Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Dreams ❯ Dreamland ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, DB, DBGT or anything related, except for the idea for this fic.

Zookeeper: I know you all must be pretty mad with me right now, because of the disappointing chapter 2 and mega delay in updating. I have already apologized at the end of the 2nd chapter of "Problem Solved", but apparently that's not the most popular section in the fic, and therefore, I apologize again here. Sorry for the disappointment.

Reporter: And also for all of you Goku/Chichi lovers that really aren't into the idea of reading a Vegeta/Bulma lemon (prelude), here's a very, very brief summary of what you have to know from the previous fic. Basically, Vegeta believes Chichi needs a good screw to be less bitchy, but Goku isn't figuring that out. So he and Bulma went to have some "fun" in the Son's house, thinking their pheromone will make Goku get the point. Just before they left, Vegeta intentionally dropped one of Bulma's black feather earrings. There. On with the story!


It was a beautiful day out, with the sun shinning, the birds chirping, toddlers giggling, cats purring...and everybody in a good mood. Not.

Son Chichi pushed her way through the usual crowd in the grocery shop, steam coming out of her ears. The downpour of rain/hail/blizzard outside didn't act cool her down, but instead added to her fury. In short, she's pissed as hell.

'I can't believe that bastard! Hitting on me in the middle of the shopping mall in front of everybody! And he knew I was Gohan's mother, too!' Chichi involuntarily clenched her teeth at the cause of her spoiled mood...Sharpener. Her tight lips, however, slid into an evil smirk when she thought about what became of the arrogant overly-blonde boy...a helpless pile of moaning beat-up flesh on a stretcher speeding towards the nearest hospital. 'Well, he deserved it. should've known better than to flirt with me, mother of his classmate.'

Still with the smirk on her face that would make Vegeta proud, Chichi headed towards the exit of the shop, her heavy groceries easily slung over her shoulder like it was nothing. She paused at the speaker by the door, which is currently broadcasting the city's most reliable weather forecast.

"Good news in the weather front! The rain clouds seemed to be moving out of the downtown area and heading towards the remote Mount Fry-Pan! The sun will appear very soon and temperature will climb to about 25¡ãC this afternoon. And now, ladies and gentlemen, please stay tuned for our exclusive interview with the one, the only, saviour of the Earth--Hercule!"

"Great, just my luck! Mr. Rain cloud seems to be attracted to me and determined to follow me home! Argh!" Chichi rolled her eyes upon hearing the last comment, storming out of the shop door.

After about more than half an hour of traveling on foot, Chichi finally arrived at her dome-shaped house, bone tired and dripping wet. 'Well, I'm soaked to the core, being hit on by horny teenagers, and the world thinks I'm crazy. Wonderful! Now all I¡¯ll need is to find some stranger having sex in my house and my day would be complete!' Chichi thought bitterly to herself, oblivious to how close she was to the truth.

Storming into the house and dropping her now fishbowl-like shopping bags with unidentified groceries swimming in them, Chichi couldn't help but let out a string of curses, this just isn't her day.

When she stepped into the living-room to close the windows (the rain was pouring in), Chichi paused. Something wasn't right about the room. She look around, 'everything's neat and tidy, just like I expected. Nothing's out of place, and nobody could have came in the door because I left a note covering the keyhole to tell my Dad where I went... And yet this gut feeling just gets stronger the longer I stay here...'

Shaking her head and mentally slapping herself for exhibiting such idiotic behaviour, Chichi finished the task of closing the windows and went upstairs to change.

'Ahh...the warm water I'm bathing in is so much soothing than those damned raindrops...' Chichi let out a content sigh as she sank deeper into her bubble bath. Relaxation times like this has been viewed as a waste of time when she was on top of things, but after what she's gone through today, Chichi decided that she still deserves it once in a while.

Suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, there was the strange feeling again. The feeling of something quite familiar, and yet highly unusual. Chichi froze in her bath. The feeling was weaker now than it was when she first experienced it downstairs, but definitely there. It frustrated her that she couldn't grasp the problem...it seemed to just float in the air.

Hesitating for only a brief moment, the half-demon fighter pulled herself out of the water and quickly showered. She was starting to turn into a prune, anyway. Wrapping a towel around herself, Chichi angrily discovered that her hair dryer has broken down yet again. 'Damn! I forgot to buy a new one today. Guess I'll have to leave my hair down so it could dry naturally.'

