Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Act I ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 53
Act I

It was a Sunday morning when Goku noticed it: a humming, constant ache in his side. He wasn’t alarmed by its presence, as it was not low in his belly and bore no resemblance to the ‘sader’ contractions that he had experienced. So he pressed through the discomfort to go about his day.

“Good morning, dear,” Chi Chi greeted, kissing his cheek as he sat down at the breakfast table. She didn’t miss the tired look on his face nor the way he held himself. “Are you feeling okay?” she asked.

Goku managed a weak smile.

“Yeah, just a little sore, that’s all,” he replied. “It’s nothing.”

She smiled in return, piling his plate with pancakes and scrambled eggs. She gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder before turning back to the stove.

“Good morning!” Goten exclaimed, popping into the kitchen from his new bedroom. “Whoo! What a way to start the morning! With the awesome smell of Mom’s good cookin’!”

Chichi and Goku smiled at their son as he settled in his place at the table. As the teen began to load his plate with biscuits and sausage, he paused to look at his father.

“... You feeling okay?” he asked. Goku frowned as Chi Chi stopped to look at him also.

“Yes!” he replied. “Fine. I’m just a little tired and sore. Is that so unusual?”

Goten watched him a moment before shrugging.

“I... I guess not,” he said.

They continued their meal, keeping the conversation centered on the weather and Goten’s job prospects.

“So I have a second interview set up at the video rental place. It’s across the street from Manternity, so Mr. Mal keeps trying to offer me a job when I’m down there,” the teen laughed.

“That’s nice of him,” Goku remarked.

“Yeah, but I don’t know the first thing about babies. The job I really want is the assistant grounds keeper position at Capsule Corp. Working in the sun all day...” He shrugged. “But I don’t want to get it because Aunt B or Trunks pulls some strings, so I’m trying to keep it on the down low.”

“Well, good luck, sweetheart,” Chi Chi said to him as she stood to clear the table. “Just remember that when the first semester of college starts, school work comes first.” Goten grimaced.

“It’s just community college, Mom. I’ll be fine.” Chi Chi shook her head at his casual attitude.

“Just remember an education today is your future tomorrow.”

Goten laughed, rising from his chair to answer the knock at the front door.

“Mom, you sound like my high school guidance counselor, Mr. Ogura,” he stated, mimicking a friendly tone. “ ‘An education is worth it’s weight in gold, Son Goten!’ ”

He pulled open the door and greeted their guests.

“Hey, Gohan, Piccolo. What’re you guys doin’ here so early?”

“Hey, Goten,” his older brother returned. “We’re here to see Dad...Did...did you know Uncle Vegeta was standing outside?”

Goten concentrated on the prince’s ki signature, but it was moving away from their home in the direction of Capsule Corp.

“Damn. I bet it was some kind of awareness test,” the teen frowned. “I’m sure I’ll hear about it today.”

Gohan’s brows drew together in confusion.

“Didn’t Dad know he was there?”

Goten shrugged.

“If he did, he didn’t say anything to me,” he replied, motioning them toward the kitchen and following behind as they crossed the room.

“Hello, dear. Piccolo.” Chi Chi greeted her oldest son and the tall warrior. “Can I fix you something for breakfast?”

“No thanks, Mother,” Gohan replied, his eyes focusing on his father who sat quietly at the table. “Piccolo and I just stopped by to see Dad.”

Goku turned to his son and his Namekian friend as if he just realized their presence.

“So early?” he asked. “What can I do for you two?

Gohan looked to Chi Chi, who was watching the three with interest.

“Well... we just wanted to see if... you were feeling well, that’s all,” he explained. Goku gave a warm smile.

“Of course I am. Why do you ask?”

Gohan took a breath, hesitant to speak openly. Piccolo, however, had no such reservations.

“Your ki signature is strangely inconsistent,” he spoke plainly. “We were afraid there was something wrong.”

“Goku!” Chi Chi gasped. Goku shook his head, holding up his hands.

“I am fine!” he told his wife. He went on to address his son and Piccolo. “I’m just feeling a little sore. I’m fine. As a matter of fact, I am seeing Bulma today so she can confirm that.”

Gohan looked uncertain.

“You don’t have much time left,” he pointed out. All eyes in the room were on the expecting Saiyan. Goku grimaced.

“But I do have time left,” he reasoned. “I can’t believe you two came all this way just for that!” Goten spoke up as he crammed a biscuit into his mouth, nearly thwarting his attempt at speech.

“Gohan said Uncle Vegeta was here, too.”

Goku looked a bit stunned, turning to Gohan who nodded in the affirmative and spoke:

“Yeah. He was leaning against the woodpile by the forest. I waved, and he gave a nod, but didn’t make any indication that he wanted to talk.”

Goku found this news bizarre. How did he not sense his ki?

Goku stood from the table and moved into the living room, with what could only be described as a distinct waddle. Piccolo frowned as he scrutinized his friend’s extremely protruding abdomen, silently thanking his maker that Namekians merely had to eject a large egg from their throats.

“What time are you meeting Bulma?” Gohan asked, following his father into the living room. Goku eased himself onto the couch.

“The usual time -- ten,” he replied. Gohan sat down at his side.

“Do you want us to go along with you?” he asked. Goten spoke quickly before Goku could reply.

“We can go in my car! It’s too far to fly if you’re feeling sore.”

