Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Binds Thee? ❯ Conclusion! ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: What Binds Thee?
Chapter: 7/7 - Conclusion!
Rating: R
Warnings: Yaoi, violence, angst...
Pairing: ...I can't tell you, it'll spoil!
Note: Sorry, no sequel! Use your imagination!!!

“What… a fake?”

Gohan and Gokou sat inside their space capsule on a small moon only days away from home. Trunks’ radar sat on the table in many pieces, having been dropped by accident and broken. This occurred shortly before Gohan realized that there were serious suspicions concerning the ship’s navigation system.

“Yeah… it’s a fake.” Gohan responded, throwing down his tools.

“Why would Trunks give us a fake radar?”

Gohan ignored his father, noticing something through the window in a distance. He walked across the ship and leaned against the wall, silent.

Gokou waited a mere second before joining him.

Through that ship window, the two Saiyajin could see the Capsule Corporations logo hovering high in the sky, blocking out most of the sunlight. Below that symbol, a giant factory stretched as far as the eye could see. Smoke billowed into the sky, casting a shadow over the planet.

They glanced at each other, worry on their face. “What is it Trunks is doing on these planets?” Gohan whispered.

Gokou was angry. “I think we should find out.”


Trunks trudged towards work, hands stuffed in his pockets. Goten appeared to have vanished off the face of the Earth. All his belongings were gone from their home, no note left, no goodbyes.

It was early morning, grass still moist from the dew. The sun was shining brightly in the heavens, children walked with friends and parents, eating candy and laughing. All seemed right with the world.

Trunks couldn’t forget the hurt, fear, and betrayal on Goten’s face. It haunted him every moment, and he was beginning to regret his decision.

But he couldn’t.

He couldn’t continue living in this world of shame, wondering and worrying over what could be, what if, why and why not. It wasn’t fair to himself or Goten.

The fact that Trunks was hurting Goten tore his heart apart. He hated his sinful, twisted desires. Why couldn’t he be normal? Why couldn’t he be happy with Goten, a man who loved him, trusted him, and was devoted to him?

What had he done to entertain his disgusting lust? How many people had suffered? How many people would suffer?

How long would it be before he was stopped?

Trunks paused outside of C.C. H.Q., as Goten lovingly – or loathingly – called the building, the central control of all the chaos and carnage across humanity’s section of the universe.

He glanced up towards his office, which overlooked the entire city. Trunks paused, his breath caught somewhere deep in his throat. He could see and sense Vejita up there, in his office… searching, waiting maybe.

He didn’t want to go in, but he knew that he didn’t have much choice.

Now. Or never.


When Vejita was a child, he had dreamed about ruling the universe. When he was a child, it had not been a dream, but a future. His father was king of the Saiyajin, the most powerful race in the universe next to Furiza and Furiza’s family.

It had become a dream with the death of his people. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop him from dreaming about it for years afterwards.

The dream had died when he arrived on Earth and fought Kakarrotto. The dream mocked him for years, masked with the face of his rival turned friend. Eventually, the mockery faded, dismissed as a boy’s idle fantasy. He settled for a low-class life, with a family, living out his days as he pleased. He had fallen in love twice, and was loved dearly by those two people.

It was not his old dream, but it was a dream come true.

He loved his life, he loved his family, he loved his rival turned lover. Vejita didn’t want anything to upset his peaceful life anymore. He was tired of war, even though that thought made him ashamed to be a Saiyajin.

Something had disturbed his wonderful life. His son for the past few years had slowly been dying inside. It was a hard reality to face, but to heal his life he had to confront it. For months, Vejita had stalked his boy, searched for the answer, pieced together the puzzle… but to no avail.

He stood in Trunks’ office at Capsule Corporations seeking the answer. The office was elaborately decorated, with expensive paintings that looked like children drew them and couldn’t stay in the lines, disgusting alcohol that tasted like animal piss, and incensed that smelt farms. Vejita was disgusted, but this was how humans pampered themselves, and he assumed Trunks wanted to fit in with him.

The prince marched over to the desk and booted up the computer. Boredom and curiosity had made him experiment with them years ago, and he was somewhat familiar with functioning the machine although he didn’t really understand the purpose of a human’s computer outside of viewing pornography.

The bright screen hurt his eyes for a moment. The desktop appeared, the background set to a family photo of Trunks, Bura, Bulma, Vejita, and Goten. It was then Vejita noticed his son’s vision locked on him. Vejita struggled to remember that moment, to recall if he’d made a comment that would draw Trunks’ attention, but he couldn’t recall.

