Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Vegetasei Pop. 8 ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The morning came and so did its events for all on board, Trunks awakening in a groagy state. He rubbed his eyes and turned to meet a tanned chest like his own, and lavendar hair stuck in hs face. His eyes shot up. "Mirai!"
Goten groaned. "Trunks dont yell so early in the moring..."
He looked down and there was his sleeping mate, smacking away at his inner thigh. He kneed him awake. " Goten why is Mirai in our bed?!"
The double ganger yawned and kissed his forehead, pulling him closer. " Trunks.. my body is your temple.." he murmured through sleep, looking like a angel. The teen prince blushed and raised up against him. " Ugh.. let go Miiraii...." he stuttered out, a hand stroking his sex awake. " Mm.. baby your so tense in the morning.. relax.." Goten whispered and kissed the tip of his swelling shaft, his lovers mind going in circles. 'Fuck this is not happening..'
"Goten I want it too.." the older saiyian whispered and the black haired teen complied, lips moving to a more experienced shaft, licking over the strong veins in its hardness before moving back to the other, stroking both in his hand. "Goten I cant believe your doing this?!" he moaned out, hips jerking up. Goten smiled sleepily and licked over his slit. "Its not as if Im cheating on you Trunks. " he whispered against wet skin, stroking the hard shafts faster, hands slick with pre essence. Mirai groaned and grinded up into the touch. " Mm.. fuck Goten.." The sound made Goten shudder and he looked up at them straddling the future prince's lap, that hard shaft pressing at his entrance. Trunks groaned at the sight. It wasnt the first time he'd watched Mirai fuck Goten, but it was the first time he was doing more than watching.
He panted and watched as his lover was impalled by his older self, his pale hips moving up and down on the seed slickened cock. " oh kami.." he stuttered out, his hand still working on his mates shaft. He settled all the way down and cried out, body tightening around him, Mirais nails dug into his hips. "Ahh yesss... " he hissed, eyes tenting teal. Just as his power started to flux the boy got up and settled down on Trunk's needy manhood, hips rolling against the thick shaft. "Ahh gods!" Trunks moaned, his older self gasping at the hands on his shaft.
Goten leaned forward and sat back hard, his sweet spot being rammed against. "Ohh Truunkks!!" he screamed, lips taking his arousal fast and sucking hard as all three of them came at once, scream echoing through ou the room. Once he came down Goten looked down at Mirai and twitched in his mouth. "You keep a dick in your mouth man. You'd think you needed a pacifier. "
The long haired prince laughed and racked his teeth over his slit, causing the teen to whimper. " I cant help it I have a oral fixation and you have sweet cum. Trunks shouldnt be so stingy. "
The blue eyed scientist was nearly passed out under him, shaking from the gravity of his release. "I think Trunks had alittle too much fun."
"Shut up."
"Make me. "
"Goten, stick a dick in his mouth and get off of me. We have work to do or were all going to die. "
"I dont want you to get up.. it feels nice to have all of you in bed." he laughed and leaned down to kiss the boys lips, followed by a smirking Mirai, who was just happy to have his other self near. " He's right Goten. We have work to do. We can play with him later. Lets go take a shower though."
"Ok. Come on Trunks. "
"Were all not going to fit in there!" he protested as he was dragged out of bed an into the bathroom.
Pan grinned as she stood in her sparing attire waiting for Goten. She had wrote down things she thought theyd need and checked to make sure she left nothing out for Aunt Bulma. Bra passed her and she smiled. " Morning."
"Hn. Indeed. My mother has teleportation devices on the floors of the ship. That should be useful in your recovery of tools from her. Theres one right under your feet.."
The little girl looked at the clear circle and blushed. "Oh wow! Thanks Bra!" she looked around it and thought. No sooner had she finished her list had Goten arrived looking sloppy as ever, grinning all goofy like. "Hey Pan. Ready?"
"Yes. I even made a list of things we'll need from aunt Bulma." The two turned to the screen and dialed the scientist up, soon enough a picture appeared on the screen and then Ms Briefs herself, smiling widely. " Hi guys! Whats up?!"
