Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Explanations and the Passage of Time ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Hi everyone sorry I haven't updated in forever. MAJOR writers block combined with real life shit. Anyways I have changed a chunk of this chapter. I didn't like how it came out the first time. Enjoy.


Sorry this is late. The epilogue popped into my head and I had to write it. Don't worry it's not the next chapter. Then the real life called and I had crap to do. Oh well I hope the chapter makes up for it.

I forgot to mention, in Chapter 9 I left a clue as to who the mystery person is. If you can figure it out, you are a real DBZ Otaku.

Cube thanks for the heads up. When I tried to check out the story, it seems to have already been taken down. Again thanks.

I got the new Linkin Park CD. ^___________^ It is really good.



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I'm too lazy to make up a Saiyajin language

********************************************************************** ****

Chapter 10

Explanations and the Passage of Time

This was the worst day in Bulma's life. All around her was death and destruction. The sun was blocked out by a veil of dust and debris. What was seen would haunt her for the rest of her life. All around were the bodies, or what was left, of her friends. To her left was one of Piccolo's arms. To her right was Vegeta, his heart had been ripped out, and his chest was still bleeding. In front of her was what broke her spirit. There lay the head of her best friend. In all the years of going on adventures with her friends, she had not seen anything like this. Bulma simply fell to her knees and quietly wept. Then out of nowhere, a familiar husky voice broke the silence.

"So this is what it takes to quiet you, onna. If I had known this, I would have done when I lived with you. But now that I am dead I really don't have to deal with it now do I." Bulma looked up and what she saw she could not believe. Vegeta was standing in his usual pose with his trademark smirk across his beaten face.

Bulma's first instinct was to run to him but couldn't when she took in his appearance. "How… can… this be?" His smirk was quickly replaced with a cold and hateful scowl, which could make hell freeze over. Vegeta pointed a finger at her and simply stated, "No thanks to you. It is your fault I am dead onna. You were the one person I didn't hate. How could you do this to me?" "What? Vegeta I could never do this to you." She quietly said unable to look away for the hole in his chest. "Oh really, onna. Why is my heart in your hands?" Bulma looked down and in her hands was Vegeta's still beating heart. Vegeta knelt down, grabbed her shoulders, and began to shake her back and fourth violently. "Onna. Onna! Bulma! "

Bulma sat straight up and screamed. She closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. She let herself fall back on the bed. "It was just a nightmare, nothing more." 'But it felt so real.' Bulma opened her eyes and noticed a crack in the skylight. She followed the crack across the ceiling, down the wall in front of her, to a body slumped against the wall.

"Oh shit, Vegeta!"

Bulma threw back the covers and got out of bed as quickly as she could. She tried her best to get to Vegeta as quickly as she could but kept falling every other step. Finally giving up she crawled to him. 'I hope he doesn't wake up. I'll never hear the end of it.' She laid his head on her lap and gently stroked his cheek. "Vegeta. Vegeta wake up."

Vegeta groaned as he slowly regained conciseness. "Kakarott I'll get you for that." His voice cracked and he slurred his words. He heard a giggle above him. "Goku isn't here Vegeta. You need to open you eyes." He opened his eyes and looked up at Bulma. She smiled down at him. "How do you feel?" Vegeta blinked hard a few times before answering. "I'm fine onna." Bulma smirked. "Really. Is that why you thought I was Goku?"

Vegeta sat against the wall and glared at Bulma. All she did was smile in return. "What happened to you?" He snorted. "You did onna. I felt your ki spike and came to investigate. When I got here you screamed and was pushed into the wall by your ki. I felt like I had been hit by Kakarott." He rubbed the back of his head.

Bulma was shocked. 'How the hell did I do that?' She watched Vegeta get up and stagger to the bed. "I'll give you this onna, for someone who doesn't know how to use ki, you pack quiet a punch." Bulma stood up and tried to walk to the bed but again she fell on her face. "Why does this keep happening to me?" She groaned and banged her head on the floor.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Onna you just need to get use to walking with a tail." Bulma's head snapped up. "Vegeta I think you hit your head too hard. I don't have a tail." He arched his eyebrow. "Onna haven't you notice anything different about yourself."

Bulma rolled her eyes. "Not really." She felt a tingling sensation from her back. Vegeta watched as she reached back and scratched her back. Slowly her fingers came in contact with her tail. Her eyes widened as her fingers traced her tail. "What…How…VEGETA!"

Vegeta cringed at the volume of her voice but smirked in ward. 'The bitch is back.' "Woman stop screeching! I'm sitting next to you." Bulma looked him straight in the eye and smirked. "Or what?" Ignoring the pain in his head, Vegeta pushed Bulma onto the floor and pinned her underneath him. "You won't do anything to me." Her tail reached out and wrapped around his. He pressed his body against hers until their faces where centimeters apart. Vegeta leaned in, and gave her a passionate kiss. He traced her lips with his tongue. Bulma opened her mouth granting him entrance. Bulma wrapper her arms and legs around him and lightly sucked on his tongue, causing him to groan in her mouth.

