Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Becomes of the Broken Hearted ❯ Heartbroken Prince ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- I don't own DBZ, but Vegeta is mine! I wish….

Alright pplz, I know I'm supposed 2 b working on ma new fic war and peace but I got this cool idea 4 a fic that I just had 2 do! I got it last night, if its shit then blame insomnia. Hee hee. Here's the 1st chapter, hope u like the result! 1st chapter is from Vegetas POV.

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I don't know how this happened. I honestly don't know. But it happened. It happened and it screwed up my whole new way of life. What am I babbling about you ask? One word. Kakkarot. That stupid fucking bastard you know as Goku. I thought he….nevermind. It's not important. I throw a rock into the ocean below me and watch it skim the water. How did I get here you ask? Well, are you sure you want to know? Very well.

It began as a simple party, a little reunion for the fools Kakkarot calls friends. Kakkarot and myself had been mates for a few months now, and all of his baka friends knew about it. I didn't feel like socialising, no different then usual, so I had stayed in the gravity room as they had their little party. Simple, I still wanted to get stronger. I wanted to be a good….nevermind.


After a few hours of training, I ventured into the kitchen to get a drink. I passed the main room were the fools having their little party were, for some reason, everyone was slurring their words. They were drunk. I listened into their little conversation.

You still with that slut?

Ah, talking about their pathetic lives again.


Wait a minute, that was Kakkarot's voice. I looked into the room.

Man, how can you stomach him Goku?

Stomach him? Are they talking about me?

Yeah Goku, how can you still be with that whore? I'd have thought you two would have broken up by now.


Guys, I want to but I can't break up with `Geta. Saiyan bonding, I'm stuck with him for the rest of my life!

The annoyance and regret in Kakkarot's voice tore straight through me like a dagger.

Come on, there must be another reason.

I slid my back down the wall beside the door.

Yeah, I mean nobody would stay with that asshole unless there was a good reason.

I don't care that they hate me. It's Kakkarot I care about.

Oh fine guys. There is a reason.


Yeah come on! What is it?

Yes, what is it?

He's really good in bed!

My eyes widen.

You can't be serious!


Yeah I am! Just look at that body! That attitudes gotta go though. He's only good for a good fuck!

Is that what I am to you?

He was just waiting to be dominated by someone like me.

I listen in horror as his friends clank their glasses together.

I'll drink to that!

No…how could you Kakkarot? I run to the door as fast as my legs would take me, before slipping out into the night, and taking off.


So here I am. Like the gullible fool I am, I had believed that Kakkarot had cared for me. Had…LOVED me. How could I be so stupid? He doesn't care, he never cared…nobody…ever cared. Unlike what they think, I DO have a heart. I can only admit that to myself. My heart can be broken. And it just was. My legs swing back and forth over the cliff edge I am sat upon. Don't worry. I am not foolish enough to jump and end my life because of one mistake. But, during my life, there has been too many mistakes. I still won't jump.

Reaching inside my armour, I pull out a vial. Inside this vial rests a liquid I never thought I'd have to use again. What is it, you ask? Well, long ago, back on Frieza's ship, Zarbon had marked me. Yes, that revolting green haired pretty boy had marked me as his. When I'd put my pride down and gone to the doctor, he told me of a planet were I could destroy the bond. So, on one of my purges, I went to the planet and, in exchange for sparing his life, a doctor gave me the antidote. The bond instantly vanished. The vial I hold in my hand, contains that antidote.

As I take the top off and place it at the base of my neck, where Kakkarot's teeth marks are visible, I wonder if I should. Do you think I should? Fuck it. I pour what remains of the liquid onto the mark. I can feel the bond disintegrating. It is slightly painful, but I don't care. A few seconds later, I reach up to the base of my neck to feel Kakkarot's mark. It has gone. He is no longer there. As I smirk, I laugh happily for the first time since I was a baby. Finally, I am free.

END 1ST CHAPTER! What do you think? Should I continue? Please review! ^^