Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta's New Love ❯ little girls, big trouble ( Chapter 4 )
I don't own DBZ and never will.....don't sue....I'm broke I tell ya! *S*
'This don't seem all bad. But I would rather not intrude here even though this family has been so nice to me today' Angel thought to herself. Before she could get a word in to decline the offer, Trunks was on his feet picking up her belongings.
"Here, I'll show you to your room while you're here." He said inviting her to follow him up the stairs behind him. She stood on her rubbery legs and glanced down at herself. Her pant suit she was wearing to the office was in shambles. She silently cursed to herself over the destruction of her favorite office attire and followed Trunks up the stairs. Vegeta gave a glance to her as she trailed up the stairs after his son.
'So much fear I feel from her. Is she afraid of me, the Prince of all Saiyans? By all rights she should be afraid of me. I've crushed whole planets, wiped out whole civilizations with a blink of an eye. I should have snapped that weakling of a mate of hers like a twig under my foot. How dare he come to my home and drag her hurt, her in such a manner. He's lower then a third class warrior. He's not even worth staining my gloves over. If that onna has any sense, she should remain here protected from that bakayaro. What the hell am I saying? Am I falling in love with her like I did with my little onna? Dende you haven't answered my question yet!'
Fits of laughter could be heard from the second floor of the house. Pan and Bra were jumping on the bed hitting each other with pillows.
"I'm so glad it's summer vacation. I couldn't take one more day of those boring teachers any more.," chirped Pan jumping down from the bed and looking out Bra's balcony.
"You're not the only one. I thought I was going to die again with Daddy packing gross stuff for my lunch. Don't get me wrong, I like that he thinks about me. But it's not like what Mommy use to make. She knew to cut the crusts off my sandwiches and knew I hated those little funky juice boxes." Bra sighed, thinking back on her Mom.
"Just look at it this way, at least you haven't had to drag your Daddy to the store to get you some feminine stuff yet." Pan shrugged. Bra had a shiver go up her spine at the thought of it. Daddy blasting his way thru the store with embarrassment over something she needed.
"Yea, I know. I'll just ask Trunks to do it for me. He owes me." Bra said in a giggle.
"You can always ask my Mom or Grandmother to help you. I know they'll understand, so don't even start worrying about it. Besides I can't imagine Trunks doing that for you. Even though the blush on his face would be priceless." Both girls roared with laughter at the thought of Trunks coming home with tampons and maxi pads tucked under his arm for his baby sister.
"Hey I got an idea, let call Marron and see if she can spend the night too. It will be so much fun!" Bra laughed on her way to the phone.
"Here's your room. It's not much but I'm sure it will suit you well." Trunks said opening the door for her. 'Not much? This is bigger then my whole apartment' Angel thought as she entered. She heard the giggles of the two girls in the hallway and turned to see them fly past then peek around the edge of the doorframe. Both sets of eyes focused on her as she looked around the room.
"Thank you very much Mr. Briefs. I won't be staying long. I rather not be an intruder here in your home." Angel said coming back from inspecting the bathroom.
"First off, stop with the Mr. Briefs stuff. Makes me think you're talking to my Grandfather. Trunks will do just fine please. And no you are not intruding here. I think it would be good to have a woman around this house again." Trunks said noticing the spies at the door.
"And besides, I think Bra likes you a lot. For that matter I think my Dad does too, and he don't like anyone." He said with a mirror image of his Dad's famous smirk and crossed his arms in front of him.
"Trunks, Marron is coming over to spend the night too. You think Daddy will get mad?" Bra asked coming into the room and sitting on the king size bed.
"As long as you girls don't bother him, he'll be alright. I'll order pizza before I leave to go out with Goten for you all." Bra and Pan's eyes lit up with the excitement of their favorite food, junk food!
"Where are you and Uncle Goten going anyways?" Pan asked taking a seat on the floor near Bra's feet. Trunks blushed and scratched his head.
"Oh we are going sparring," He said with a nervous voice.
"Uh huh" Both girls said in unison and giggled.
"I got to start getting ready, you girls behave for Dad. Angel if you need anything, and I mean anything don't hesitate to ask one of us. You have my cell phone number right?" Angel nodded and smiled at him and the girls.
"See you all later, and girls please, please, please, behave for Dad. I rather not come back here with no roof on the house." He gave the girls a stern look before leaving the room. Angel watched as her boss left the room and was left with the two giggling girls at her feet. They were cute to say the least. Bra looked just like her mother's picture that sat on Trunks' desk. And Pan had that tomboy thing going, but cute nonetheless. Angel sighed to herself and then took another look around the room.
"So, what are you two planning on doing tonight? Hope you don't mind me joining you for I'm a little lost here." Angel asked pulling off her suit jacket with a shaky hand.
"Well our friend Marron is coming over, we're going to eat and watch movies I think." Bra said with a shrug of her shoulders. Angel nodded her head.
"I think I should get washed up. I look like death warmed over several times." Both the little girls laughed at Angel's comment about herself.
"Go ahead, I'll go ask Daddy if we have any clothes you can borrow." Bra chimed dragging Pan to her feet.
"Great! These clothes are terrible." Angel quipped as she took off her white silk blouse and dropping it to the floor. Both girls eyed Angel's back that was turned to them. There was some fading bruises and a strange looking mark like a tattoo on her lower back. Bra and Pan looked at each other and shrugged before leaving Angel to her cleaning up.
"Daddy?" Bra called out as she reached the bottom of the stairs. 'Strange, he don't train late like he use to. He's got to be around here some place' Thought Bra as the doorbell rung. Pan raced to the door and swung it open. There stood Krillin with Marron's bag. Vegeta heard the doorbell and came in to see who dared disturb him of his raid of the kitchen.
"What do you want baldie?" Vegeta sneered at Krillin as he took a bite of his sandwich he was making.
"Just dropping Marron off to spend the night with Bra-Chan and Pan-Chan. She'll be here in a minute she's talking to 18."
"So how is that old tin can?" Bra looked up at her Daddy after his rude question.
"Vegeta, that wasn't nice. Just don't let her hear that or she'll use your ass to wax the floor with." Krillin said in a lowered voice. Vegeta just 'hmpft'
"I'll do what with whose ass?" 18 asked escorting Marron to the front door. The little blonde hair girl took off on a run to catch up with the other two that were making their way to the couch.
"If your brat gets out of line, just remember I won't think twice about blasting her along with that grand brat of Kakarott 's to the next dimension." 18 smirked and crossed her arms.
"Unlikely chance at that." She snorted.
"Bye girls, you behave. Later Dad, don't wait up for me and please be nice to Angel." Trunks put on a cheesy grin and grabbed his jacket. Vegeta scowled at him as he shot out the door behind Krillin and 18.
'Great, I'm stuck with the 3 brats and the onna upstairs. Could my life get any worse then it is now? Speaking of the onna, I wonder what she's doing.' Bra snapped Vegeta from his thoughts.
"Daddy, do we have any clothes that Angel could borrow until she gets her own?"
"I'll get some for that baka onna. You three better not make any messes or I'm throwing you all in the gravity room and locking it." Pan started to laugh and Marron got a little scared. Bra just rolled her eyes at her Dad
"Whatever you say Daddy what ever you say."
Seems like Veggie has his hands full with three little girls and a beautiful woman in his home.....