Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ Gokou? ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warui no Ou - (King of Evil)
Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan
"Gohan wants you downstairs, now."
Bura looked up from where she sat in the center of her bedchamber as the door swung open and Piccolo stepped inside, holding a long red gown. He tossed it to her feet and glared, folding his arms across his chest. Bura held the blanket tighter around her chest and returned the glare. "I'm naked right now," she hissed after a moment, giving him a very pointed look. Piccolo paused and chuckled, white fangs showing beneath his lips. He turned around, giving her his back. "Sorry, kiddo. You have to understand. I've been living with male Saiyajin for the last ten years. They aren't very modest creatures."
Bura stood and quickly tugged on the gown, glad to finally have some form of clothing, although the gown was far from what she would have chosen for herself. It was very low cut and sleeves, falling down to her ankles, leaving her bare and cold feet exposed. It was something simple, and yet elegant - something that, in Gohan's twisted views, a princess would wear. "Yeah, I'm sure that's all you've been doing with those three male Saiyajin, right?" she hissed. Piccolo turned back, a smirk across his dark green features. He left the question unanswered. "I'm sure you're hungry. You haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon - and you're a demi-Saiyajin. Amazing your rumbling stomach hasn't shaken the planet."
"I've learned discipline," she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. Piccolo faked a sympathetic look. "Aw, poor Saiyajin no Oujo. Has life been hard on you?"
"You're a bastard, Piccolo."
"Such language. Does your mother know about… oh wait, she's dead." He laughed aloud as her eyes narrowed with rage. Somehow, though, Bura maintained control of her rage. "I don't understand what happened. Kaasan told me you used to be nice. You helped Gokou save Chikyuu countless times. Now look at you! You're pathetic!"
Before that last word escaped her lips, Bura found herself against the wall, held there by a firm green hand with nails threatening to cut into her. "Gohan might allow you to get away with such comments, but I certainly will not." Bura grasped at the appendage that held her above the floor, gasping desperately for breath. Her legs swung out, kicking Piccolo, but her attempts were fruitless. His black eyes gazed within hers, threatening, and ready to spill blood and drag her limp course into the ocean. "Now you listen here, Miss Princess. Your life is now Gohan's life. You live to serve him, not matter what he commands you to do - sex, murder, destruction, he may even tell you to kill Trunks."
Irony was never so sweet. Piccolo dropped the Saiyajin no Oujo to the ground. Bura landed with a thud but quickly rose to her feet. "It doesn't matter," Piccolo continued. "You belong to him. He controls your fate. He'll decide when you eat, breathe, and even piss. You remain loyal to him, and you're life will be fairly bearable. He's quite fond of you, being the daughter and sister of two of his favorite lovers." He chuckled as her eyes widened with shock and disgust. "Now come on, chibi Bura." Piccolo reached down and grabbed her arm, tugging her out of the room.
She was chained on top of the dining table, each limp connected to a corner. Gohan chuckled as he stared down into her face, which was nothing more than a mask of pure loathing. Goten and Trunks stood across from him, one on each side of the doorway, watching with indifference.
Videl screamed out as she tugged at the chains that held her. Gohan offered her a false look of sympathy as he stared down into her bright blue eyes. In his left hand rested a burning candle. Wax dripped down occasionally, burning her skin. She sobbed out as he ran the flame across the curves of her stomach, absorbing her cries like they were his food.
Gohan jumped up, sitting on the table by her knees, tossing the candle behind him. It landed on the hard marble floor, rolling away. His hand reached up, running across her warm thighs. "If you surrendered, Videl, your life would be so much more pleasant." His hands ripped away the already torn material of her pants, revealing the pale blue panties beneath. He caressed the soft cloth, ignoring Videl's raging shrieks and struggles against his touch.
"Didn't mean to interrupt anything," came a deep voice from the door. Gohan looked over his shoulder, chuckling as he saw Piccolo standing between the Twins of Death, holding the Saiyajin no Oujo at his side. "Why if it isn't Mr. Piccolo," Gohan chuckled, hopping down from the table. Piccolo shoved Bura forward, causing the young blue-haired demi to stumble to her knees. Gohan was standing before her before she had ha chance to rise to her feet. He grinned down. "Bura, how nice of you to kneel before your king."
She remained silent, though inside her Saiyajin pride, the little amount that she had, was screaming for his blood. He leaned down and took her shoulder, hoisting her to her feet. Bura ripped her arm away from Gohan with a faint growl of annoyance before her eyes landed on Videl. "You're alive!" she cried out, rushing across the room. She paused at Videl's side, looking over the worn and scarred body. Videl was nearly starving, her rips showing faintly beneath the skin. "Are you okay? Videl! Videl?"
