Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Oh, Baby... ( Chapter 51 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 51
Oh, Baby...

Capsule Corporation was buzzing with activity for a Sunday morning. A few caterers were still putting the finishing touches on their presentations, and Bulma had both her parents and her children helping out as well.

“Mom!” Trunks called, poking his head out of the patio door. “The cake is here!”

“Great!” Bulma replied with a clap of her hands. “Tell her to put it in the kitchen. I cleared out a big space in the extra fridge.” Trunks nodded and disappeared back into the house.

Bulma looked around the patio, surveying the decorations. Each table was draped with a crisp white table cloth with blue and silver confetti tossed artistically across the surface. Helium filled balloons - also of blue, silver and white - were tied to the lamp posts and billowed in the light spring breeze. There were several buffet tables filled with various appetizers, fruit and vegetable trays and a variety of sauces. The large stainless steel grill was already hot and ready to go. She smiled, satisfied. It was perfect.

Mrs. Briefs pulled her attention from the decor with a question:

“Should I put this darling stork centerpiece on dear Goku’s table, hon?”

Bulma frowned as she examined the crepe paper stork carrying a bundled baby in its beak.

“I think the centerpiece is a little much, Mom,” she answered. “I think we’re good with what we have.” She turned to the three children - Trunks, Goten and Bulla -who had joined them outside. “Where’s your father?” she asked, looking to her watch. “Our guests should be arriving soon.”

Trunks and Goten exchanged wary looks, but Bulla piped up.

“He’s in your room. I think he’s gonna puke.”

Bulma looked to Trunks for what she hoped would be a better answer.

“I think that is a bit of an exaggeration.” he said diplomatically. “But he is in your room, and he does look a little pale.”

“My money’s on the puking,” Goten added, receiving a high five from Bulla. The young girl giggled.

“Is Papa really coming to this party, Mom?” she asked. “It’s not like it’s Christmas... and even then he only stands all grumpy in the corner ‘cause you make him come.”

Bulma grimaced, but didn’t answer as she moved past the three and into the house. When she reached her bedroom, Vegeta was sitting on the side of the bed.

“Hi, sweetheart,” she greeted softly, crossing the room to stand before him. “You look nice.” He did, however, also look pale, and she was beginning to wonder about the validity of Bulla’s assumption. “Are you... coming down?”

She could swear she saw his eyes dart toward the window as if assessing an escape plan.

“Yes,” he answered tightly, forcing the word out of his mouth. Bulma smiled, bringing a hand up to gently caress his cheek.

“Thank you,” she spoke, leaning down and placing a kiss on his lips. “You’ll never know how much this gesture will mean... to more than just me.”

The disgruntled expression on his face showed what he felt about the gesture, but he gave a nod of understanding.

Bulma was silent a moment, waiting for further response, such as ‘I don’t care!’ or ‘I’ve changed my mind!’ but the prince remained silent.

The doorbell rang and the sound of voices could be heard from downstairs. Bulma sighed nervously.

“So it begins. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Vegeta looked no less grim as she left, joining her children who were in the living room greeting the first guests.

“Videl, Gohan!” she said warmly. “It’s good to see you.”

“Bulma,” Gohan spoke, taking her hand. “Thanks for doing this.” Videl’s awkward smile showed she probably wasn’t as sure about this as her husband.

“Are we the first ones here?” Videl asked curiously.

“No, I was here first,” Goten replied happily. “You all are late.”

“No, you’re right on time,” Bulma answered, taking their coats.

“Miss Bulma,” Pan spoke, catching her attention. “Where do we put Grandpa’s presents?”

Bulma smiled as the child held out her wrapped gifts.

“There is a table on the patio. Bulla, can you show her?”

Bulla grimaced but turned to the youngest Saiyan.

“Come on...”

Bulma turned back to Gohan and Videl.

“Can I get you some drinks?” she asked. “I have tea, lemonade, coffee, soda... margaritas...”

“Tea is fine,” Gohan laughed. Videl nodded in agreement. As Bulma was turning to go, Videl grabbed her arm and said:

“A margarita would be great, actually.”

“So,” Gohan began speaking to his brother and Trunks. “What, um, what does she have planned?”

Goten and Trunks looked ateach other before the lavender haired teen replied.

“The usual. Drinks, food... fun.”

“Fun?” Videl demanded. “Like what?!”

“Oh, nothing too bad,” Goten laughed. “The normal embarrassing stuff. Some kind of safety pin game... a cake shaped like a cradle... a karaoke machine for when Uncle Krillin gets plastered...”

“Pin game?” Gohan asked. Trunks grimaced.

“She’ll let you know.”

The doorbell sounded again, and Trunks moved to answer it.

“Hey, kiddo,” Yamucha greeted with a grim smile. “Am I early?”

“Right on time,” Trunks replied. “Come in.”

Yamucha exchanged greetings with those inside as Bulma brought drinks to the living room, Bulla and Pan in tow.

“Hi, Yamucha!” Bulma exclaimed. “I’m glad you could make it!”

Yamucha frowned.

“You made me.”

Bulma ignored him, handing the drinks to Videl and Gohan. Gohan spoke.

“Trunks mentioned something about safety pins...?” Bulma grinned.

“You’ll see,” she said with a wink. Yamucha groaned and turned toward the kitchen to find beer. There was a knock at the door, and Bulma answered.

“Krillin! 18!” she said happily. “Come in. Hello, Marron, you look lovely.” The teen smiled and blushed, looking down at the gift in her hands. “Bulla and Pan can show you where to put that on the patio.”

Bulla groaned audibly and turned back toward the kitchen.

“So, uh...” Krillin began, sounding a bit more nervous then he hoped. “Is... uh, anyone else here?”

“Just Yamucha, Gohan and Videl so far,” Bulma replied as Yamucha returned to the room. “But the invitation said noon, clearly, so I’m sure the rest will be here soon.” Yamucha and Krillin turned to each other with doubtful expressions. “Can I offer you two drinks?”

“I’d recommend the beer,” Yamucha said, holding up his bottle. “It’s a really great brand.”

“That sounds great,” Krillin agreed. 18 shrugged.

“I’ll be right back,” Bulma said with a frown.

Once she was safely out of ear shot, Krillin turned to Yamucha.

“Do you think anyone else will show?” he spoke in a hushed voice.

“I sure hope so,” the taller man replied. “It they don’t, Bulma will go ballistic.”