Goten put on his serious face inherited by his father in times of crisis and gave her the low down of their opperations. " We need suits Bulma. And alterary for the ship. Trunks says he needs a few things from your lab and he gave me this list. Oh. Heres a list Pan made of a few other things well need. Were faxing it through. " they inserted the paper in a little slit under the screen and it popped back out, the papers apearing infront of her. "Ok guys. Will you do me a favor and post me into Vegetas room? I need to talk to him. "
"K Aunt Bulma. " Pan said and gave her a smile before dialing Vegetas quarter extension. The screen lit up in the princes room and he groaned as the light peered in his eyes. Bulma gasped at his fatherly appearance, a sleeping Prisma against his chest, drooling away. She snickered but when he groaned she stopped. " Woman I see the brats have alerted you of our mission. "
"Yes they have. I have their lists and ill be sending these items to the docking bay on level two for pick up this afternoon. I wanted to talk to you about Goku.."
The prince sat up and walked over to the screen hands on his hips. "Yes what of Kakkarrot. Have you found him?"
"My sensors say he's tracking dragon balls Vegeta. 17 said he seen him and he wasnt himself.. I dont know.. what he's up to... if he has finally snapped only dende knows what he's trying to do with Shenron. Ill keep you posted, as soon as I gather your things and send them Im going back on the hunt to find him, you guys will need him against icejins. "
"We will be fine with or without Kakkarrot. You find him, fine, he can come along for the ride. Im not putting my faith in him to understand this. Just make sure the idiot isnt trying to kill himself. Report back to us in a few days. "
"Alright honey. Love you, give Trunks a kiss or whatever for me, I have to go now. bye!" And then she was out and the connection died. Prisma looked dazed as he looked over at his father. "Why are you concerned about Kakkarrot? You love him dont you.."
"That idiot.. thats besides the point. He's up to something. I dont have time to deal with his idiocy. Get ready to spar and I dont want to see you in a dress today or everyone on board who hasnt will be looking at your ass."
He snorted and walked off to take a shower, the other groaning into the pillows. " But father.."
He just laughed and shut the door, the other fisting the sheets. When they were dressed they walked down to the gravity room, Prisma a light shade of red. His cheeks were flushed as they had no powdered blush on them and his ebony eyes even more so intense and innocent now that they were not layered with make up. He wore a black spandex suit as Vegeta, but his muscles now stood out and he looked masculine, save for the innocent look in his eyes.
He felt naked. He was no bigger than Goten and standing next to the prince he looked like a giant. They walked in and Trunks and Mirai were sparing, Trunks being beaten into the floor. The two stopped as they saw the other come in and gasped. Gohan turned and his eyes widdened. "Wow he really looks like him now!" he said mentally. Vegeta took to the air and the other followed him, getting into a stance. His eyes widdened when the prince turned bright gold and eyes tinted blue. He immediately dropped to his knees. " My lord! "
Vegeta smirked and pulled him up. "It is in your blood boy. You were meant to be great. And I will be the hell out of you until you reach Super saiyan. Now until then, show me what you got."
The tall prince smirked and nodded. " Alright my king.. " His hands stretched out as his eyes bled into a iridesent glow, his hair spiking a beautiful white and his power fluxed 3 fold. Gohan gasped. "Wow.. "
The two began to spar and everyone stopped to watch, the new prince doing moves they never seen before. He moved like Goku, only he was like lightening with those white streaks of hair, his punches and jabs like an unholy rain of blood. " Final flash!"
He groaned as he hit the wall and stood, spreading out into numerous copies, each one shooting blast after blast at the flame haired man. Trunks eyes went wide. " Hey he's using the mirror trick?"
Gohan shook his head. "No. Those arent reflections. "
"You mean he actually split himself that many times?!" Goten was astounded. Vegeta howled into SS2 and the two moved at inhuman speed. Three of Prismas clones were gone and 5 were left, their bodies melding back into one where he bent down and twisted his power into one huge disc.
"Oh shit he's going to blow us up!"