The hazy blue eyes of Videl turned and offered young Bura a faint smile. "I'm surprised. I thought he'd lied to me."
"No, Vejita taught me better. Lying is shameful, especially to those you… care for." He paused at Bura's side, looking down to the chained female. "Pretty little thing, isn't she?" he laughed aloud. Bura glared at him. "Let her go, Gohan!"
"What for? She's the card that I have over you."
"What?" Bura demanded.
A devious grin played across Gohan's lips as he stared at Bura. Gently he reached up, caressing her chin like a loving father would. It made Bura want to spit. "Listen carefully, Bura," Gohan whispered, leaning closer to her. "It's a beautiful thing I've plotted. You see, if you once, and I do mean once, betray me in any way, shape or form, whether it be denying, disobeying, or plotting against me, I'll make her suffer in ways that cannot be possibly imagined. I'll do all kind of dirty things to her. Rape, torture, eventually murder… anything that comes to mind - and you know a Saiyajin mind."
Gohan chuckled madly as he moved away from Bura, circling the table, his hands constantly exploring Videl's body. Videl had closed her eyes, trying to block out the world around her. "I'm giving you free rein of this kingdom, Bura," Gohan said aloud, that dark grin plastered on his face. "All you have to do is remain loyal to me - mind, heart, and soul. That's all I want, and you can rule this pathetic planet as if you truly are the Saiyajin no Oujo."
'Had he always held such a hostile heart to Chikyuu?' Bura couldn't help but wonder. She had never known Gohan as the innocent pure-hearted boy that Bulma had described him as. No one really seemed to understand what had happened to him. Perhaps only Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo knew the truth. Vejita would have known… but…
Bura bit her bottom lip against the tears that threatened to flow. He stared at her with rage, but she dropped her head, gazing at the pale tiled floor. Videl was alive, and if Bura didn't agree to what Gohan said, that might not be so for much longer.
"Don't think I don't know that one day you'll try to kill me… when you think you're strong enough. You really don't realize just how much like your father you are." Gohan paused and leaned over the table… leaned over Videl, hands gripping her side, nails digging into her skin. She winced against the small pain, slender fingers curling around the metal chains that held her arms. "Vejita was in a very similar position with Frieza." He chuckled as he saw Bura's confused look. "Never told about Frieza, huh? He's become my mentor as of late, but that's not important now. Just make sure that, when you try, you're powerful enough - and just so you know, there are levels above Super Saiyajin, and I've reached those levels."
His eyes fell down to Videl, ignoring Bura's shocked expression. Gohan gripped Videl's cheek, forcing her to gaze into his eyes. "The same goes for you, dearest Videl. You'll never be able to defeat me, though. You're merely human. No amount of training you could do could save you. You're completely dependant upon Bura now. How sweet." He patted her cheek and moved back, eyes falling to Trunks. "There is one issue that's gone un-discussed. Trunks? Anything you want to add?"
Trunks froze. Goten's eyes jerked to the young demi-Saiyajin. "Gohan!" he interjected with a small gasp, stepping forward to Piccolo's side. Piccolo grunted as he looked down to the youngest Son. "Please, Gohan, don't punish Trunks."
"Punish him for what, Goten?" Gohan demanded with a faint grin.
Goten paused, staring at his brother. "I…"
"Is there something I should punish Trunks for, Goten?" Gohan continued with a forced look of curiosity. His grin grew dark, eyes shifting to Trunks. "I think there are many things that Trunks needs to be punished for. Why… dearest Bura… do you have the distinct scent of sex and Trunks on you?"
A look of complete confusion and disbelief overwhelmed Goten. He looked to Bura for a brief moment before, filled with the need for an explanation, his eyes turned to Trunks. The lavender-haired teenager remained still, refusing to meet Goten's gaze.
"Well, Goten, if you didn't know that, then why should I be punishing Trunks? Has he betrayed me in another way?" Gohan's grin never faded. He was greatly enjoying his game.
"That's your sister…" Goten hissed, fists shaking as a pale white aura began to engulf his body. Trunks finally turned to Goten, blue eyes narrowed with anger. "Hai, it is. Nevertheless, you were never permitted to begin mating with her!"
"Why, it's just like a soap opera," Goten mused with a laugh as he leaned back against the table, looking down to Videl. "Oh, please, Videl," he said mockingly, "don't tell me you have another man too. I just couldn't take the pain!" Gohan emphasized his statement by gripping his chest with a pained look flashing across his eyes.