“Well, Dad’s gonna be here at 12:30,” Goten announced, butting into the conversation. “So they better get here.”

“I think if he'd been told it was a baby shower,” Krillin stated, “he’d be a no-show himself.”

“Speaking of no-shows,” Yamucha added, “anyone seen any sign of Vegeta?”

Trunks felt an unusual stab of irritation at the question.

“He’s upstairs getting dressed,” he replied coolly. Goten gave the older teen a supportive thump on the back.

“Yeah, he’ll be down soon.”

Bulma returned to the room and handed two icy beer bottles to her latest guests, just as the doorbell sounded. With a wide grin, she opened the door.

Before she could utter a greeting, Goten let out a choking snort of laughter before burying his face against Trunks’s arm. In the doorway stood one tall, very disgruntled looking Namekian and another, slightly embarrassed, considerably shorter one.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Briefs,” Dende spoke, holding out his gift to her. “Thank you very much for your gracious invitation.”

Bulma beamed happily, taking the perfectly wrapped box.

“Thank you for coming.” She stood aside and motioned them past. Piccolo set his gift atop of Dende’s and walked past without a word. “Thank you, too, Piccolo,” she said to him.

The assembly exchanged awkward words of greeting to each other as the three young girls retuned to the room.

“Honey,” Bulma addressed her daughter, “could you put these on the gift table?”

Bulla’s mouth puckered as she scowled, taking the presents and stalking back toward the patio.

“Well, then,” Bulma announced, clapping her hands together. “There are just a few more people, and we can get started.” She looked around at the group as their glum faces became expressions of surprise. Bulma frowned. “What?”

“Hi, Dad,” Trunks said proudly. Bulma turned to the staircase where her husband was descending. She smiled at him and he paused hesitantly in the middle of the staircase.

Yamucha leaned slightly to whisper to Krillin.

“If he goes back, it’s six more weeks of winter.”

Krillin disguised his choked laughter by clearing his throat.

Vegeta’s expression was one of resigned misery as he continued down into the room and gave a curt nod to the group. There was a quiet murmur of returned greeting.

Yamucha spoke, breaking the awkward quiet.

“Who needs more beer?”


Chi Chi placed the small hostess gift she had made for Bulma near the door and looked at her watch. It was approaching 12:30, and she and Goku needed to leave the house soon to arrive at the Briefs’ barbeque on time.

She headed upstairs to her bedroom to hurry her husband along. She found him standing with his arms folded on the top of the dresser and his head resting on his arms.

“Goku?” she asked nervously. Goku rolled his head to the side and looked at her.

“I’m ready.” he said. Chi Chi narrowed her eyes and walked over to him.

“Are you okay?”

Goku nodded, standing up. He winced slightly and brought a hand to his abdomen. Chi Chi felt a rush of panic.

“I’m okay,” Goku said reassuringly. “The baby just kicks like a tournament champion, that’s all.”

Chi Chi gave a sigh of relief, placing her hand on Goku’s arm.

“Do you need to lie down?” she asked. “We can call ahead to say we will be late...or just cancel. There'll be plenty of barbeques at Bulma’s.”

Goku shook his head.

“No, I’m okay. I’m looking forward to this, actually.”

Chi Chi was silent a moment as she contemplated the situation. Should she put her foot down and make him get in bed? Or should she give in and let him enjoy the afternoon with his friends?

“...Okay...” she said hesitantly. “But if you start feeling bad, we’re coming straight back home!”

Goku chuckled.

“Okay, it’s a deal,” he said, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him before leaning up to return the gesture, but pressing her lips against his.

Goku sighed, bringing his hand up to her cheek, his fingers softly caressing her skin before moving to run through her hair. Chi Chi slid her arms around his neck, and the two stood quietly holding each other.

“If you don’t feel well, you will tell me...right?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he replied with a sad smile. He was used to hearing concern in ChiChi’s voice when it came to their sons, but not him. “But I’m fine.”

“Fine...” She pulled away from him, gently smoothing out the fabric of his shirt. “Well, let’s go then.”

Goku gave a nod of agreement. Sure, he was tired and a little sore, but he really was looking forward to spending the afternoon with his friends, like old times, and to forget the anxiety about his parenting prowess or his bizarre dreams about the baby and Vegeta. Vegeta rarely, if ever, showed up at these parties, anyway.


Vegeta stood quietly on the patio, leaning against the side of the house as he watched the group minglingwith one another and sipping drinks. He wished he hadn’t given his word that he would attend this function, but he hadand now there was no getting out of it. These imbeciles loathed him almost as much as he did them, he was sure, and he glared evenly back at anyone who dared look his way.

What a detestable way to spend the afternoon.

“What’s the matter, Papa?”

Vegeta looked down at his daughter who crossed her arms and mimicked his posture against the wall.

“Nothing,” he replied, uncrossing his arms and placing his hands in the pockets of his slacks. “Just waiting.”

“Hm,” she said thoughtfully. Vegeta looked down at her, and she smiled up at him. “Uncle Goku is going to be surprised,” she stated.

Vegeta tried not to grimace, but that was undoubtedly an understatement.

“After the party,” Bulla continued, scooting closer to him and slipping her arm through his, “can we go fight?”

“We’ll see,” he replied.

“Well, that means no,” she frowned. Quickly, she perked back up. “Maybe we can go down to the lab and grow my tail early.”

“No,” Vegeta broke in firmly. “It’s too soon.” Bulla’s frown returned.

“But Papa, I know I can --”

“I know you are strong,” he told her, “but this is a serious matter that needs serious preparation. Now you can pout about it, but not at my side.”
Bulla sighed heavily, but tightened her grip on his arm.

Goten turned his attention from where he had been watching Vegeta and Bulla to Trunks who was beside him.

“You don’t think he’s gonna spend the whole day over there, do you?” he asked. The older teen shrugged.

“It’s a great feat that he’s here at all. I guess we shouldn’t complain about where he stands, so long as he’s visible.”

Goten shrugged.

“Okay, everyone! Can I have your attention!?” Bulma spoke loudly, drawing all eyes to her. She smiled broadly. “Goku and Chi Chi will be here any moment. Now, since this is a surprise party, I would like for everyone to say ‘surprise’ when Goku gets here.”

Krillin mumbled to Yamucha.

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be surprised regardless...”