"Thunder!!" he cried out and the disc of white energy expanded and vibrated before shooting up and out directly at the prince, each one hitting him in the chest. At the exact same point. The engery knocked the prince into the wall and the ship shook, his armor cracked in half. He smirked and white hair turned black, the long haired man groaning as he was hit by the oujis surprise attack. Trunks laughed. " Oh man dads going to have the big head all day now. "
With a groan he fell only to be caught by a snorting Bra. She blushed and looked down at him. " Idiot. Dont over exsert yourself using fancy tricks. He slowed you down and moved in for the kill. "
He laughed and licked his bloody lip. " Ill have to remember that."
She sat him down and grinned at her father, flying up to him and powering up, her purple hair bleeding gold. "Come on father. "
"Princes-" Vegeta started to say but was firmly punched down into the floor by a cocky princess who didnt even bother to wear spar clothes. He laughed and came after her but as soon as he started to hit her he looked into her eyes and just couldnt. Too bad she didnt have the same reaction. She pumbled in into a heap, kicking him into the ground and firing her ki repeatedly like a gun at him, laughing manicly. Both Trunks, Mirai and Goten shuddered. "Man she's such a evil bitch!" Goten said out loud and yelped as he was shot at.
Everyone continued their work after much obvious play in the GR Pan learning a few good tricks of her own. She swelled with pride as she got to spar with her father and his mate, the two letting her knock them down. "Aww come on you two arnt even tryin!"
"I was! Honest! You totally knocked me out. " Gohan laughed goofily and grabbed her. " Aunt bulma says the equipment should be here later on the docking bay on level two."
"Good. Me and Vegeta are going to work out some plans ok? Go off and take a break. "
"Aww.. cant I watch?"
"No.. I wouldnt want you trying anything and hurting yourself. Why dont you ask Bra if she needs help with making the streets? Your a great artist maybe you could draw out the pictures for her."
"Ok." She ran out the room and down the hall to Bras quaters where she found the princess writing out plans. She brought her sketch pad and pencil and was hoping for a miricale. The blue haired girl saw her and stared coldly. "What do you want?"
"I uh.. I was wondering if I could maybe help you with the city? Im really good at drawing see??" She held up a drawing she did of her mother and father she did when her mother died. It was a very good picture. Even the princess had to admit that. " It looks adequate. Dont go free style on me, ok kid? "
She nodded and sat on her couch with pad in hand. " How about you tell me what you think it should look like, and Ill draw while you tell me?"
"I have configured a small device that should make a good distortion field. It stops all unknown frequencies and radar, and makes a good cloaking device. Thing is I dont know this type of craft so I dont know where the control board is. " Prisma stuck a screw driver behind his ear and bit his lip as he tightened the screw with his fingernail. Mirai looked down at him from the mantle and smiled. " I do. My mom did make this after all. "
" Well lead the way. " He pulled him up and the two crawled down the small mechanical shoots used for repairs, the space cramp and dark. They stopped for a break and the lavendar haired prince went super saiyan to provide light. " Nice trick. "
"Yours are pretty nice too."
He took the small grid like device and looked at it. " Sure this is going to work?"
"Yes. It should. " the other said without looking at him, eyes on the metal fame of the shoot. A hand touched his cheek and he blushed. "What happened to the guy that was screaming my name the other day?"
" I guess he left with the dress.."
"Im sure you have the same thing he has.. your far more beautiful now.." Teal blue eyes looked down at him and he shuddered. " I do not feel as if I am.. "
"Your a sexy prince.. why would you hide all of this.. look at you.. " he whispered, and he was leaning against him, he didnt know how they got that way. It didnt matter. He brushed a tanned hand against his cheeks. " Never be ashamed of this.. " he said as he massaged through the others pants, causing a unearthy moan to leave his lips.
"Your so hot like this.. and you dont smell like flowers... you smell like.. gods.." he whispered into the base of his neck, licking over the spot. Something deep inside him made him want to bite down into that neck, into the body that was smelling so intoxicating.. so spicy and yet so arousing.. so male. But he resisted. He knew it was wrong. His teeth scrapped over the juncture of his throat and the other cried out, legs wrapping around him. It wouldnt have stopped there but the sharp end of the device grid punctured his thumb and he groaned. "Thats a sign that we should get back to work."
