressed. Dinner should be ready soon.”

Vegeta followed her from the bathroom, replying:

“Ah, my last requirement for the day.”

Vegeta smiled to himself as he watched her shoulders shake as she chuckled at his words. He shook his head. She was beautiful.

As Bulma moved to the dresser for new clothes, Vegeta sat on the edge of the bed and retrieved his clothing from the floor. He watched her as she dressed. It almost pained him to see her flesh disappear underneath each piece of fabric.

Bulma pulled her shirt over her head and looked to her companion. He was still sitting, clad in his bath towel, clothing in hand.

“You getting dressed?” she asked and finished with a smile. “Or are you shy?”

Vegeta only smirked as he stood. He let the towel at his waist drop to the floor. Bulma grinned, a blush rising to her cheeks as she watched him don his shirt first.

“Who’s shy?” he asked as he pulled on his shorts.

Bulma chuckled again, turning from him to the door. As her hand barely came to rest on the knob, Vegeta’s voice stopped her actions.

“Woman.” She turned to him as he came toward her. He stopped so close to her she had to lean back to look into his eyes. His hands came to rest heavily on her hips. She held her breath as he leaned closer in to her. “I will have you again tonight.” The words sent a chill up her spine as they were spoken with the weight of both a threat and a promise. Vegeta continued, one hand coming up to her throat, his thumb stoking the flesh beneath. “And in the morning.” He leaned down as her eyelids fluttered shut, and he captured her mouth with his own. He broke from their kiss, his hand still firmly on her neck. “And then I will return to my training.”

Bulma frowned slightly.

“Those words have a terrible ring of finality,” she said dryly.

Vegeta’s expression was hard to read but had a hint of agreement.

“I can no longer submit to distraction,” he told her. The hand he had on her hip was now caressing her behind. “And you seem determined to be a distraction.”

“As do you...” she returned, giving him one last kiss. “Now, if you want to eat - dinner - I suggest we go downstairs.”

He seemed to actually think that over. Bulma sighed and left the room, but regretted leaving his arms.


“And so little Trunks was on his way!” Goten laughed, nudging Trunks in the thigh.

Trunks wrinkled his nose at the thought, pushing back at his friend.

“Yep,” Bulma spoke happily. “I found out just a few weeks later about my little miracle, and I couldn’t have been happier!”


Vegeta had been true to his word. After one more night and glorious morning of raw, unbridled passion, he threw himself back into his training. From dawn until the setting of the sun, he pushed the gravity capsule program’s limits, and his own. Bulma saw him maybe twice in the following three weeks. Once when she set new bots outside of the capsule, the other just two days ago. She was lying on the sofa watching TV, unable to sleep. It was sometime between the late movie and the weight loss infomercial when she heard him come in the back door, and shortly thereafter he went up to his room. She didn’t have the energy to get up and follow him, but she knew that he had known she was there. When she woke up the following morning, she was in her bed.

She was really beginning to miss him. And oddly enough, not in a sexual way. She found herself thinking about the way he spoke, the smell of his skin, the way light reflected in his dark eyes. She even missed sitting next to his silent countenance at meals.

Bulma lay in her bed staring out the window. She had at least nine hours of sleep that night, but she still felt tired. The bed was warm and comforting, and she could tell by the way the trees rustled that it was a typical chilly March day.

Groaning, she pulled herself from the bed and shuffled into the bathroom for a shower. Even as she stood under the rushing water, she wished that she had stayed in bed. Her head was throbbing, and her stomach twisted in a knot.

Bulma turned off the water and half-heartedly dried off before returning to the bedroom for clothes. First she put on a pair of blue panties, but the matching bra felt a little tight. She sighed in disgust and placed it on the last hook and grabbed a t-shirt. She hated days like this. After trying on four pairs of shorts that refused to zip, she grabbed her trusty sweat pants. Her head hurt even more, so she figured that she must be pre-menstrual.

After running a brush quickly through her hair, she headed down for breakfast. She stopped on the stairs, the very thought of breakfast making her stomach twist tighter.

She stood there for a moment, her hand on her abdomen. Quietly, she counted to herself. She was pre-menstrual, right?

Turning quickly, she ran back into her room and flipped through her day planner. She hadn’t had a period in almost six weeks. She wasn’t pre-menstrual, she was -

She dropped the planner and dashed into the bathroom just in time to drop to her knees in front of the toilet and empty what little she had in her stomach. She sat there on the floor for a moment, shocked and sick.

Vegeta had told her she was fertile that night. And they had sex five times in that twenty four hour period.

She pulled herself to her feet and tried to brush her teeth without gagging herself. When she was done, she grabbed her purse and left the room. She needed to see her doctor.

She didn’t stop to talk to anyone before she left. She just grabbed her shoes, tossed a capsule to the pavement and jumped in the car that appeared.

She tried to focus on her destination as she drove, but all she could think about was the possibility - most likely the fact - that she was pregnant. Pregnant with Vegeta’s child.

