Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We Got to Meet ❯ We Got to Meet ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or anything close to it. Nothing, nada, zip. WARNING! This story contains Yaoi (Male on male relationships), Fluff, AU, Dancing polar bears, and a whole bunch of other fictional stuff that I’ve pulled outa my hat. (Ok, it doesn’t really contain dancing polar bears…but how cool would that be.)

“We Got to Meet”

Chapter 1 “It Starts"

A strong hand muffled Gohan’s cry as he felt himself yanked off his feet and dragged away. Before he knew what had happened, he found himself tossed back into a beanbag, as he looked around astonished at the sheepishly grinning faces of his friends.

“What the hilf was that about guys?”

Their broad grins widened as the van took off quickly picking up speed causing them all too fall into the makeshift seats that cluttered the back of the van.

“We have a surprise for you birthday boy!”

Gohan rolled his eyes and sunk deeper into the beanbag. He had to take a second to calm his ki down which had nearly shot through the roof when they had grabbed him.

“Come on…we’ve been over this. I’m too busy to go out guys. Look, seriously…” He slapped the back of the driver’s seat that he was currently shoved up against trying to get his attention. “Come on! Stop the van; I really have to get back to work!”

There was a round of chuckles and scoffing as the van sped up much to Gohan’s displeasure. He had half a mind to make the van stop himself. Seeing the slight frown on the dark featured boy's face, one of the guys, a sandy blonde, reached out and punched his arm getting a very annoyed look from the demi-saiyajin in return.

“Geez, relax Gohan. I mean…it is a Sunday. You know, most people don’t usually work on Sundays. But you, why, it’s been months since you’ve gone anywhere but you apartment and capsule corps, not to mention the last time you’ve even taken an interest in going on a date.”

Gohan cut his friends last words short with a loud over exaggerated groan slapping his forehead with his hand.

“Kami! Not that. You sound like my mom!” With a defeated sigh he rubbed his face gruffly before looking out at his eager friends’ faces. “OK….ok…you win. BUT!” He raised his hands as the van filled with their cheers, waiting for them to settle down. “But, we’re not staying out late.”

He found himself bombarded with empty soda cans and cups as they jeered him before busting into a rowdy mess excitedly talking about this evening’s soon to be fun.

Gohan visibly relaxed, a small smile settling on his lips, as he watched the other boys with amusement. Oh well, he thought, he might as well try and enjoy himself tonight. Tomorrow he’d go in early and make up for what he was going to do tonight. Besides, what was the worst that could happen…?

“So, where are we going anyways?”

“You’ll see.” The blonde said before turning to talk to the driver.

“Well…will there at least be food? I’m starving.”

“Gohan you’re always hungry!”

Another round of laughter started up at this and once more Gohan found himself smiling with slight anticipation. He’d purposely been burring himself in as much work as they would give him at work. He had a lot on his mind that he just didn’t want to think about. Well, more like one thing. A certain lavender haired angel had been haunting his dreams; hell he’d even dream about him while he was awake. Every time he crossed paths with the azure-eyed bishônen be became a bumbling mess. Once he even ran off after Trunks offered to help gather some papers he had dropped, shouting back something about being late for a meeting.

He hadn’t always been so distraught around him. He had always been fond of Trunks, training him and teaching him what he could, but suddenly one day things changed. He remembered that day clearly.


It was a bright sunny summer afternoon and both his' family, the Z warriors included, and the Briefs were out enjoying it with a large bar-b-q at the lake. Their families were the only ones there that day, which was a good thing because his grandpa, the Ox King, was there and he tended to try and get everyone in sight to take him up for a friendly wrestling match. There were multiple spits going filling the air with delicious smells as his mother and Bulma tended to the food while all the guys horsed around in the water.

The only person Gohan noticed wasn’t there was Trunks. He’d asked Bulma about him since he was due home today and she’d assured him that he was on his way. Trunks had been away at school for four years, at his mother’s request, preparing to help manage capsule corps. He had really missed his spars with the young tycoon heir and was looking forward to seeing his younger student again. What Gohan saw that day though, he’d been completely unprepared for.

