Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Binds Thee? ❯ One way or another. ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: What Binds Thee?
Chapter: 6/???
Rating: R (No plans for NC-17)
Warnings: Yaoi, violence, murder, angst, references to self-harm
Pairing: Trunks/Goten. For now. Hints of others.
Note: Approaching the conclusion! XD

When Trunks returned to Earth, Goten was waiting for him. It seemed that Goten was always waiting for him, watching out for him, loving him despite all the hurt. Trunks could see the scars on Goten’s risks, wounds that would never fade. Wounds that were the symbol of the pain Goten suffered each day.

The guilt was almost unbearable. Not only the guilt of hurting Goten, but the guilt of all those who had suffered due to Trunks’ secret love.

He couldn’t even confess this love to himself. He couldn’t acknowledge it; confront it. It hurt and it burned; it made him want to die.

Trunks paused in front of Goten as he stepped away from the space pod. He’d traveled hours, his bones were stiff, his jeans and oversized sweater were torn, and the edges crisp from his loss of control.

Goten’s eyes burned with rage and sadness. The life and innocence had vanished from them.

Trunks couldn’t meet Goten’s gaze. His shame physically hurt. They didn’t speak, they didn’t shake hands, or even acknowledge each other outside of a their lack of response.

Then, Trunks kissed Goten.

It was a quick kiss on the lips, a small gesture, but one that caught Goten completely off his guard. Neither of them closed their eyes, their lips barely touching, and both their eyes filled with hurt and tears.

Goten recalled happiness from years ago – just for a moment. ‘I don’t want to lose you.’ He could hear those words clearly. He could feel Trunks’ embrace. He could smell his sweet scent.

Most of all, Goten recalled the fear. He remembered seeing and feeling just how afraid Trunks had been after Goten’s suicide attempt… after Trunks almost lost him.

Those scars were a reminder, a powerful reminder of how fragile everything on this planet really was, including the most powerful warriors in the universe.

Trunks pulled away after a mere second. He couldn’t look into Goten’s eyes.

But Goten knew. He knew that beneath the hurt, beneath the shame, beneath this twisted desire that haunted Trunks… he knew there was love.

“Can we go?” Maybe…

Goten nodded. Just maybe… just maybe, there was hope.


Bulma nodded in response to Trunks’ blank stare. “Yeah, Vejita’s gone. Been gone for a couple days, I think… but what do I know, I’m trapped in this lab all the time like a hermit!” Laughter followed. “He’s probably off having an affair with Chichi or something.” She paused, and then made a gagging sound.

Trunks didn’t hear the comment. Without her noticing, he’d left the lab, wondering through the hallways in shock. Vejita… was just gone?

“…reconstruction of the planet. You can see behind me the construction of the Capsule Corporations factories and business facilities.” Trunks paused, glancing into the lounge area. Gokou and Gohan sat together on the couch, watching the television. A news reporter – one that worked for C.C. - had traveled up to the destroyed planet to film the renovations. Capsule Corps would make use of any space available, no matter the means.

“Further in the distance – can we get a shot of that, yes there we are. Those are the future housing facilities that will be provided for scientists and CC employees. Capsule Corp executives inform us that these will be quite lovely, we have a design drawing of what they should – you see them on your screen now…”

“Those look nice.” Gohan commented.

Son Gokou scratched his head. “What do humans need to live on other planets for? Earth is so nice!”

Gohan chuckled.

Trunks entered the room, clearing his throat. Gokou tilted his head back over the edge and smiled. “Hey, where have you been? I think ‘Jita was looking for you.”

The comment caused Trunks to pause, his heart trapped in his throat, but his determination to rid himself of Son Gokou forced him through it. “I need to talk to you, both of you.” He glanced down at Gohan.

There was deathly silence. Gohan and Gokou only saw fear, determination, and sadness in those large, blue eyes.

Trunks sat across from them, blocking the television. He bowed his head, staring down at his clenched fists.

He lied.

A demon, it was. A beast. More powerful than Buu, more vicious than Furiza, more crafty than Cell. Trunks had tried to fight this nameless creature, but had barely escaped with his life.

He schemed.

It had been spreading across the galaxy – killing thousands, no millions! So many innocent lives lost!

He couldn’t look them in the eyes. He couldn’t let them know the truth. The reason… the need…

It traveled under the cover of darkness, power hidden, disguised as the innocent, the unexpected.

“How can we find this thing?!” Gokou exclaimed, trembling with both rage and excitement. So many years had passed since Earth had been in jeopardy.

“I can trace it, with something similar to the dragon radar.” Trunks nodded. “This creature, I could tell its form is made of something unique, with a specific molecular structure.”

“I’ll help you build it.”

Trunks’ head jerked up. “No, Gohan, you must train. I will have the device ready by nightfall. You can leave at dawn.”

Gohan and Gokou left that night. They decided they would train on the journey. Trunks saw them off, and was left staring at the tiny dot in the heavens that they became. He trembled as he stood in the warm night air… out of fear… out of glee…

Hours later, Goten found Trunks sitting on the grass, gazing at the heavens. Trunks saw no reason to keep these secrets. Goten had little reaction at first, but his confusion was evident.

“So… if this demon doesn’t exist… what is the radar tracking?”

“Distance. For every minute spent traveling, the tracking device moves ahead two minutes.”

Goten knelt beside his companion, brushing away stray strands of lavender hair. “Gohan is smart. He’ll figure out it’s broken.”

A malicious grin traced across Trunks’ lips. “Well, since the space ship’s navigation device is programmed to die in a couple days, I think he’ll have bigger concerns.”

“You’re trying to get them lost in space?” Goten glared. “You’re not stupid, Trunks. Gokou has friends all across the galaxy, and in higher places.”

“Yeah.” Trunks scowled. “I just hope it’s enough time.”

Goten frowned. “Trunks. What if Gokou lands on a planet Capsule Corporations owns and finds out the truth about you?”

“By the time he’s returned… one way or another, it won’t matter.”

Goten began to tremble slightly. “What are you doing? Why have you sent Gokou…” He froze. Trunks was staring at him with sad, lonely blue eyes… and it all made sense.

“You’re going after your one love, aren’t you?”

Trunks looked away. He couldn’t face Goten, knowing the agony it would cause, knowing that it was break his lover’s, his best friend’s heart.

Goten sobbed once, before stopping himself. He stood, falling backwards over his own feet, unable to understand his feelings or his hatred. Goten’s small form trembled with hurt and anger.

He fled.

Trunks jumped to his feet and called out for Goten, but the young boy was gone, vanished into the distance at unimaginable speed.