Too tired and relaxed to take care of the swimming groceries, Chichi entered the adjoining bedroom and eased herself onto the soft mattress of the bed, giggling softly as she snuggled into the many pillows around her. She didn't bother with a nightgown, because she was just going to rest a little bit. 'I'll just take a little nap for about 15 minutes or so, and then I'll take care of the chores...yeah...sounds good...I'll do that...' Before she could even finish her thought, Chichi drifted into a sound sleep.


"Goku? What are you doing here?" Chichi woke up, startled to find her husband sitting on the bed beside her, naked.

"I live here." Goku stated simply, his face expressionless. But his eyes seemed darker and were burning with desire.

"I know that! What I mean is, what are you doing here at 4:00? Aren't you supposed to be sparring with Vegeta right now?" Said Chichi, confused.

"I took a break. Something...distracted me." Goku's eyes traveled up and down his wife's body, who still hasn't realized she was naked. Subconsciously, he licked his lips at the thought of that delicious body squirming beneath him.

See him do that, Chichi misinterpreted the meaning. "Oh, so you're hungry, huh? Well, what would you like to eat?"

"Hungry? Yes, I am. And I would like to eat...you." With that, the Saiyan lunged at his mate and pinned her onto the ruffled sheets, growling at the back of his throat.

"!!!" Chichi was shocked beyond anything. 'Goku rarely acted like that, if ever at all!' However, all thoughts were forgotten as Goku flipped her onto her stomach, and reached his hands around to squeeze her full, perky breasts.

"Goku...oh...what are you..." Chichi couldn't help but blush when she felt the heated tip of his erection pressing against her tender opening, waiting for her consent. She started to instinctively squirm beneath her husband's large body, unknowingly rubbing against him in a very erotic way, fuelling his desires.

"Chichi..." Unable to contain himself any longer, Goku thrust into his mate with practiced strokes, pounding against the tiny pleasure spot inside of her, driving her absolutely crazy.

"GOKU! Oh...GOKU!" Chichi threw her head back and moaned. Through the haze of pleasure she vaguely remembered Bulma telling her about Saiyans going into heat... now that their tails are back.

'But Goku doesn't have a tail right now...' Just then, an exceptionally powerful thrust interrupted her thoughts, pushing her over the edge. Chichi saw white in front of her eyes before screaming her husband's name "GOKU!!!" on the top of her lungs, her juices rushing out to coat both of their crotches as he spilled his seed deep inside of her.


Son Goku had decided to finish his training early today. For one, Vegeta wasn't home. In fact, the entire Capsule Corps compound was empty. Also, he was feeling extremely weird.

Of course it had something to do with him getting his tail back. Bulma had designed a special ray that was supposed to make sure that he and Vegeta never go oozaru again unless it is wanted. But it somehow brought the tails back too. Not that it's a bad thing.

He kinda misses having the little furry brown thing behind him all the time, and he was glad to have it back without causing trouble. However, this isn't what caused the weird feelings in his stomach. It almost felt like before the battle with the Androids, when they were hiding and he couldn't find their ki. It was extremely frustrating. But Goku knew he wasn't looking for Androids, or a fight, not even food. The fact he doesn't know what he wants bothered him a lot, so much so he decided to go home early.

It immediately hit Goku that something was wrong as soon as he saw his home from the distance with his super-human abilities. The lights weren't on, and there wasn't any smoke coming out of the chimney. Surely, Chichi should be cooking by now? It was getting dark, but not late enough for her to finish cooking, yet.

Then a terrible thought struck him. What if Chichi finally got fed up with him training every day she left? Maybe that's why she sent Goten to her fathers', so they could discuss a divorce? Or worse, what if Chichi never made it home because someone had hurt her? He didn't even bother to check on her ki once that day...

And Goku panicked even more when he did. Her ki was fluctuating a lot, in an almost violent way. It usually happens when people exhaust themselves with something very physical, and in this case, it seemed that Chichi's trying to protect herself.

'Oh no...please don't let this be true...' Goku would've beat himself up if he could. How could he let this happen to her? 'Please hang on, Chi! I'm coming!' Goku closed his eyes in guilt and raced towards her ki, in his mind going over all the possibilities of what happened to his wife, each one worse than the one before.

So imagine his surprise when he slammed into the closed window of his house, stopping on instinct in just enough time not to break it.


Goku tentatively opened the front door, prepared to battle whatever monsters that might pounce him. None came. He walked through the house, and realized there was a thick musk in the air, causing a tingling sensation of longing in his stomach. He shook it off and continued his way to the bedroom, where he could sense Chichi's ki, but stopped when he saw something glimmering on the carpet and picked it up.

