Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Vegetasei Pop. 8 ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Preparations were made and things were being packed as the group made plans to leave the planet they had protected with their lives. Why fight anymore? Goku wasnt. Vegeta walked into the lab to see his ex lover fixing up on the ship that would take them all away from her. He had been waiting all week for her to say something to him about this. All week. He leaned down under the ships base where she laid putting on the final touches and just stared up at the metal frame she was placing on. " So you have nothing to say woman?"
She bit her lip and fused the bolts into the frame, laying her wrench against the floor. "What would you like me to say Vegeta? Want me to tell you how I feel left out.. how your taking all of my children away from me to leave me alone in a world that only cares about how many machines I can produce? Would you like me to tell you that Im going to miss you? That I love you and hate you because you can't be happy with me?"
He stared at her and wiped the tear that slid down to her ear. "Bulma.." he whispered for the first time it seemed like, and she turned to face him, her eyes filled with anger and sadness. " No one said you had to stay here.."
She looked at him and shook her head. " I cant leave.. if I do you know these people will turn into baboons. I own the worlds largest company period. With all the new developments the company is making toward the mechanical evolution.. if I leave now, it would go down the drain. People would starve.. just..dont be an idiot for once in your life.. I know why your leaving.. and if he comes back I will send him your way. He can't out run his heart and niether can you."
The prince stared at her intensely and almost gripped her shoulders too hard. " Your going to look for Kakkarrot?"
"Yeah, I have to or you'd be short one subject now wouldnt you, ya bastard." she smiled and sniffed alittle. He kissed her hard in a thank you and scooted from under the ship and out the door before he impregnanted her again. Thats not what he wanted. Everytime she did something nice for him he felt he needed to pay her back. He wasnt going to this time. He left her in there and she started to laugh. "Looks like he's growing up."
"Trunks theres not going to be any room for food if you bring all your lab crap."
"I need my equipment. What if we discover something that could cure a diease or something?"
The black haired teen rolled his eyes. " Your always thinking about work. Were moving to leave-it- all, Trunks. That includes work. Lighten up. Maybe I should fire you one up."
"Dont you dare! I dont want to be high when I leave. Kami Goten, wheres your stuff? We are leaving in a hour."
Ebony brown eyes widdened. "In a hour!! Holy crap let me go get my toothbrush!"
Bra walked in with her hands crossed, light blue dress and boots to match, her eyes like ice. "Where is father."
"I dont know. Why dont you go find him and get out of my face. I just ate."
Goten laughed as before Trunks knew it he was punched into the wall. "Mind your tongue weakling. If you have seen our father you better say so before concret is added to your breakfast."
The lavender eyed prince growled and balled his fist. "If you wernt a girl.."
"You'd what? I think your scared and you have good reason ass clown. Stay out of my way I have no patients for incompetince." And with a toss of her purple hair she was out the room, Trunks the color of a cherry. Goten snickered. "Man, your sisters such a bitch man."
"I know. And its not fair because dad said if I hit her he'd beat the living shit out of me. Im not Mirai, I cant fight my dad when he's mad. He'd murder me. Last time I broke one of her nails, he drug me down the street! "
"I think your just trying to be daddies little boy. You know your stronger than him Trunks. "
The teen nodded and rubbed his cheek. "Yeah I know.. but I mean.. he doesnt have much left.. at least I can give him respect. He's lost so much.."
"Yeah I know.. "
The two finished packing and walked out into the hallway where they were met by warm chocolate eyes and a purring that was undeniablely infectious. First Goten then Trunks, they all started purring. Prisma smirked. " Well if it isnt the two princes. "
Goten arched a brow. " Im no prince. Vegetas not my dad. My dads Goku er I mean Kakkarrot."
He arched a brow and muscled thighs flexed under a tight black dress. "Kakkarrot? Then I am correct in assuming. Where is your father. I have questions for him."
The two looked at each other and the purring stopped. " We dont know.. he just left.."
"He's running.. interesting. Im sure I will meet him very soon. I suggest you get on board with your things before your left on this mudball."
"Oi!" With that they ran down the hall into the lab, where everyone else was waiting, Vegetas arms crossed in anger. "Where the hell have you two been? "
"You said a hour trunks!"
"Shut up chibi."