She laughed out loud and wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek. Was she happy or sad about this? Did it matter who the father was? She was going to have a baby! She was going to be someone’s mommy! And Vegeta would be someone’s daddy!

“Hmmm...” She pondered that to herself. Did Vegeta know what it meant to be a father? Is that why he gave her fair warning of the impending conception, because she should know that she was alone in that?

Bulma stopped her car in front of her doctor’s office and rushed inside. She approached the front desk and tapped on the glass window.

“Excuse me, excuse me!” she spoke. A nurse opened the window.

“Can I help you...Miss Briefs?”

“I need to see Doctor Miyana right now!” Bulma whispered . “Please, it’s very important!” The nurse was shocked by Bulma’s presence and her statement.

“I’m sorry , Miss Briefs, she doesn’t have any openings today. Maybe -“

”I need to see her now!” Bulma exclaimed, trying not to raise her voice. “Now tell her I am here, and that I want to see her!”

The nurse nodded quickly and dashed away. In less than a minute she returned, stepping into the lobby with a young female doctor.

“Bulma!” Dr. Miyana greeted. “What is the matter?”

Bulma grabbed the doctor by the arm and led her toward the hall. She whispered close to her ear so as not to announce to any prying ears which might be seeking private information to sell
to the tabloids.

“I need you to run a quick test,” she hissed.

“Bulma, what is wrong? Are you okay?” the doctor asked, concerned. Bulma leaned even closer to the doctor’s ear.

“I think I’m pregnant.”

In a flash Bulma was escorted into an exam room. Within twenty minutes, her tests were complete, and she was seated across from her doctor.

Dr. Miyana was beaming.

“I guess congratulations are in order!” she stated. “All of the tests confirm your suspicions.”

Bulma smiled back in spite of her confused feelings. Dr. Miyana asked next:

“Is...is it Yamucha’s?” She already knew the answer by the way Bulma’s shoulders tensed and her eyes widened. “Or...or not...”

“I’m sorry. Yamucha and I have been broken up for so long and ...” Her voice trailed off, and she shrugged.

“Bulma,” Dr. Miyama’s tone dropped a bit, “I never thought I would be reminding you of the dangers of unprotected intercourse.”

Bulma’s outright laughter caught the doctor off guard.

“That’s just it!” she said, holding out her hands. “I knew! I knew it was dangerous! I even knew I would get pregnant! But I did it anyway! I did it A LOT!” Tears were coming back to her eyes. “And I loved every single second of it!”

“Okay, Bulma, okay...” Dr. Miyana came around from behind the desk and pulled a chair close to Bulma. “Look. You are a little overwhelmed right now. Just tell me: this man, is he going to be helping you...or is there anything that you need me to provide?”

Bulma shook her head.

“I’ll...I’ll be fine,” she assured. The doctor gave her a look of uncertainty. “Really. It’s okay. I have a lot of support.”

“Well, if you do need anything....I will always be here for you.”

Bulma nodded. Dr. Miyana took a prescription paper and some pamphlets off her desk and handed them to Bulma.

“Okay, Bulma. My nurse will get you set up for follow up appointments.”

Bulma stood and shook the doctor’s hand.

“Thank you.”


“I remember that day,” Yamucha spoke. “I saw your pregnancy vitamins in the bags you brought home, and it freaked me out! Still,” he sighed, shaking his head, “I would have never guessed it was Vegeta’s.”

“Hey!” Bulma snapped. “It’s not like there was anyone else! Don’t make me sound like that!”

“Mom,” Bulla broke into the conversation, “tell us how happy Papa was when you told him.”

Bulma chuckled.

“Well, to be honest he already knew,” she replied. “But for a few moments, I got to pretend that I was informing him of something that was so important to us...”


A/N: I was apprehensive about this chapter (and part 2, as well) so I hope everyone enjoyed it! Part Two will be up when I am not too lazy to make the corrections to it. I'm already back to mandatory OT at work!! Ye-haw! Anyway, there are two things I want to clearify about this chapter, just in case. The flashback scenes are not actually being told to the group. There are just there for ya'll's benefit! :) And second, I saw on the discovery channel that if the female climaxes after the male, it actually pulls the sperm up into the uterus, giving better odds of getting pregnant. And according to some gender selection websites, helps the smaller/quicker boy baby making sperm get to the egg first. Now, whether or not that is all a bunch of bullshit is anybody's guess. You are lookin' at a childless author with absolutely NO medical knowledge, here! I just think that if Vegeta was going to try for a baby, he'd sure as shootin' want it to be a boy, if at all possible! LOL! Not that Vegeta watches the discovery channel...or surfs the web for fertility and conception advice....but you wouldn't believe the stange things one stumbles upon when looking for bits of info for a story...and since there is a man having a baby in this fic, it's not like I'm going for biological accuracy here! LOL! Okay, enough rambling! It's 2:30am and I should be in bed! Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!

Oh, and for anyone who has ever had PMS like Bulma was, you know that Vegeta's speech is all Bullshit!!! Hahaha!!!