'It's a black feathered earring...strange, I don't remember Chichi ever wearing one of these...' He shrugged and stuffed it in his pocket, continuing his way up the stairs. And then, suddenly... "GOKU!"

'It's Chichi!' With adrenaline pumping through his veins, the Saiyan literally flew up the stairs and right through the bedroom door.

Goku stood rock-still at where he landed, rooted to the spot, jaw on the floor, not believing his eyes, ears, or any other sense that he might have. It was all he could do to not to faint when he felt a heat wave crash right into him, leaving him so horny he could barely stand.

There, in the middle of the ruffled sheets and strewn pillows, was his beautiful mate, in all of her naked glory. She was obviously having the time of her life, having one hand squeezing her breast and another between her legs, screaming out her pleasure for the heavens to hear.

"GOKU! Goku, please..." Chichi moaned again, and flipped over again, giving him a very good view of her round behind. Goku swallowed, hard. 'So she's having a sexy dream...about me...' Goku concluded, surprised that he could even use his brain right now. Rubbing his jaw, which is sore from hitting the window, the door, and then the floor, the Saiyan noticed a much more urgent and pronounced discomfort at his crotch. His comfortable gi suddenly seemed not so loose anymore.

Goku kicked off his boots while watching his wife achieve her orgasm, screaming out his name in the process. Unable to resist, he climbed into bed and sat, watching as Chichi sighed contently and giggled, sinking back into the soft mass of pillows.

Chichi blushed when she thought of her dream. Goku had been so... wild, and... passionate. It wasn't like him to act like that, but she isn't going to be the one to complain. It was a dream, after all. She giggled when she tried to sit up, and felt the wetness between her legs. She decided she'll stay in for a while, just until she's less giddy and gets her head back from the clouds.

"*giggle* Well, that was some dream, alright!" Chichi grinned stupidly to herself, enjoying one of her rare air-headed moments until...

"Yeah, I'll have to agree, seeing your reactions to it." Chichi froze instantly at the husky masculine voice, at the moment too frightened to recognize it as her husband's. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated on controlling her ki and pin-pointing the other's position. Then, faster than the blink of an eye, Chichi flipped over, and aimed a perfect right hook into the intruder's head.

Only to be blocked effortlessly by a familiar palm.

"GOKU?! What are you doing?!" Chichi was starting to seriously doubt her mental stability. Is she having a dream inside a dream like crazy people often do?

"Hey, Chi. I came home early today cuz Vegeta wasn't home." Goku tried to make his voice as deadpan as possible, failing miserably as his desire for her clearly seeped into his words, making them raw. "The better question would be, what were you doing?"

"I...I was...I..." Chichi stammered helplessly, her face red as a tomato. It was bad enough that he caught her in such a situation, but now that's she's seen him for real, she was getting horny again. "I came back from grocery shopping, and... and it was raining, so..." She pointed to the windows, indicating the darkened skies outside.

Suddenly, it hit her. Just how long has she slept? It's already dark outside! fumbling to turn on the dim bedside lamp, Chichi glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table, and shrieked, nearly having a heart attack.

"6:30! Oh no! I have to get up and make dinner! Sorry Goku, I didn't mean to sleep so long! Honest! I'll cook as fast as I can so you...mmn!??" Chichi's heart skipped another beat when Goku silenced her... with a passionate kiss on her lips.

Son Goku slowly pulled back, leaving both of the breathless as he took in his wife's tousled appearance. She was stark naked, her dark hair was loose and pooled around her shoulders like black silk, completed by the adorable blush on her cheeks.

"Chichi..." Goku picked up his lovely wife in his arms and put her on his lap so she straddled him. Slowly he bent down and sucked on her earlobe, enticing a soft purr from her. 'Chichi purrs?'

"What is it, Goku?" Chichi started to rub her body against her husband as well as purr, hoping against hope that he wouldn't say something stupid to ruin the mood. Something stupid that involves food.

"Well, about dinner..." Chichi sighed disappointedly. She knew it was too good to be true. Mentally smacking herself for getting her hopes up in the first place, she got up reluctantly, ready to dress herself and go downstairs to cook, something she really isn't in the mood for right now. Just as she was reaching the edge of their bed, something warm and furry wrapped around her ankle, stopping her in her tracks. Turning around, Chichi was surprised to find herself facing her husband's tail... something she found adorable, but lost many years ago.

