Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to my World ❯ Day #1: Wishess ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*Welcome to my world*~

Disclaimer: ok I DON'T OWN DBZ!!!! I only own Aya!

Um hi:) BEWARE this is rated R for searing, and a lemon ferther forward*not posted*
PS: most of this story is based on things on what happens in MY life!


//~this story begins as a nice, peaceful, descusting...uh I mean school day in this dimension...~//

'uh ok um...25 divided by the square rout is...uh...damnit why do these things have to be so damn HARD!' I thought to myself as I slided my hands through my blonde hair. My kami ((SSSOOOOOOOOOO I like to say Kami in real life whats it to you!)) why dosn't the bell have to ring so late...GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I skiped the qwestion and moved on to the next but had the same problem as the last one. I had no idea what to do! "RRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" I heard the bell ring and I praticly jumped for joy. I gatherd my stuff and put it in my backpack smiling like a clown. 'yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeessssssss finaly!! no more school PERIOD!!!!' I said to myself as I ran to my locker. I used the code to unlock it and I grabed the seven clay dragonballs that I finished in art today. I looked at the bright orange painted balls proud of myself of my acompeshment as I placed them my backpack. 'you guys will be great with my clay dragon' I thought smiling. (ummmm ok so I'm a DBZ freak...*curls up in a ball and hids in a corner*) I headed down the hallway praticly flying past everyone on the way.


I placed myself on a seat waiting for the bus to take me back to my haven.(that's means my house for all those idiots out there!*sniker*)

"Hey Aya!!" I looked around to see the oh too familar face of that annoying Richard. (*stabs a knife into a voodoo doll of Richard. Then looks at you and smiles evily and stabs it again>:)*) "ugh what the hell is it now Richard!" I asked him all too annoyed. "oh I just wanted to know how your date with Toy`a turned out...did you dump him like all the others?!" He asked with a doppy grinn on his face. I rolled my eye's and nodded. "now go away your bothering me..." I said as I rested my head on my backpack. "hehe I new it! But did he dump you this time!! Like no one likes you now that every time you go on a date you dump 'em" He said smirking. "NO I DUMPED HIM!!!! now go away!" I said threw gritted teeth. 'ugh geese if he only new...one guy tryed to hit on me all night, another guy wet his pants when we were watching a scary movie, and the other was just...ugh he kept trying to kiss my neck on first date...*shivers*' I thought to myself. "and what's it to you any ways!" I asked him. He started explaining but I ignored him through the whole thing. He kept on talking and talking when the bus went, now he was just getting annoying. My eye twiched as he took a deep breath and started on with a whole new scentence on how much my life sucked. And then I just couldn't take it any more and I...elboed him in the face. (Owch...0.0) I blinked a few times and my head went right back to reality. I looked at him screaming like a little girl. I couldn't help but bring out a giddy smile. I coverd my mouth to stop myself from laughing. "WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OWY OWY OWY!!!! SHITTTTTTTT!!!!!" Richard blurted out. Everyone looked at Richard and gave a little smile, then it turned into a giddy grin. Everyone burst out laughing, I know it was kinda bad but the little girly scream it was just to much to keep in. And I could tell this was going to be a llooonnggg bus ride.


I steped off the bus into freedom. 'finaly no more school! no more teachers no MORE HOMEWORK!!*mental dance*' I walked towards my house and walked on the porch. I got out my keys and unlocked the door. I placed my backpack on the floor and took the clay dragonballs out one by one. I placed them becide my clay dragon on the shelf I made a month ago. The purple and red glossy paint shimmerd on it's slim body, his red eye's was were doing the same. I looked up towards the stairs and yeld. "HEY MOM I'M HOME!!!" no awnser. "hmmm I wonder were she is?" I asked out loud. I walked into the kitchen to get some food, and then I noticed a pink slip of paper on the table. I looked at it curiosly and read it out loud. "Dear Aya, I'm not going to be home for two months, It could be less but I don't realy know that. I'm on a diffacult case and the cheif wants me to sleep at the staition with the rest of the cops. And Zachary(my bro) has come with me because he dosn't want to be teased all night and day.*sweatdrops* I left $200 on top of the frigde, I think that should last you untill I come home. Besides you don't eat much anyways. Love, Mom." I gave out a deep sigh. "Well I geuse I'm gonna be alone for the time being..." I sighed again and went over to the TV in the living room and turned it on. I got out one of my Dragonball Z filmss. I put it in the VCR and pressed play. I watched the part when Maria Trunks turned into super saiyan two for the first time. I looked as his hair grew right out from his ponytail and how his musules bulged out. (heh heh *drool* musules)

I watched the whole thing and droped to the ground with my hands behind my head. "hmmmm geuse I have to wait untill 9 when I can watch the new episiodes." I sighed. "man all I get to see is chibi Trunks! man It be cool if I could see the GT episiodes and see him all grown up...And it be even cooler if I could meet him in person..." *the clay dragonballs and the dragons eyes start to glow* "...I wish I could meet him in person..." Sundenly I heard thunder outside. I got up and looked out the window in the kitchen. It was pitch black out and I was thundering and spraying out lightning like crazzy, but there was no rain.OK this was a so fimilar scene from DBZ...but how? Then it I saw somthing moving ing the sky...no the whole sky was moving. It was going in a cerciler motion that could make somone sick. I opened the screen widow and looked up. I sqwented my eye's towards it and I saw someone falling. "WHHHAAAAAAATTTTT THHEE HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!" He yelled and he ploped into my backyard with a large thud. I looked at the figer getting up and gasped. He was wereing a musule shirt, white pants and purple HAIR!!! He was TRUNKS!! Only he was like what...20, 19 mabey. My wish came true but how! "ugh that was very unplesant..." He pushed himself from his nees and looked up at me. I looked at his musules in shock. Whoa like *drool* I new they were supposed to be big but*drool* wow!

He looked around confused and then he looked at me. "um excuse me but do you now where the hell I am..." I went out of my trance and looked at him still in shock. "um ok Trunks..." He cut me off looking confused. "wait wait how did you know my name?" he asked. "don't worrie I'll get to that later. OK Trunks this may sound alarming but you are in a totaly different dimension were you and the rest of the Z fighters are um...a cartoon show..."



well how'd ya like it?^_^ I know it has some personal things in here but it's all to make it more realistic:) well TTFN:)