Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Panic! ( Chapter 49 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...
To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 49
“Master Dende!”Chapter 49
Dende finished moving his knight to protect his queen before turning from the chess board to his loyal servant.
“Yes, Mr. Popo?” he asked.
Piccolo ignored the interruption in favor of staring at the board.
“A letter has arrived for you,” the rotund man exclaimed joyfully. “And for you as well, Master Piccolo.”
Piccolo pulled his gaze from the chess board and gave Popo a look of curiosity.
Dende took the pale blue envelopes from Mr. Popo and handed Piccolo the one that bore his name.
Piccolo examined the correspondence with a critical eye. In a refined script was written:
Piccolo Jr.
Kami’s Lookout
There was no return address. Piccolo glanced up, hearing Dende’s soft gasp of surprise. The young Namek was staring at the card his envelope contained. Obviously the note was either long or needed to be reread. He opened his own envelope and pulled out the matching blue card. The front of the card was embossed with a silver infant’s cradle. Piccolo’s brow creased as he opened it and read inside.Kami’s Lookout
Come celebrate our family’s newest addition!!
Vegeta and Bulma Briefs
cordially invite you to a surprise baby shower in honor of
Son Goku
to be held at the Briefs’ home: Capsule Corporation
April 18th at 12 p.m.
The afternoon will include a catered lunch and plenty of fun!
Inside of the invite was a smaller card bearing the announcement:Vegeta and Bulma Briefs
cordially invite you to a surprise baby shower in honor of
Son Goku
to be held at the Briefs’ home: Capsule Corporation
April 18th at 12 p.m.
The afternoon will include a catered lunch and plenty of fun!
Son Goku is registered at Manternity! West and Central City
and an RSVP card that was conveniently already filled out, stamped and addressed to Ms. Briefs.Piccolo, too, had to read it again.
“A... a baby shower?” Dende stammered. Mr. Popo clapped his hands once together.
“Oh, how nice!”
“She can’t be serious,” Piccolo grumbled. “I’m not going... to a baby’s shower! Dende!” The young guardian looked up at him. “What’s a baby’s shower!?”
Dende had a mortified expression as he stared back, his mouth open but silent.
“Oh,” Mr. Popo spoke suddenly. “A guest.”
The two Namekians turned to the door just as it opened, and their new arrival stepped in.
“Gohan,” Piccolo greeted. Gohan’s eyes immediately fell on the invitations in their hands, and his head dropped.
“Darn it. I was hoping to beat the post.”
Piccolo glanced down at the card he still held in his hand.
“Is Bulma insane?” he asked. “First a party about baby... shower... showering... whatever! And then involving Vegeta?! He’ll kill her!”
“Look, I know,” Gohan said. “I know it’s... I talked to her and... well,” he shrugged resignedly. “I don’t think it’s a bad idea.”
“Are you insane?” Piccolo asked, seriously.
“No. Listen, Piccolo, I know that it may seem strange, but look, you’ve already been to a baby shower. You know what it is.”
Piccolo narrowed his eyes.
“I think I would remember being present at a baby’s shower.”
“Remember the party we had at my house right before Pan was born?” the Saiyan asked. “That was kind of a baby shower. We just didn’t call it one. It was more casual and family centered.”
Piccolo gave a slow nod. He did remember the event in question. He had been invited to lunch at Gohan’s home, along with Goku, Chi Chi and Goten, where the two women oohed and aahed over tiny infant clothing and the men stood around the grill drinking beer. It wasn’t an unpleasant memory, but not one he associated with anything Vegeta would participate in.
Gohan continued. “I mean, I know Bulma’s shower is going to be a bit... different, but the whole point is showing support and being happy for my dad.”
Piccolo frowned.
“I’m not happy for him.”
Gohan closed his eyes a moment, trying to think of how to change his friend’s mind. He opened them as Mr. Popo was placing a cup of tea in his hands.
“Thank you,” he said before turning back to Piccolo. “Look. It is customary for the friends of the... parent... to throw a shower, so it is well within Bulma’s right to plan this for my dad. I can’t say whether or not it is the most prudent of things to do in this circumstance, but it has already been set into motion. There will be a party regardless. So I beg you, please, as my dad’s friend. As my friend.”
Piccolo turned from his young Saiyan friend’s earnest expression to Dende’s equally expectant face. He took a deep breath and sighed heavily.