Goku gave his youngest son a smile. He and Chi Chi had managed to purchase a compact hover-car for their son as a graduation present. It was several years old, but it was well maintained and had all of the safety features Chi Chi had insisted on. While it wasn’t the latest design or the sportiest model, Goten acted as though it were the only car he had ever wanted.

“Well, I can’t see how that would hurt,” Goku admitted, feeling joy in his son’s smile. “If you don’t have anything else to do at that time.”

“Not a thing,” Goten assured him.

Chi Chi brought a tray of tea into the room and served it to her guests. There was a lull of awkward silence, all eyes trying to discreetly observe Goku’s every move.

After several long minutes, Goku spoke.

“Well, there is really no point in waiting, I guess,” he announced. “Goten?”

“I’m ready!” the teen exclaimed, pulling his keys from his pocket.

“We’ll fly along with you,” Gohan said, standing as the others did. Piccolo was pulling Goku to his feet.

“Thanks... well, if you all want to.”

“I’m going to!” Chi Chi stated. Goku turned to her, a bit stunned. As supportive and helpful as she had been through the entire pregnancy, she had never once accompanied him to a check up.

“O-okay,” he said. “But I really am fine, hon.”

Chi Chi didn’t reply. She followed the group from the house, locking the door behind them.

Goten happily pulled his car up close to the front door and hopped out to help his father in.

“Gohan, stay clear of the car!” Chi Chi called out of the back seat window.

“Yes, Mother,” Gohan replied, shaking his head to hide his smile.

“Alright!” Goten announced, shifting the car back into drive. “Let’s go!”

Goku looked out the window at the mirror on the door. He could see both Gohan’s and Piccolo’s reflection. They appeared to be having a discussion about something.

It irritated him, to say the least, that they were overreacting to minor muscle soreness. The false labor contractions were much worse than this, and scarier too.

He gave a small grunt of discomfort, pressing a hand to his side. The baby had been strangely calm since sunrise, but Goku had read in the pregnancy book that it was probably due to having no room to move. Of course, he couldn’t see how the baby didn’t have room -- he was huge! Of course, if the baby was huge as well, that was a different story, but Goku refused to dwell on delivering anything bigger than the typical tiny human infant.

Bulma answered the door with a wide smile on her face, ushering everyone inside.

“Wow! This is almost like a party!” she laughed. “Come in and sit down. Can I offer anyone drinks?”

The group unanimously declined.

“Bulma,” Goku began, speaking quietly, “is Vegeta here?”

Bulma frowned.

“Why? He did seem a little agitated this morning...are you two having a fight?”

“No,” he answered. “Is he here?”

“Yes, he’s in the kitchen. He came in a few minutes ago.”

Goku thanked her and turned to leave. She called after him, causing him to pause.

“Dr. Clarke will be here soon. He can’t wait to meet you.”

“Oh... me too...” he replied with a forced smile before continuing into the kitchen.

Vegeta was pacing the floor near the dining table.

“Don’t you usually come alone?” he snapped before Goku could greet him.

“Um, good to see you too, Vegeta.”

The prince scowled, folding his arms across his chest. Goku questioned him:

“Were you outside my house this morning?” he asked. Vegeta rolled his eyes as if the answer were obvious.

“Yes. What did your son and the Namek want? And why did your entire family have to accompany you?”

Goku was in no mood for Vegeta’s attitude. He frowned.

“I think you’ve known Piccolo long enough to call him by his name and not his race,” he admonished. “And why were you lurking outside? You are welcome to come in.”

Vegeta ignored the last comment, not wanting to start a debate over whether or not Kakkarot’s wife would agree.

Fine. What did Piccolo and Gohan want?”

Goku shook his head.

“Just to check on me... see if I was okay.”

Vegeta raised an eyebrow and asked:


Goku furrowed his brow.

“Well what?”

Vegeta sighed but kept an even temper.

Are you okay?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?!” he exclaimed, exasperated. “You are, like, the fifth one!”

“The fact that you’ve had one hand pressed to your belly the entire time you’ve been in here is reason enough to ask,” Vegeta informed him. “But it is your ki that concerns me. It is unusual... the fluctuations are not normal.”

Goku was aware that this was what Piccolo had said, but hearing it from Vegeta raised a bit of alarm for some reason.

“Do you think the baby is okay?!” he asked earnestly. Vegeta blushed.

“How should I know? I’m no doctor! But do not panic; that will do no one any good.”

Goku nodded and turned from the room. He felt uneasy now, and worried about the radiating pain in his side.

“Sweetheart,” Chi Chi said, concerned as he came back into the living room. “Are you okay?”

He nodded absently, his hands pressed to his stomach, taking comfort in the small movements of his child. He paid no attention to the sound of the doorbell, but his attention was drawn to the foyer hearing Bulla’s shout.

“Dr. Clarke!”

Goku waited nervously as the young girl led their newest arrival into the house by the hand.

Dr. Clarke was a pleasant looking man around Bulma’s age, who smiled happily at the youngest Briefs. His dark brown hair was cut with thick bangs over his eyes, which when he smiled appeared nearly closed.

Goku frowned at the bright red tropical theme shirt the doctor was wearing, which reminded him a little too much of Master Roshii. He had to quickly look down to see if the man was also wearing shorts and sandals. Thankfully, he was not.

“You are shooting up like a weed, little one!” Dr. Clarke addressed Bulla, who grinned with pride. “Good to see you, Bulma. How're Trunks and Vegeta?”