Anyway,” Bulma continued, “thank you so much for coming, and I hope that you will all have a great time and help me make sure that Goku has a great time as well.”

The group looked around at one another, everyone sharing the same expression of forced cheerfulness.

“Oh, and before I forget,” Bulma continued with a smile, “I have some fun little games for everyone to participate in! First off, Mom will be giving each of you a diaper pin to wear on your shirt.”

“What the Hell?” Yamucha moaned, taking the metal pin with a large plastic elephant head from Mrs. Briefs. Bulma went on.

“Now, the point of the game is to avoid saying the word ‘baby.’ If you do, whoever hears you say it gets to take your pin. Whoever has the most pins at the end of the shower gets a nice prize!” She looked out at the looks of embarrassed bewilderment on her friends’ faces.

They’re the babies,” she fumed inwardly. “They can suck it up for one afternoon. I found a lot more involved shower games I could have made them play...” She turned and crossed the patio to where her husband and daughter were. “Here, Vegeta,” she told him, holding out her hand. “I picked this one especially for you.”

Vegeta raised an eyebrow but took the offered diaper pin. He turned it over to get a proper look at it. The oversized safety pin had a large, pink disgruntled looking pig head on one end.

“Is this some statement to persuade me to play your little game?” he asked with a frown. Bulma merely smiled and moved away. Vegeta looked down at his daughter who was pinning her own to her chest. He looked up, catching several people who turned quickly to hide their interest.

“I’ll help you, Dad,” Bulla said, taking the pin from his hands and tacking it to his shirt. “Now, remember,” she advised, “don’t say the word.” The corner of Vegeta’s mouth twitched before he replied.

“I won’t.”

“I’m going to go wait out front for Uncle Goku,” she informed him. “I hope he’s surprised.”

“Right,” he remarked. As she turned to leave, he spoke again to draw her attention. “Bulla, just don’t bother Kakkarot with a bunch of baby questions.”

“Sweet!” she cried, leaping the distance back to him. She removed the pin from his shirt and attached it to her own. She smiled up into his scowling face. “You need to come to more parties, Papa, ‘cause you suck at games!” That said, she turned and headed into the house. Vegeta settled back against the wall, folding his arms.

“Smooth,” Goten commented as he stepped in front of Vegeta and took a sip from his bottle of cream soda. “Way to throw the game. You just better be careful that you don’t hear anyone say baby... Oh!” Happily, he unpinned his diaper pin and held it out to Vegeta. The prince growled.

“I’ll let it slide.”

Goten continued to laugh as he assumed the spot next to Vegeta that Bulla had left.

“So... no sparring today?” he asked.

“We’ll see,” the prince replied. Goten nodded.

“No, huh? Well... maybe tomorrow?” Vegeta didn’t look amused by this second translation of his answer.

“Do you really think that your father is going to want to spar, or watch a fight, after this?” The teen shrugged.

“Do you think he’ll want to go home and wash baby clothes and write ‘thank you’ cards?” Vegeta didn’t reply. “We’ll see...”

Vegeta turned from Goten toward the patio doors, and the younger Saiyan followed his gaze. Pan came rushing out of the door.

“Grandpa’s coming!”

The tension among the group instantly doubled, becoming almost palpable, and silence fell over them.

Within a few moments, Bulma appeared, leading the last two guests. Chi Chi visibly paled, and Goku looked around in a confused manner.

“Wha... what’s going on?”

There was a brief moment of silence.


A blush rose on Goku’s face as he looked around the patio at his friends, the decorations and the table piled with gifts.

“It’s your baby shower, silly,” Mrs. Briefs giggled, hugging him. Goku looked stunned.

“O... oh...”

Bulma gave the tall Saiyan a quick hug.

“We wanted you to know that we are here for you, honey,” she whispered in his ear. “And that we want to help.”

“So... so this...” he began. “This isn’t just a barbeque?”

“It is a barbeque,” Yamucha stated, giving him a light punch in the arm. “But in your honor.”

Goku’s eyes were still wide as he looked once again around the assembly.

“You shouldn’t have,” he said quietly. Chi Chi laid a hand on his arm, and Krillin shot Bulma an angry look. Bulma’s smile began to fade. Yamucha spoke up.

“It was no trouble,” he replied with a smile. “We wanted you to have a party and get the things that you might need.” He shrugged, but a slight blush colored his ears. “And it was easy with that guy at the store helping.”

Goku turned to Yamucha.

“You... you all bought me gifts for my... and by yourselves?” He looked awestruck out to his friends, who nodded their reply. His eyes came again to rest on the table of neatly, prettily wrapped gifts. “You... bought me these...?” he whispered.

The group waited with baited breath while their dear Saiyan friend stood speechless in front of them.

Suddenly, Goku burst out laughing.

“All of you!?” he asked, wiping a tear of amusement from his eye. “You shopped for baby gifts?” He turned to Piccolo. The Namekian blushed. “How did you wrap it so nicely?”

Piccolo folded his arms and grumbled.

“Wrapping was complimentary.”

Goku howled with laughter, holding his belly. Bulma’s smile returned, and a nervous yet relieved laughter spread through the group.

“This is really too much,” Goku chuckled, looking around at his friends. His eyes came to rest on the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta gave a slight nod in greeting. Goku smiled back at him.

“Are you surprised, Grandpa?” Pan asked, tugging on his arm.

“I sure am,” he replied with a sigh. So much for focusing on something other than his impending delivery, but the mental picture of his friends shopping for baby items was almost worth it at the moment.

“We’ve already started a game, Grandpa!” Pan informed him happily, pointing at the pin on her shirt. Goku’s brow furrowed.


“Here,” Bulma told him, placing the pin on his shirt. “Now, no one can say the word B-A-B-Y, or they get their pin taken. Whoever gets the most wins a prize.”

“I see...”
Bulla quickly spoke up.

“I already got Papa’s pin,” she announced proudly. “He didn’t get two minuets without saying ‘Baby’ -- oh!”

Pan was the only one who seemed expectant that she relinquish her pins. Bulla slapped the two diaper pins into the younger Saiyan's hand and then stalked away to squeeze herself between Vegeta and Goten.

“So,” Bulma spoke to Goku. “I’ll get you and Chi Chi some drinks, Yamucha can start taking orders for the grill, and we can get this party started!” She gave his arm a tight squeeze. “Enjoy yourself, sweetie.”