"I don't want to be here anymore," Bura whispered as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
It was late afternoon. The sun shone down from the bright heavens mockingly upon the destroyed world. How many living humans remained on the planet, Trunks wondered in silence as he trained. His mind never could focus. It was something Vejita had always lectured him about. Lectured wasn't the right word. Vejita didn't lecture. Vejita punished. When Trunks' mind wondered, Vejita had punished him… blood had flowed. Trunks grew angry with himself at the small slip. Gohan wouldn't allow such a slip, and doing so against the new emperor of Chikyuu could prove fatal.
Midair, Trunks paused, hovering above the trees. He could sense Gohan's ki, even from here, and he knew that it Gohan tried, the demi-Saiyajin could easily find him. What had gone wrong? They could have been so happy together.
A faint flush burned across Trunks' cheeks as he reminded himself of that faithful afternoon. He remembered each stroke, each taste, and the horror that had filled that day. The love they had made had been passionate, and he had become aware of an entirely different Son Gohan - but every positive had a negative.
'All these years, you've been this demon… and I never once saw the truth.'
His words echoed like a curse back at him. He remembered staring into those black eyes of the teenager as he had clutched the wound in his stomach. Gohan had laughed at him, responding simply: 'Yes, you're quite a baka!'
He had been too, and he still was. He and Gohan had then made love, passionate and pleasurable. He could still taste Gohan's seed within his mouth, feel the warm clutches around his own arousal. He had thought, when Gohan had leaned back against him with a satiated purr, that they were going to be together. He'd always fancied Mirai Gohan…
Happiness wasn't something available to Mirai no Trunks. The fates just didn't favor him.
'I suppose all Son males have it buried inside of them.'
Was it true, not just for Son males but also for all Saiyajin? Vejita had been a callous man before his death. Gokou had proved time and again that, when need be, he could be as evil as the next. Mirai Trunks had been forced to show his nastier side against the cyborgs, as had Mirai Gohan. Now, all three demi-Saiyajin were allied with the darkness… and the darkness had a firm hold.
He spun in the air, attacking some invisible predator with the face of Gohan.
"I can tell you're minds not into it," came a patient voice from beneath Trunks. His blue eyes darted downwards as he froze in midair, a little fearing. Gohan always had that patient and semi-amused voice when he confronted his enemies, especially when he knew is victory was ensured. Instead, thankfully, of seeing Son Gohan, Trunks' eyes fell upon a welcoming face.
Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan
"Gohan wants you downstairs, now."
Bura looked up from where she sat in the center of her bedchamber as the door swung open and Piccolo stepped inside, holding a long red gown. He tossed it to her feet and glared, folding his arms across his chest. Bura held the blanket tighter around her chest and returned the glare. "I'm naked right now," she hissed after a moment, giving him a very pointed look. Piccolo paused and chuckled, white fangs showing beneath his lips. He turned around, giving her his back. "Sorry, kiddo. You have to understand. I've been living with male Saiyajin for the last ten years. They aren't very modest creatures."
Bura stood and quickly tugged on the gown, glad to finally have some form of clothing, although the gown was far from what she would have chosen for herself. It was very low cut and sleeves, falling down to her ankles, leaving her bare and cold feet exposed. It was something simple, and yet elegant - something that, in Gohan's twisted views, a princess would wear. "Yeah, I'm sure that's all you've been doing with those three male Saiyajin, right?" she hissed. Piccolo turned back, a smirk across his dark green features. He left the question unanswered. "I'm sure you're hungry. You haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon - and you're a demi-Saiyajin. Amazing your rumbling stomach hasn't shaken the planet."
"I've learned discipline," she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. Piccolo faked a sympathetic look. "Aw, poor Saiyajin no Oujo. Has life been hard on you?"
"You're a bastard, Piccolo."
"Such language. Does your mother know about… oh wait, she's dead." He laughed aloud as her eyes narrowed with rage. Somehow, though, Bura maintained control of her rage. "I don't understand what happened. Kaasan told me you used to be nice. You helped Gokou save Chikyuu countless times. Now look at you! You're pathetic!"
Before that last word escaped her lips, Bura found herself against the wall, held there by a firm green hand with nails threatening to cut into her. "Gohan might allow you to get away with such comments, but I certainly will not." Bura grasped at the appendage that held her above the floor, gasping desperately for breath. Her legs swung out, kicking Piccolo, but her attempts were fruitless. His black eyes gazed within hers, threatening, and ready to spill blood and drag her limp course into the ocean. "Now you listen here, Miss Princess. Your life is now Gohan's life. You live to serve him, not matter what he commands you to do - sex, murder, destruction, he may even tell you to kill Trunks."