“Wonderful as always,” she replied with a smile. “And you and your wife?”

“Wonderful. This weather sure helps! I would have worn my shorts and sandals if this wasn’t a business call!”

Bulma and Dr. Clarke laughed while Goku felt his heart stop. Bulma turned toward her guests. “Everyone, this is Dr. Ryoga Clarke. Ryoga, these are my friends: Piccolo, Gohan, Chichi, Goten and this --” She slipped her arm through Goku’s. “-- is Son Goku.”

Dr. Clarke’s narrow eyes lingered on Piccolo a moment before he turned to the tall Saiyan.

“Son Goku,” he spoke with a friendly voice. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!” He extended his hand, and Goku accepted the gesture.

“Yes... for me as well.”

The doctor gave Goku a critical look, but smiled.

“Well, you’re quite far along!” he stated happily. “But we're going to make sure you and your baby are well taken care of!”

Goku blushed, his eyes darting around the room at those assembled. Most had the tact to pretend not to have heard the remark.

“Well, Goku,” Bulma said, “shall we go over to the lab?” Goku nodded. “Bulla dear, could you be a good hostess and get everyone some refreshment?” Bulla nodded and went to the kitchen. Bulma again addressed her company. “We’ll be back shortly.”

“So, Goku,” Dr. Clarke spoke once they were outside and heading toward the commercial portion of the compound. “How are you doing this morning? Bulma tells me you’ve had several bouts of Braxton Hicks contractions this last week.”

Goku felt uneasy talking about something so personal, but the doctor spoke with such ease and good nature that Goku didn’t want to be rude by not answering.

“Yeah, but I’m fine today... I think... no pains like... like those, but it’s just sore like... like an aching.”

“Dull or sharp?” the doctor asked. When he tried to answer, he noticed Bulma’s wide eyes.

“Um... dull. Bulma, are you okay?”

Bulma gave a quick shake of her head before smiling.

“Yep! Go on, Ryoga.”

Dr. Clarke continued:

“Fixed or radiating?”

Goku looked slightly unnerved, as if there were possibly a wrong answer.

“Uh... radiating...”

“Hm,” was all the doctor replied before Bulma ushered them into Capsule Corp and proceeded to the lab.

Daikkon and Trunks were working inside, and both turned when the door opened.

“Dr. Clarke!” Trunks greeted happily. “How are you?”

“Dr. Briefs,” the older man replied, shaking Trunks’ hand. Trunks blushed.

“No, not yet. A few more years, maybe.” Ryoga grinned.

“But sooner than average, no doubt. Why, Professor Kuri tells me that you're designing a little something for your robotic class that will revolutionize the way medicine is practiced."

Trunks flushed a deeper pink, looking to the spherical droid on his table.

“Well... it was my friend’s idea, really,” he explained. “But I call it the ‘Intelligent Autonomous Nursebot.’ It’s a medical assistant.”

Nursebot, hm?” Dr. Clarke remarked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Trunks continued, activating the bot, and it began to hover in the air. “My friend wanted a nursebot with... with an attractive voice and Mom said that was fine, on one condition...”

The droid's thermal eye flashed as it scanned the room, before turning to the closest figure, its designer.

“Good morning, how may I be of service today?” it intoned in a man’s voice with a smooth British accent. Trunks shrugged, shutting the bot back down.

“Goten will be sorely disappointed.” The young teen narrowed his eyes, looking past Dr. Clarke to where Goku stood. “Are you okay, Uncle Goku?” he asked. Bulma answered for him as she slipped an arm around her dearest friend and led him to the exam table.

“He’s fine, just in some pain.”

“I wouldn’t say pain!” Goku added quickly. “Just soreness.”

Daikkon moved to Goku’s side.

“Do you mind?” he asked, indicating Goku’s stomach. Goku shook his head and watched nervously as Daikkon lifted the shirt over his bulging stomach and placed a hand over the source of the pain.

“He’s in labor,” Dr. Clarke spoke abruptly. “Isn’t he?”

Daikkon and Bulma exchanged looks of resignation before Daikkon replied.

“I believe so.”

“What?!” Goku exclaimed in alarm. “But... it’s too soon! Four weeks ago you said I had six weeks! Bulma, you said six weeks!”

“Sweetie,” she said softly, taking his hand. “We said four to six weeks... but babies come when they’re ready.”

Goku looked down at his swollen belly.

I’m not ready,” he whispered.

“The pain sounds like the same one Bulma complained of the day little Bulla was born, and the one she had before Trunks,” Dr. Clarke explained. Daikkon turned to Bulma.

“It is fascinating to hear that Saiyan hybrids also consume ki to strengthen themselves for the birth process.”

Says you!” Goku exclaimed. “Doctor, are you sure that this is going to happen today?” Dr. Clarke shrugged, but answered in a kind voice.

“I really don’t have enough experience to be certain. If Saiyans are anything like humans, and I would assume they are fairly close, labor can last mere hours, to a day or two.”

Goku could feel his heartbeat increase as he looked down at himself. Was this really happening? Was his baby really going to be born this day?

Bulma could see the look of unease on her friend’s face and slipped her arm around him, giving him a gentle squeeze.

“This is what you’ve been waiting for, hon,” she whispered cheerfully.

Daikkon continued to examine Goku’s abdomen, trying to get some idea of which way the baby was turned.

“Is he in the vertex position?” Ryoga asked, watching the Saiyan work.