They jumped in followed by Prisma and set there luggage in their place, Trunks moving to the controls. The door slowly closed the ceiling opening to the cc as ignition sequence began. Bulma moved to the launch pad and put her head phones on. " Alright guys. Good luck and dont die or Ill bring you back and kick your asses. There is a monitor in the living quarters of every station so if somethings wrong or Trunks if you just miss mommy dial me up! Dont forget to wash behind your ears an-"
"I love you!" she yelled and pressed the launch button, smoke gathering under them as the ship started to rise from the ground, gaining altitude and flying at light speed out the CC grounds and atmoshphere. Gohan held his stomach. " Ugh.. I think Im gonna be sick.. "
He leaned over his seat and puked while Pan figited in her seatbelt. "Someone get me out of this thing already!" She started to yell and was about to tear it apart when slendar fingers undid the clasp, a smirking look giving to her small face. She gasped. " Thank you... "
"Your welcome. Tell me, is the one named Kakkarrot also your decendant?"
"He's my grandpa."
"I see. You have earth like features but your father is saiyian."
She started to say something but the other just wandered off. Now at a slow level, Trunks put on the gravity control and put the ships corridants in. They rose and took there things to their quarters, Vegeta walking around, inspecting the ship. It was a large ship, it had numerous rooms , 2 living rooms and many bathrooms along with a a deck and a few other luxuries. Bra wandered through its halls after putting her things away.
This trip.. would end in failure she knew it. The only reason she went was because her father did. She would follow him to the ends of the universe. She loved him. He was her king, he was her everything. She looked down at her boots as she came to a wall, her instincts in high gear, the hairs on the back of her head standing on end. Just then she was grabbed in a hug and hung over by strong thick arms.
Ugh. Trunks. Well.. it sort of smelled like Trunks.. but she knew it was not Trunks. Trunks would never hold her like this. A hand moved over her breasts and gave them a nice squeeze, making her completely red and livid. " Mirai!! Get your perverted hands off me!!" She raised a boot and kicked the older saiyian in the balls before turning to punch him in the chest. He scrunched over alittle in pain before laughing, his long lavendar hair cascading over his shoulder. " Aww come on baby sis. Im just giving you a friendly greeting. Your becoming a big girl. "
"And your turning into a bigger freak. How did you get here?"
"Mom transported me on deck. Isnt that cool? She has transporters on board from the ship to the lab. "
"No its not cool. You shouldnt be here."
"Why not?"
"Because.. just.. leave me alone." she huffed and started to stalk off when her tail was grabbed and she froze, a moanish growl coming from her throat. " Let go."
"Wheres dad?"
The pain intensified as it was squeezed. She refused to scream. " He is with his new boy toy. Let me go you ass." This time he did as told and ran down the hall. " Boy toy?"
Tail swishing side to side seductively, Prisma smirked at his father, the prince chuckling. "This better be worth it."
"Of course it will. When have I ever lied to you?" he said, eye lashes batting. Damn. He really looked like his mother. At that thought he frowned. "Prisma.."
"I didnt come to kill him father.. "
"Or anyone else." the prince said with a demand in his voice. The other simply smiled, long hair following him as they walked. They came apon a panoramic window in the other wise clinical hallway and he smiled, leaning out against it. " I have been looking for you for years my king.. I thought you had forgotten me..forgotten us.." Vegeta looked at him and shook his head. " I did not forget.. I tried to avenge his death Prisma.. I tried with every ounce of my strenght. I failed. "
"I heard Kakkarrot killed Freeza.."
"He did.. I tried for us.. I did. "
They looked out at the stars passing by and the taller man leaned his head against the prince's shoulder. " Its alright.. I have come to make it all better father.. "
"What do you have planned?"
Before he could speak Mirai ran up and stopped as he saw them. They turned not even breaking their intimate contact and the other gasped. " Boy. Your late."
Mirai smirked and watched the tail that twitched from under long spiky hair. " Looks like im right on time. I had no idea you had taken on a lover father.."
Vegeta blushed and snorted. " This is your eldest brother Prisma."
"Yes yes. Why is that so hard to believe? Do you all think your mother was the only piece of ass I ever had?"
The strange saiyian walked up to him and arched his brow, sniffing him as he walked around his form. " Your tail.."
"It was cut off at birth."
"Im sure it was beautiful.. even more so than that of your younger verison." he whispered seductively and the fighter blushed, hands starting to shake against his sword sheath. " Father if you dont mind, Id like to get aquainted with my new sibling now."
The prince laughed at Trunk's pale face and walked passed them. "Knock yourself out. Just no biting Prisma. He's not up for it."
When he was down the hall the long haired man leaned against the wall, looking at the other, eyes lidded with interest. " So Im sure you dont like being called Trunks.. so what is one to call you?"