Irony was never so sweet. Piccolo dropped the Saiyajin no Oujo to the ground. Bura landed with a thud but quickly rose to her feet. "It doesn't matter," Piccolo continued. "You belong to him. He controls your fate. He'll decide when you eat, breathe, and even piss. You remain loyal to him, and you're life will be fairly bearable. He's quite fond of you, being the daughter and sister of two of his favorite lovers." He chuckled as her eyes widened with shock and disgust. "Now come on, chibi Bura." Piccolo reached down and grabbed her arm, tugging her out of the room.
She was chained on top of the dining table, each limp connected to a corner. Gohan chuckled as he stared down into her face, which was nothing more than a mask of pure loathing. Goten and Trunks stood across from him, one on each side of the doorway, watching with indifference.
Videl screamed out as she tugged at the chains that held her. Gohan offered her a false look of sympathy as he stared down into her bright blue eyes. In his left hand rested a burning candle. Wax dripped down occasionally, burning her skin. She sobbed out as he ran the flame across the curves of her stomach, absorbing her cries like they were his food.
Gohan jumped up, sitting on the table by her knees, tossing the candle behind him. It landed on the hard marble floor, rolling away. His hand reached up, running across her warm thighs. "If you surrendered, Videl, your life would be so much more pleasant." His hands ripped away the already torn material of her pants, revealing the pale blue panties beneath. He caressed the soft cloth, ignoring Videl's raging shrieks and struggles against his touch.
"Didn't mean to interrupt anything," came a deep voice from the door. Gohan looked over his shoulder, chuckling as he saw Piccolo standing between the Twins of Death, holding the Saiyajin no Oujo at his side. "Why if it isn't Mr. Piccolo," Gohan chuckled, hopping down from the table. Piccolo shoved Bura forward, causing the young blue-haired demi to stumble to her knees. Gohan was standing before her before she had ha chance to rise to her feet. He grinned down. "Bura, how nice of you to kneel before your king."
She remained silent, though inside her Saiyajin pride, the little amount that she had, was screaming for his blood. He leaned down and took her shoulder, hoisting her to her feet. Bura ripped her arm away from Gohan with a faint growl of annoyance before her eyes landed on Videl. "You're alive!" she cried out, rushing across the room. She paused at Videl's side, looking over the worn and scarred body. Videl was nearly starving, her rips showing faintly beneath the skin. "Are you okay? Videl! Videl?"
The hazy blue eyes of Videl turned and offered young Bura a faint smile. "I'm surprised. I thought he'd lied to me."
"No, Vejita taught me better. Lying is shameful, especially to those you… care for." He paused at Bura's side, looking down to the chained female. "Pretty little thing, isn't she?" he laughed aloud. Bura glared at him. "Let her go, Gohan!"
"What for? She's the card that I have over you."
"What?" Bura demanded.
A devious grin played across Gohan's lips as he stared at Bura. Gently he reached up, caressing her chin like a loving father would. It made Bura want to spit. "Listen carefully, Bura," Gohan whispered, leaning closer to her. "It's a beautiful thing I've plotted. You see, if you once, and I do mean once, betray me in any way, shape or form, whether it be denying, disobeying, or plotting against me, I'll make her suffer in ways that cannot be possibly imagined. I'll do all kind of dirty things to her. Rape, torture, eventually murder… anything that comes to mind - and you know a Saiyajin mind."
Gohan chuckled madly as he moved away from Bura, circling the table, his hands constantly exploring Videl's body. Videl had closed her eyes, trying to block out the world around her. "I'm giving you free rein of this kingdom, Bura," Gohan said aloud, that dark grin plastered on his face. "All you have to do is remain loyal to me - mind, heart, and soul. That's all I want, and you can rule this pathetic planet as if you truly are the Saiyajin no Oujo."
'Had he always held such a hostile heart to Chikyuu?' Bura couldn't help but wonder. She had never known Gohan as the innocent pure-hearted boy that Bulma had described him as. No one really seemed to understand what had happened to him. Perhaps only Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo knew the truth. Vejita would have known… but…
Bura bit her bottom lip against the tears that threatened to flow. He stared at her with rage, but she dropped her head, gazing at the pale tiled floor. Videl was alive, and if Bura didn't agree to what Gohan said, that might not be so for much longer.
"Don't think I don't know that one day you'll try to kill me… when you think you're strong enough. You really don't realize just how much like your father you are." Gohan paused and leaned over the table… leaned over Videl, hands gripping her side, nails digging into her skin. She winced against the small pain, slender fingers curling around the metal chains that held her arms. "Vejita was in a very similar position with Frieza." He chuckled as he saw Bura's confused look. "Never told about Frieza, huh? He's become my mentor as of late, but that's not important now. Just make sure that, when you try, you're powerful enough - and just so you know, there are levels above Super Saiyajin, and I've reached those levels."
