Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Traitor ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

Sorry I didn't email anyone. I'm heading out the door right now and I just finished the chapter. I hope everyone has a nice Easter.

*Scratches head* I lost track of my update schedule. Oh well. There are 4 maybe 5 chapters left (Including this one.) Classes are almost over so I might not have time to write much but I will try.

Recommended Story: I just read a* very good* story. Its A/U called Dominion: Reprise. I took the summary from the website it is on. 'What if Dr. Gero's terror didn't end with the Androids?' One of the best fics I have ever read. The plot and characterization is amazing. If you never read another fanfic, read this one! The author is Ruthanne Morey.

You can find it on db-unlimited.net/fic_alternate.shtml



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I'm too lazy to make up a Saiyajin language

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Chapter 11


Vegeta watched as Goku paced back and forth across the gravity room. "Kakarott, stop it! You are not helping the situation by worrying." Goku walked directly in front of Vegeta and glared at him. "How would you react if Bulma had been kidnapped or it was your child?" Vegeta glared right back at him. He decked Goku knocking him into the far wall. "Honestly Kakarott. This planet would not be safe until I found them. Now get your head out of your ass and fight me." The two warriors charged each other, their power causing the area to quake.

*Inside Capsule Corp.*

Piccolo watched as Bulma cut up vegetables for the supper she was making. Every time the house shook, she would pause, take a deep breath, and then continue chopping. "Piccolo when this is all over with, do you think anyone will notice if I killed both of them?" Piccolo laughed out loud. "Yah, I think Chichi would miss Goku too much and you would miss Vegeta. That is if, what I think about that bite on your neck means." Bulma put her hand over the mark and gave a nervous laugh. "What do you think it means?" He sat down at the table and put his head in his hands. "It's the Saiyajin way of getting married. I thought you and Yamcha were together."

Bulma was caught off guard with his last comment. She didn't notice she stabbed the counter with the knife. Only the handle was visible. "Yamcha and I where together." Piccolo heard the anger in her voice. "If I ever see him again, either Vegeta or I will kill him. Preferably me." He raised an eyebrow. (DG: Does Piccolo have eyebrows? Someone please tell me?) "What happened?" Bulma sighed and sat down in front of him. "I'll tell you just don't tell anyone else okay." He nodded his head. "Vegeta already told Goku. I don't want the other's to know. It started after we got engaged…." She told him the whole story, leaving out the mushy details between her and Vegeta.

Piccolo leaned back in his chair. "So when did Vegeta and you fall in love during all of this?" Bulma turned her head to the side and looked at him. "Vegeta will deny this to the day he dies and then some. But we where friends before it happened. The situation just made us realize how strong our feelings were." A loud crash was heard behind Bulma.

Bulma stood up and turn around. "Damn it Vegeta! How many… Oh Kami." Vegeta was standing in front of Bulma with Goku slung over his shoulder. Both were covered in deep cuts and bruises. "Piccolo, take Goku to the med lab. I'll take care of Vegeta." Vegeta let go of Goku letting him hit the ground with a sickening thud. Vegeta! You could have made his injuries worse. Piccolo glared at him as he picked up Goku.

Bulma waked to Vegeta. He put one of his arms around her waist and the other around her shoulder. I don't hear him complaining.

Bulma sighed. You're impossible.

Vegeta smirked at her. You wouldn't have me any other way.

Piccolo heard the supposed to be unheard conversation between them. He rolled his eyes and headed to the med lab. As Vegeta leaned in to kiss Bulma, Piccolo cleared his throat. Two pairs of glaring eyes locked on to him. "I was wondering where you wanted me to put him or do you want me to drop him on the floor like Vegeta did?" Bulma shook her head. "On the bed next to you is fine. Vegeta next to him." Vegeta opened his mouth to object but shut it when she glared at him. Piccolo snorted. "I'm going in to the garden and meditate." Without another word he left.

It took two hours for Bulma to clean Goku up. "Now to work on you." Vegeta smirked as she walked next to him. "I don't see why you can't clean your self up." He crossed his arms behind his head. "What would the fun be in that?" Bulma smiled at him. She took her time undressing him and cleaning him up. Vegeta sat Bulma on his lap. He kissed behind her ear, and slowly moved down her neck. "Vegeta, I think … y-you… Ummm" Vegeta chucked. "Should stop. Give me two good reasons." Bulma cleared her throat and tried to ignore Vegeta. "One, Goku is next to us. Two, I'm about to fall asleep. As much as I'm enjoying this, I'm exhausted." She laid her head against his chest. Vegeta sighed and laid down on the bed. He ran his hand thru her hair. Soon they both were sound asleep.