The words rolled off his tongue as he repeated them, smaller frame taunt against the tight fabric of his dress. He grinned the evil of a saiyian prince as he licked his lips. " I like that. Mirai.. tell me. How long do you plan on staring at me?"
"You humans believe in incest do you not?" he raised his dress up to the high point of his thighs and the prince shuddered. " Gods.."
"Will serve you no purpose in this match. " the lavendar haired prince grinned and all but lost his sense, walking over and kissing the other hard, callus hands gripping the clothed sex he knew was there. " So you are a guy.."
Prisma smirked. "Did you have any doubt?"
"Daddy Im hungry.." Pan groaned and held her stomach. Gohan was finally feeling better and he looked at the map Bulma gave them of the ship. "Well lets see.. there should be a kitchen down the hall."
"Lets go!" the little demi cheered and the two left their quarters. They walked around a good six blocks be fore Pan stamped her foot. "Dad do you know where it is or not? "
"Im trying sweat heart. I cant read it. " She rolled her eyes and snatched his glasses off. "Thats cause you had these on. You dont need to pretend you cant see anymore."
He smiled at her and ruffled her hair. She was right. He could cut loose of his humanity. He unbuttoned his shirt alittle and grinned, sniffing the air. "Race ya!" he yelled and flew down the hall. "Hey! You cheated!!" she flew off behind him and the two soon found the kitchen, and in it her uncle Goten and uncle Trunks, making improper use of the kitchen floor.
"Ahh yeah...ooo Trunks right there!" Goten groaned out, hands fisting purple hair as his lover thrusted him into the checkered tile floor. Sweat sheened over a tanned brow as Trunks grunted, eyes rolling in the back of his head. " Fuck Goten you feel s-"
"Ahem!!" Gohan said loudly, covering Pans eyes and ears. She blushed and bit her lip, the two panting. " Can you two reframe from doing that in such a open area! For kami's sake your blocking the refrigerator!"
Goten blushed and pulled away from his mate, pulling his pants up. "Sorry Gohan.. " the two said and moved to clean up the mess while Gohan and Pan walked down the hall. Pan rubbed her shoe into the floor and looked down. "Dad.."
"Yes sweetheart.."
"What where they doing?"
"This is you captin, just a reminder, there will be a - Goten get off of me Im trying to make a announcement. As I was saying, there will be a meeting in a hour and a party to be followed in the east living quarters of Goten and myself. Goten stop snatching the mic!"
"We ask that all children be put to bed before then because it is an adult partay!" Goten laughed and handed Trunks the mic. " Thats it all." intercom out.
Bra grinned as she leaned against the bridge door, looking at the two. "Oh dear brother..."
"What is is Bra? Cant you see the captin is busy with his first mate?" Goten smirked as he was bent over the control tower, Trunks behind him on his knees. Trunks looked up and arched a brow. "What is it?"
"I just thought the "captin" would like to know that theres a stole away on board.."
" A what?!" the two said and she smiled cutely, a faint blush on her cheeks. " Mirai is here. Mother transported him onto the ship. Lucky you hm?" she laughed manically as Trunks went pale and boner died, his eyes the size of quarters. "Mi..Mirai? Noo..."
"Just doing my service to the public." she said and left , Goten frowning at her and standing up. "That girl is the devil."
Trunks slumped back in his chair and put his hands in his lap. "What am I going to do Goten? Mirais here.. he's going to make this trip hell. You know him. He's going to start doing stuff.."
"And touching things.." Goten added with a shudder, sitting in the chair next to him. " I dont think he'll be a good little saiyian until we get to the new planet. "
"Me either. "
Finally getting their food in a sex free enviroment, Pan and Gohan ate and watched some satilited tv in their living quarters, Pan pouting. " Dad why cant I go to the party. Im 14 Im not a kid anymore. "
"Honey, the things that will be going on at that party, your just not old enough for. One day youll understand. Just be a good girl and stay in your room ok? I brought all of your cds you can listen to them as loud as you like."
She pouted and huffed, deciding not to speak to him. He just stroked her hair and pulled her against his lap. "One day you will understand Pan. Dont be so quick to loose your innocence. Its a precious thing."
"Ahh ahh.." Prisma panted, a hand in the other prince's hair and the other smacking at the wall behind him, trying to grip it as he was impalled over and over by thick saiyian manhood. Mirai growled and thrust harder, nails ruining the silk stockings covering muscled thighs, the legs they belonged to pressing him deeper inside that willing body. Long hair moved with the sensless rythm he supplied with his hips, his loins burning with a fire that was consuming him and ready to shoot from his hard shaft.