“All I have to do is show up?” he asked. “Like any other of Bulma’s barbecues?”
Gohan grinned.
“With just a few exceptions,” he replied hesitantly. “You have to, only if you want to,” he added quickly, “buy a gift for the baby and... a few other minor things I’ll tell you about later.”
The Namekian looked back down at the invitation. He trusted Gohan, but he didn’t trust Bulma. He had never fully recovered from the Halloween karaoke incident.
“Please, Piccolo,” Gohan spoke. “My dad might be crushed if his friends don’t come. That’s all we can do now.”
“Fine,” Piccolo grumbled. “I’ll go. Dende, you buy the gift.”
“What?” the startled younger Namek replied. “Why me?”
“I don’t know what to buy babies,” Piccolo reasoned.
Dende grimaced.
“But I... I don’t know what to buy babies... and I... I’ve got Kami things to do.”
“Here.” Gohan reached over and pulled the ‘Manternity’ card out of Piccolo’s hand. “It’s easy. Bulma told me she registered for my dad here. You just go there, and they will print you a list of all the things that the baby needs. “Besides,” he added, raising an eyebrow and giving Piccolo a smirk, “it means more when you pick a gift out yourself. I mean, Pan still sleeps with that swaddling blanket you gave Videl at our baby shower.”
“That is a traditional Namekian gift for a newborn!” Piccolo replied hotly, a pinkish tinge rising to his green cheeks. “It reminds babies of being in the egg...”
Dende gave the older Namek a look of bewilderment.
“... You were born and raised on Earth...”
“Shut up!” Piccolo snapped. “Nevermind!”
“I’ll tell you what,” Gohan suggested. “I need to buy a gift, too. Why don’t we go together?”
The two Namekians didn’t look 100 percent comfortable with the idea, but Dende replied first.
“Of course, Gohan. If it will make Son Goku happy, I cannot refuse.” He turned then to his loyal servant. “Mr. Popo, please see that this RSVP card gets returned to the surface post.”
“Of course!”
Piccolo rolled his eyes, shoving his RSVP into Popo’s hand as well.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
18 quietly watched her husband from a distance as he stood at the edge of the ocean fishing with Yamucha. She hated to interrupt his relaxation.“Did menopause make the Briefs woman mental?” she asked the two men when she approached.
“What?” Yamucha asked, watching her hand a card to her husband.
“Oh, holy hand grenades!” Krillin exclaimed, dropping his fishing pole and clutching the card. “Yamucha! Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t talk her out of this!?”
Yamucha peered over the shorter man’s head and read the invitation.
“Oh... Um... I didn’t talk her out of it,” he replied lamely.
Krillin made a gurgling whine of despair, one hand moving up to grab a fistful of hair.
“So this is for real then?” 18 asked humorlessly. Yamucha gave a grave nod.
“Yep. I tried to talk her out of it, but she went all defensive and psychoanalytical on me.” Krillin gave a grunt of cynical amusement.
“At least that’s different than her normal brand of psycho,” he grumbled.
“Well,” 18 spoke, “when Marron gets home from school we’ll go to this... ‘Manternity’ whatever and get a gift.”
Both Yamucha and Krillin turned to her, shocked.
“Are you serious!?” Krillin exclaimed. “Honey, we can’t do this to Goku! He will be mortified.”
18 looked unmoved.
“Darling,” she replied, “Son Goku has been okay with people who’ve tried to destroy planets, kill him and his family and enslave masses of innocent people. I doubt he’ll be too disturbed by a catered lunch and some gifts that he’ll need. Besides,” she said, snatching the card back and turning toward the house, “the RSVP card is already filled out.”
Krillin moaned. “Aw, man...”
Yamucha shook his head and patted his friend on the back.
“Those are the breaks when your wife wears the pants.”
Krillin’s eyes became vacant a moment as he watched the tall blonde walk away.
“The trade off is so worth it...” He shook his head. “But... damn!”
“Have fun,” Yamucha said.
“Aren’t you going?” Krillin asked. “I mean, I know you have an invitation at home right now, if she hasn’t roped you into being some sort of co-host.”
“No,” Yamucha stated. “She is certain that Vegeta will be sharing that honor. That’s what he gets for his wife wearing the pants... Not that that would be a bad trade off...” He sighed.