“Thanks.” Goku smiled at her before she left for refreshments, but he suddenly felt horribly awkward and on display. He exchanged greetings with those around him before he retreated to a nearby table and sat down. Yamucha seated himself beside him.

“She was dead determined,” he spoke. “She really wanted to do this for you.”

Goku nodded.

“I understand. It’s okay... really. It’s awfully nice of you all to go through so much trouble for me... shopping and all...”

Yamucha grinned.

“It was quite a sight. Somehow, we all ended up there at the same time. The owner was so excited for you that he was either going to pee his pants or break into song.” Goku chuckled at the idea. “His wife wrapped the stuff for us. She was a knock out.” He frowned. “You tell me how a guy like that gets such a woman?” Goku shrugged.

“He makes her laugh?” Yamucha sighed.

“Then I need to work on my stand-up.” He shook his head. “Anyway... We just... I mean...We want you to have the things you need... to be prepared... we just don’t want to celebrate... the wrong thing... I mean...” Yamucha reddened as he struggled to make himself clear.

“It’s okay,” Goku said, feeling a bit flushed himself. “I know.” Yamucha took a large drink of his beer. With some reluctance, Krillin joined the two at the table.

“Uh... hey, man,” he began.

“Hi,” Goku returned. “Thanks for going along with this.” The shorter man looked embarrassed by the comment.

“It’s... it’s not that I didn’t want to be here for ya, Goku... it’s... just... you’re...”

Goku didn’t have to be reminded. Yamucha spoke quietly.

“I suppose it would be easier to focus on the ‘what’ if you could avoid thinking about the ‘how’ or ‘why.’” Krillin gave a small sound of agreement. Goku sighed, looking across the patio to where Vegeta still stood with Bulla and Goten.


There was silence among the three for a moment.

“Well, I should get to the grill,” Yamucha announced. “What do you want, Goku?”

“Yes,” Goku replied, matter-of-factly.

Yamucha smiled.

“Coming right up.”

Goku and Krillin sat quietly without speaking until Bulma came to set a large pineapple shaped cup of lemonade in front of the Saiyan.

“Enjoy,” she told him.

“Thanks, Bulma.”

She folded her arms and smiled at him.

“After lunch, you can open gifts, okay?”

Goku paled slightly, and his eyes widened, but he made a small noise of agreement. Bulma patted his hand and walked away toward the grill.

Marron approached her father and grinned, proudly displaying four diaper pins on her sweater.

“Daddy, have you said the b-word yet?” she asked.

Krillin grimaced.

“No, honey.” He added in a mumble to himself as he gazed across the patio at Bulma: “But I’ve wanted to.”


It took a little over half an hour for the group to begin to loosen up and enjoy the barbeque and the beautiful spring day. Most of the adults had followed Vegeta’s example and relinquished their safety pins and now felt more at ease without them.

Except for Piccolo, who had the misfortune of being nearby when Pan had accused Bulla of being ‘such a baby’ and mistook his start of panic as competitive excitement. He was now the proud owner of nine colorful diaper pins and was being shunned by most of the group, lest he drop the ‘B’ bomb on them.

Gohan felt pity for him after a few minutes and lent a sympathetic ear for the Namek to declare he 'hated baby showers'.

Goku tried to ignore the fact that his condition was the focus of the event and chose instead to be grateful for the opportunity to speak with his friends.

"I've meant to make it down here before now, Goku," Tien told him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's just great to see you. I mean, I haven't seen you since I... well, came to tell you about... this... and, who knows if I would have seen you this year at all..."

Tien nodded.

"I just wish our meeting would have been under better circumstances."

Goku didn't respond but merely shrugged.

"By the Kais, what now?" Krillin moaned as Bulma approached their group.

"Would you like to open gifts now, Goku?" she asked with a smile.

Goku tried to smile back, but it came off as more of a tight grimace.

"Oh... I think I'll eat a bit more yet..." he replied. Bulma frowned.

"Aw... okay." She brightened back up. "Well, here's another game for everyone!" She handed out cards and tiny golf pencils to each of them. Printed on the card was a baby shower word scramble, with corresponding word find and a perforated pull-off card with a place to write guesses on the baby's gender, weight and date of birth. "I've got a really, really great prize for whoever gets the closest on that one," she said, tapping the prediction card. "It would be well worth your while to give it a shot." She gave a wink before moving on.

"I swear," Krillin stated when she left, "that woman is turning into her mother!"

In a flash, Bulma had returned and lifted the short warrior a few feet off the ground by his shirt front. "I heard that!" she growled. "Just play the damn game!" She smiled at Goku before turning away again.

Krillin adjusted his collar and cleared his throat.

"Or maybe she’s turning into her husband."

Tien and Yamucha chuckled, but Goku turned and scanned the patio for the aforementioned prince.

Vegeta was sitting at a table by the house with Trunks and Goten, playing what appeared to be a game of cards.

Goku had kept his distance from Vegeta that afternoon so as to not make either of them more uncomfortable than necessary. He knew that everyone, at some point, had pondered how this baby came to be. But Vegeta had made such an effort to show up and at least try to participate, so Goku found that he couldn’t ignore him.

"Excuse me a minute," he told his friends before heading for the other three Saiyans.

They were playing cards. Each of them was holding two cards, with the exception of the prince, who had them face down in front of him, and three cards lay face up in the center of the table.

"Having fun?" Goku asked, standing behind Goten and placing his hands on the teen's shoulders. He also had a clear view of Goten's nine of spades and Jack of diamonds.

"Yup," his son replied, as he placed 2 zeni in the money pot. "Especially 'cause I'm about to win money off of these two." Trunks and Vegeta looked skeptical. Goku looked down at the three community cards: six, nine, jack.

"Would you like to join the next hand?" Trunks asked, adding another face up card to the three: the four of clubs. "There’s only a five zeni max."

Goku shook his head.

"No... I'm not too good at poker and...well, I'm sure your mom has things planned..." The tall Saiyan gave a weary pat to his belly as the baby twisted uncomfortably.

"I think this will be my last hand, anyway, Trunks," Vegeta spoke, placing his money on the table. The teen added another card, the king of hearts. Happily, Goten placed his final bet. The young teen's face fell when Vegeta laid his cards on the table.

Trunks sighed. "Kings and Jacks, Goten. That beats your jacks and nines, and my tens ."