Prisma leaned down and licked over his neck, crying out into the sensitive flesh. " How does sin taste Mirai.. " he whispered, grinding his hips down as he tightened around the large sex, its owner moaning deep in his throat. " Ahh.. fuck!" he cried out and ramed sac deep into the others heat, slaming against his prostate and shooting hot silken seed hard against it in white jets. The black haired prince followed him with a scream, nails embedding themselves into the wall. " Mirai!!"
The warrior slumped to his knees with the other against him, both panting. Brownish black eyes looked down into blue ones and the two shuddered at the connection between them. Quickly they separated and ran away from each others gazes, from the thudding in their chests. Mirai groaned as he stopped, sniffing the air. It smelled like Trunks. He walked in the nearby quarters and borrowed some of the boys clothes and cleaned himself up, taking a shower to erase the violent passion he had just had out of his mind. What the hell was that?
Sure, he was used to just fucking out of the blue. And fucking his brother he didnt have a problem with. He had fucked his father and that was a reason he was here but he hadnt planned on that feeling afterward. He wanted to see his replacement. His fathers new boy toy as Bra put it. He didnt need glasses to see the look the prince gave him meant those words were true. He just hoped they wernt permenet. Water streamed down his cheeks and he grinned as he heard Trunks yell. " Mirai!"
He had purposely put his armor on the boys bed to piss him off. What a easy target. The bathroom door came flying open and Trunks stood with his sword and dirty boots in his hands, flinging them into the shower with him. " Our bed is not your damn closet Mirai. Get out of my shower and take your shit with you."
He grabbed the sword and layed it against the rod so not to get wet and dropped the dirty shoes on the floor, soaping up his long silky hair. Water chisled down his naked form and his present self turned red, unknowingly looking him over. He gasped as he noticed a tattoo on his inner thigh. "When did you get that?"
The older demi opened his legs and proped one up on the ledge to inspect the marking. " Back in the android war. "
"What does it say?" the curious teen said and leaned close, reading the words. " My body is Trunk's Brief's temple." At the words he turned red. "You arrogant bastard. You would put you are your own god on your body.."
A soapy hand touched his cheek and the warrior smiled. " I wasnt talking about myself. My names Mirai isnt it?" A wet hand ran over his bowl cut as light colored eyes like his own and yet so diffrent looked into his soul. He swallowed and turned away and jerked from the touch. "Your being a jerk Mirai.. I cant believe you would put that on your bod-" "On our body.." the other corrected him, placing his hands on his wet chest. The teen shuddered and looked at his spitting image and wondered how they could be so diffrent. "Im in love with Goten.." he only managed to say, looking down at the tattoo.
"Yes I know.." A slippery kiss was placed on his cheek before the other turned around. " Will you wash my hair?"
Hell no.
"Sure I guess.." he rolled his sleeves up and massaged through the silky strands, arching a brow as he noticed another tattoo on the back of his neck. " Whats this?" he touched the mark and read it. " Son Gohan, keeper of my soul, may he rest in peace."
Something pained in his heart as he read the words. 'He must just told me to wash his hair so I can see this..' " You really loved him didnt you.."
"More than anything.. I wish I could bring him back.. I look at Gohan here.. he's not the same man.. he could never be.. " He was suddenly feeling sorry for his future self when water was splashed all over his clothes. "You bastard!" he growled and forgot the momment they just shared, punching him into the wall and washing his hands. "Why are you here? To hurt me? To torment me? "
"You think too highly of yourself to think that Id come to see you little me. I have come to be by my fathers side.."
Trunks smirked. " You have come to sit in his lap you mean. Too bad he's got that new guy on him. They are probably lovers."
" Are you talking about this new guy?" he grinned and sent him a mental playback of him grounding Prisma into the wall and having the other scream his name to the heavens. Trunks blushed and growled. " Your such a fucking slut! I dont know anyone you havent slept with!" he fumed and walked out the door, his future self laughing. " I havent slept with you Trunks!"
Right on schedule the meeting began, everyone sitting at a large oval comand table with a hollogram of their route. Trunks pointed. "This is where we are. We have 2 weeks before we get to the planet. As far as Ive found out, the people have been fighting off the plague and are dying fast. Every nearby planet has tried to save the population but the diease is terminal. "
Prisma nodded and shifted the data til it showed the planet. " There wont be any surviors when we get there, but we will have to deal with the opposing race. "
Vegeta frowned. "Who is the opposing race?"