When Trunks showed up Gohan had been in the middle of a wrestling match with Yamcha and literally fell back at the feet of his former student as his legs were swept out from under him. With disbelieving eyes, he stared up at the god-like statue come to life that stood before him. Long gone was the little boy that used to run ramped with his brother Goten, Here standing above him was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. His uniquely lavender hair was now long, past his shoulders, and fell in windswept strands across his face. His once light milky skin was now a golden bronze color that brought out the liquid pools of azure those were his eyes. He had on a baggy pair of swim shorts, white tank top, and a towel draped across his shoulders. A smile formed on his generous mouth as he reached down to help up the fallen demi and he noted how much stronger Trunks felt. For a long time Gohan could only stare slack jawed, his eyes drinking in this new Trunks.

There were a lot of hugs and slaps on the back as Trunks greeted the rest of their families. He soon caught Gohan's astonished look and blushed slightly going over to the dumbfounded demi-saiyajin.

“Well, heh, long time no see huh?”

Gohan snapped out of this stupor and composed himself tossing one hand behind his head, an old Son habit picked up from his dad, as he grinned sheepishly.

“Hehe sorry, guess it’s just been a while. You look…” Gohan paused letting his eyes greedily travel along the length of his body before snapping his attention back to Trunks with a shake of his head. “Good…Great actually. I mean…wow!”

“Haha what, you thought he’d stay a lill’ squirt forever Gohan!?” Krillin jested giving the raven haired boy a good thump on his back.

“Uhh…no,no. Of course not. He’s just so…” Beautiful he thought to himself as he got lost in the other demi-saiyajin's eyes.

He had always thought of Trunks as a cute boy growing up. Now here was this male Aphrodite standing before him making him feel all these new emotions he’d never had before. He had never been attracted to another guy before, but yet Gohan soon became aware of a growing problem. He shifted uncomfortably and forced himself to look away from the cause of his problems before it got too obvious to hide.

“Hey Trunks! Come on in!” Goku shouted from the lake. “The water’s…GAHmmmhph!” His comment was cut short as a manically laughing Vegeita pounced on his back shoving him under water.

“Hurry up Brat! You can help me downed this…Wahhh!” Once more another saiyajin went down, dunked under the water, as Goten overtook the distracted Vegeita.

“Heh, I better go make sure dad doesn’t kill them both huh.” Trunks said chuckling and shaking his head, the energy signature of a ki blast already visible beneath the water’s surface.

Gohan stood in a stupor as the golden boy quickly tossed down his towel and stripped off his shirt tossing it aside. He watched Trunks feeling like everything was going in slow motion as the lavender haired beauty jogged down to the water’s edge and stood, hands on hips, laughing at the growing pile of splashing people before him. Someone, in the frenzy, splashed Trunks thoroughly soaking his front side. Gohan stared fixatedly at the tiny droplets clinging to the other demi’s body and nearly fainted as he tossed his wet lavender tresses, sending out a spray of water that made a prism of colors in the afternoon sun.

Suddenly Gohan realized he had a very big problem as his pants grew two sizes too small for his excited neither region. Frantically looking around for some kind of cover for his all too apparent arousal, he decided that the lake would be his best bet. He made a mad dash for the shore, nearly knocking Trunks off his feet, and as soon as his toes hit the water he dove right in stroking as fast as he could for the deep part of the lake. Surfacing with a loud gasp for air, he looked around him towards the grassy shore and saw that the others were too caught up in their own shenanigans to pay much attention to his sudden urgency to be in the water. His relief was short lived however as he realized he was facing a new, much more difficult problem.

Sometime, in his hurry to hide himself, Gohan had managed to lose his shorts. He groaned and let himself sink under the water as he began trying to locate his missing bottoms, but alas, they were nowhere to be found. Giving up he paddled back to the surface just in time to hear Bulma and his mother calling for lunch. With a comical “whoosh”, all the males rushed out of the water, Vegeita and Goku fighting each other for the lead, and swarmed the food laden tables settling down to do what they did best. Eat!

Chichi noticed her oldest still floating out in the water and worriedly nudged Goku careful not to lose a finger in the feeding frenzy.

“Goku, Is Gohan ok? He’s not coming in to eat!”

Her words fell on the deaf ears of her husband, as did the thump on the head she gave him. Giving up on the food focused males; she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted in her best motherly, annoying, voice.