"Crap!" the younger Saiyan exclaimed, tossing his cards away. "I have no luck!"

Vegeta stood, picked up his empty glass and left the table. Goku watched him enter the house through the patio door.

"It's only sixteen zeni, Goten," Trunks said, pushing the pot toward his younger friend. "Papa doesn't really play to win. Your hand was second best. Take it."

"No, I can't take something I didn't win. Give it to him." Goten sat frowning a moment before he pulled his game card over towards himself. He stared at it a moment before turning his eyes to his father's belly.

"Hey!" he whispered, leaning in to talk directly to his father's rounded midsection. "You a boy or a girl in there? Bulma promised a big prize." He turned to press his ear against Goku's stomach as if listening for a reply. Goku blushed, but ran a hand affectionately over his son's ebony hair.

"If you get an answer, let me know." he said.

Vegeta paused as he shut the patio door, watching Goten speak to his father’s belly and Goku’s reaction. He supposed that there were worse candidates to be the mother of his child. Goku certainly was never lacking in fun or affection, two things that Vegeta didn’t excel in. The prince sighed heavily as he turned toward the kitchen to catch a moment of time to himself under the guise of refilling his glass. He was beginning not to dread the birth of this child as the day drew nearer, and that fact was just another item he added to his list of concerns to put off thinking about until later.

Before Vegeta could step into the kitchen, his keen hearing detected voices in the next room. Usually he chose to ignore the humans and their moronic conversation, but this one he couldn’t tune out. He stood quietly and listened.

“What was Bulma thinking?!” Chi Chi stated in a hushed whisper. “How dare she put Goku on display like this?! And not give one bit of warning! Ugh!”

“I’m sorry, Chi Chi,” Videl said softly, trying to calm her mother-in-law. “We wanted to tell you, but we promised we would keep the surprise.”

“Surprise!” Chi Chi snapped. “Ambush is more like it! Oh, and I don’t blame you and Gohan, Videl. But I have concluded that Bulma Briefs does not have her head on straight! That woman has made some questionable decisions in her life, but now involving Goku!... How dare she!?”

Vegeta had to make a conscious effort to keep from shattering the glass in his hand. Videl spoke again.

“She means well...” she said feebly. There was a short pause before she continued. “I’m going to go check on the girls.” There was the sound of movement, probably Videl heading up to Bulla’s room. Chi Chi gave a weary sigh and moved to return to the patio. As she passed through the kitchen, Vegeta caught her off guard when he spoke.

“What I would consider a ‘questionable decision’ would be insulting the hostess in her own home.” Chi Chi turned, shocked to see him. His expression was one of anger, but she didn’t back away.

“And what about listening to a conversation that doesn’t involve you?” she asked pointedly.

“You involved me the moment you spoke ill of my wife,” he growled.

Chi Chi’s brows drew together as she stared at the Saiyan.

“Maybe your wife needs to stop meddling in my husband’s business!”

Vegeta took a step forward but did not dare move beyond that, for fear of strangling the woman.

“I’ve been trying to get her to stop associating so closely with the buffoon for years! But since their relationship predates ours, I have grudgingly come to accept it. However, as this business of your husband’s also involves me, she has every right to meddle if she wishes!” Vegeta knew he didn’t mean the words as he spoke them. He, too, had wished Bulma would have let the matter alone. After speaking, he waited for the woman to rail back at him. Instead, she stood quietly watching him.

Chi Chi could feel her hands trembling with anger over Vegeta's nerve. But his statement also confused her. Did he just admit that he didn't care what Bulma did to Goku? Or was he admitting that he recognized his involvement in Goku's dilemma?

In a tight voice, she responded.

"Goku has been through enough."

Vegeta's eyes seemed to spark as he spat back.

"I am aware of his sacrifices! This ridiculous gathering is to honor him, not add to his despair." Vegeta gave an annoyed toss of his head. "Even I have a history of admitting when Kakkarot has been the savior, unlike yourself. You are the last person to admonish anyone of their treatment of him, especially Bulma, who has gone out of her way to aid him."

Chi Chi felt her skin flush with the heat of embarrassment and anger. How dare he tell her how badly she treated her husband!

...even if he was right.

"I love my husband," she hissed defensively.

"So does my silly woman. She seems to be the only one trying to make this a positive event, regardless of what we feel..." Vegeta frowned, hearing himself admit that he and Kakkarot’s mate might actually agree on something. He was stopped from further comment when the patio door opened, and Bulma stepped in. She gave a smile even though her eyes reflected her uncertainty of finding these two alone.

"Goku's going to open gifts now..." she told them. "Won't you join us outside?" Chi Chi gave a small nod. Vegeta merely smirked.

Chi Chi moved past Bulma and out onto the patio. Bulma turned to her husband.

"What was that about?" she asked quietly.

"Nothing of concern."

"I doubt that... but what can I say? Go outside, and I'll get the girls from upstairs."

Vegeta sighed, setting his still empty glass on the counter and exiting the house. The group was standing restlessly around the gift table where Bulma had seated the guest of honor. Vegeta groaned inwardly and took a seat as far on the perimeter as possible without being accused of segregating himself. Goku gave him an uneasy smile before turning away. Vegeta had to admit he felt his fellow Saiyan's pain.

"Okay!" Bulma exclaimed, ushering Videl and the three youngest girls out onto the patio. "Let's get this show on the road! Goku, you can start with whichever you want."

Goku prayed his smile didn't look as forced and phony as it felt as he picked up a gift from the table and sat back down. Normally, he loved gifts and the surprise of opening a present his friends had picked out especially for him, but he could barely take the queasiness that anticipation had placed in his stomach.

First, he read the card atop the box.

"This one is from Tien and Chiaotzu," he announced and turned to the two. "Thank you."

Chiaotzu squeaked a 'you're welcome,' and Tien gave a nod.

Goku could feel the blush spreading across the back of his neck as he stripped the box of its paper and opened the lid. He pushed aside the white tissue paper and paused. Nestled inside was a tiny red jumper with yellow stars and matching booties. A smile lit up his face.

"It wasn't on the list," Chiaotzu explained. Tien continued for him.

"But it looked a lot like a gi, and kind of reminded us of the dragon balls..."

The group laughed and gave automatic 'aww's as Goku held up the baby garment.

"It's adorable!" Goku laughed. How could he keep forgetting that the cause of his uncomfortably distended midsection was a baby? He laughed heartily, folding the item and placing it next to his chair. "Thank you!"

