Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Vegetasei Pop. 8 ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hellos all. Something strange something funny, its on so bring it!*******DISCLAIMER********* I dont own anything. Nothing. Not even underwear. XDDDok now thats out the way...Vegeta: You disgust me.. >.>*********************************" What do you mean Kakkarrots gone?!" Everyone stared at Vegeta blanky, a smoke in the hand. Yes Goku was gone. He wasnt dead, he just left. He grew tired of the struggle and tired of the fight. Tired of the bitterness and the agression. He didnt feel it, but he was old. He just didnt want to do it anymore. Something changed. The enemies were just glazes in his day, they were easy to kill and some even gave up. It wasnt challenging but he didnt want to fight anyway. He didnt know what he wanted to do. Whatever it was, it wasnt there with family and friends. So thats what everyone gathered, and yes they were sitting on the grass of CC, drinking in the moon, smoking abit of pot. Oh but you didnt think they did that did you? Heh, yes thats what they were doing. Some because of new depression, some of pure and utter joy. Mainly Chichi. "Thank kami hes gone!!!" she said and turned up her drink, laying back against the soft grass. Normally they would look at her funny, but she had the right. The man was a handful, and the pass years were hell on everyone. So yes they all sat their and stared at Vegeta and at his aggravation. Goten sat up straight but laid back over Trunk's lap. " Vegeta why dont you sit and have a few drinks, or maybe you want a hit?" The prince stared at him and nodded, usually he wouldnt except, but he did. Today was a black day indeed. Goku was gone, he needed him. He was the glue that held them all together. Now that he was gone, no one was here to tell him to stay, no one was here to hold his temper. He tossed up a 40 and took a long drag. A black day indeed. Trunks squinted his eyes and Pan pointed up at the sky. " Whats that? It looks like a space ship!" They all stared up at the object and Vegeta dropped the bottle, the contents splashing everywhere. The ship landed infront of them a few spaces apart and the door open to the round portal, a black haired woman stepping out. She had few but visible muscles, unruely raven long hair down to the tops of her calfs and was dressed in a dark top with the stomach completely exposed, along with a short black shirt and matching boots and cuffs. Vegeta froze completely as she walked up to him and kneeled, kissed his hands and feet. " My king.. my father..."Goten watched and licked his lips lazily, leaning over a wide eyed Trunks. " Man she's hot..." Vegeta pulled her up and tried to hold back his human grown emotions, a hand gracing her cheek. " my princess..." They looked and said nothing, their was nothing to say. Vegeta's visitors always had a habbit of wanting the earth, wanting to blow up the earth, or just wanting him dead, so they stared at caution at the other saiyian, Trunks, Gohan and Goten twitching slightly as they stared at her tail. It was a off black almost, with sharp streaks of aurburn, it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. Bra frowned at the guest, not liking the situation.This was another female treading on her precious daddies affection. This would not be tollerated. Vegeta finally turned to them, his arms crossed. " This is Prisma... he is my son..." Gohan, Goten and Trunks nearly fainted and the words "son". A boy? Vegeta showed him around proudly to his other offspring, Bra not even smiling when he came near. He may be a boy, but she still didnt like him. She crosed her arms like her father but submitted, kneeling. "Yes father." At that Vegeta cracked a smile. She was so obedient and learning of her heritage. That made him proud. Prisma smiled down at her and lifted her up by her chin, smiling more at the blue haired princess' growl. " She's very attractive, she would have been fought after for this tail alone.. " he whispered as he passed, brushing a hand over the crystline tail that wrapped around her waist. She blushed and snorted, Trunks laughing at her. The other grinned at her blush and turned to his father. " I have seen our home. It only needs to be taken. What do you say?"Trunks slured abit and pointed. " You mean that one all the way up their?" " Yes. Its not that far, and its inhabitants are suffering from a plague. Virtually all of their population is dead. " Vegeta arched a brow. " What killed them?" " They were in a war, and toxions deadly to their species were sprayed apon the people. They are dropping like flies fast. I have walked among them, the air isnt poisonous to sayians.. well fullblooded saiyians that is.." Vegeta nodded and pan stood up. " Lets go! No one likes us here, we save them from danger and they still call us freaks!" Gohan frowned. Pan had been having problems in school because of someone seen her fighting, and now she was known as a freak at school. They didnt understand why she could fly or why she shot balls of energy from her hands. They'd never understand and it was hurtful for her to deal with that after loosing her mother. It was something she didnt need in her life. The short prince nodded at the pre teen. He knew what she was feeling. " They pick on you because they fear you Pan. Because your stronger." She balled up her fist, her eyes tinting blue. " Its not fair!!" They all could feel her rage. It wasnt without cause. Vegeta looked to his son and Goten. " What about you two. What of it? Do you want to stay on this mudball planet that people call you freaks and dont accept you two as mates? Do you want to hide yourselfs and pretend? " It was true, they had been pretending. They had all done it. Pretended to be like them, pretended they didnt go home and fight and didnt kill things and didnt enjoy it. Laughed and joked at the guys talking about the gay couple at lab, when inside they respected the two for having the guts to stand up and be unashamed of how they were. " Father.. I'm in. Im tired of this bullshit.. Im not gay.. Im saiyian..and Gotens who I chose to be with.."Goten blushed and nodded. He wasnt worried about his mothers approval, she hated them all and was passed out in the grass at the moment. Bulma had hesitation about the subject and thought it was best to wait to later for her input. She smiled at the newcomer and nodded. " Welcome. "***************Brings on the bacon!!Liked it reveiw, didnt like it reveiw, I want to knowPrismakakkerra ^.^