“Goohaaan!! Honey don’t you wana come eat?” There was a loud belch behind her, to which she took a few cautious steps away. ”Hurry up before your father eats it all!” She added eyeing Goku as he shoveled a whole plate of beef sticky buns into his garbage disposal of a mouth.

“Mooom!” There was no way he was getting out of the water in his aroused state, especially now that he’d lost his shorts. What he needed was a good excuse to stay put. “I’m just gona stay in here and swim mom. I’m not really hungry anyhow.”

And that wasn’t it.

There was the sound of clattering plates and cutlery and Gohan slapped his hand to his forehead as every pair of eyes turned to him, their expressions all making him feel as if he’d just sprouted a third arm out of his head.

“What do you mean NOT hungry?” The ever-argumentative Vegeita snapped at him between chews.

“Shush Vegeita…Honey? Do you feel ok? Does your tummy hurt? You’re not getting sick as you hun?”

“BAH, Saiyajins don’t get sick woman!”

AS Vegeita and his mother continued on Gohan was mentally punching himself for coming up with such a bad excuse. He was defeated he realized as he watched the scene on the beach play out. He knew the only way to settle them down and to get the others to quite staring at him like a carnie side show creature was to tell them the truth. Or at least part of it anyways.

“Mom come on, stop tugging on his hair. Look, I’m not sick; I just lost my shorts when I dove into the water ok!”

Hearing this, Vegeita went into a cackling fit completely ignoring the roll that was tossed at his head. He was laughing so hard he choked on the large piece of bread he had stuffed in his mouth before Goku reached over and gave him a good hard slap on the back dislodging the offending piece of food.

“Stop it Vegeita! Honey, do you want mommy to bring you a new pair?” Chichi asked rummaging through a duffel bag.

“MOM!!” Gohan knew his face had to be brighter then the sun as he felt the heat of his blush radiate off his skin as he looked indignantly at his mother and her babying.

“Let the boy just get out. BOY!” Vegeita, much recovered from his prior ordeal, stood up waving a chicken leg around as he talked making him look quite comical despite the serious expression on his face. “You should be proud of your Saiyajin body, not hiding it. Now come eat and stop being such a baka or I’ll drag you out!”

Gohan was stuck between a rock and Vegeita, the last place he ever wanted to be. He couldn’t leave the water without his shorts, but if he didn’t get out soon Vegeita was going to come over and pull him out in front of everyone. He had no choice. Either way someone was going to find out about his predicament.

Just then Chichi stood up looking triumphant as she waved a pair of purple and pink shorts in the air.

“Found some!”

Seeing his friend’s distress, Trunks plucked the shorts from Chichi’s hand with a smile.

“I’ll take them to him Mrs. Son.”

Satisfied that someone was taking care of her boy, she turned back to the men bustling about dishing out more food and getting everyone back to eating. Trunks grabbed a towel and flew out over the lake to the waiting figure of the dark hair demi-saiyajin.

While Gohan was glad to have the problem with his mother and Vegeita over with, he now realized he had and even bigger one coming his way. His excitement had abated somewhat during the whole ordeal with his mother but was now coming back full force as the shirtless sexy Trunks flew closer and closer to him till he was hovering inches from where he was floating in the water.

“Hey you.”

“Hey…” Gohan was blushing furiously as he alternated between using his hands to cover himself and using them to keep afloat. “So, you just gona stand there all day or are you going to give me those shorts?”

“Heh, don’t know yet.”

“Oh Kami!” He wished he could just disappear like his father right about now. Looking up at his newfound desire was only making it harder for him to control himself. All sorts of naughty images kept flashing thought his mind as he tilted his head to the side trying to get a better view up Trunks’ shorts.

What am I doing, he scolded himself as he quickly diverted his eyes away from the forbidden sight. He let his face slip further into the water trying to hide himself in the crystal clear lake. Finally he slipped below the surface and let out a large sigh sending up a cloud of bubbles. If no one was going to give him a break today he’d just stay put till they all went home. Something interrupted his thoughts as he caught a glimpse of a pink and purple thing floating down past his face. Quickly he snatched up the shorts and yanked them on. He had to wait a minute for his body to calm down before he could get the front to tie shut but once more he found himself in a sticky situation.