"Goku...?" Chichi questioned, confusion written clearly all over her face. She gently unwrapped the tail, and held it in her hand, marvelling at the softness of the fur.

"Well, actually," Goku said with a cheeky grin, "I decided to eat my dessert first." Pulling his wife flush against him, the Saiyan began to kiss her all over, before she even had a chance to process her thoughts.

"Goku..." Chichi smiled, so he wasn't that stupid, after all. That smile merged into an evil smirk, when she realized his tail is still resting limply in her hands. Slowly, but firmly; the ex-fighter began to run her hand along the furry length, against the lay of the fur.

She was rewarded with a growl, and a small nip on her bite mark that almost made her swoon. She was happy to see that instead of snatching it away, her husband shoved his tail into her hands completely, allowing her to do whatever she pleased. And boy, was she pleased.

"Well, I can't give you your dessert until you're dressed for the occasion." Chichi whispered into her Saiyan husband's ear, grinning when she caught his confused expression. "In your birthday suit." With that, she began to viciously claw at his fighting gi, throwing it away faster than the human eye could see. Miraculously, without causing a single tear.

"Impatient, aren't we?" Goku said with a grin, amazed by his wife's speed in removing his clothes.

"I prefer to be called skilful." Chichi grinned back, and licked her lips at the sight of her naked husband, hard and ready for her. 'Perfect.'

Chichi gently pushed the Saiyan onto his back, and began to kiss and nip at the skin at his collar bones. Slowly trailing down, she played with both nipples, dipped in his belly button, and finally stopped at the apex of his thighs. There, his erection stands proudly, its hard shaft covered by soft skin, and the pink head glistening in the dim light.

Goku moaned as his wife nipped and kissed her way down, her beautiful black hair trailing with her, tickling his sides. Before long, she was between his legs, staring at him and licking her lips in a seductive way. He looked up just as she took him into her mouth, and nearly passed out and the sensations. 'her mouth is so warm, and wet, and...ahh!'

Goku suddenly threw his head back, gasping for air. His wife would've grinned if she could. Running her tongue over the tiny slit again, Chichi listened to her husband's harsh breathing and continued to suck strongly, while her hands played with his balls. She felt his fuzzied tail wrap gently around her forearm, giving her a little squeeze to urge her on.

The Saiyan gently thread his fingers through his mate's silky black hair and pressed her harder against him. Chichi took the hint, and deep throated him, causing him to gasp again. 'Oh, if she keeps on doing that, I won't be able to last any longer...' Goku was about to gently push her away, when a voice in his mind answered. 'That's true, but do you want to?' Deciding no, he bucked his hips, wanting more of his wife's skilful tongue. Just when he thought he might black out from all the pleasure, Chichi hummed. The vibrations of her throat engulfed his tip, and seem to have traveled all the way up his spine. He screamed out, bucking his hips completely off the bed, and shot the burning hot liquid right down her throat.

Chichi swallowed as much of his seed as she could, while the excess dribbled down her chin. Letting go of him, she lapped all over his shaft, catching as much as she could of her delicious dessert. Purring softly, she got up and kissed him on the lips, and allowed him to lick her chin clean before snuggling against his chest and feeling him wrap his arms around her.

As his breathing slowly got back to normal, Goku began to gently pet the little angel in his arms. She giggled and snuggled against the crook of his neck, lapping on his bite mark. This made his growl and his tail began to twitch as he sprung up almost immediately. Rolling over, he ravished his little mate with passionate kisses as his hands roamed all over her body, his tail twitching excitedly in the air.

Chichi squealed when Goku suddenly flipped over, trapping her underneath him. Instinctively she wrapped her arms around his neck, and moaned softly into his ear as he explored her soft curves. She couldn't help but giggle when his tail began to rub itself against her inner tights. It tickles! But behind that, there was a much more pleasant sensation starting to build up in her lower stomach, right where her husband's thick erection is poking at her rather rudely.

Goku slowly trailed his kisses from Chichi's lips to her ear lobe, sucking on it gently and enticing a gasp from her. His tail seemed to have a mind of its own and wrapped itself around her waist, pulling them even closer together. His hands cupped her full, round breasts, and played with the perky nipples. The moisture between her legs began to seep out, and coated her inner thighs as well as his. She was definitely ready.