“I cannot tell for sure, but it appears so. We have still been unable to get a clear ultrasound picture of the fetus. Once the concentration of ki relaxes, it will be pointless, as he will be in the active second stage of labor.”

Dr. Clarke nodded thoughtfully.

“Where will the incision be made, and how, for that matter, will you know when it is time?” he asked.

“The incision will be made here when the macogestum has completely opened. You will be able to tell that by an examination of the flesh. It has a distinct feel to it.”

Trunks came to stand at Dr. Clarke’s side, his brow furrowed in thought.

“But it is not a traditional c-section, is it?” he asked. Daikkon shook his head.

“No. The macogestum contracts to expel the fetus as a female’s uterus would. It would put too much trauma on the baby to attempt to remove the child in such a way.” He glanced nervously to Goku and Bulma. “It might irreparably damage the patient's reproductive organs, or worse... cause his death.”

Goku groaned and collapsed back onto the table, throwing an arm over his eyes. The others didn’t have a chance to console him or offer words of encouragement before he spoke in a serious tone.

“But what are the chances for the baby? Even if I die... will my baby live?”

Daikkon opened his mouth to speak, but Bulma beat him to a response.

“Don’t talk like that! Either of you! Goku,” She took him by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “You are going to be fine. You have me and Daikkon and Dr. Clarke, and we are not going to let anything happen to you or the baby.”

Goku nodded.

“I’ll be right back,” Bulma smiled at him and turned from the table.

“Well,” Dr. Clarke stated in a calm, genial tone, “let’s take your blood pressure, shall we?”

Since Goku’s attention was diverted, Daikkon moved from the table and stopped Bulma before she could leave.

“My lady, may I have a word with you?” he asked.

Bulma glanced toward the door, before addressing him.

“Can it wait a second? I really want to let Vegeta and the others know what’s going on.”

Daikkon didn’t speak, but gave a small nod in agreement.


Bulma hurried across the lawn back to her house to speak with her husband.

Goku was in labor!

She could hardly believe it was finally happening!

She threw open the front door and rushed inside. Once there, she stopped dead as her guests looked up at her expectantly. She stood in indecision: did she tell Vegeta first, as he was the father, or Chi Chi, who was Goku’s wife?

“Is everything okay?” Gohan asked her.

“Uh, yeah!” she replied with a laugh. “It’s just, um...Chi Chi, could I speak with you a moment?”

Chi Chi seemed stunned to be singled out, but stood from her seat and followed Bulma into the kitchen.

Vegeta looked up from the cup of coffee that he had been staring into.

He frowned.

“Don’t get up,” Bulma told him quickly. “I need to talk to you both.”

Chi Chi looked alarmed.

“Is Goku okay?” she asked.

“Yes,” Bulma answered with a slight grin, even though her stomach felt queasy. “He’s fine. He’s.. actually... in labor.”

Chi Chi eyes grew horribly wide before her knees gave out. Bulma reached forward, but Vegeta was out of his chair and pulling the woman back to her feet before she fell far.

Bulma pulled out a chair, and Vegeta assisted Chi Chi into it. Bulma noticed that while Vegeta’s reaction time was not affected, his skin was at least one shade lighter than normal.

“Oh... my,” Chi Chi said quietly. She turned to look up at Bulma. “How...how soon?” Vegeta looked interested in the same answer.

“We’re not completely sure. He is in the first stage of labor, which is that horrible muscle ache, if you remember.” Chi Chi nodded numbly. “We have no reason to believe this will be vastly different from your pregnancies or mine.”

Vegeta folded his arms over his chest and moved away from the two to settle back in front of his coffee.

“So,” Chi Chi began again, “what do we do now?”

“We wait,” Bulma responded. “The baby will most likely come this evening. I think it would be best if you and Goku stay here for the day, to be closer to the operating room.”

Chi Chi nodded again absently, her hands twisting the sash on her top.

“Whatever is best for Goku...” she said in barely more than a whisper.

“Hey,” Bulma said encouragingly to the younger woman, “Goku’s strong. And I won’t let anything bad happen to him.” She looked to Vegeta, giving him a smile. “I’m going back to him now, and we’ll be back heretogether shortly.”

She gave Chi Chi’s arm a squeeze before turning from the room.

Chi Chi turned to the prince, and the two stared expressionlessly at each other. After today, their lives would be drastically changed and forever entwined by their caring for Goku and his child.

“Mom,” Goten said, rushing into the kitchen. Gohan, Bulla and Piccolo followed behind him. “I just heard! Bulma told us before she left! Uncle Vegeta, are you nervous?”

“Yeah, Papa,” Bulla added, “are you excited to see the baby?”

“I am concerned for Kakkarot's health, first and foremost,” the prince replied “I will not divide my attention until that is no longer in danger."

Bulla put her arms around Vegeta’s neck and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Chi Chi watched the prince in disbelief as he quietly accepted his daughter’s affection. Could Goku have been right when he said Vegeta was trying to change? After all these years?

Vegeta met her eyes, his gaze steady and cool. She turned away.

Gohan and Piccolo looked to one another, sharing the same feeling of awe over the situation.

Goku’s baby would be born soon. Possibly before the night.


In the hours after it had been determined that Goku was in labor, Capsule Corp had become the gathering place of choice for Goku’s family. Both of his sons, his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter were seated in the room with him. Trunks and Bulla were sitting on the love seat on the opposite side of the room, and Vegeta was in the doorway leaning against the wall

“You and Chi Chi might have to stay here tonight,” Bulma told Goku, adjusting the pillow behind his back as he sat on the living room sofa. “You can use the guest room in the front hall."

