Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ Apologies ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warui no Ou - (King of Evil)

Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan

You could at least attempt to help."

"And watch that bastard kill my daughter?"

Dende sighed softly, moving to sit atop a large stone. Outside the sounds of training could be heard. Juuhachigou was not as naïve as Bulma had been. Marron had been training fiercely since the day Kuririn had died. She was a strong senshi, with twice the power that Videl could ever hope to possess. The sounds of crashing branches and breaking rocks were as clear as thunder.

Juuhachigou turned, staring angrily at the guardian. Her normal jeans and stripped shirt had been changed into a pair of black pants and a large white shirt that ended loosely around her hips. Other than the clothing, she hadn't changed at all. She couldn't change. She couldn't die.

That was why he was here. Juuhachigou knew she couldn't die, but her arguments were understandable. Gohan could easily capture her, disintegrate her, cut her up into pieces… it was even possible he could find a way to reprogram her, and having a loyal cyborg on the force of evil was not an ideal situation.

Above all else… Marron needed her protection and training.

Dende allowed his eyes to fall to the muddy ground. There was a small cabin a few miles away where the cyborg and her daughter were staying. It was tiny, one bedroom, but ideal in comparison to the conditions most humans were living in currently. He knew he was ashamed. He was helpless against Gohan. He couldn't help in the fight. All he could do was remain alive, to keep the Dragon Balls in existence.

"Couldn't you just train Trunks? He's alone now. One person can't get that powerful by himself."

"I'm a cyborg, Dende," she muttered softly, slowly turning back to gaze in the direction her daughter was. "I have no ki. I've just taught Marron how to naturally conceal hers. Trunks isn't that experienced. He's never needed to hide his power. Cyborgs can't sense ki. Kami, I bet Trunks didn't even know that ki could be sensed!" She sighed painfully as her arms encircled her waist. "I can't risk putting her in danger."

"Juuhachigou, I can't stand guarding a planet of evil! How much longer will it be before Gohan is finally defeated?"

"I can't give you a date, Dende!" Juuhachigou exclaimed.

From the cave's doorway, young Marron paused as she realized to whom the two voices belonged. Against the cold stone she leaned, hands caressing the cold locks. Her long golden hair was pulled into a tight braid down her back, reaching nearly to her thighs. It hadn't been cut in nearly nine years. She wore a simple short skirt and torn blue shirt, feet bare in the thick grass. The name Gohan was not one that was unfamiliar. That name belonged to the man that had murdered all of her mother's friends and loved ones - including Daddy. She knelt down along the ground to keep her shadow from being caught by her mother's quick eye.

"I understand your fear, Juuhachigou. You fear is mine. It's been ten years…"

"And ten more will likely pass!" Juuhachigou exclaimed, fists clenching at her sides. She stepped in front of the Namekian guardian, hands trembling. If she had blood, it would be pouring from the wounds her nails were creating as they pierced the skin of her palms. "Gaze around yourself, guardian! Who has not challenged Gohan? Not even Vejita could defeat that damn boy! Gohan is Saiyajin! Their power grows with each battle. I don't have that ability! Not even Cell had that power! Only a Saiyajin can defeat a Saiyajin! If Vejita could not do it… then I doubt even Gokou could."

"Don't say that!" Dende rose to his feet, enraged.

"Why not, damn it?" she roared in response. "Our struggles, our training, are futile! I am not training Marron to fight Gohan! I am training Marron to survive!"

"What kind of world will she be living in?" Dende cried.

Juuhachigou fell silent to those words, but her rage had not lessened. Marron heard the familiar silence of an enemy that could not be fought. She heard it each sleepless night as her mother cried out in her sleep for her fallen lover. Slowly she climbed to her feet. There were no tears in her eyes. Marron knew better. Tears were for the weak, and she was far from weak. "Kaasan?" she whispered as she caught sight of the two figures. Juuhachigou and Dende paused, glancing wearily at the young senshi. "I want to fight Gohan."

"No!" Juuhachigou exclaimed, her blue eyes wide with only a terror a mother could imagine.

Marron frowned and turned her gaze to the guardian, unable to cope with her mother's expression. "I want to fight Gohan, with Trunks. If the three of us can train together and fight him together, we might stand a chance. Is Bura still alive?"

"How do you know about Bura?" Dende questioned.