Goku continued through the presents, amused by the variety of items he received. Most of themwereitems he had shown interest in when he was shopping with Bulma. There had to be a connection there, but he shrugged it off, continuing to a brightly colored gift bag.

He faltered slightly as he read the card.

To Uncle Goku and Uncle Vegeta.

"That's from me," Marron whispered excitedly, kneeling down next to him.

"Oh, thank you," Goku replied, his eyes darting over to where the prince was standing. Vegeta was looking down at Bulla who had her arms around his waist and was staring up at him.

Goku opened Marron's gift. It was a white fabric album with many colorful accessories.

"It's a scrap book," she explained. "They're lots of fun to make. This one is especially for babies."

Goku nodded, examining a pair of zig zag bladed scissors before placing them back with the book.

"It's very nice," he complimented her, causing her to grin happily.

"Papa," Bulla asked quietly, hugging Vegeta and looking up into his face. "That's your baby, too. How come Goku gets to open all of the presents?"

Vegeta's eyes moved almost imperceptibly to Videl and 18, who were standing closest to him. They were watching Goku, but undoubtably heard the girl's question.

"Kakkarot is the one selflessly carrying the child. This celebration is for his benefit," he explained.

"Oh..." she sighed, laying her head on his chest. The prince unconsciously lay a hand on her head, returning his attention back to Goku. He had just opened the last gift: four pastel colored quilted baby blankets from Piccolo. Goku grinned and turned to the Namekian.

"Why, thank you, Piccolo."

The green warrior nodded once, trying hard not to blush. Krillin and Yamucha both nudged him and gave incorrigible grins.

"Thank you all, very much," Goku said again to his friends. Their expressions were less stiff and more relaxed and natural. "This... this is really very kind of you all..." For a moment he felt the emotion catch in his chest, and his throat constricted. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Vegeta had made a move forward but stopped himself just as quickly. Goku blinked his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the emotional pang diminish. "These things will all be very helpful. I'm very grateful."

"It's our pleasure." Bulma said, beaming happily. "And for your pleasure, we have cake and ice cream. You want some now?"

"Please," he replied. Bulma hurried off, and Chi Chi came to kneel at Goku's side, arranging the gifts in a tidy pile.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly. "I mean, still feeling well?"

"Yeah," he answered. "I'm a little sore, but," he sighed contently, "I'm really happy my friends did this... I mean, it was a little awkward at first, but it's the thought that counts and...it was nice of them to think of me."

Chi Chi smiled back at him, giving him a gentle pat on the thigh. She could feel Vegeta's eyes on her, and she turned to him. He was watching her with his typicalunfriendly scowl. He was probably inwardly gloating for being right about the party. She turned away.

“I’ll go and get some more punch,” she said, standing and giving him a small kiss on the forehead. As she moved away, Daikkon hesitantly approached the expecting Saiyan.

“I hope I am not interrupting,” the younger man spoke.

“Not at all,” Goku assured him. “Tell me, Daikkon, are there celebrations like this one in the Saiyan culture?”

Daikkon smiled.

“Oh, yes,” he said assuredly. “The celebration of an addition to the clan, especially of royal blood, is a very important gathering. It is also traditional to bring gifts and offerings to the parents.” Goku couldn’t help but look to the prince at that statement. Vegeta had his arms crossed but was watching the exchange between Daikkon and himself. “Since I am not familiar with the traditional gifts of this planet, I have made something which I hope will be of use.” He handed Goku a small journal.

“You didn’t have to...” Goku told him.

“It is no trouble. I have done nothing but compile a list of Saiyan names and what I can recall of their meaning. Her majesty Miss Bulma mentioned some time back about names, and I remember you saying you were having difficulties deciding. It is with my best wishes for you and your child.”

There it was again.

That tightening in Goku’s chest that radiated up to his jaw and burned behind his eyes.

“Thank you,” he managed before taking a deep breath in through his nose. “It’s wonderful. I... I don’t know what to say.”

“Say nothing. It is the least I could do.” Daikkon bowed shortly before moving away. Vegeta took the opportunity to cross the patio to Goku as the majority of the guests were now occupied elsewhere.

“What did he want?” he asked, his voice bordering on harsh.

“To give me a gift,” Goku replied taking another deep breath to calm his emotions. “It’s... well... a book of baby names.” He flipped through the pages, noticing that next to the names, Daikkon had handwritten the name in Saiyan script.

“What does it say Daikkon means?” Vegeta asked with a smirk. “He who has an enormous head of useless knowledge?”

Goku frowned.

“No...” He scanned the pages and answered: “It means ‘loyalty’. But look, ‘Vegeta’ means ‘man whose wife talks him into coming to baby showers.’”

Vegeta scowled and stalked off, leaving Goku to chuckle to himself as he flipped through the book.

Vegeta was in the book.

Vegeta: Protector, Provider and Servant of the People. Father.


While many of the guests had attended the shower with reluctance, it was now with reluctance that they regarded leaving.

Tien, Piccolo, Gohan, Yamucha, Krillin and Goku were seated around a table, enjoying warm cider and conversation of years past.

“Excuse me for a second,” Goten interrupted then, kneeling by his father’s chair. He gave Goku a smile before placing his hands onto his stomach. Goku grimaced.

“Um... Can I help you?” he asked.

Goten shook his head.

“Nope. Just trying to get a feel for how big this little fella’s gonna be... He’s pretty lumpy.”

“I’m guessing it’s a girl,” Yamucha stated. “But I’m also guessing it’s 10 pounds, being a Saiyan and all...”

“Ten pounds...?” Goku echoed, looking down and wondering how big of an incision would free a 10 pound being.

“Well, I guessed girl, too,” Krillin added. “But only because I think you need one. I think they’re easier to raise than boys.”

“What is your basis of comparison?” Piccolo inquired. Krillin shrugged.

“Because Marron is such a sweetheart... I couldn’t imagine!”

Yamucha grinned.

“Does it make you want a little egg of your own, Piccolo?” he asked in a sing-song voice.

“Hardly,” the Namek replied dryly.

“Hmm...” Goten stood. “Well, I guess that’s it...” He scribbled something onto his game sheet before turning to the table. “What did you all get for number 16?”

Everyone looked automatically to their own cards, but Krillin answered.

“Layette.” Goten jotted down the info.