"Um...guys." Goku rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously. Bulma and Vegeta separated and gave him identical glares. 'I am so dead.' Goku began to fidget as an uncomfortable silence crept over the room. Vegeta's patience was growing thin. "What the fuck are you doing here, Kakarott!?"

Goku's face became serious. "We have a problem. Gohan's been kidnapped and we can't find him anywhere." Bulma sat down on the bed. "Do you know who?" Goku shook his head. "Garlic Jr.!" He shook his head again. "He would have done something by now."

Vegeta clenched his fists. "So what are you going to do about it Kakarott?" Goku sighed and sat next to Bulma. On her tail. "Ahhhhhh!" Goku jumped and hit his head on the ceiling. Bulma sat propped up against the wall out cold. "Bulma! What the hell did I do?!" Vegeta smirked at the panicking Goku. "You sat on her tail baka." Vegeta stood up, picked Bulma off the floor, and gently placed her on the bed.

Goku's eyes widened as he saw the furry blue appendage. "How did she get that?" Vegeta sat next to her with his arms crossed. "Did any of your body fluids ever get into her system except for sex?" Goku scrunched up his nose. "Have sex with Bulma. No way. That's disgusting. Well when I first met her, I got sick and accidentally bit her when I had a high fever. Does that count?" Vegeta nodded his head. "Saiyajins' have an enzyme in our systems, mainly in the blood and saliva, which temporally make a person a Saiyajin. When you bit her, the enzyme got into her system and replicated it self until it was activated by a period of tremendous stress, physical or otherwise." 'I'll explain it to her at a later time.'

Goku faced Vegeta. "What kind of stress was she in?" He saw anger flash in Vegeta's eyes. He stared at Goku for a few minutes before speaking. "The weakling beat and tried to rape her. I answered your question now answer mine. How the hell did you know where we were?" Goku was too shocked to answer. He clenched his fists and took three deep breaths before answering. "I felt a power ski rocket. I still can't believe it was her. Don't worry Vegeta I don't know where this place is." Goku smirked. "I won't be interrupting anymore of your make out sessions." Vegeta pounced on Goku. He had his hands around his neck. "Say that again third class!" Vegeta's ki rose sharply making the room shake.

Bulma groaned. Her whole body hurt. "Vegeta. Goku." She sat up and saw Vegeta choking Goku. "Vegeta let go of Goku now!" Vegeta growled and banged Goku's head against the far wall before getting up and walking next to Bulma. "Goku I'll talk to you later. I think it would be best if Vegeta and I go back to Capsule Corp." Vegeta growled at him again. "Goku go."

Goku put his index and middle finger to his head, and then paled. "Vegeta if what you said is right then that means Chichi is a Saiyajin too." He whimpered and left. 'I am so dead.'

Bulma looked up at Vegeta. "What is he talking about?" Vegeta smirked. "I'll tell you on the way back home." Bulma smirked as he turned his back. 'He called Capsule Corp. home.


*17 Days Later*

For the past two weeks, Vegeta continued to train Bulma but never tried to get closer to her. Gohan still hadn't been found causing them both to be on edge. One small comment threw them into a verbal frenzy.

Vegeta watched as Bulma let herself fall onto the couch. "Weakling." Without looking at him, Bulma lifted her arm and gave him the finger. "Fuck you, monkey boy. I'm not use to training all day." Vegeta leaned over the back of the couch and smirked at her. "Is that an offer onna?" Bulma's eyes snapped open. She jumped as she noticed Vegeta's close proximity. Bulma glared at him and hit the side of his head with a throw pillow.

"That's it. You've disrespected me for the last time." Vegeta jumped on Bulma. She tried to push him off but only succeeded in knocking them to the floor. They rolled on the ground until Vegeta pinned her to the floor. "Let me go, you barbarian. He gave her a deep-throated growl. "I will teach you to respect the Saiyajin Prince!"

Bulma rolled Vegeta on his back and pinned his hands above his head. "Why should I show you respect when you have never shown me any. I can't believe I still love you." Vegeta immediately stopped struggling. "What did you say?" Bulma glared down at him. "Does it really mater?" He didn't answer. Vegeta's face became an emotionless mask. She sighed and moved to get up but was stopped when Vegeta grabbed her hips.

Vegeta sat up and looked into Bulma's eyes. She stared back into his eyes and without blinking spoke. "I love you Vegeta." She pulled Vegeta's head to her chest. He closed his eyes, while listening to her heart beat. She lightly stroked his hair as she continued. "I thought what I had with Yamcha was love, but it wasn't. After he hurt me, I came to believe love doesn't exist. Then you took care of me. During that time, I've seen a side of you that I doubt anyone else will see. Seeing your softer side *Vegeta snorted* made me realizes I had strong feelings for you. I love you. I can't imagine my life without you and I'm afraid if you leave I'll die."