Goku glanced to his wife, who remained silent, watching him. He knew she felt out of place outside of her own home.

“Are you sure that’s necessary?” he asked. “I mean, do you think it will take that long?” He finished hopefully: “It could stop altogether”

“Not likely, hon,” Bulma laughed. “The general consensus is, ‘this is it.’ ”

Goku sighed and leaned back on the couch, wrapping his arms around his belly.

“We want you close by when you’re ready to deliver,” Bulma told him. “Believe me, you’ll thank me.” She gave his arm a reassuring pat. “I’m going to start another pot of tea.”

“I called my father,” Chi Chi mentioned to her husband, nervously situating the same pillows Bulma had. “He said he was on his way.”

Goku grimaced.

“Oh, gosh, honey, he doesn’t have to.”

“Well, he wants to,” she replied. “He hasn’t seen you since the baby shower.” Videl sat down at his side.

“Is there anything I can do, Dad?” she asked, concerned.

“No, Videl,” he smiled. “But thank you.”

He paused, becoming still and wincing in pain. Those in the room became impossibly quiet as they watached him.

Goku let out the breath he had been holding, groaning in discomfort and shifting his weight.

Gohan began to pace the floor.

“Trunks,” Bulla whispered, gaining the attention of her older brother and his best friend, “is it going to take long?”

Trunks smiled, putting his arm around her.

“Maybe,” he told her, to which Goten added:

“But soon enough.”

Time seemed to tick on like an eternity to everyone, especially Goku, whose pain only increased with each hour that passed. By the time the sun had set, he had moved from the living room to the increased privacy of the den. He had very few guests at this point, his friends having already come and gone. Only family, with the exception of Piccolo, remained now, and they had beenencouraged to speak to Goku about anything but his imminent delivery. Most had no problem complying.

“Does it hurt a lot, Grandpa?” Pan asked, watching him in horrified fascination as he tried to control his breathing through the pain. “On a scale of one to ten?”

“I think maybe Grandpa needs some time alone,” Videl told her, taking her hand and leaving Goku and Chi Chi. Chi Chi settled at his side, smoothing the hair back off of his face and taking his hand in hers.

“Is there anything I can get you, dear?” She knew that he had seen worse pain than this, but she would prefer him covered in wounds and blood, with a smile on his face to the sight he was now. He looked exhausted, his eyes dark and his skin flushed.

But he did smile, giving her hand a squeeze.

“Something cold to drink would be nice,” he told her. “I’m burning up.”

“Of course.” She leaned over and kissed his brow as she stood. “I’ll be right back.”

Goku leaned onto the arm of the sofa, trying to stretch out the sore spot in his back. It didn’t really matter what he did, of course, because it all hurt.

The baby was hardly moving now. There was only a small motion every once in a while. He hoped the baby wasn’t in as much pain as he was. If he could only ascend and raise his pain threshold...

“The ki meditation came in handy, I see.”

Goku looked up, giving Vegeta a weak smile.

“Yeah...” he murmured, “...have a seat.”

Vegeta glanced uneasily around the dim room, but crossed to sit at Goku’s side. They were quiet a moment.

“So...” Vegeta began hesitantly. “Are...are you well?”

Goku made a small laugh.

“As well as I can be, I guess. It hurts a great deal more than I was expecting. My back is killing me, and that just boggles my mind....but thanks for asking.”

Vegeta nodded and fell silent once more.

“Sweetheart,” Chi Chi spoke as she returned to the room, “I got you lemonade, I hope that’s o--” She stopped just inside of the door, seeing Vegeta stand abruptly upon her arrival.

“Thanks, honey. That’s fine,” Goku told her. Vegeta cleared his throat.

“Excuse me,” he said, taking a step away.

“Please don’t go,” Goku implored, halting him. Vegeta looked down at his fellow Saiyan. “You don’t have to.”

Vegeta tried not to turn towards Kakkarot’s wife before he answered. He didn’t want her sour countenance to affect his decision.

Without another word, he resumed his seat beside Goku on the sofa. Chi Chi sat in a chair a few feet across from them. There was an awkward silence, thick with tension.

Goku shifted his weight, picking up the Saiyan baby name book and holding it out toward the prince.

“I was on the ‘M’s until I got impatient and started flipping around. But it helps to keep my mind off things.”

Vegeta took the small book and opened it. His eyes moved slowly across the Saiyan text.

His Saiyan child should have a Saiyan name, shouldn’t he? Or should she be given a name from the home planet she would know?

“...You don’t like any of them?...” Goku asked, trying to encourage the prince to speak.

Vegeta turned a page.

“Do you?” he asked casually.

Goku shrugged, wincing in pain.


Vegeta turned another page, trying to ignore the way Kakkarot’s scent was laced with fear and the way it drew on his protective instinct, making him more edgy than normal.

Ruddeg,” the older Saiyan stated aloud. “ ‘One showing consistency and dependability. A common name for second, or third born sons.’ ” He looked to Goku, who was in the process of stretching out his opposite side now.

“I don’t think so,” he grunted in reply.

Vegeta flipped a few more pages.

Ninji - one of quiet serenity and virtue.”

Goku gave a snort.

“Is there such a Saiyan?” he asked.