Krillin gave another shake of his head.
“Dude, you know if you don’t go now, you will never do it. You will lose your nerve!”
“Well, I don’t have a wife that hangs onto my ‘nerves’ for me.” The remark earned him a scowl. “I’ll go later.”
Krillin folded his arms and gave the ex-bandit an incredulous look. By God, if he was going to a store called ‘Manternity’, Yamucha was going with him. It was his fault for caving in to Bulma and not convincing her to not have a shower.
“Well, if you want,” Krillin reasoned, “but by the time you get around to going, there might not be anything left on the registry except for the... embarrassing things.”
Yamucha frowned.
“I’m just saying, man. Everyone will want to buy the cute things like booties and toys and little clothes. No one wants to buy the more... practical things.”
Yamucha was scowling now, his mind racing through all he had, unfortunately, been exposed to through Bulma’s pregnancies.
“Um... I gotta go.”
“Then I guess I’ll see you there,” Krillin said with a smirk.
Yamucha frowned and turned to gather his things, silently cursing Bulma’s name. He turned back to Krillin to ask “You don’t think it will really be too horrible, do you?” Krillin shrugged.
“I’ve never been to a baby shower. I mean, they’re usually for women, thrown by other women.”
“I went to the one Bulma’s mom threw when she was having Bulla. Mostly people from Capsule Corp... I just...” He shuddered. “I can’t imagine that she would want to do this to Goku...” His voice trailed off as he remembered the games that were played with Bulma as the focus, such as guess the circumference of her belly. Maybe he should have tried harder to convince her not to throw a shower. Unfortunately, now it was too late, and she’d kill him if he didn’t show.
“I’ll meet you there,” he said glumly. “I guess it’s better to get this over with quickly, anyway. See ya.”
Krillin waved as his friend left. Once Yamucha was out of sight, he sighed and gathered his own things to return to the house.
“Maron’s putting her things away,” 18 informed him. “Are you ready?”
Krillin groaned and collapsed onto a chair.
“Can’t you just pick us something out for the family?” he asked. “I don’t know if I can.”
“Can what?” she inquired. “Pick out a gift for a friend? Your oldest friend?”
“It’s not that,” he replied. “It’s just...”
“Think of it this way,” 18 told him, coming to stand beside him. “Goku likes parties. He likes food. He likes games, and he likes gifts. He needs things for this baby. We will just be accommodating all of those things.”
“I don’t know how... I mean, it sounds simple... but it just seems like pouring salt in a wound to me.”
Their conversation was interrupted as their teenage daughter rushed into the room.
“I’m ready!” she said breathlessly. “I can’t wait to pick out something for Uncle Goku’s baby!”
“You going shopping for this baby shower, right?” The three turned as Master Roshi and Oolong joined them from the next room. “Well, we can all go together!”
Krillin slapped his hand over his eyes. This was just one more bad thing about the whole event.
Goku settled back onto the cool cave floor, his jacket tucked under his head. He was pleasantly comfortable at the moment. The fire Vegeta had built was warm, and his belly was full from a delicious lunch. Now his body was longing for nothing but a good nap.He looked over to Vegeta who was standing by the cave entrance, watching the quiet forest around them.
“Thanks for cooking,” Goku said to him. Vegeta shrugged, mumbling a ‘you’re welcome.’ Goku grinned, his eyes sliding closed momentarily before he opened them again. “Do you think we’ll practice anymore today?”
Vegeta turned from the door and leaned against the wall.
“Not today. Your attention will no longer be on the task at hand. You’ve developed a nasty habit of being useless after a meal.”
Goku laughed, closing his eyes and clasping his hands over his belly. In the three weeks since he had received his new clothes, he was already testing their design and construction by putting on an additional five pounds. But he was happy with the results. Not only were the clothes versatile enough to accommodate his growing body, but comfortable while still retaining a masculine look. “I can’t wait for the barbecue that Bulma is having. I’m so glad that it is finally spring time. With as handy as you are around the fire, Vegeta, Bulma should put you in charge of the grill.” He opened his eyes to see the prince’s reaction and was surprised to see the older Saiyan standing at his side, looking down at him with a strange expression in his dark eyes. Goku frowned. “Vegeta?”
