Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Weathered ❯ Faceless Man ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey guys, here is your next chapter! Enjoy! BTW, I don't own Creed, I'm not a member of Creed, I don't own Dragonball Z, and I am not a character out of Dragonball Z obviously. And this disclaimer goes for this chapter, and the last one. J

~Lady Branwen~

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Faceless Man

I spent a day by the river
It was quiet and the wind stood still
I spent some time with nature
To remind me of all that's real
It's funny how silence speaks sometimes when you're alone
And remember that you feel
Again I stand against the Faceless Man

Trunks had just barely escaped death fighting the androids and had traveled to his favorite spot close to his house. It was in a forest, one of the few left, where there many sweet smelling flowers, lush plants and trees, and a waterfall that fell into a river that flowed out to the ocean. Whenever he came to this spot, Trunks remembered his mother telling him of how things used to be…how wonderful life had been before the androids appeared. Trunks found himself returning to this spot more and more since Gohan had died and he had been forced to fight the androids on his own. This spot had always calmed down his warring emotions and brought him back to reality. This place was where Trunks felt he could still talk to Gohan; this was after all, a place that Gohan had shared with him. Gohan had originally come here when he had been aggravated by the androids.

"Gohan, why did you leave me alone?" Trunks whispered looking at the waterfall. "I can't fight them. You don't know how hard it is for me; you were much stronger than I am right now. I don't want to fight anymore."

Now I saw a face on the water
It looked humble but willing to fight
I saw the will of a warrior
His yoke is easy and His burden is light
He looked me right in the eyes
Direct and concise to remind me
To always do what's right
Again I stand against the Faceless Man

Trunks hung his head in shame. "Gohan wouldn't want to hear me say that," Trunks thought. "I have to tell someone though."

He looked back up at the waterfall and started talking again. "Gohan, I haven't forgotten what you said about wanting to fight. I wish I felt that way, but I just don't. I can't stand not being able to win. I mean it's impossible! No matter what technique I try, no matter how fast I move or what I do, they always win and I come home dejected and wishing they had killed me. I'm so ashamed that I can never beat them. I don't know how you had it in you to keep fighting day after day for years at a time. I wish I had listened to you when you told me how bad fighting actually was. You told me that I wasn't ready to fight yet, but that you would let me because you knew how I felt. I was so naïve back then. If I knew what you had to go through, I probably would have ran away and hid in a cave for the rest of my life. This is terrible. I hate life. Why does it have to be this way?"

Once again Trunks lowered his gaze, this time to the water and was surprised to see Gohan's face looking at him. He gasped and quickly turned around, not believing, but hoping that Gohan really was there. Unfortunately, Gohan was not there and Trunks rubbed his eyes and turned back to the water where he found Gohan still staring at him.

"Seventeen must have hit me on the head or something," Trunks muttered, "I'm seeing things."

Trunks drew his knees up to his chest and hugged his legs, never once taking his gaze off of Gohan's reflection. For the first time, Trunks realized how Gohan really looked. He was a true warrior, anyone would have been proud of him. Even though his face was scarred, the scar showed that he had fought for everyone, he had suffered in his life. But that smile on his face, showed love and kindness, something that would not be expected of someone who had been what Gohan had been through. No one in the world smiled much anymore and it was very rare that Trunks ever heard his mom laugh. But here was Gohan, a warrior, a fighter, one of the people in the world who had been through much more than everyone else, and here he was smiling.

Trunks couldn't remember a day that Gohan hadn't smiled. Even the day that he had lost his arm he had smiled and said, "You did pretty good out there Trunks, keep it up," even though they both knew Trunks had not been aware of his surroundings and had been knocked out. Gohan always treated Trunks with respect and was hard on him as a teacher, but always encouraged him with a smile and kind words. The smile made him humble and made him not look like the warrior that he was. When Gohan smiled, he lit up a room and brought hope to everyone. "Just like his father," Bulma had said many a time. Even though Gohan looked humble and had suffered throughout his life fighting many villains, he was always ready and willing to fight and couldn't conceive of doing anything less.

Looking in his eyes, Trunks remembered about all the times Gohan had fought and had gotten right back up to continue fighting. Gohan never gave up. While looking in Gohan's eyes Trunks was reminded of all the encouragement he had received from Gohan. He remembered how he had been spurred on and how Gohan had helped him feel better after a day of defeat. And Trunks was reminded of how Gohan had always told him to do the right thing, no matter what the consequence. Trunks liked to believe that Gohan had kept fighting, he had not run away when he died. Trunks believed Gohan died doing the right thing and died an honorable death. That was the way he wanted to die. Trunks didn't want to kill himself like he had thought of many a time, that was a cowards' way out and he would never do it. If he died, Trunks wanted to die in battle, like a saiyan, like a warrior, and like his best friend.

'Cause if the face inside can't see the light
I know I'll have to walk alone
And if I walk alone to the other side
I know I might not make it home
Again I stand against the Faceless Man
Next time I see this face
I'll say I choose to live for always
So won't you come inside And never go away

Suddenly Trunks realized that all this time, he had kept Gohan buried inside of him. Though Trunks talked to Gohan almost everyday, he never allowed himself to really think about Gohan or any of his advice. Trunks had refused to let Gohan live on inside of him and never let his memories of Gohan see the light of day, they were buried deep inside of him so that he wouldn't start to cry.

"I shouldn't have kept your memory out of reach," Trunks said to the reflection, "I would be doing better if I let you help me. In order for you to help me, I have to accept the fact that you're dead and let your memory live on. If I don't, I'll be alone in the world when I don't want to be. If I let you live on, I won't have to fight alone, you'll be there with me in spirit, won't you Gohan? If I keep on putting your memory out of reach, one of these days I won't make it out of the battle and I'll die."

The reflection's smile grew bigger and gave one nod, then disappeared. Trunks sat staring at the spot in the water where the reflection had been for a while longer, then closed his eyes and sighed.

"Next time I see him, anywhere," Trunks thought, "I'll tell him I accept his death. I want him to be with me in spirit, I don't want to be alone."

"I want to live Gohan, but not without you and my mom with me. So since you are dead…travel with me and help me while I fight. I still need to be guided."

Trunks freed Gohan's memory that was buried deep inside of him and felt himself become stronger and more alive. There was a great sense of hope flooding through him all of a sudden.

"Now I know how you felt. I know why you always chose to fight and to live. Well, now that you're with me, I choose to live too and if need be, I'll die fighting to save the world, just like you did." Trunks smiled. "It's good to know that you're still looking out for me, Gohan. I miss you."

Trunks wiped away the tears that had formed in his eyes and took off to fly back home to be with the only person left to him who he really cared about.

"Don't worry, Gohan," Trunks whispered into the wind rushing past his face, "I'll fight for you and for everyone who can't fight for themselves. I won't give up."

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Thanks for reading, don't forget to review! Thanks!

~Lady Branwen~