His eyes fell down to Videl, ignoring Bura's shocked expression. Gohan gripped Videl's cheek, forcing her to gaze into his eyes. "The same goes for you, dearest Videl. You'll never be able to defeat me, though. You're merely human. No amount of training you could do could save you. You're completely dependant upon Bura now. How sweet." He patted her cheek and moved back, eyes falling to Trunks. "There is one issue that's gone un-discussed. Trunks? Anything you want to add?"
Trunks froze. Goten's eyes jerked to the young demi-Saiyajin. "Gohan!" he interjected with a small gasp, stepping forward to Piccolo's side. Piccolo grunted as he looked down to the youngest Son. "Please, Gohan, don't punish Trunks."
"Punish him for what, Goten?" Gohan demanded with a faint grin.
Goten paused, staring at his brother. "I…"
"Is there something I should punish Trunks for, Goten?" Gohan continued with a forced look of curiosity. His grin grew dark, eyes shifting to Trunks. "I think there are many things that Trunks needs to be punished for. Why… dearest Bura… do you have the distinct scent of sex and Trunks on you?"
A look of complete confusion and disbelief overwhelmed Goten. He looked to Bura for a brief moment before, filled with the need for an explanation, his eyes turned to Trunks. The lavender-haired teenager remained still, refusing to meet Goten's gaze.
"Well, Goten, if you didn't know that, then why should I be punishing Trunks? Has he betrayed me in another way?" Gohan's grin never faded. He was greatly enjoying his game.
"That's your sister…" Goten hissed, fists shaking as a pale white aura began to engulf his body. Trunks finally turned to Goten, blue eyes narrowed with anger. "Hai, it is. Nevertheless, you were never permitted to begin mating with her!"
"Why, it's just like a soap opera," Goten mused with a laugh as he leaned back against the table, looking down to Videl. "Oh, please, Videl," he said mockingly, "don't tell me you have another man too. I just couldn't take the pain!" Gohan emphasized his statement by gripping his chest with a pained look flashing across his eyes.
"I don't want to be here anymore," Bura whispered as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
It was late afternoon. The sun shone down from the bright heavens mockingly upon the destroyed world. How many living humans remained on the planet, Trunks wondered in silence as he trained. His mind never could focus. It was something Vejita had always lectured him about. Lectured wasn't the right word. Vejita didn't lecture. Vejita punished. When Trunks' mind wondered, Vejita had punished him… blood had flowed. Trunks grew angry with himself at the small slip. Gohan wouldn't allow such a slip, and doing so against the new emperor of Chikyuu could prove fatal.
Midair, Trunks paused, hovering above the trees. He could sense Gohan's ki, even from here, and he knew that it Gohan tried, the demi-Saiyajin could easily find him. What had gone wrong? They could have been so happy together.
A faint flush burned across Trunks' cheeks as he reminded himself of that faithful afternoon. He remembered each stroke, each taste, and the horror that had filled that day. The love they had made had been passionate, and he had become aware of an entirely different Son Gohan - but every positive had a negative.
'All these years, you've been this demon… and I never once saw the truth.'
His words echoed like a curse back at him. He remembered staring into those black eyes of the teenager as he had clutched the wound in his stomach. Gohan had laughed at him, responding simply: 'Yes, you're quite a baka!'
He had been too, and he still was. He and Gohan had then made love, passionate and pleasurable. He could still taste Gohan's seed within his mouth, feel the warm clutches around his own arousal. He had thought, when Gohan had leaned back against him with a satiated purr, that they were going to be together. He'd always fancied Mirai Gohan…
Happiness wasn't something available to Mirai no Trunks. The fates just didn't favor him.
'I suppose all Son males have it buried inside of them.'
Was it true, not just for Son males but also for all Saiyajin? Vejita had been a callous man before his death. Gokou had proved time and again that, when need be, he could be as evil as the next. Mirai Trunks had been forced to show his nastier side against the cyborgs, as had Mirai Gohan. Now, all three demi-Saiyajin were allied with the darkness… and the darkness had a firm hold.
He spun in the air, attacking some invisible predator with the face of Gohan.
"I can tell you're minds not into it," came a patient voice from beneath Trunks. His blue eyes darted downwards as he froze in midair, a little fearing. Gohan always had that patient and semi-amused voice when he confronted his enemies, especially when he knew is victory was ensured. Instead, thankfully, of seeing Son Gohan, Trunks' eyes fell upon a welcoming face.