Goku opened his eyes. Everything was dark. He couldn't see his hand in front of his face but he could hear something. `Someone's crying. I know that voice.' "CHICHI! Where are you!? Is Gohan with you?" A small point of light appeared in front of him. The light grew in size taking the form of a person. Light surrounded them, lighting up the room. Goku blinked his eyes; he couldn't believe what was in front of his eyes. "Chichi!" He took her into his arms.

Slowly Chichi opened her eyes and looked up at Goku. Tears streamed down her face. "Oh Goku." She buried her face in his chest and cried. Goku took Chichi's chin in his hand. "Chichi." He leaned down and kissed her. It was the only thing Goku could think of to calm her down.

Chichi felt her self melt into his kiss. She never wanted to stop but there were more pressing matters at hand. Chichi pushed against his chest. Goku leaned away from her breaking the kiss. He stared down at her, wiping the stray tears from her face. "Chichi, do you know where you are?" She nodded her head. "The far side of Mt. Paozu." (DG: Not sure about the spelling. Got it from DB Universe.) Chichi took Goku's face in her hands. "Watch out for-" Her body disappeared. He was left holding air. "Chichi?" Goku sat straight up in bed. "Chichi!"

Vegeta jumped out of the bed and took a defensive stance waiting for an attack. He looked around and noticed Goku sitting up breathing hard. "What the hell is wrong with you Kakarott?" Goku tuned, faced Vegeta and smiled. "I know where they are." A groan was heard from the floor. "Vegeta!"


*At Mt. Paozu*

Gohan watched as his `father' pushed buttons on the control panel. The once green fluid was now black. Slowly it drained out of the tank revealing a slimy Yamcha. Stepping out of the tank Yamcha stretched his muscles. He was 6 inches taller than Piccolo (DG: He is the tallest, right?), and his spiky hair went passed his butt. Yamcha curled and uncurled his tail. "So what's the plan?"

"In a few brother. You know what to do kid. Get going." Gohan rolled his eyes and walked out. "Yah, yah. See you in an hour." Gohan hovered 20 feet in the air. He closed his eyes and focused on the strongest kis on the planet. `There all gathered together." Gohan smirked as he flew towards his victims.


*Capsule Corp.*

Krillin, Piccolo, Tien and Chou-Tzu where all gathered at Capsule Corp. Tien and Chou-Tzu couldn't stop staring at Bulma and Vegeta. They were sitting on the other side of the room. Bulma was sitting on Vegeta's lap. "I see it and I still don't believe it." The triclops just nodded his head. Krillin rolled his eyes. "I do. Those two are made for each other."

Vegeta glared at them. "We can hear you." Bulma slapped his shoulder with her tail. "Behave Vegeta. They are not doing anything wrong." Bulma played with the end of his tail and whispered in his ear. Vegeta removed her hands from his tail, humphed and looked away from them. Piccolo walked passed them shaking his head muttering to him self. "My ears won't ever be the same again." Bulma stuck her tongue out at Piccolo. He sat next to Krillin. "Where the hell is Goku? He's talking too long." Bulma opened her mouth to speak but stopped when Goku walked in the room "Sorry I'm late but I needed to get a map."

Goku spread the map out on the coffee table for everyone to see. "According to Chichi she is somewhere on the south side of Mt. Paozu. It is completely covered by dense trees, and anyone would be able to see if any of them have been up rooted. So I think they are in side the mountain. "

Vegeta nodded his head. "So you have a plan Kakarott?" Goku scratched the back of his head and laughed. "Yah but you are not going to like it." Vegeta glared at him. "So spit it out." Goku across the table from him. "Well the south side is a popular climbing site. And since Bulma has climbed it countless times. I was thinking that we send her there to scout it out. She could tell us if something doesn't look right." Bulma shrugged her shoulders. "Sounds like a plan to me. That is unless somebody else has a better idea." She looked directly at Vegeta. He rolled his eyes. "I'll take that as a no. I'm going to head out now. I should be back before midnight."