They stared at him and started to growl, Vegetas eyes widdened. " Icejins?! Who the hell are we up against now?! Frieeza jr?!"
"How did you know?"
Trunks fell over." You can not be serious. This is a joke. You bring us out here to fight icejins without Goku? We're dead. We're so dead."
Gohan frowned. " We can not fight icejins without a plan. Only Vegeta and me know some of their attack patterns but they are all not alike as we seen with Cooler."
"Why do we want this planet again?" Pan asked, looking frightened at the images of freeza on the screen. Gohan looked at her and agreed. " Hey guys we were going to rebuild a planet, not fight a war... I dont think we are able bodied to fight against a icejin army. "
Vegeta rolled his eyes and looked around at them. " Boy look at us. Look at us! This is all thats left of our race. This is it. We are coming close to becoming extinct. When me and Kakkarrot and Prisma die, thats it for full blooded saiyans. Its not about pride. Its about preserving our species. So your child wont have to be ashamed to walk down the street. So we can fight and not hide who we are. There is nothing wrong with being sayian! We are not evil monsters that eat women and children. We dont kill just to kill. We are strong and should not have to bend to a society that isnt our own.. we shouldnt have to kill innocent people.."
Everyone stared at him, his body shaking with the intensity of his words. They knew he was right. They wernt fighting for pride or glory. They were fighting for the right to live as a people. Prisma put a hand over his shoulder. " Your right father.. I will stand by you."
"Me too.." Mirai said and soon everyone nodded in agreement.
Goten snacked on a pocky stick. "So whats the plan? "
Prisma stood. "I have men posted at a nearby base. They have been monitoring the icejin activities and right now collecting data we can use for a frontal assult. I dont suggest offense. We need to let them on the soil first. There we will be able to supply a trap for their first batch of soliders. Trunks," he looked toward the boy and tossed him a zip lock bag. "This is piece of ice jin flesh I had frozen into a hard state for testing. See if you can make a sulfur that will do some real damage to that skin without regeneration as its feed back. " Vegeta smirked as his sons grin turned into something animalistic. He finally got to play with his toys.
" Tommorrow I want everyone putting in time in the GV. Its large enough for a large range spar. Namek. Me and you and the boy can start working on defense based on what we know of their attacks. Prisma, you and Mirai work on making this ship ready for battle. The woman put supplies down on the lower deck. "
"Yes father. "
The boy stopped sucking to look up at him. " hm?"
" I want you to teach Pan some of the moves you and Trunks used on Baby, and the two of you alert Bulma of our status tommorow. Bra, map out our city. Here is the planets maps." he rolled them over to her and she smirked. " Can I do the palace first?"
"Heh. Yes. And write down every law I told you down. I want them for the royal books. "
With jobs everyone felt this trip was more fullfilling, they all had obligations, had things to do and had to make sure they had it together because there was no Goku and he wasnt here to make it all better. They were going into battle and they didnt have his luck on their side this time. The reality was they were on a suicide mission for purpose. Purpose to fit in a world of their own design.
"Lets get this party started!!" Goten grinned and broke out the beer, the lights in their quarters flashing like a disco ball from red to green to orange. He kissed his lover hard on the lips and smirked as he looked up at the make shift lights. "Trunksie, your so smart. "
"Yeah I know. Pass a beer and crank up the music!"
A hard base sound shook the room as they danced, both changed into some party suited clothes. Goten wore a dark green shirt and black pants that were tight on his muscled thighs and Trunks a black tank with matching leather pants.
The music is just right
let me hold you tight
pump your body tonight
Bra and Vegeta walked in as cold as ever, not taking to the high jumpy music. Vegeta was clad in black, tight black shirt and pants to match, his daughter a black choker dress with matching boots. Both wore chains of bondage and if you didnt know any better you'd think they were a couple. Mirai walked in and grabbed a beer and his sister along the way, dancing to the insane beat as he was punched in his chest. " Mirai let me go.." she said, noticing Gohan walk in and sit against a farwall couch, Gohan looking like a cool pointdexter.
It wasnt until long ebony hair trailed in after slendar hips did the music change as if on some sort of snyc with the newcomer. Vegetas eyes trailed over his child, looking like the eve of hells lust for the darkness. He wore a long black dress that covered his feet in the back like a bridal train, his hips exposed by jagged cut circles cut out of the material, a v drawstring up over his neck and back exposed right down almost to his rear where the line of a red g string was in clear view. He wore chains over his wrists and fisnet gloves on his hands, eyes painted with some sort of black moondust silver, hair only pinned on the sides by black roses.