“These aren’t MY shorts!” He hissed as his head broke the surface of the water. “They aren’t even guy shorts…are these…”

Horror filled the black haired demi-saiyajin’s face as he realized whose shorts he was currently wearing,

“Trunks! These are your sister’s shorts! I can’t wear these!!”

Trunks just smiled good-naturedly at him and pushed a stray lock of hair back from his face.

“Come here.” He told the older demi as he unfolded the large towel he’d had the foresight to grab when he saw Chi-chi swinging around Bra’s shorts. “Come on Gohan, it’s me. Besides,” His smile widened as he gave his friend a wink. “…Your only other choice is to prance around in them, though personally I think you’d look rather cute doing so.”

Gohan couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. He must have been joking around, trying to get his goat. Trunks’ couldn’t have possibly just said that they way he’d thought he said that could he…

Well, he wasn’t about to let him get the best of him. Gohan hastened out of the water and flew up into the safety of the large towel the azure-eyed boy held, wrapping it securely around him. Now he was out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak, trapped in the arms of the boy who had started this whole avalanche of problems for him.


Trunks eyes were half lidded as he looked at his squirming captive. His grip tightened around the secured bundle, effectively pinning Gohan’s arms at his sides as he lowered his face dangerously close to his.


“Uhh, wh-...what are you doing?”

“Just giving my old Sensei a hug. Something wrong with that?” Trunks asked looking hurt as he pulled his head back.

“Oh!…well…no. I just….umm…”

The younger boy smiled and gave Gohan one final squeeze before letting him go, leaving him wrapped in the towel.

“Hey relax Gohan. I’m just teasing.” With that the blue-eyed boy gently nudged Gohan towards the shore. “Come on. I got a bag of clothes in my capsule car. Something in there ought to fit you better than those shorts,”


The two demi-saiyajins flew over to the shore where the others were still gorging at the tables and landed by Bulma who was fixing a broken belt on one of the spit turners she had rigged up.

“Hey mom,” Trunks gently tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. “I’m gona go back to the cars and get something better for Gohan to wear.” In a quieter voice he whispered. “Chichi gave him Bra’s shorts.”

Bulma smiled at the blushing older demi and giggled shaking her head. She had noticed her daughter’s shorts earlier, though she was pretty sure her friend hadn’t.

“Alright boys, but here…” She turned and went over to the table filling up two large platters with food, popping Vegeita on the head when the testy male snarled at her taking the food. “Here you go boys. “She handed them the two Saiyajin sized platters of food then rubbed her hand muttering something about Vegeita's head being made of rock. “Better get some before they eat it all!”

They both thanked her as Bulma gave one last glance over her shoulder at the never-ending stomachs behind her then smiled and returned to her work. Gohan and Trunks took their food and followed the trail back to a second clearing that they had all met at earlier.

“Here. Hold this please.” Trunks said passing his platter to Gohan.

“Sure! Umm, Trunks…where’s your car?”

“Right here.”

Trunks dug into the pocket of his shorts and poked around before pulling out a box of capsules with a grin. Popping open the lid, he picked up one of the pill-like capsules and depressed the top, tossing it out before them. A small sporty looking car appeared with a puff of smoke, bright yellow with interior that matched Trunks’ eyes.

Gohan couldn’t help but admire Trunks firm build now that they were away from the crowd. Everything about his former students body seemed to send sparks of electricity throughout his entire body. From his long violet locks, to his broad muscular chest, ripped abs, and the tight juicy…



“I said come put those down on the hood and try these pants on.”

“Oh, uh, right.”

Gohan shook his head trying to clear his mind of illicit thoughts. Silently he reproached himself for having such and exaggerative imagination as he walked over and set the platters down before going to the younger boy at the back of the car. Besides, even if he did admit some kind of feeling for the other boy there was no way he’d feel the same way about him.

“Come on, take off those shorts and try on these pants. They should fit ok.”

The dark eyed boy just stood staring at him for a few seconds before taking the proffered garment. No, Trunks would never be interested in a guy, more or less someone like himself. He started to untie the front of the shorts when he realized his little problem was back and worse than ever. Must have been all the lustful thinking. To make matters worse, Gohan noticed that Trunks seemed to be staring at him quiet intensely.