“Is there such a baby?” Vegeta returned with a smirk. He tried another page. “ ‘Kora - showing immense talent and skill in all things.’ ”

“Hmmm...” Goku remarked, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the sofa. Vegeta turned back a page, frowning as he read:

“ ‘Kakkarot - A third class, earth loving, clown. Also, quite ridiculous and loud.’ ”

Goku blinked a few times as he digested that information before laughing heartily. Chi Chi’s frown did not go unnoticed by the prince, who merely smirked.

“Well then, that name is right out!” Goku announced.

Chi Chi pressed her lips tightly together as she watched the two. How would this baby, being Goku’s and Vegeta’s child together, affect the relationship she had with her husband? The prince already took up enough of Goku’s time with the training. Would she ever again get time alone with him? Or was it destiny that always kept them so far apart?

Goku noticed the contemplative look on his wife’s face.

“It doesn’t really mean that, Chi,” he said. “It’s much nicer. Vegeta, read what it really says.”

Vegeta grimaced, looking at the book.

“That is what it really says,” he assured him. Goku chuckled again, his hands pressing into his sides.

“No, it doesn’t. It means something like ‘having a kingly spirit’... or ‘a noble heart,’ ” he said proudly. “Maybe I will just name him ‘Kakkarot’ if it is a boy.”

“Excuse us,” Bulma said, entering the room with Daikkon at her side. “We’re just checking Goku’s progress.”

Vegeta stood and crossed to the opposite side of the room as Bulma sat at Goku’s side.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, clipping the blood pressure monitor on his finger.

“Fine, I guess,” he answered.

“Same pain?”


Bulma placed the stethoscope against Goku’s belly, and the room became, if possible, even more quiet as she listened. Daikkon watched her with an expression of nervous anticipation.

“Well, everything is good so far,” she announced. “Back to more waiting.”

Goku sighed.


Bulma stood and looked down upon her dear friend.

“You want to go lay down in bed, sweetie? You might be able to get some sleep since we don’t know how much longer it might take.”

Goku shook his head, his face scrunching up to show his discomfort.

“No. I don’t think I could sleep, anyway.” Bulma gave him a pat on the head.

“In an hour we’re going to use the fetal monitor again, so you might want to be lying down. It’s more comfortable. Think about it,” she advised before she and Daikkon left.

Vegeta, Goku and Chi Chi were once again silent. A few moments ticked by before Goku announced:

“I have to use the bathroom.”

Chi Chi stood and helped her husband to his feet.

“Thanks. I’ll be right back.” He looked from his wife to his friend. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Vegeta remained expressionless but Chi Chi nodded once in agreement. Once Goku was gone from the room, the tension doubled.

Chi Chi slowly turned and looked to Vegeta, who was leaning against the wall, still holding the baby name book in his hands. Her better judgment shouted for her to remain silent, but her temper got the better of her after a short span of time.

“Do you even care if it has a name?” she asked blandly.

Vegeta glared at her.

“Don’t you dare presume anything of the sort!”

“I’m not allowed to predict from past events?” she inquired lightly. “Why shouldn’t I presume that you would not care about Goku’s ‘third class’ offspring?”

Vegeta’s mouth twisted into a sneer.

“You have no authority to make presumptions, one way or the other,” he informed her. “Past events? You don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Oh, no?” she scoffed. “I would think that being Goku’s wife and someone who will be sharing her home with your child, that I should be allowed to know how much involvement there will be on the father’s part!” She paused, awkwardly amending her statement with: “The..other father.”

“Don’t worry about my responsibilities,” Vegeta warned her. “They aremy business.”

“And not mine?!” she nearly shouted. “Goku doesn’t know what it is to raise a child alone! I don’t want to put him through that! Vegeta, I need to know that you are going to own up to your responsibilities and help shoulder the burden of raising this child!”

Goku leaned against the wall outside of the den, sadness in his heart upon hearing the exchange between his wife and Vegeta. What was he going to do? They were both important parts of his life.

A tremendous pain seized him, and he held his stomach, waiting for the feeling to pass. An eternity stretched in seconds, and the feeling lifted, leaving him shaking. Goku took a deep breath and turned down the hall, away from the rooms where his friends and family had settled. He needed to go and think; he needed to be alone. How was he supposed to bring his child into so much animosity? Especially when he wasn’t the most perfect parent himself? How could he protect his baby? How could he protect anyone when he had caused this...

“That,” Vegeta stated gruffly, folding his arms across his chest, “is something that you will never need to be concerned about!”

“Yeah? But I am,” Chi Chi admitted, dropping into her chair. Vegeta watched her with interest as she held her head in her hands. “Look,” she finally continued, taking a deep breath. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’ve tried to come to terms with what has happened to my husband, but it’s hard. I would almost rather he have died again than to suffer in such a way...”

Vegeta felt a pang of understanding. It was exactly what he had said of Bulla those many, many months ago: that he would rather have seen her dead.

“Sometimes bad things happen to those undeserving of them,” was all he had to offer her. Chi Chi shook her head.

“I know you didn’t deserve it either..." He turned away from her. She sighed. “You know, you haven’t always given me good reasons to believe that you’ll treat my husband in the way he deserves.”

“And I am the only one guilty of such?” he asked pointedly. Chi Chi frowned. Vegeta smirked. “Then we are both fools.”

Chi Chi looked down at the floor as she considered his words. Yes, they were both fools. Both too stubborn and proud to see how wonderful Goku truly was. But Vegeta didn’t know the relationship she had with Goku when they were alone...Of course, she wasn’t sure of theirs, either. Goku trusted him.

