Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ Future Told? ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warui no Ou - (King of Evil)

Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan

The soft swing of a doorway opening caused young Trunks to turn beneath the sheets. It was late at night, far past midnight. Dawn would be approaching soon. The young Briefs boy had been drifting in and out of sleep, haunted by the dreams of his father's final demise. He turned his head slightly from the pillow, knowing it was Goten who was entering. As expected, Son Goten passed through the door, shutting it behind him. Trunks didn't bother to move. He watched in silence, somewhere between awareness and slumber, as the young demi-Saiyajin knelt down in front of him, looking worriedly into his eyes. "I noticed."

Since they had been children Trunks and Goten had always been in tune with each other, as if they were twins who had a mental bond. Goten's words held a distinct meaning in Trunks' mind. He turned, sitting up on the bed, and gazed down into the worried black eyes. "He's my father. I couldn't help my hesitance."

"If I noticed, then so did Gohan. How long do you think he'll let a traitor live among him?"

"I'm not a traitor, Goten. I've never betrayed Gohan. I never will." He felt franticness growing within him. He couldn't bear to have Goten thinking he was a traitor. Since the beginning of all this madness, Goten had been everything. They'd protected each other, sacrificed for each other, and had suffered beneath Gohan's wrath together. Gohan had encouraged their likenesses - thus naming them the Twins of Death.

Life was truly horrifying these days. It was as if they were trapped in a nightmare, forever waking up, only to find themselves in a place even more horrid. Just two days ago, Bulma and Vejita had been alive, and a chance for humanity had still existed within them, Videl, and Bura. They'd woken from that dream, only to find Vejita dead, Bulma dead, and Videl and Bura beneath Gohan's cold thumb.

"I believe you, Trunks. I know you wouldn't. Neither would I." Twins. For all their lives they'd been twins. If one wouldn't betray Gohan, then naturally neither would the other. "But Gohan…"

"You think he's going to kill me, don't you?" The question came from nowhere, but it was certainly justifiable. Goten's head ducked with guilt and fear, something rarely seen on his features. He looked so different. When had he stopped being that innocent bright-eyed chibi with an insatiable appetite not only for food, but also for life? Trunks stared in silence as Goten shallowly nodded, and a small fear began building inside him. If Gohan did decide to kill him… he and Goten would be apart. It was common sense - death always separated people - but the idea of never seeing Goten again terrified Trunks.

In silence, he reached down and rested his hand on Goten's cheek with a faint smile. "It'll be okay, Goten," he said with a smile. It was a complete lie, but Trunks could no longer bear the look on the teen's face. He ruffled his hand in the thick hair and slid down off the bed, sitting beside Goten. He wrapped his arm around the younger demi-Saiyajin's shoulder and leaned against him, yawning. Goten offered a smile and returned the embrace, feeling somewhat safe, though fear still filled his soul. He soon heard the shallow breathing of slumber from Trunks. Goten chuckled, but soon followed.

What are they doing? What are they doing? Tell me what they're doing! What are they doing?"

The chanting was hurting Piccolo's ears. He turned away from the door and glared sleepily at Gohan. "They're sleeping?"

"Together?" Gohan nearly begged.

"Yes, but in the form of slumber, Gohan."

"What?" he demanded, outraged. Gohan glared angrily at Piccolo, as if he was responsible for the lack of sexual intercourse between the two teenagers within the bedroom. Piccolo returned the glare; too sleepy to care that it could mean his death.

"It's only a matter of time, Gohan," came a third voice the room. Gohan turned, his glare now directed to an unexpected surprise. He stumbled back as his eyes wove over the tall muscular form of someone he never anticipated to see again. Gokou stood in the center of the hallway, arms folded across his chest with rage burning in his features. A devious grin crossed the Saiyajin's features as he stared at his son. "You know those boys. Separate them and they go insane."

"Tousan…" Gohan whispered, stumbling back behind Piccolo, as if the Namekian would provide a worthy shield for his father's attacks. Piccolo stared in confusion of Gohan. "Gokou?" he questioned as he looked at the demi-Saiyajin. "Gohan, you're father's dead."

"Yeah, and you killed me," Gokou snarled as he moved forward. Gohan cried out with fear and scrambled away, darting down the hallways - running from his father.