Chichi gasped when Goku pinched one of her hardened nipples. Sensations, all pleasurable, were racing in her head, brushing and colliding with each other. She barely registered when her husband let go of her breasts and placed his hands on both sides of her to support himself, nor did she realize he had readjusted his position so he was directly at her opening. But she did snap back from pleasure land when she heard him emit a low growl, and sank his sharpened fangs into her bite mark. Subconsciously, she screamed and bucked her hips up, engulfing his straining shaft.

Goku moaned right against Chichi's bite mark when she bucked, causing him to slide into her easily. Her walls were warm, soft, wet, and surprisingly tight considering she's already had two sons. Her tender folds hugged him perfectly, creating friction with every single movement she makes, intentionally or not. He felt his heart beat quicken as he thrust the rest of his way in, stopping only when he was buried to the hilt, his balls resting against her lovely thighs.

Chichi rubbed her smooth cheek against her Saiyan husband's and purred in delight. She absolutely loved the feeling of him inside her. The way his weight gently presses down on her, the way he made her walls stretch, he way he breathed hotly right against her ear, they're all driving her crazy. It didn't help that his fuzzied tail is now circled around her thigh, pulling gently to get her to spread her legs even more.

Goku nuzzled back and kissed her on the lips again. Making sure she was okay, he began thrust into her slowly, savouring every moment. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he was determined to make the most of it. Dragging himself sensually inside of her, he felt for the tiny little nub that was the centre of her pleasure. Finding it, an evil smirk made its way onto his usually innocent features.

Chichi groaned in frustration, 'He's moving too slow!' Bucking her hips impatiently, she closed her eyes at the wonderful feelings and missed the warning smirk on her husband's face. Suddenly, she felt him shift his position and before she knew it, his mouth was attached to her bite mark, sucking strongly. His hands cupped her breasts and pinched her erect nipples, causing her to gasp and moan wildly. She opened her eyes just in time to see him raise his head to look at her, and froze when she met his eyes. The raw desire in those black orbs made her shudder, but it's the glint of mischief that she was really afraid of. However, she snapped out of it and screamed in abandon when he began to thrust into her at a crazed pace, each time reaching as deep as he could, pounding against that tiny little sweet spot.

Goku growled when he felt Chichi's moist walls constrict around him. The intense pleasure made his head spin and his tail lashed out excitedly behind him. Wrapping his arms around her, he drove into her even faster and harder than before, and moaned his pleasure into her ear. She was getting close, he could feel it.

Son Chichi almost forgot to breathe when she felt her orgasm approaching. Having Goku's strong arms reaching around and cupping her bottom didn't help at all. Grabbing his toned triceps to anchor herself, Chichi wrapped her legs around his waist and screamed his name every time he hit that little spot inside of her. Soon enough, it became too much for her. She bucked, her walls constricting like a vice around his thick shaft, her whole body shuddering like a leaf as her orgasm hit. Her delicious juices came out in gushes, dribbling down her thigh and soaking the satin sheets below.

Feeling her walls shudder and convulse, Goku let go and allowed the Saiyan inside of him take control. Pumping into her with all his might, Kakkarot felt his lower stomach tighten and knew he was on the edge. Rearing up, he stretched up straight above her, threw his head back and roared, feeling his orgasm hit at full force. He thrust as deep as it would go, and shot the liquid fire burning in his stomach right into her waiting cavern, until every last drop was drained.

They stayed like that for quite a while, simply catching their breath and enjoying the silence. Eventually, Goku rolled over, taking Chichi with him so she's resting on top of him.

"Had enough for tonight?" Goku whispered into his wife's ear, gently nibbling on her ear lobe.

Chichi blushed and nodded while snuggling against him, resting her head at the crook of his neck. She knew her husband, being a Saiyan, could go on and on forever if he wanted. But she's had quite a day and is happy to call it a night right now. Given a couple of hours of good rest, she'll be able to have him again next morning if she felt like it. And she certainly did.

"Alright then, sweet dreams." Goku placed a gentle kiss on his wife's neck, ready to slip into a deep, content slumber. He was confused, though, when she giggled and shook her head.

"Not sweet dreams. Wet dreams."


Zookeeper: At the beginning of the fic...did you...ACTUALLY DO YOUR JOB AS AN ASSISTANT?

Reporter: I guess...*mumbles* damn uncle forcing me to eat stupid expired medicine...

Zookeeper: Well, that was, uh, unexpected. Well, stay tuned, there will be another little wrap-up like in the prelude, "problem solved". Another morning-after thingie. Don't read if you think it's boring and a waste of time, it's just a personal habit of mine...I just CAN'T leave things hanging. And please tell me how you think of this fic! Thanks to all!