“Hey, Trunks?”

“Yes Gohan?”

His voice was so husky and sensual that Gohan thought he might cream himself right then and there. He abruptly felt like Trunks was undressing him with his eyes and hot beads of sweat formed on his forehead and upper lip. Hurriedly, he readjusted his towel to cover the growing excitement that was overcoming him as he tried to get control of the blush that made his face feel as if it were glowing.

"Do you think you could, umm, turn around...or something?"

"Or something huh? Heh sure why not Gohan." Trunks teased as he turned around and busied himself with looking thru his pack for a shirt for him to wear.

Gohan fumbled and fought, feeling all hot and bothered, trying to keep the towel up as he lost his balance in his rush to get the too small shorts off without exposing his swollen neither region. He was finally forced to forgo the towel and lie down on the grass, yanking and tugging to get the constrictive clothing off. It had been a lot easier to put them on then it was proving to be taking them off. At long last though, he won the battle and tossed the dreadful shorts aside with a frustrated sigh before gathering back up his towel and standing up to dry himself off better. He had much more success getting Trunks pants on, a baggy black pair of training gas. and found that they were adequately loose enough to hide any embarrassing problems he was still having.

"Alright." he said in a bashful whisper as he finished toweling off his upper body and began on his hair.

Trunks turned about to look Gohan over with and approving smile, then handed him a shirt letting his eyes linger just a tad longer then they should on the chiseled muscles of the charcoal eyed boys chest. Gohan set aside the towel and took the shirt, running his fingers over the fine white smooth fabric. It was a silk button up shirt with a squared off collar and short sleeves with kois embroidered on the back in the same white silk thread. The older demi stared in disbelief as he fingered the fine embroidery work before looking up to Trunk's questioningly.

"It's just like the one I had when I was a kid."

"I know." Trunks said with a pleased smile as he leaned up against the side of the car crossing his arms. "My mom has this picture in her office of all of you guys when you were about 8. She told me how your dad got you the outfit you were wearing in the picture cause it made you look like a lill' fighter. Well of course your mother hated it and finally made you dad get rid of it, afraid you'd wana go fight with your dad rather then focus on your studies. Mom says you mopping for weeks after, so while I was at school I happened to find this really nice old tailor who said he could replicate the outfit after seeing the photo I brought him. I had mom call and describe the back to him since that part couldn't be seen in the photo. I hope its close."

Tears were welding up in his eyes as he stared in utter disbelief at his friend. He had been so little when that happened that he himself hardly even thought about it anymore. But here it was, his favorite childhood outfit. It had been so special to him because it was from his father, and now, it would be even more special because it was from Trunks.

Without warning, Gohan rushed the younger boy and gathered him up in a great big hug. He tossed his head back and laughed as Trunks did the same, picking up the lavender haired boy and spinning him around

"This is unbelievable Trunks!"

"Haha well, if you like it so much put it on and let me see how it fits!"

"Oh, sorry. Hehe."

Gohan sat him down on his feet then quickly, but carefully, put on the shirt slipping into its silken texture. It hung perfectly on his frame, coming down to about mid-hip, and he absolutely loved the way the silk felt like cool water caressing and flowing over every part of his skin that it touched. He stood in complete awe, running his fingers down the sleeves, fingering the white loops that were to hold the intricately tied knots on the opposite side of the shirt which kept it closed. Gohan reached up with his other hand to button up the shirt when Trunks' hand on top of his stopped him dead in his tracks. His onyx eyes looked up to azure ones imploringly as Trunks just smiled shaking his head softly causing his hair to fall in a beautiful lavender curtain around his face.

It looks good open; you have such a beautiful body."

Gohan's mouth fell open at his words. He knew what he'd heard, but he still couldn't understand it or comprehend what would make Trunks say such a thing. It wasn't the type of compliment he expected from another guy more or less his friend. Before he could gather his wits about him, Trunks had reached into the front seat and grabbed a brush and white hair tie and was motioning for Gohan to come over to him.

"Here, let me fix your hair."