"The rumors," Marron responded. "There are rumors about a child with Videl when she's out searching for people to rescue. You said only a Saiyajin could defeat a Saiyajin. Bura's a Saiyajin. She can train too. Kaasan can teach her, make her into a worthy senshi quickly." Marron's eyes slowly turned to the cyborg. "Right, Kaasan?"

Juuhachigou felt her soul leaving her body as complete fear overwhelmed. Whatever humanity she had once possessed was slowly leaving her with the loss of Marron and Kuririn. Yes, she already considered her daughter dead. The cyborg could process the outcome within her mind. There was only the slowly ticking clock that separated her from loneliness. Nevertheless, she knew her daughter's determination. It was a trait young Marron had inherited from her mother. With a broken heart, Juuhachigou slowly nodded.


He heard Bura's soft words from behind him. Gohan turned somewhat, feeling the tension between the young boys crackling in the air. They were enraged with each other, and they should be. Trunks had committed incest with the female that Goten had hoped to mate with, stripping her of her virginity and purity at such a young age.

It was fun to hold all the strings.

And Gohan was holding all the strings, too, and he was in heaven. There were no undefeatable enemies. There were no end-of-the-world situations in which Gohan was again the only savior, only to inevitably fail. Everyone had a switch, a price, and he knew what those were and just how to play with them properly to get what he desired.

Oh yes… evil was enjoyable.

It was quite easy to see why heroes were so few in number. The dark side always reached out to claim those saviors, and the darkness was so warm and comforting. Evil reined through most of the university, and goodness struggled to constantly survive.

With Gohan, evil would emerge victorious.

Nevertheless, hearing that painful whisper of 'I don't want to be here anymore' from the young Saiyajin no Oujo caused him to pause and look at her. Blue eyes were rimmed red. He noticed for the first time that there was a scar on her right arm, caused likely by Trunks, and faintly it was bleeding. Why the sudden feeling of protectiveness overwhelmed Gohan, he didn't know, but like all of his emotions is erupted like a volcano. He moved towards her, his stride full of rage and the desire to punish someone. Bura saw his approach and moved to stumble backwards, but before the young demi-Saiyajin realized it Gohan was in front of her. He grabbed her arm and ran his finger over the wound, causing it to sting lightly. She winced and looked away, hating the sight of injuries.

She'd seen so few of them, Gohan realized.

He spun around, still holding her wrist tightly. "Who did this?" he snarled. Trunks and Goten ignored him as their powers continued to climb. They were speaking to each other in angry tones, but Gohan couldn't hear them over Frieza's voice.

The white demon stood in front of Bura, gazing down to the small slit of skin. "Oh, that's not pretty at all. A princess like her shouldn't bear such a distasteful mark."

Gohan's gaze turned to glare at the Icejin. Frieza returned the look with a chuckle before his black eyes widened with a shocked expression of realization. "Do you think they were marking their territory? I heard Saiyajin do that."

"Marking?" Gohan hissed, eyes narrowing in pure loathing - not of Frieza, but of Trunks. Had Trunks marked his sister to keep Gohan from claiming her? Was it yet another form of betrayal? That was thrice! Golden energy exploded within Gohan as he shoved Bura back and attacked Trunks, sending him into the wall with the unexpected blow. It wasn't hard enough to harm the young demi-Saiyajin, but it would cause at least a headache. Trunks rose from within the self-created crater, stumbling somewhat. A piece of metal had penetrated his thigh. The lavender-haired Saiyajin fell back onto the ground, clutching the wound. Smelling the scent of blood caused Gohan's vision to go blurry while the lust for violence and sex built up inside of him, along with the voices.

"He's trying to take everything away from you!"

"Trunks has been plotting against you from the beginning!"

"He doesn't believe in God! He doesn't believe in you!"

Raditzu was standing behind Trunks, hands hovering around the lavender mane. There was a pure look of lust burning in those black eyes. "You mean nothing to him, Gohan," the Saiyajin whispered as his tail curled around his waist. The long raven locks were swaying gently in a non-existent wind. "He thinks you're nothing more than your father."

"I'm nothing like Gokou!" Gohan screamed as the aura grew in size and power. Lightening crackled around his legs, moving upwards until it obstructed his view. Trunks stared in complete fear from on the floor as he ripped out the slice of metal from his skin. He cried out in pain, but was quick to push in down and scramble to his feet.