Shrugging it away, he looked over the icons and clicked a folder that was labeled “Family”. There were many documents in this folder, as well as photos. Vejita skimmed over the images, and was caught off guard by the numerous pictures of himself. One after another, many he didn’t remember being taken, many that were taken without his knowledge. Some were nudes. Some were taken from a distance during training. In some, the prince was asleep. In some, he ate. In some, he watched television. In many, Kakarrotto was cropped out. Some images were altered, Trunks’ photo cropped by Vejita’s side. In some, Trunks was nude. In some, Trunks was smiling. In some, Trunks was posed as if ready to receive a kiss.

Vejita began skimming the documents. Porn was the most frequent occurrence. There were many stories of Trunks and Vejita sleeping together. They were graphic and vulgar. Some contained BDSM stories. Some contained sad endings of depression and suicide. Some contained rejection. Some contained rape, which was the most horrifying. Vejita raped Trunks, although Trunks always gave in despite or because of the pain. Trunks raped Vejita, although would Vejita confess his shame for enjoying the sex, for not having the guts to confess, afraid of being rejected by his son. “I would never reject you, Father. I love you. I always have.” It would be followed with loving comments. “I know, son, I love you as well. Give Daddy a kiss.”

Vejita trembled as he read these stories. His stomach knotted. Yet he continued. One story after another, there were thousands of them, but they always ended similarly. It wasn’t a dream; it was an obsession.

He found a document. It was simply called ‘mission’. Vejita opened it. There was only one line, only two words: Saiyajin dominance.

The cursor flashed after the last letter. The two words burned into Vejita’s eyes.

It was then Trunks arrived. The demi-Saiyajin stood in the doorway, his eyes somewhat wide, shocked by Vejita’s horrified expression, his sweaty brow, his shaking hands.

Vejita’s eyes tore away from the computer. The prince jumped up, chair clashing to the ground. He struck the computer in rage. The machine went flying across the room, crashing into a wall. Sparks shot up for a moment before dying.

“Saiyajin dominance?” Vejita snarled, fists hitting the desk. The wood cracked in response to the force.

Trunks lowered his eyes. “I didn’t want you to find out that way.”

“Find out what!” Vejita shouted. He already knew.

“It’s genius really, isn’t it?” Trunks tried to smile. “Mom’s company had so much power, but she never used it like I have.” He stepped into the room, face beaming with pride. “Right now, Capsule Corporations rules all of the major planets in this solar system, and is taking over many in neighboring systems. In a few years, we will have significant influence in the entire western universe!

“It was pretty easy, really. Easier than I thought it would be. The Saiyajin name Vejita still strikes fear in the hearts of so many. Hearing that a Vejita still lived forced many races to submit without fight.

“Myself, Goten, Bura, Pan… demi-Saiyajin are even more powerful than the original race. We may have to inbreed a little bit, but with real training it would be so easy to create an even more powerful Saiyajin race. I know Mom didn’t want to train Bura, but it’s worth it, Father!”

Trunks’ face was red from excitement. Lavender strands of hair brushed against his flushed cheeks. “The most powerful race in the universe, Dad! That’s you and me! I did this! I did this for you! Your kingdom, Dad! Our kingdom! We can rule it… together.”

The blast came so quickly and with such force that Trunks didn’t have time to dodge.

His senses returned within moments – a trained response – but Vejita was above him, fists grabbing his oversized shirt and shaking him forcefully. Trunks’ head jerked back and forth, bones in his neck cracking under the force.

He was shoved against a wall, fist around his throat. Vejita’s black eyes burned with rage and disgust. It was the one response that Trunks had feared the most. Tears welled in his eyes. He fearfully shook his head, pain shooting down his spine, neck bones crying in protest. “Da…”

“Don’t you ‘Dad’ me!” Vejita spat, throwing Trunks across the room. The boy’s body skidded across the wooden floors, halting by the broken computer that had once held all his lost dreams.

“Bulma’s company had been intended to help the world, help these pathetic humans, and you’ve perverted it!” Vejita’s chest heaved with his hatred. “I hate these pathetic little humans more than anyone, but your actions are unforgivable. You have not only ruined your Mother’s work over the years, but you have made a mockery of my race!”

Tears fell across Trunks’ cheek. He tried to protest, but Vejita’s raised hand – a threat of force – silenced him. “You are no better than Furiza, and you disgust me.”

Vejita turned his back on his son and left the room. Trunks cried out for his father to return, but only the slamming door responded. He sat on the floor, propped up by his elbows, tears filling his eyes and body trembling in shock. “Please…” would only escape his lips. Begging. Vejita would be so ashamed. But he begged anyway, for his father’s forgiveness, for his father’s return… for his father’s love.

There was no response.

All that remained was Goten, waiting in the distance for a lover who wanted another… and the power Trunks had gained from Capsule Corporations.

That was little comfort.