“Sweet. Thanks.” He gave Goku a pat on the shoulder before retreating into the house.

The table was quiet as the groups of friends sat listening to the bird song and the wind in the trees.

The silence was broken when Tien asked:

“What’s a layette?”

The group laughed while Gohan explained the concept. It was not long before they were interrupted again, this time by Marron.

“Mom told me to come get you,” she explained to Krillin.

“Ah, well, I guess that’s my cue to leave,” he said, standing. “I’ll see ya’ll around, I hope.” He gave Goku a heavy clap on the back. “Take care, man. We’ll visit soon.”

“Thanks. And thanks for the gifts.” Krillin reddened slightly.

“No prob, bro.” He turned to the others. “Night, guys!”

That seemed to be the cue for the rest of them as well. After saying their goodbyes, the only ones left around the table were Yamucha, Goku and Gohan.

“I better get my family together as well,” Gohan spoke, rising from his chair. “Will you need help getting your things home, Dad?”

“No, thank you, though,” Goku replied. Gohan leaned down to hug his father, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Let me know if you need anything,” he said. Goku nodded and watched his oldest child leave the patio.

“You got great kids, Goku,” Yamucha told him when they were alone. “You’re a lucky guy.”

“Yeah...” Goku responded in a rather wistful tone.

Yamucha’s brow furrowed a moment as he thought.

“You know... Bulma’s right,” he said. Goku tilted his head and patiently waiting for him to continue. “I mean... babies are gifts... Regardless of how you get them... I mean, not to trivialize your suffering,” he added hastily. “But this is still your baby... and that’s great.”

Goku’s smile seemed rather grim as he looked down at his abdomen.

“... Yeah... I know what you mean... but... you might feel differently if it were you carrying Vegeta’s baby.”

“Oh, I think he'd've offed himself before hand,” Yamucha remarked. “But... I can’t say for 100% that I still wouldn’t be happy to have a kid when all was said and done...”

Goku shrugged.

“You can still be a father, Yamucha, even if you aren’t ready to be a husband. There are plenty of babies that need good homes.”

The dark haired ex-bandit sighed and laid his head against the table.

“I was ready once or twice... but just not at the same time as the girl.” He sighed.

Goku frowned, thinking of Bulma’s friend Eiyu.

“Maybe... you should see other... people... like...” He blushed hotly. “I mean..other men?”

Slowly Yamucha sat up.

“I... I don’t play for that team, Goku...” he said. “But... thanks for the idea.”

“You never know who you’re going to fall in love with, I guess.” Goku explained, laying a hand on his belly where he could feel the baby twisting. “Don’t you really fall in love with a person’s soul?”

It was Yamucha’s turn to shrug.

“I suppose...” Goku continued.

“I mean, Daikkon told me the reason Saiyans could do this --” He indicated his condition. “-- was because same sex partners were common; because Saiyans chose mates based on strength.”

“Well, that makes sense... for Saiyans,” Yamucha stated. “Humans don’t choose a partner like that.”

Goku considered that a moment before replying.

“If that’s true, then wouldn’t humans be free to choose a partner based on nothing other then compatibility of the spirit?” he asked.

Yamucha smiled, rising from his seat.

“Of course.” he replied. “But one mustn’t forget compatibility of attraction.” He leaned down to give his younger friend an exaggerated kiss to the forehead. “But I’ve never met a man whose spirit was wonderful enough for meto overlook the fact that he’s still a dude.”

Goku grinned.

“You haven’t yet.”

Yamucha laughed, pulling the Saiyan to his feet.

“Do you think one can ever be enough in love with the soul to overlook the physical?” Goku asked as the two walked toward the house.

“Beats me,” Yamucha answered. Goku shook his head.

“Bulma’s designer friend said he’d never dated men before he met his husband... That must be love.”

Yamucha looked at the contemplative look on his friend's face, wondering what the other could possibly have going on in his mind.

“Well, we have our ideals, I suppose,” Yamucha finished as they entered the house. “But those change and evolve with time and love.”

Goku nodded.

“I didn’t love Chi Chi at first,” he said quietly. “But I do now.” Yamucha gave him a clap on the arm. He had worried about the union when Goku had first gotten married. He even worried about it for some time after. But he was glad his friend was happy.

“You ready to go, Dad?” Goten asked, poking his head into the dining room from the living room.

“Yep,’ Goku replied. He turned back to Yamucha. “Thanks.”

“No prob,” he replied, accepting Goku’s hug. “I’ll be close by. Bulma says you don’t have too much longer. I want to be here for you.”

Goku felt a small pang of nervousness.

“Yeah...Tell everyone I will be out in a minute,” Goku asked him. “I have to use the bathroom.”

“Sure thing,” Yamucha assured him.

Goku climbed the stairs to the second floor. He was beginning to think that his baby was using his bladder as a cushion to lay on, or quite possibly as a trampoline, and with his belly getting bigger every day, it was getting downright difficult to urinate standing up. But he refused to accept the alternative unless he absolutely had to.

When he left the bathroom, Vegeta was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall. Goku paused, giving an uneasy smile.

“Hey,” he greeted. “Thanks for the party.”

Vegeta frowned.

“I apologize if you were made uncomfortable,” he spoke seriously. “But Bulma wanted nothing but joy for you.”

Goku’s smile lost its sense of uneasiness.

“I know. I had fun.” He gave a laugh. “Especially when Piccolo won that picnic set when that little plastic baby melted out of his ice cube! I didn’t even see Bulma put those in our drinks!” His shoulders shook as he laughed at the memory. “Did you have one?”

Vegeta gave a nod, his hand moving unconsciously to his stomach. He figured he might be seeing the small plastic figure again in a few days.

“And all of the gifts were nice,” Goku continued. “Makes me realize I need to get a nursery set up. I know I have a little more than two months, but you can never be too prepared.”

“You will let us know if there is anything else you require?” The prince’s question sounded more like a demand. Goku nodded.

“Yeah...” He shook his head. “I hope this doesn’t sound weird or anything, but I’m actually beginning to feel excited. Like this baby shower made me feel like...it is okay to be happy now.”

“I wouldn’t know if that was weird,” Vegeta replied. “But since there is no changing the situation...I suppose it is your prerogative to feel however you like.”