Bulma grabbed her capsules and walked towards the front door with Vegeta far behind her. "Onna." Bulma sighed and faced him. "Yes, Vegeta." Without warning he buried his hands in her hair and crushed his lips against hers. Bulma wrapped her arms around his waist.

I want you to be careful.

I will, I promise, Vegeta. Just don't kill anyone while I'm gone.

I'll try.

Vegeta kissed her forehead before releasing her. Bulma opened the door and jumped when she saw someone standing in front of the door. "Gohan!" He was wearing white pants with gold boot, and around his forehead was a gold band with a greenish-blue oval crystal in the center. She watched as he casually lifted his hand. "Bulma, you're the biggest bitch I have ever known." Bulma backed into Vegeta as he formed a ki blast. "What are you doing?" Gohan tilled his head to the side and smirked. "Simple, I'm going to kill both you with one blast." With the last word said he shot the blast.

The dust settled revealing a hole that went straight through Capsule Corp and about 10 buildings behind it. Gohan's smirked turned into a cruel smile. "Wow Bulma. I thought you only moved that fast to go shopping. Who would have thought that you would save Vegeta, the Prince of the Saiyajins?" He gave a mocking bow and laughed cruelly.

Vegeta was pinned between Bulma and the closest wall. The smell of burned hair filled Vegeta's nose.

Onna are you okay?

Yah, but the little bastard singed my hair.

Bulma turned to faced Gohan. "Gohan explain your self now!" Gohan rolled his eyes. "You want your answers come and get them" She growled and fazed in front of him. Bulma punched him as hard as she could but Gohan caught it with ease. "You're pathetic." He slapped her into Vegeta's arms. "You should have taught her better than that." Vegeta laid Bulma on the floor and attacked Gohan. His punches were fast and merciless. Gohan dodged and blocked every one. Gohan saw an opening and took it. He punched Vegeta in the stomach making him cough up blood then threw him next to Bulma unconscious.

Goku and the rest of the Z senshi poked their heads out the hole. "Vegeta I knew you didn't like the idea but you… Gohan!" He ran to his son. As soon as he got in arms reach Gohan back handed him into the ground. No one dared to get close to Gohan. "If you want me. Come and get me. That is if you have the balls to follow me." Immediately he flew a way laughing.


Vegeta groaned as he returned to consciousness. The remaining senshi where gathered around a table taking. "What's going on?" Bulma's head immediately snapped up. "Oh good you're a wake. We are going after Gohan. The plan has been changed. Everybody is coming with me to Mt. Paozu." Vegeta nodded his head. "When are we leaving?" Bulma walked around the table and helped him up. "When ever you feel up to it." Vegeta pushed her away. "We leave now." Bulma put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "You don't have to be an ass Vegeta." He glared right back at her. "Are we going or not."

The flight to Mt. Paozu was done in silence, except for the occasional whispers between Goku and Krillin, who kept looking back a Bulma. She glared and growled at him, he almost fell out of the ski. Vegeta and Bulma where refusing to talk to each other. A glare or a growl where all that would pass between the two.

The group stopped when they saw Gohan and two other people standing on the ground waiting for them. Piccolo crossed his arms. "I don't like the look of this. It has to be a trap." Vegeta rolled his eyes. "No shit Namek. The real problem is what they are planning." The Z senshi turned to Bulma as her ki skyrocketed. She clenched her fists and tried to control her ki. "That fucking bastard. I knew he would be involved in something like this." Krillin rubbed the back of his head. "Bulma what are you talking about?" Her tail lased back and forth. "That man to the right of Gohan. It's Yamcha." Krillin's eyes widened. "Oh shit and the guy next to him is…"

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DG: Chapter done. *Does the happy dance*

Vegeta: When did you get untied?

DG: Don't know. There are only a few chapters left so I guess I'll behave.

Bulma: You better or I'll get Chichi.

DG shudders: Well how's this. I'll behave if you guys behave.

Bulma and Vegeta blush.

DG: Just be glad my bad side hasn't shown up yet.

Vegeta: What do you mean bad side?

DG: You know yen yang. I'm the good side.

Bulma whispers to Vegeta: If she is the good side what do you think the bad side is like?

DG -_-;;;;: You really don't want to know. Review if you want.

See ya!

Friday, April 18, 2003