Theres something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
retracting reacting
against my will I stand beside my own reflection its haunting I cant seem
to find myself again my walls are closing in
Mirai blushed as he walked up next to him, a blushing Bra between them. "May I?" Prisma smirked at him and he shook his head. "Not at all. " He removed his hands from Bra but stood shock as he started dancing with her instead of him, his long painted fingernails trailing down her side. The princess shivered violently and looked into brown eyes like she'd never seen before. A firm yet smooth body was pressed against hers and fingers intwined with her own. She couldnt dance. She looked all but silly.
She tried to move in step but fell against his chest when a furry appendage brushed against her tail and stroked it slowly. Prisma leaned into her ear and licked over it with a grin. " What a beautiful tail princess.." And with that he left her standing there, shaking like a leaf. Vegeta laughed and watched him with amusement, however Gohan frowned . " He looks like..."
"Hey Prisma come have a beer." Trunks grinned and passed ove a drink. Anyone who disses Mirai and gets away with it is a friend of his. He took the drink and chugged it, Goten laughing. "Looks like a woman but drinks like a man!"
"I fuck like a man too little one. Like to find out?" he whispered into Gotens ear and he froze, sniffing the air. Taking a long drag was Trunks, grinning like a cat. Bra turned to leave when a hand was placed on her waist and she swallowed. " Father.."
"Are you going to let him win? He will be treating you like that until you show him your not taking his shit. " She turned to him with her blue hair shinning in the mix colors and nodded, kissing his cheek and walking back over where she sat amoungst them grinning, her legs crossed. Mirai looked toward Trunks and smirked. The two sitting on either side of her. " Watcha smiling about sis? "
"Oh nothing."
"Come on tell us."
"I was just laughing at how he caught a boner from just dancing with me. It must have been magical with him wanting to be a girl and actually dancing with one.."
The two laughed hard and Prisma blushed. " Wanting to be a female? Me?"
"Why else do you dress like that? "
He grinned. " Because I was raised in a whore house while you were being conceved."
They stopped laughing and Bra rolled her eyes. " That explains everything."
"Maybe we should switch places litte princess. Perhaps you should have been the one getting raped by men who didnt care if you were sick or preg-" he stopped as he saw Vegetas eyes, chewing on his lower lip. " Forgive me.. I must take my leave.." he turned and walked off from the room, Trunks shoving her shoulder. " Nice going sis."
Vegeta ran after him, anger flooding through him. " Prisma!'
"Please dont.."
"Who impregnated you.." he growled, shaking the other by his shoulders. His head turned to the side and he didnt anwser. "Who Prisma?!"
"Friezza..." he said below a whisper, face contorted with pain. He pulled at the hole in the dreses hip to reveal a long cut below his abdomen, the scar long and horrid. For the first time he really did feel like a bad father. "What happened to the child.. " the ouji whispered soothingly, stroking his cheek. The taller man looked down at him and breathed out in a shudder. " He took him from me.. I dont know.. if he killed him...or.. " he said no more as he held in his emotion. He wouldnt allow his father to see him cry. That would be disgraceful to cry infront of him. The flame haired man felt like he was falling apart. He had a reason to hate Kakkarrot. Now he had another. He took him from his family..
But then how is it that he came to need him, to love him so much..
He walked the other into his quarters and laid him in bed, wrapping his arms around him tight. " Its alright to cry.. I learned that in being away for so long.. I cried myself to sleep every night when I thought of you alone.. up there with him.. He'd surely kill you.. me and your mother gone.. "
He looked up into the eyes of his father and the tears slid freely from his wide eyes. "Why.. did Kakkarrot kill my mother.. "
Vegeta rubbed through his long hair and pressed his head to his chest. " He didnt know Prisma.. what we were doing we were made to do.. he could not see that we were being forced to kill for friezza.. he was trying to save his son..
No Goku couldnt see it. He was too damn dumb to understand that. His lover left toward earth with a secret mission. He went to bring Goku back with them. To set them free. He couldnt see that pass the front they set to trick Friezza. No he couldnt. And when Radditz died, a part of his soul died with him. He had left his only child in the hands of a monster who destroyed his race, in order to avenge his lover, and left him to be beatened battered and scared. As the other layed sleep in his arms he knew he had to win this battle. For his son. The one left behind.