Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to my World ❯ Day #1(continued):Dinner Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

((chappy 2))

Disclamier: I dont own DBZ K!!!! plz DON'T SEW!!!!


"Can you run that past me just one more time?" Trunks asked. "OK you are in a different Dimension...." I said slowly. "What the hell..." Trunks said shaking his head. He turned around to look at his suroundings. "My Kami I have got to be dreaming!! Kami some one pinch ME!!!" He yelled. Man he was taking this nicly.

"Well geuse what it's not a dream! You see I'll even pinch you and me! 'Cause I don't know what the freakin hell is going on!" I yelled to and then I pinched myself. "Owww!" I yelped. And he looked at me strangly. Then I want up to him and pinched his arm. "Owwww!" He yelled in suprise. "OK wwe'er not dreaming...OMG WERE NOT DREAMING!!!!" I praticly yelped in glee. "OK OK but I need a place to stay...do you know any hotels I can go to?" Trunks asked. Well I didn't know any. But then an Idea poped into my head. "What if you stay at my house! I me-mean like there's to more beds in my house you can stay if you like!" I said trying to hid my smile. "uh...Ok...I guess it couldn't hurt..." Trunks said looking at me strangly. "Well uh...come in!" I said and walked into the screen door.

"So uh whats your name?" Trunks asked and I stoped. "Uh it's...Aya."


"HEY AYA IS SUPER READY YET!" Trunks yelled over at me from the couch. I growled slitly. Why did he have to be so bossy. 'Heh he's just like his father...' I thought while taking the soup off the oven. Then I heard a beeping noise. 'oh shit the chiken!' I said to myself. I opened the oven door it was still OK. "it's ready Trunks..." I said and I put every thing on the table. 'My Kami how does ChiChi and Bulma put up with these Saiyans!' I sighed. Trunks came over into the kitchen and sat down quikly. He grabed a chicken leg and took a chunk out of it. And then he looked over at me. "Hey arn't you going to eat anything?" He asked. "I'm not that hungry..." I said while resting my head in my hand. "I'm going upstairs..." Trunks started to take a bit out of his chiken again.


I went into my room and closed the door quietly. The I scrambled to all my piccy's that I made of Trunks and hid them under my bed. I looked out my window to see that it was pitch black out and then I looked at my alarm clock. It read 10:03. "OMG cooking took that long...oh well I mite as well just get some sleep.' I put down the curtens and sliped off my tank top. and then my shorts. I put on some slip-on PJ's. I pulled over my covers and went to sleep. Remembering what happend on this strangeday.


"Aya...AYA wake up!" I awoke to see Trunks shakeing my sholder. 'so it wasn't a dream...' I looked at the alarm clock 3:04 am. And then I looked up at him a little drozily."What the hell is it..."

"There's some ladie on the phone...she says she wants to talk to you" He handed me the wireless phone and I put it up agianst my ear. "Ello..." I said weirly. "Hello Aya it's mom!"

"oh hi..." I said wiping away the sleep out of my eyes.

"Aya I was calling to inform you that the criminle is near Silver Springs.((yes thats tis wear I live...oh well no ones perfect)) So I want you to be EXTREAMLY CAREFUL when you go outside OK sweety." She said worriedly.

"Don't worrie I will..."

"Oh yah in case you need it I put a hand gun with ammo becides your bed if you need it!"

"k mom...bye..."

"bye! oh no wait who was that guy that picked up earlyer?" She asked. I hesitated trying to thing hard of a name for Trunks. "Uh...his name's...uh...James...." OK that was lame what should I name him next? BOB?!

"James eh...well bye Aya:) have a nice month:)" I hung up and put the phone on the table next to me and looked up at Trunks.

"uh...who's James?" I almost fell over my bed at that. "It's supposed to be you...you can't go through this world saying your Trunks from a cartoon show alright." Trunks nodded and went into Zachs((my brother)) room.

"I can't belive my mom would leave a gun here...oh well I just go back to sleep..."



OK I bet you can see were this is going...I just make it way to easy for you to figure out don't I:) hehe oh well TTFN!!!