Slowly, Vegeta crouched down next to him. He didn’t speak, but merely stared, his eyes moving back and forth between Goku’s. Goku felt his mouth becoming dry. Vegeta rarely got this close, even while training. The prince’s warm, comforting scent seemed to wind its way around him, causing him to remain still, waiting for what was to happen next.
“Vegeta?” he asked again, his voice sounding quiet and unsure to his own ears.
“Hush, Kakkarot,” Vegeta replied in a low, throaty tone. “You needn’t speak.” The prince’s tail unwound from his waist, brushing languidly against Goku’s arm. Goku felt an odd tingle rush up his spine, and his stomach twisted. What was happening here? “You know, with your power, your strength,” Vegeta continued, “you would make a fine mate for an elite... for me.”
Goku’s voice was slightly panicked.
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“Us, Kakkarot,” the prince replied. “It’s very clear to me now. Can’t you feel it? It is as Daikkon said. Saiyans choose a mate based on strength.” Vegeta planted his hands on either side of Goku’s head, leaning down painfully close, in Goku’s opinion. “And we are Saiyans, Kakkarot.”
“B... but....” Goku tried to calm the stammering in his voice, but found he couldn’t speak as Vegeta leaned closer, scenting along the curve of his neck. “Ah... but... he didn’t say strength alone.”
Vegeta paused, leaning up slightly to look into the younger Saiyan’s wide eyes.
“True,” he smirked, “but you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”
Goku blinked, the blush on his face deepening.
“I... I’ve thought about it, but... but not like that! We are both married! I mean... I mean... maybe...” Vegeta sighed, pushing himself back up into a crouching position at Goku’s side.
“You have thought about it then,” he stated, his hand working the top button of Goku’s shirt. “And you are not resisting me...”
“I can explain!” the younger Saiyan exclaimed, sitting. “How can I not have thought about it! I’ve learned so much about Saiyans... about myself... about relationships... Of course I’ve wondered how things might have been different... had things been different...” He turned his eyes away from the prince’s heated gaze. “But they’re not different...”
“Hmm...” Vegeta almost purred as he leaned close to whisper in Goku’s ear. “But you’ve thought about it.”
Goku squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the blush that burned his face. He could feel Vegeta’s presence intimately close to him, his unique scent heavy in his close proximity. The prince’s tail brushed against his thigh.
Goku scrambled to stand and put a few feet of distance between himself and Vegeta. When he turned, Vegeta was also standing, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
“What is wrong with you?!” Goku exclaimed, frantically. Vegeta replied in a calm tone.
“What is wrong with you? We have a child together, Kakkarot. Shouldn’t we be together?”
Goku furrowed his brow. What had gotten into Vegeta? Out of habit, Goku brought a hand up to lay on the flat plane of his abdomen.
He looked down at himself and the way his shirt hung loose against him. He felt his heart stop beating.
“Where’s the baby!?” he shouted, pulling his shirt up and examining the smooth, muscular form beneath. “What happened?”
Vegeta shrugged, unconcerned.
“He’s already born. You missed it.”
Goku balked at the idea.
“I... I missed it?!”
Vegeta nodded.
“I raised him alone.” The prince indicated toward the cave entrance. Goku turned to see the youth who stood there.
“Goten?” he asked in disbelief.
“Hey, Dad,” Goten replied casually.
Goku brought a hand to his head. He was confused and worried.
“I... I don’t understand,” he spoke quietly. Goten grimaced.
“What’s the matter, Dad?” he asked. “Why so shocked? You weren’t here for me and Gohan. Is it fair that you get to be here for Vegeta’s baby?”
Goku’s eyes snapped open, and he bolted upright, his hand immediately coming to his abdomen.
Vegeta turned from the cave entrance and watched the younger Saiyan mournfully rub his swollen belly.
“Kakkarot?” he spoke, trying to gain his attention.
Goku shook his head, his face bearing a pained expression.
“Are you ill?” Vegeta continued. He had sensed a disturbance within Kakkarot’s ki as he slept but did not associate the feeling with physical pain, so he had not disturbed him. “What is the matter?”
“Nothing,” Goku told him, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. “Just a nightmare. It’s... it’s nothing.”
Vegeta grimaced at Goku’s obvious deception.
“Bullshit,” he stated. “But you may keep it to yourself.”