Piccolo stood before the exit, watching in indifferent silence, if not secretly cheering Son Gohan on to finally rid them of the burden of Trunks and Goten. For years the teenagers had done nothing but annoy Piccolo and provide amusement and irritation for Gohan. The Namekian had no idea why Gohan had kept them around for so long, hoping for them to mate. Needless to say, if Trunks tried to flee, Piccolo would not allow it - and Trunks knew this. Piccolo had made his feelings toward the two boys quite clear years ago.

"I… of course not!" he cried out, stumbling back against the wall. Gohan's eyes narrowed with rage while Raditzu just laughed, stepping out of the boy's path. "Such a terribly liar. I would have thought that he would have inherited his father's quick tongue."

Frieza stepped up beside Gohan, eyes staring back to Bura. "I could swear that's a mating mark, I truly could."

"Don't Saiyajins mate by biting, though?" Cell asked at Gohan's right.

"Does it matter?" Raditzu proclaimed beside of Trunks. He motioned towards the wide-eyed demi-Saiyajin. "That damn teenager fucked Gohan's concubine!"

"Yes, I must agree."

Cell chuckled, folding his arms, as he too nodded. At the encouragement of the three idols-of-evil, Gohan's eyes darkened as the gaze focused on Trunks. "I'll kill you. I'll kill you!" Gohan lunged forward, ki throbbing around him. Blasts formed between his fingertips.

"NO!" Goten screamed, causing his elder brother to pause midair. Raging eyes turned to see the young demi-Saiyjian standing before Piccolo, nearly trembling. The eyes of Frieza, Cell, and Raditzu all darted to the youngest Son before the three figures vanished in a puff of whiteness. Gohan landed on the ground, turning to face his brother. "You dare defy me?" Gohan demanded, spitting on the ground.

"Gohan… Niisan…" Goten stepped forward daringly. Gohan stilled deathly, his heartbeat throbbing with the lust for battle. "Please," Goten whispered, voice betraying his forced calmness. "Don't kill Trunks."

A faint smile passed across Gohan's lips. He ignored the raging madness that echoed within his thoughts, the voices of all those encouraging him to embrace the wrath burning within him. "Why?"

Goten's eyes widened, the faint expressions of relief and fear visible on his once innocent features. Nevertheless, the innocence was still there, beneath the hardness and bloodshed he had seen. "Niisan…"

"Why?" Gohan demanded, his patience nonexistent. "Why! Why should I spare his life? Why should I ignore his betrayals?" Gohan paused and moved forward, and with each step he took, Goten stumbled back. "Why," he whispered, his voice coated with loathing, "should I ignore your betrayal?"

Goten's eyes widened with pure terror as he glanced nervously to the silent Bura behind him. With that small drop of his guard, Gohan rushed forward and grabbed his younger brother by the throat, shoving him against the wall.


The soft pure voice of Bura caused him to glance over his shoulder. Bura stood near Piccolo, fingers intertwined against her chest. Large sad kitten-like eyes stared up at him, filled with tears. "Don't hurt Goten."

Despite his better judgment, and the faint angry growling of Raditzu behind him, Gohan felt his fingers releasing the throat in his grasp. Goten collapsed on the ground with a thud. Curiously, Gohan moved to stand before the young Saiyajin no Oujo. She was so adorable…

He chuckled softly, his hand reaching out to brush against her cheek. He felt the moistness of tears that had fallen. "My little princess," he said softly, smiling. "Okay, then. I'll spare their lives, for you. Just realize, Bura… if you betray me… they all die."

Bura nodded curtly, her eyes locked in his. Gohan turned to Goten and Trunks, watching the younger demi-Saiyajin help Trunks to his feet. "Tend to that wound, then take Videl to a bedchamber and lock her inside, and feed her." He paused, watching them staring in silence. "NOW!" he screamed, and they turned and darted out of the room. Piccolo managed to dart out of their way first before frowning pointedly and leaving.

Looking down to the young princess before him, Gohan felt a twinge of guilt within him. He stepped back, breathing heavily. How long had it been since he'd felt this way? It was painful… the feeling of being less than what he should have been, failing those he was supposed to save…

"I'm sorry I killed Vejita."

Gohan turned, unable to face the shocked look he received, and rushed out of the room.