Numbly, overwhelmed by it all, Gohan shuffled over to the lavender locked boy and when the younger demi-saiyajin grabbed his shoulders and spun him away from him he did resist. Trunks gently brushed out his bushy drying hair, which was getting quiet long, then lovingly ran his fingers through the thick black spikes which were his Saiyajin heritage.

"Your mom probably isn't too thrilled with your hair, is she? Trunks asked as he began to gather the mass into a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck.

Silently, Gohan shook his head trying not to mess Trunks up. There had been may an argument in the Son household over his hair. His mother wanted him to keep it short, told him he looked smarter, more professional that way. For whatever reason, he had decided to go against her this once and had let it grow out just past his shoulders now, though he kept it up and tight at work and around her, which ended up being most of the time.

Trunks wrapped the white ribbon around his hair, binding the loose ponytail, and then stood back to admire his handy work.

"Finished!" He announced, once more crossing his arms over his broad chest. "See how it looks."

When Trunks gestured towards the flipped down mirror on the sun visor Gohan opened up the car door and sat down seeing himself for the first time that day. His cheeks were rosy from being out in the sun so much, and the face that stared back at him gave him a start. He would have sworn it was his younger self. It had been so long since he'd looked at himself in the mirror with his hair down that he'd forgotten what it was like.

"I...I don't know what to say. Thank you Trunks."

Gohan turned, looking up at his smiling friends face. The blue eyed bishônen looked so beautiful with the sun shining on his violet hair, making it seem as if it were streaked with real gold. He felt his heart jump up in his throat as he resisted the urge to run up and kiss his new love interest. For he knew that was what was coming over him. Love. This brought forth a whole new tirade of emotions for the demi that he just didn't know how to deal with right now, including guilt for this new found love.

Instead, Gohan got up and grabbed Trunks in a big bear hug smashing the younger boy feverishly against him. Not because he loved him, which he was getting used to saying to himself, but because Trunks was one of the few people on this planet, hell maybe even his universe, who knew him the best and just let him be who he was. His mother was dead set on him growing up to be a business man and the perfect husband with lots of grandchildren to spoil. His dad and Vegeita expected him to be a strong fighter, though Vegeita never let him forget that he was still only a half breed unworthy of this saiyajin bloodline. Even all his friends at school expected him to act just like them, to like all the stuff they liked and to be 100% human like them. But how was he supposed to act human when he wasn't really human. His dad got away with it because they needed him, thought he could see in his dads eyes sometimes that the charade he put on for everyone got old and tiring for him too. How does one explain the constant urge to be the best, to fight, to be superior over all others? Hell! How was he supposed to explain how he acted those times when the rut took over him and his true saiyajin side took over? There was no explaining something like that, it was simply something you had to experience yourself or you'd never understand, never know.

But Trunks was different then all of them. He only expected him to be himself. He knew what he liked and didn't like about the humans, and he knew what it was like to be a saiyajin half breed with everyone holding up enormous expectation for you to live by. Perhaps that why he could never really truly love any of those girls that he'd gone out with. None of them really knew what it was like to be him, but Trunks did and he loved him all the more deeply for it.

"Um, Gohan?"

Gohan snapped out of his thoughts and realized he must have been squeezing the other boy tighter and tighter for he now had a death grip on the younger demi-saiyajin.

"Oh, uh, heh...sorry." He said letting go of Trunks taking a step back.

"It's ok. No harm done." Trunks reached up and brushed his thumb over Gohan cheek wiping away the tears that had fallen. "Hey, what wrong Gohan?"

Gohan smiled weakly and rubbed the back of his hand over his eyes with a shrug. He hadn't even realized he been crying.

"I'm just...I'm so happy your back. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed you."

"Hey, I'm back now." Trunks said giving Gohan another hug. "Ok. I'm back to stay."

Trunks broke the hug looking at Gohan with a wide grin.

"So, how about we eat ok?" Trunks rubbed the other boys back before grabbing a platter and motioning for him to come join him on the grass. "Come on, things will be back to normal now, promise."

Gohan smiled and grabbed his platter joining his friend. Deep down though, he knew things wouldn't be normal. Something inside of him had changed. Something was still changing, growing stronger, and he knew where they originated from. He was in love...