As Piccolo watched the fleeing form he grunted in annoyance, growing exhausted by Gohan's constant illusions. He turned and moved down the hall, passing right through the invisible form of Son Gokou.

Gokou ignored the Namekian, eyes still fixated on the path his son had taken. "I'm coming for you, son," he whispered.

Hell was an improvement. He had friends here.

In silence, he slept atop a large log, hands behind his head. It was a beautiful afternoon. He would even dare to admit that. The sun shone down upon Hell, warming the air. The faint swoosh of flowing water was easily heard from the river a few feet away. The sounds of fists cutting through air echoed out, heard within the sensitive Saiyajin's ears as the two senshi struggled for victory in the air.

It felt good to be home. Vejita knew this was where he belonged, in Hell, with his people.

Raditzu sat on the river's edge a few feet away, somewhat bored. Nappa had fled, pouting, still angry with Vejita for killing him. The two senshi that were fighting were Saiyajin. Vejita had feared dying; he honestly had, though of course no one would ever know that. He'd feared this place, expecting eternal torment to follow, but Hell really wasn't that bad. The Saiyajin worshiped him, glad their Ouji had returned. Vejita Ou, his father, was very proud of Vejita for achieving the Densetsu no Super Saiyajin.

The only bad thing about it all was that Bardock was here… and Bardock was a gloater. After kicking the ass of Kakarrotto's father for a good few hours, sending the senshi into unconsciousness - it was impossible to kill Bardock since he was already dead - Vejita had begun enjoying his eternal stay in hell. Frieza was here…

Yes, indeed, this was pleasant. Kicking Frieza's ass was a very pleasant thing.

Unfortunately, pleasure in Hell couldn't last very long.

Vejita felt the ki before the body appeared. His eyes snapped open with rage as Son Gokou appeared within Hell, eyes searching around until they landed upon Vejita. A bright smile plastered itself across the pale face of the humanized Saiyajin - the only Saiyajin not gracing Hell with his presence.

Outcast… black sheep…

Vejita chuckled. Even Kakarrotto's arrival couldn't dampen his good mood. In fact, taking a quick lesson from Bardock, wasn't this the perfect time to gloat? The savior's son was the destroyer of what the savior had struggled to save. It was a little ironic, and very funny. Vejita stood from the log, stretching like an awakening cat, his tail curling up in the air. Vejita wasn't sure why he had a tail again, but he was glad. It made him even more Saiyajin. "Kakarrotto!" Vejita exclaimed, folding his arms across his chest with a dark smile. "Why, if it isn't the father of the boy who killed me."

Yes, he was going to rub it in Gokou's face every chance he got.

Gokou frowned, head falling in shame. "Gomen nasai, Vejita. Gomen nasai."

"Ah, the murderer has finally come to pay for his crimes, huh?" Raditzu questioned as he approached, long black hair swaying behind him. Gokou frowned as his eyes landed upon his elder brother. "I came to talk to Vejita, Raditzu."

"Come now, Kakarrotto. This is Hell! We're all friends and killers here! Except you, of course. No, the perfect Kakarrotto gets to float around in Heaven, despite the fact that his son's body count is greater than Cell's and he's responsible." Vejita smirked and looked to Raditzu. "I can't possibly explain it. Can you?"

"Gomen, Vejita Ouji. I'm afraid not."

"Hn." Vejita redirected his gaze towards Gokou, his grin growing with each second. This was fun…

"Vejita, please. I want to talk to you, about Gohan."

"Kakarrotto… what's there to say? You failed your son. Chikyuu is doomed. We're powerless to stop it, and I don't want to. I can't wait for you son to join me in Hell!"

That struck a cord. Gokou growled out and attacked, body engulfed in a powerful white aura. He struck Vejita, but the Saiyajin no Ouji was quick to return to blow, sending Gokou flying back across the river, interrupting the fight between the other two nameless Saiyajin. They hovered still in the air as they watched the infamous Kakarrotto rise to his feet, threatening to transform. "Shimatta, Vejita! Will you listen to me? I can return to Chikyuu!"

Vejita paused, falling back to the ground. Raditzu growled out. "Yes, of course. Kakarrotto's allowed to return to the living realm for a few days of fun, but us? Never!"

"Nande kuso?" Vejita demanded. "What do you mean? None of us are permitted to return to Chikyuu. It's not possible. We don't have physical forms."