“I’m sorry,” Goku said, pulling himself from the floor. “I just... I don’t know.” He rubbed his tired eyes with the back of his hand. “It’s just hard to digest all of this information. I’ve been having weird dreams about the baby... Last week, I had a dream that I delivered a basket of kittens.”
Vegeta frowned.
“Delivered? Do I even want to ask?”
Goku shook his head.
“Well,” the prince continued, “this phase will be over soon.” He watched Goku for a moment, amazed to see himself in the younger Saiyan’s behavior. He had always perceived him as so carefree about everything, hardly noticing or dwelling on unease. It was odd to be the one in the position of giving consolation. “…Everyone has apprehensions about creating new life…” Vegeta spoke awkwardly. “...but you know that changes...when you see them...”
“Do you have apprehensions about this baby?” Goku asked quietly. Vegeta took a deep breath and nodded.
“Of course.”
Goku smiled at the prince’s honesty. The disturbing sensation he experienced about the Vegeta in his dream slipped away and he found he was, again, nothing but comforted and contented by his presence, his support...and his scent...
And those feelings confused him. He knew it wasn’t sexual attraction he was feeling for Vegeta. After his experience on the Saiyan ship, sex was the last thing he wanted from the man, to be sure. So instead, he chalked it up to one more mysterious symptom of being Saiyan. A pregnant Saiyan.
It didn’t address his guilt over his children, however. He hadn’t been there for Goten or Gohan. He had left them fatherless for large expanses of time. As rational and sensible as those decisions seemed then, now he felt like a horrible parent. Had he really made so many bad choices?
Goku looked up, startled, upon hearing his name.
Vegeta frowned.
“You’re falling asleep on your feet, that’s what,” he replied. “It’s time for you to return home.” Goku sighed heavily, eyeing his jacket on the ground.
Vegeta stepped over, pulled it from the floor and handed it to him. Goku gave him a grateful smile.
“Thanks.” As he pulled on his jacket, he considered whether or not to actually tell Vegeta what was bothering him. Wasn’t he the one always trying to foster a close, trusting friendship? He looked to the prince.
...Maybe not that close...
“What?” Vegeta asked again, trying not to become annoyed.
“I... I’m afraid I’m a bad father.” Vegeta didn’t have to think about that statement before answering.
“Then I’ve never met a good one,” he said simply. “Try again.”
“I’m not,” Goku continued. “I’ve hardly been there for them-”
“Your reason for ‘not being there’ is because you were dead,” Vegeta snapped. “You made the best decision you could. I’m not having this conversation with you, Kakkarot. It’s ridiculous.”
Goku frowned.
“Why are you getting so mad?” he asked defensively.
“Because you don’t know the meaning of ‘bad father’,” Vegeta stated gruffly. “And if it’s the things you’ve done that are causing your nightmares, well, that is ridiculous too.”
“Well that...” Goku began sheepishly, averting his eyes. “...that’s not the only reason.”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow in an expression that clearly read ‘do tell’ but he remained silent. Goku zipped his jacket and looked out into the bright forest outside.
“Things are complicated,” he said sullenly, folding his arms across his chest. “With every new bit of information I receive, I find I have ten more questions pop up. And...” He blushed, keeping his face turned away from the prince. “Sometimes my body gives me... confusing signals.”
“I would be shocked if your body wasn’t confusing you, in your condition,” Vegeta smirked. “But you shouldn’t concern yourself. Your body is just flesh, an animal. It does what it will. Just accept that. Our brains cannot turn off what millennia have programmed in.”
Goku turned back to Vegeta. Could he possibly know what he was going through? He began to ask for more clarification, but the prince was heading to the exit.
“Come, Kakkarot, or you won’t have any time to sleep before you need to eat again.”
That was true, Goku reasoned.
He would have to save his questions for another day.
High in the mountains, many hundreds of miles from West City, two figures stood close together reading a rare piece of correspondence to their out-of-the-way abode.After a thorough reading of the pale blue card, all three of the tall warrior’s eyes opened in surprise.
A/N: One more chapter down! Fifty to go! Hahahah...Just kidding....I hope! I hope ya'll liked this one. I enjoyed writing it, especially the part with Piccolo. I want to thank everyone that reviewed, it's nice to see what new readers think and to hear from those who have been reading since my first post. Ya'll are the reason that I keep writing! And for those of you who were looking for more yaoi: Damn! I was too!! LOL!! We'll see what happens... -B°