“I just want what’s best for him,” she spoke, lifting her eyes back to the Saiyan. “And I will do what I can. Maybe I’ve made mistakes...I’ve been hard on him...but at least I know I love him, and he knows it, too.”

Vegeta stared at Chi Chi. Kakkarot knew how he felt, surely. He never admitted outright that it was friendship, but he had stopped denying it, at least...

“It would do us both good, perhaps, to stop trying to predict the future with the past,” he commented. “And,” he continued with great reluctance, “you needn’t concern yourself over the chi-”

Before he could finish his statement, he was drawn to the presence of a ki -- or more accurately, a lack thereof. He bolted from the den and down the hall into the living room.

“Where is Kakkarot?!” he demanded of the startled group.

“What do you mean?” Gohan asked, but as soon as he reached for his father’s ki, he too noticed it was gone.

Vegeta could tell by the look on the younger man’s face that he just came to the realization. Chi Chi followed Vegeta into the room.

“What is going on?” she asked, looking at the concerned faces.

Bulma and Daikkon entered the room from the kitchen. She held up a cup in her hands.

“Ice chips for Goku. I think it’ll help.” She frowned, their expressions not what she was expecting. “What’s wrong?”

“Dad’s missing,” Gohan told her. Bulma and Chi Chi exclaimed in unison:


“Wait!” Piccolo held up a hand, silencing the group. “I felt his ki a moment...but now it is gone,” he told them. “It was definitely outside of the house.”

“That is not good!” Daikkon interjected, his voice bordering on panic. “It’s not safe!” The Saiyan now had the entire group’s attention. “If he goes into the second stage of labor, which I would assume he has if you are no longer able to feel the fluctuations, and we are not able to assist him...the child could suffocate or...” His voice trailed off, his eyes nervously watching the prince.

“What?!” Goten demanded. “Or what?!”

Daikkon’s eyes didn’t leave Vegeta’s face.

“It is possible the child could create a ki spike in its distress, damaging the organs around it...” He licked his lips before going on, his mouth suddenly dry. “They could both die.”

Bulma’s cup of ice crashed to the ground as she rushed forward to catch Chi Chi before she fainted. Videl pulled Pan and Bulla close to her and herded them from the room.

Vegeta felt anger tighten his throat and burn in his chest. He cursed himself for ever training the fool to control his ki so well.

“I thought,” Trunks said quietly, breaking the silence, “that you didn’t have experience with this type of birth.”

Daikkon looked at the lavender haired prince a moment, before sadly shaking his head.

“I don't ...but I have done a post mortem.”

“Oh my God,” Bulma breathed, a hand rising to rest on her chest. “On whom?”

Daikkon’s eyes darted to her before coming back to Vegeta.

“When I first got to Horenz’ ship, there...there was an expecting third class close to due. I --”

Before he could continue, Vegeta closed the distance between them in a fraction of a second, grabbing the younger Saiyan by the throat.

“Why the hell didn’t you say anything until now?!” he raged. Even though Daikkon stood a full head taller than the prince, Vegeta shook him like a rag doll. “How could you deceive us?!”

Anger flashed in Daikkon’s eyes, but quickly vanished.

“Deception was not my intent, sire! I just didn’t want to cause alarm. I was certain that Ms. Bulma and I would be enough --”

Vegeta flared his ki, his hair bursting into brilliant blonde, his cold blue eyes boring into Daikkon’s.

“If anything happens to Kakkarot or my child, you will pay with your traitorous blood!” Vegeta growled, before pushing him away. He powered down, turning to Piccolo, Gohan and Trunks.

“We search. Any ki irregularities will be investigated. If you find him, send a signal.” The trio nodded before quickly departing. Vegeta turned toward Goten, his voice stern and forbidding argument. “Stay here, in case he comes back.”

That said, the prince left the group standing dumbstruck and silent.

Daikkon looked ashamed, turning his eyes down toward the floor, his hands clenched at his sides.

“Daikkon,” Bulma said softly, her voice wavering slightly. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Daikkon looked to Goten, whose angry face demanded the answer as well. He turned back to Ms. Briefs.

“Ironically, because I didn’t want you to distrust me,” he replied. “His Highness already despises me, I didn’t wanthim to feel that I had anything to do with Kaul’s death...or the death of his daughter. He was secluded from most of the ship in an attempt to keep his condition concealed...Neither my mother nor I were asked to assist until it was too late.” He looked back to the teen Saiyan, desperation in his eyes. “It was preventable! I knew it couldn’t happen to Mr. Goku as long as he was --”

“Kept under watch?!” Goten snapped. “Well, way-to-fuckin-go, Daikkon!”

“Goten!” Chi Chi admonished, but her tone lacked conviction.

Bulma watched Daikkon drop his eyes back to the floor. She was confused and worried. If Daikkon had just told them about this earlier, they would have kept a closer watch on Goku. But the young Saiyan had no way of knowing that Goku would disappear. Hell, no one seemed to know that he had left, or why for that matter.

“Vegeta will find him,” Bulma stated with confidence, to no one in particular. “I’m going to call Dr. Clarke...just in case.”

Goten settled down on the sofa, placing an arm around his mother.

“He’ll find him, Mom,” he whispered, holding her close. “He will.”