"Yeah." Prisma laughed and licked the blood that trailed from his thumb before the two continued down the shoot to the small shaft in the ships nerve system, setting the device in place.
Trunks positioned his goggles ontop of his head and veiwed the slither of specimen he had cut from the sample he was given, watching it change shape and stiffen in its confied area of his dish. Using a dropper he spilled nitrogliserin onto the subject and it froze solid.
"Yes!!" he grinned but frowned as it broke out of its frozen shape and started to move in a violent fit of rage. He combined the gliserin with a silicon base alloid, the two melding in a wild green hue. He droped a droplet on the subject and it twitched violently melting in horrific green acidy bubbles before dissolving into a gas. The prince coughed as he accidently inhaled it, sneezing and coughing like a manic before hanging over the sink and and drinking some water. He wrote his results down and dialed his mothers extension. It rang and rang before she picked up from a mobile, her face sweaty as she drove. " Hey son whats the matter? You dont look too good. "
"Ive been working on a icejin sample to make a chemical that would actually affect their skin and I just mixed a silicon alliod with nitrogen and it seemed to work but it burned into a gas and I kinda inhaled it..."
"You idiot!"
"I didnt try to!! Geez!"
"I dont have time for this! Look. Im tracking Goku down on the east shore by Roshi's place. He has the dragonballs and I dont know what he's doing with them!"
"Im going to try my damnedest to bring him home before he summons Shenron. When I get back to send your things I want you on that portal so I can check you out you got that?!"
"Ok ok! Just dont get hurt ok? "
"I wont sweetheart. Now go drink some milk and put the chemicals away for now. Love you." She hung up and sped off to the shore. She finally saw her long time friend and noticed the sky growing dark and cursed. " Fuck! " She jumped out the car and ran to him. "Goku what are you doing?!"
"Bulma? What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you! Why are you about to summon Shenron?"
The earth raised sayian looked down and frowned. " I have my own reasons.."
"Whatever they are they can wait! Vegeta and the boys are fighing an icejin army in 2 weeks! They need you!"
"Wha?! Icejins! Why are they fighting them??"
"Its a long story! Grab your balls and come on!" The two grabbed the dragon balls and sped off to CC where the genius proceeded to tell him the entire story. " And now they really need your help."
"Bulma they are fighting for nothing. Why are they provoking them? They arent threatening the earth." She looked at him and couldnt believe what was happening."Goku they are trying to rebuild a place for them to live. You know the earth isnt were you guys belong. You cant be yourselves here. "
"Vegeta just wants to be king, he has no idea what he's doing. "
"Goku.. our sons are up there. Dont you care? Vegeta is up there. Do you want them to die because you dont believe in their cause?"
"He has been fighting for your cause for years.. "
Those words stung hard like a knife wound and the uneven haired man looked down. " Im sorry I made him hate this place.. " The intercom came on and the screen lit up. " Hey Bulma!! I dont mean to rush you, but Trunks isnt looking good!" Goten yelled and moved to the side, the purple haired teen turning a itchy green. "
"Ok send him down to the dock bay and Ill pick him up!"
"Hi dad!!" Goten grinned and the screen went black before he could respond.
Momments later Trunks materialized in the lab, itching his bumpy face. Gokus eyes widdened. "Whoa Trunks what happened?"
The teen didnt anwser, he just sat next to him and peeled his shirt off, taking the nice shot his mother had instore for him. " And next time wear a mask you dork." He laughed and the bumps started to disappear." Do you want to get in the rejuvination tank? "
"That might feel nice."