Gokou sighed, jumping across the river. "Enma Daio has permitted be a single day on Chikyuu to stop Gohan."

"Just you, huh?"

"Hai, Vejita. Just me. I don't understand, though. What happened to Gohan?" Gokou paused as he reached Vejita. The Saiyajin no Ouji glared at Raditzu, waving him away. Raditzu glared, annoyed that he was denied his chance for a rematch with his brother, but obeyed the Saiyajin no Ouji. As the longhaired Saiyajin walked away, joining the two battling senshi in the sky, Vejita turned back to Gokou. "What do you mean, what happened? How could you not know?"

"I didn't know what was happening on Chikyuu until I heard… until Chichi arrived in Heaven."

"That harpy's in Heaven?" Vejita snarled with rage.

"Vejita!" Gokou exclaimed in frustration. Vejita sighed and turned away, watching the battle progress. "Your son blames himself for your death. He killed you. Then, with a little encouragement from me, he embraced that evil within him. Gohan went insane."

Gokou remained silent for a long moment, staring in horror at Vejita. "A little encouragement from you?" he whispered, voice filled with betrayal. Vejita responded to the question with a smirk. "My best work yet."

"You did this? You're responsible for the death of all those humans, Chichi, Tien, Yamcha… everyone?" His voice was shaking, trembling with rage. Vejita shook his head, his smirk never fading. "Quite the opposite, Kakarrotto. I only encouraged what was already there. You planted that seed. I only tended to it while you were away… playing with your new friends in Heaven. Best of luck to you, Kakarrotto."

Without another word, Vejita turned and walked away.

The dead can't come back, right?"

Gohan's question emerged from his rambling, causing Videl to look down from where she swayed in the air. Coldness engulfed her body, along with exhaustion. She was so hungry. Circles rested beneath her eyes. Blood coated her entire body, causing what little clothing still remained on her to stick like it was glued to her skin. Her eyes locked into the dark orbs of her tormentor, seeing him staring up at her in a pleading manner. She grinned. "Yeah, sure they can. Why shouldn't they be able to come back? They like to return from Hell and drag their murderer kicking and screaming into the dark fires of eternal suffering with them."

Hatefully, he glared up at her. "No! No, no, no. The dead cannot come back. Not without the Dragon Balls."

He'd been rambling for what seemed like hours, especially about those Dragon Balls - whatever they were. Videl really didn't have any way of judging time. There were no windows in this room, or clocks. She still hung from the chains. Blood soaked her arms and chest from where the rusty metal had cut into her wrists. Videl hadn't the faintest clue what had caused this incessant nonsense, and she honestly didn't care. "Am I going to be fed anytime in the near future?"

"No plans for it," Gohan responded as he moved backwards, staring into nothingness, eyes blank. Videl began screeching again, her rage growing. He chuckled softly as he gazed up towards her. "Maybe I'll send you some food, later," he muttered as he turned to leave, a little bored.

The door clicked shut behind Gohan as he stepped out in the hallway. He moved to walk down the corridor, but a smirking face in the corner of his eye caused him to pause. Gohan spun around, his eyes catching sight of his father… along with the armies of hell spanning for miles behind him.

Gohan was actually standing before a small mirror that hung on the wall. In the young insane demi-Saiyajin's eyes, his reflection was not there, but the image of his father, standing before an endless army of demons and villains that had met their defeat at the hands of the Z senshi. Now, his father - Kakarrotto, led the army of Hell.

He'd sent his father to Hell, and Gokou had taken over.

The army spanned for miles, filling the entire area of the mirror. Half of the soldiers were Saiyajin. There stood Nappa, towards the back. Raditzu stood towards the right. Ah, look, there is Frieza, just a few feet behind Gokou. And there… Cell, laughing. The Ginyu Force stood near King Cold. There are the Spice Boys, standing behind Garlic Jr.

What caused the greatest fear within Gohan's soul was the three men that stood at the head of the endless force - three Saiyajin senshi, two of them standing just slightly behind his father, as if they had sworn their loyalty to him - Vejita and Brolli.

"Tousan…" Gohan whispered in terror, stumbling back from the demonic mirror. Kakarrotto offered him a devious knowing grin, and that grin seemed to spread across the entire army. "We're coming for you, son," Kakarrotto whispered before the army vanished in with a blink, leaving Gohan staring into his own reflection.
