Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta Black & White ❯ Prologue

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Don't own it.

Vegeta Black & White

There had been much too much, a burden laid upon the sayjin prince. Too understand him would be searching for existence in the eyes of even his closest followers. They were there for their prince and nothing more. Willingly they would give their lives at to save him. undying loyalty I never asked of it, I never requested it but still they follow me, looking into the fires of hell, war, blood, and damnation and yet they follow me. Me? A long ago dead prince and race that survives with the three of us alone. Destined for a fate to fight and fight.

Barely 15 years old and yet he carries himself like a man, cheating death a common occurrence. Fighting for his life in a war that would be never ending, a war that he never started. Mine or not I have no choice I am destined to fight for my title, my place, my life, my existence. I do not care nor wish to care for myself or my comrades only slaughtering those who stand up against me, should I fall I shall have a release from this place, my suffering. I speak as though a dead man but I am not, I do not fear death but only fear dying a coward dying and having to suffer as all the crying souls that I left beneath the scuff of my boots.

They say that a man will do anything in war to keep himself from going mad. I happen to agree... probably why im doing this in the first place. Recording my thoughts and what little sanity that remains inside of me... hapless and broken I be but not dead. His eyes shift too the small computer chip in his hands. What they called a virtual recorder, his thoughts he could speak alone in his pod. Recording them for what? He didn't know maybe hopping someday someone could pry it from his pocket and hope to know that he wasn't just some cold blooded monster? Despite the skeptics... I am still very much sane, though it remains only when im sealed away from the universe. When I step onto the field of battle I forget that voice inside my mind that tells me to quit, to forget this killing and escape from hell the easiest way possible and put a bullet through my skull. But I cast it back to the shadows. I would not commit suicide for that is the way most have done after finally breaking the point. I have to comrades left and they stay sane for me, so at least the best I own them is to let them remain that way.

Putting the chip inside the computer his cold black heart lets out a thump as he wonders if he should? Leave some lasting mark? Tell someone of his end? His thoughts? No he didn't know but since the deep sleep functions on his space pod had ceased functioning he would have to bore himself to sleep for the 2 day journey back to base. Rolling his wrist he looks as the red light flashes meaning that nothing was being recorded. " To hell with it. Maybe I can make someone laugh when they see just who the true sayjin prince is." Punching the green button beside it he watched as computer screen pulled up a shot of his self. Verifying it was his and so on... Vegeta sat back unamused his fingers tapping his knee Who could of ever thought soldiers used these besides the ones sending back messages and notes to families and their loved ones? That thought made Vegeta snort with disgust if that was the case they sure as hell were not apart of Frieza's army. Any semblance or sign of outwards weaknesses were exterminated promptly.

A soldier could barely show any enjoyment with any of Frieza's whores that he had littering his battleships and outposts. Well if anyone must know I leave this message to the fool who discovers this from my bleeding corpse but I tell you now this is not the man you will see outside of this pod. I am Vegeta the greatest legacy to the sayjin race and alone am for most of the death and destruction since the annihilation of my race. If you do not know of me then you are one of the few, I have decimated galaxies from every corner of the universe slaughtered innocents, weak, sick, elderly, children, women. I have done it all for in this tortured shell before you I am still weak, a simple planet purger for Frieza.

I am just past my fifteenth birthday and have been in service for about nine years... a really great way to spend your life. Most on planets I do not even know the names of but I kill and destroy all that lay before me. I have no true control over my destiny or life, fate though whimsical as of late has yet to greet my wayward soul.... Growling Vegeta hated just talking about himself.. it wasn't him, not even if he was stricken with disease or had shattered bones and flesh torn from his body he wouldn't usher a sound. But to talk because he was what? Bored? " Fuck it!" He swore his finger punching the off the button. the light turning off and now he didn't have to see his own face starring back at him.

Tilting his head back he closed his eyes hoping that sleep would come and take him and be awake until his descent to his base.

( )

It had been maybe forty five minutes and Vegeta was still awake and nothing to vent his growing frustrations on he only got more furious. He couldn't tear apart his ship, the thing keeping him alive was not the thing to destroy. Tapping his fingers across his chest as he had them both crossed over his chest a scowl continued to deepen on his face. " Blasted piece of shit!" He cursed his foot hitting the bottom of the ship making it shake violently. His breath seething as he ground his teeth together. His frustrations growing more as time was dragging on and on. I hate being not in control... this is the worst possible feeling in the universe to be confined and helpless. Just what the hell could I have ever done in a past life to have deserved all of this!?

Having day after day thrown at me and forced to live it each and everyday. If hell existed I am probably already dead and living it now as my torment. To sit here and simply wait kills me more then anything if I had one fear... one thing I never wished for would be... this feeling... This lack of control If I don't have control then I admit im afraid... that's why I have pain I can think about it. Pride the same way... anger,hatred, strength, and destruction. I can be in control of that... but this... This! waiting, suffering, tormenting me all to the edges of my remaining sanity. "
Damn it all! " I want out from all of it!!" Vegeta screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice shaking the pod with the force of his booming voice.

Slumping back against his seat he only pondered the end of his days. Whether it would be him sitting here as an old man, barely able to fight any longer but yet stuck to or dead already.... " Time... is my worst enemy of all....."