"Go head Im putting the rest of your things on the transporter. " Goku watched them move like frienzied animals trying to achieve a goal. He just didnt understand why they were fighting. About a hour later Trunks walked out looking like a millon bucks. "Thanks mom." she smiled and kissed him. "Oh yeah Trunks? Silicon and nitrogliserin? Pure genius." He smirked. "It runs in the family. Come on Goku you got to see the ship its way bigger than the one we had before! Its like huge. Oh and you have to come meet Prisma. He knows some of your moves! Its so weird. "
At the new name the third class warrior arched a brow. "Prisma?" Curiosity made him teleport with him to the ship. He could always come back right? Bulma smiled and mouthed a thank you to him. He looked at her with a sighish nod and Trunks grinned at her. " Oh Trunks? Just so you know, there is a sick bay near the kitchen if you need it. Theres a rejuvination tank in there as well. "
"Yeah I know. Just missed you. " At those words she smiled and sniffed. "Aww Trunks!! Mommy will visit ok? Be careful and take care of your father for me. " She pressed the send button and they disappeared. When they reappeared they were on the ships docking bay, met by Pan, Goten and the others, Vegeta trying to repress his happiness at seeing his rival. "Kakkarrot. Its about time you got your ass here."
The other didnt say anything, he just looked around, eyes stopping as he saw the new face. A new face that... looked like a old one? "This is my son Prisma.."
"Kakkarrot.." the long haired man said, both meeting with chocolatey eyes. Goku, not being one to keep things in, narrowed his eyes at him. "He looks like Radditz.."
"Thats because he was my mother.."
Gohan frowned as his thoughts were affirmed. "Vegeta why did you lie.. "
Vegeta looked astounded at them and their cruel eyes. "I lied about nothing fool. He is my son, his mother was Radditz. What is so hard to undertand?"
Goku frowned more. "Guys cant get pregnant Vegeta.. who is he and tell us now."
Prisma looked at him with hatred but held in his emotions. "Kakkarrot.. "
"Only friends can call me Kakkarrot.."
"Would you prefer uncle?"
"Im nothing like you."
Vegeta was not believeing this. What the hell is wrong with Kakkarrot?
"You dont even know me. Look I understand that you have lived on earth and are mentally incapable of learning saiyian biology now at such a old age, but I know you can feel we are related. I should be the one ba0ring my teeth. You killed my mother.."
Vegeta growled. "Kakkarrot.. if your going to cause problems just go back to play on your mudball. Im not going to listen to you talk to my son like he is some freak. "
"Im not leaving until I find out whats going on."
Prisma looked towards his father before turning to pick up some of the equipment, walking off to the elevator. Goten, Trunks and Pan followed him, all silent as the other four stood. Gohan wanted to know.. needed to know.. but the knew they wernt going to find out now. They picked up the remainder of the suppilies and left the two at the bay. Goku sat on the steps and Vegeta sat down next to him, arms crossed. "Vegeta whats going on.."
"Exactly what I said Kakkarrot.. that feeling you have.. that dead wandering feeling is from being caged on a planet you dont belong. You wont have any passion staying there. "
"What do you know about passion.." he frowned at him and the prince didnt comment. " He is my son Kakkarrot.. Friezza.. he had the three of us against our will. He made us work for him just as he killed our people. To preseve our race.. I impregnated your brother and he gave birth to a son. But we could not tell friezza he was a male or he would kill him.. so we named him Prisma.. "
The earth raised saiyan thought about this. It seemed impossible. But everything did. "Your telling the truth.. "
"Yes.. I even.." he looked down to the metal steps fist clenching. " I was pregant when I came to earth.."
At those words he felt his gut wrench." Vegeta no..."
"I lost the child.. I wanted to kill you so badly...I put my family in danger.."
"Why didnt you say something.."
"Oh sure Kakkarrot. Please dont kill me, Im pregnant with the child of the man that tried to kidnap your son. Sounds nice. "
"Why didnt he come down peacefully! Why did he have to try to take Gohan!"
"It was a trap to lure you to us.. so we could kill Friezza.. So my son wouldnt have live in that hell hole.. I left him there. And never went back. He raped him Kakkarrot.. he even took his first born.. I have to win this war. I have to give my son a home."
For the first time in his life, Goku felt like an adult. One that screwed up someones life. He thought he broke Vegetas spirit. He had no idea he had stollen his life. With that pain in his heart he touched the princes shoulder. "I will fight for you Vegeta. I will die for you.."
"I dont want you to die Kakkarrot. I just want you by my side.. we are all we have left."