The younger Saiyan frowned. He wished Vegeta could be happy about it, but he didn’t want to say as much. He didn’t want their conversation to turn into a debate on who wanted this baby to begin with, because ultimately, neither of them did...and he didn’t want to think about that. So instead, he simply replied:

“You’re right. Well, good night.”

“I am taking the children out to spar after their classes tomorrow,” Vegeta said, stopping him before he could leave. “We could meet before that if you are feeling up to training or...or --” The words seemed to stick in his throat before he continued. “-- you want to talk.”

Goku stared at him a moment, trying to assess what was in the prince’s unreadable eyes.

“I’m sure I will be up for one or the other,” he answered. “If you are.”

Vegeta gave another nod, and Goku turned to leave. He got the feeling, as he had so many times lately, that there was something that Vegeta had wanted to say but didn’t. Maybe someday, he would find out what it was.


Chi Chi was exhausted by the time she arrived home with her husband and son. It was just past six in the evening, but thanks to Bulma’s generous take-home leftovers, she wouldn’t have to cook a meal for dinner. The only thing she wanted to do at the moment was climb into bed.

The very idea of a baby shower to celebrate Goku and Vegeta’s child had appalled her. It was just not an appropriate celebration. However, after seeing Goku’s reaction and watching him enjoy the company of his friends, she had to admit it wasn’t a total disaster. The only thing about the party that still stung was her run-in with the prince.

The last person she needed to be lectured by about manners was the sour-faced Saiyan prince. And the fact that he had the nerve to address her treatment of Goku...well...she felt more shame than anger over that now. Nothing seems to sting more than the truth.

“Goten, sweetheart,” Chi Chi addressed her son as she stopped the car in front of the Son home. “Could you take all of the gifts and put them in the sewing room? Oh, except for the rocker. That...that will have to go in the living room until we figure out how we are going to arrange things.”

“Sure, Mom,” Goten said, jumping out of his seat.

“I’ll help --” Goku began, before Chi Chi spoke up.

“You’ll do no such thing! You are going to go straight into the house and get off your feet.” Goten smiled at his father.

“I got it, Dad. You go sit.”

Goku shrugged and followed his wife up to their home. He should have offered to carry the food. He was already starving.

“What’s this?” he heard Chi Chi say as they stopped at the front door. Goku leaned over her shoulder as she kneeled to pick up a package on their doorstep. “It’s to you, Goku,” she told him.

Goku took the wide, flat box from her hands and entered the house. Dropping onto the sofa, he began to unwrap the brown mailing paper as Chi Chi and Goten settled on either side of him. There was a white box inside with an envelope taped to the top with his name on it. He tried to think of anyone that would be sending him a package, but nearly everyone he knew was at the shower that afternoon.

Inside the envelope was a card with a black and white picture of a tiny baby’s hand laying on an adult’s hand. Inside the card were two messages. The first read:

May your child always be cradled in love,
Surrounded by warmth,
And blessed with happiness.

The second was written off to the side:

Mr. Son, I just wanted to let you know that you are in my family’s thoughts and prayers. If there is anything that you need before or after the birth of your child, please do not hesitate to call on me. The whole of my store, and my services, are at your disposal. The gowns are a gift from my brother-in-law Eiyu. He was not sure which color you would be needing. We hope that they meet your approval.

Kami’s blessing to you,

Mal de Pavon

“Gowns?” Goku said aloud, looking down at the box on his lap. He did not recall asking Mr. Shiroitora to make him any gowns. He would rather die than wear anything that made him look like a woman, as if being pregnant wasn’t enough!

With dread, he lifted the lid and opened the tissue paper underneath. Chi Chi made a soft gasp of surprise. Goku lifted a tiny, lacy dress from the within.

“What...?” he said, admiring the pale blue garment with its fine detailing of lace and embroidery.

“They’re Christening gowns,” Chi Chi explained, removing from the box a pink gown that matched the other. “They are used in ceremonies for a baby. Some, like when I was born, when the parents introduce the child to the kingdom at the naming ceremony. Others are in religious ceremonies the induct the child into the faith. These are exquisite.” She ran her finger along the satin ribbons on the matching bonnets. “Who are these from?”

Goku smiled, picking up a small infant bootie.

“From a friend,” he replied.

Goten watched his parents marvel over the baby clothes from a moment before interrupting.

“Dad, Mom...I want the baby to have my room.”

The two looked up at him, surprised.

“What?” Goku asked. “That’s not necessary.”

Goten shook his head.

“No. It makes sense. With the crib, the changing table and the rocking chair that Uncle Yamucha bought, there won’t be any room in the sewing room for the baby. Not to mention all of the other stuff that you got. I just need my bed and my desk.”

“Goten,” Chi Chi tried to break in, but her son continued.

“Mom, it makes sense. My room is right across the hall from yours. Dad is going to need to be nearby. The sewing room is behind the kitchen. Dad would have to sleep on the couch.”

There was only a slight trace of sadness in Goku’s tone as he replied.

“But he won’t be a baby for very long. Just a few months...”

Goten nodded.

“Exactly. He’ll need more room! In a few more months, I’ll be off to college...and getting a job. I won’t be needing a lot of space. I’ve thought about this. I think it’s the most sensible idea.”

Goku felt a horrible rush of emotion as he was reminded of the dream he had about his baby and Goten.

“Son, I don’t want you to think that you can be replaced by this, or any, baby. This is still your home!”

“I know that, Dad,” he said. “But I’m almost a man...and I don’t want my kid sister or brother to be way down here. What if she has a nightmare or something?”

Goku put his arm around his son and hugged him tightly.

“I love you, Goten,” he said, trying to keep his voice even. “I wish I could have been a better father for you.” Chi Chi laid a hand on Goku’s back, and Goten hugged him back.

“There is no way you could have been better,” he answered. “You’re the best. Really, I want to do this.” He pulled away and gave his parents a smile. “I’m gonna go take this stuff upstairs.”

Chi Chi watched as Goku sat quietly, staring down at the baby clothes in his lap. How could she ever have doubted that anyone could be motivated to anything but their best for her husband? Especially people like her children or Goku’s closest friends. Even Vegeta attended Goku’s party without complaint...save those few grumpy expressions.

“I have so much to be thankful for,” Goku murmured, rubbing a hand across his protruding belly.

He would have never imagined that the event of eight months ago would cause him to make such a statement.


A/N: Well, I sure hope this chapter made ya’ll smile. It made me laugh a few time. Feedback is always greatly appreciated! ^_^