Vegeta had not taken two steps out of the house before taking to the sky, his instinct telling him the most likely place he’d find Kakkarot.

He flew as fast as possible, not wanting to ascend in case the others mistook that as a signal to abandon their search. The dry summer air whipped past him, as his ki propelled him forward at remarkable speed.

The sparring field came quickly into view, and Vegeta pulled to a halt, dropping in front of the cave.

“Kakkarot!” he called, rushing into the cool darkness. His eyes adjusted quickly to the dark room, and he gave a sigh of relief upon seeing the gentle Saiyan. Kakkarot was standing, leaning against the wall with his arms around himself. He appeared to be in quite a bit of pain.

“Kakkarot,” Vegeta spoke again, going to the other man’s side. “Why did you leave?”

“I had to,” Goku said in a hushed tone. “I didn't know what else to do. You were right, Vegeta...and Chi Chi was right...I don’t know what I’m doing...”

Vegeta closed his eyes as the realization struck him that Kakkarot had overheard his and Chi Chi’s row.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” the prince chided. “That was nothing. A minor argument that we have since settled. Come, let’s return.”

Goku shook his head.

“No,” he insisted. “I was wrong! What do I know about being a parent?! I’m a miserable one...I was selfish to put this on you and her...I’ve thought of no one but myself!”

Vegeta stepped forward, taking Goku’s arm as the taller Saiyan doubled in pain. Goku gasped from the intensity of the contraction.

“What was I thinking?!” he moaned.

Vegeta glanced back toward the cave entrance, wondering for a moment if he could physically force the third class back to Capsule Corp and what the effect would be.

“You were thinking of everyone but yourself, Kakkarot!” the prince insisted. “That is selfless, not selfish! Damnit, you’ve done the right thing! You always do!”

“No,” Goku moaned piteously. “What have I done? What are we going to tell him about his birth? What will be his Ahmek-dan, huh? What will be on his birth certificate?!... If we can even get one!” He grunted in pain, pressing his palm to the stone wall for support. Sweat was beginning to bead on his forehead, and his breathing was labored. He shook his head. “Babies are supposed to be born of love, Vegeta...and you don’t love me...” A small sound escaped him that was something between a moan and a sob. “And I don’t love you...not like that...not how parents should...Babies should be born from love. He wasn’t...how can we tell him that?”

Vegeta’s brow furrowed, and he took a deep breath, stepping in front of Goku. He brought his hands up to cup Goku’s face, looking directly into his misty eyes.

“But he was,” he stated defiantly. “He was born from love! I love my daughter. You love your son. And that love is just as worthy, and more than enough! What you did was gracious and noble and heroic and...and damnit man, how can I not love you for it!” Goku felt the tears welling up in his eyes as he listened to Vegeta speak. The pain was near unbearable. Vegeta felt his heart tremble with the exposure of vulnerability that he hadn’t let himself show in years, coupled with his concern for Kakkarot’s and the child’s safety. “And we will tell him the truth!" he continued, calling on the wisdom of his eldest child. "That sometimes, very bad things happen to good people. And sometimes, their despair is offset by the universe, giving them something very special...the great spirits’ way of making amends...Joy for pain. Life for death. That is what we will tell him, Kakkarot, because it is the truth! Now stop concealing your ki and come with me, please, before you put yourself in danger!”

Goku gave a faint smile through the pain.

“Thank you, Vegeta...” he whispered, placing a hand over the older Saiyan’s. “But I can’t go anywhere...I think it's too late...”

Vegeta’s heart began to thump wildly in his chest as he helped Goku lower himself to the floor. Once the younger man was safely seated, Vegeta turned and rushed back out into the night. He stopped just outside the cave, flaring his ki with such force that it would be impossible to miss. It would probably bring all of Kakkarot’s friends running. In barely seconds, the three signatures that were already approaching were joined by three more.

The prince returned to Goku’s side.

“Help is coming,” he informed the younger man. He disregarded his embarrassment and pressed his palm against Goku’s stomach. He could feel the growing power within and the slight, struggling movements.

And he could feel the ki.

Vegeta let out a small gasp of awe, his tail unconsciously slipping from his waist and brushing gently across Kakkarot’s back. Goku was trembling now, as the contractions came in rapid succession.

“Help is here, Kakkarot,” Vegeta spoke, reassuringly as Piccolo dropped down outside of the cave.

“Thank you,” Goku grunted, his eyes squeezing closed as the pain seized him. “Thank you...”

“Don’t,” the prince replied. “You are the one who deserves it.” He turned to the Namek and spoke in a grave manner. “I need you to go for Bulma and her doctor. I’m afraid we don’t have much time.”


A/N: So, I hope you all liked this chapter. It was super fun to write. Thank you all so much for all of the feedback! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you, not only taking the time to read this monster, but leaving me with your thoughts and critiques. I couldn't ask for better readers! My beta and I had a lovely discussion over this chap, so I hope to hear what your thoughts are about it. Oh, and there is a strange word smushing thing that I think some of you noticed...I don't know how that happens, 'cause I've checked and re-checks my documents, and there are words still being smushed together when I post. I'm sorry about that! I don't know how to fix it! I had to re-read, several times, when Vegeta said (in the last chap) 'soonly' and wonder what the heck I meant...but, it was 'so only'! LOL. *sigh* I hope that it doesn't happen this time, and if it does, I hope it doesn't ruin the chapter for you. So, thank you all very, VERY much for reading. I am going to go finish chapter 54 now! -B