Bulma confess her heart to him. 'I hope he heard me. I won't be able to repeat it.' Vegeta wrapped his arms around her waist. "Onna, Bulma, I feel something for you and I agree. I can't imagine life without you. I might not die if you leave but I know others will. You are what keep me sane. You make the monsters go away." The last part was mumbled but Bulma understood. They both put their pride a side and admitted their feelings.

*Does anyone else smell lemon*

*Maybe it's just me*


Bulma's hands drifted from his hair, down his neck, when she got to his shoulder blades Bulma lightly dug her nails into his back. While nibbling on his ear. 'So she's making the first move.' Vegeta swallowed a groan as she began to fondle his tail. He could feel himself hardening. "Two can play, Bulma." Bulma trembled as he mumbled into her neck.

Vegeta slipped his hands up the back of Bulma's sweatshirt. He lightly traced her spine with his fingertips, stopping at her ninth vertebrae and right above her tail. (DG: I don't know where the ninth vertebra is so don't ask. FYI: Her tail is just beneath the pant line.) Vegeta pressed lightly on those points.

Bulma's whole body tensed then she went limp. She could feel heat gather in her lower regions becoming wet. Tension was building in her body her orgasm about to peak. Vegeta watched as Bulma's eyes glazed over. He smirked and let go of the pressure points. Bulma opened her mouth to scream but noting came out. Involuntarily her body was gently laid on the floor. She heard Vegeta chuckled above her. Panic filled her eyes as she tried to mover but couldn't.

Vegeta leaned down and kissed Bulma lightly on the lips. He laid next to her, propping his head up with his arm. "I guess you realized you can't move." Bulma glared at him. "Don't worry it is only temporary. You are at my mercy for the next thirty minutes." He ran his hand up her stomach to the valley between her breasts. "You can only move your eyes willingly and will be able to feel everything I'm doing. I think we should go some where a little more private."

Bulma's mind raced as Vegeta picked her up and carried her up stairs. 'What the hell does he have up his sleeve? I wish I knew how he did this. I would love to get back at him.' Bulma was brought back to reality by Vegeta balancing her on one arm. 'Where are we? Wait this is Vegeta's room.'

Vegeta gently laid Bulma on his bed. "Your clothes need to come off." He grabbed a hand full of her shirt and ripped it off as fast as he could so Bulma wouldn't feel any pain. "I just realized you and I didn't to play much last time." Vegeta smirked as he saw her exposed skin flush. He leaned down and nibbled on her exposed cleavage. Slowly he moved to her bra sucking on her hard nipple. Getting tired of the bra Vegeta turned it to shreds.

Pleasure filled Bulma's being as she felt Vegeta's ministrations. All she wanted to do was voice her encouragements to him but no words would come out. 'He's moving to fucking slow. I want more.' She pounded her tail on the mattress. 'I can move my tail. I've got an idea.' Bulma's tail slid up Vegeta's hip to the small of his back. Her tail lightly stroked his then wrapped its self around it. She felt Vegeta's body stiffen.

Bulma nearly cried as he stopped. Vegeta smirked at her and unwound their tails. "No, no. You need to be taught a lesson. It's not polite to grab other peoples' tails." He wrapped his tail around his waist and smirked. His eyes never left hers as he ripped her sweatpants and underwear in one pull. Bulma's whole body blushed as he looked up and down her body. 'Absolutely beautiful.'

Vegeta thrust two fingers into her sopping wet entrance. Bulma shut her eyes, letting the pleasure she was receiving run thru her body. "Look at me." She opened her eyes looking directly into Vegeta's obsidian orbs. Bulma's walls clamped on his fingers. 'Just a little more.' She was just about to peak when Vegeta again stopped. "KAMI DAMN YOU VEGETA!" Bulma pounded her fist and tail on the bed. He stood at the end of the bed and ripped his clothing off. Bulma let her eyes roam his body taking in every inch of him, burning it into her memory. 'He has the body of a Greek god.' "You have been a very naughty boy. Come here and take your punishment." Vegeta crossed his arms and smirked. "Sorry, Bulma. Maybe some other time. I have other things in mind."

Vegeta flashed Bulma an evil grin. Slowly he crawled over her. When they where at eye level the silence that had covered the room was broken. "This isn't going to be gentle like last time." Vegeta grabbed her hips and thrust himself into her. Immediately Bulma rapped her legs around his waist.

Without warning Bulma flipped Vegeta on his back. She grabbed his shoulders for leverage and ground her hips against his. Vegeta closed his eyes and groaned. "Kami Bulma." With every rock of Bulma's body, Vegeta's control slipped bit by bit. His instincts were taking over, screaming at him to dominate.

Finally it snapped. All rational thought was gone. He rolled her on to her back. Vegeta's thrusts were hard and at a merciless pace. Bulma's body felt like it was going to explode. "Vegeta! More!" Their tails wrapped around each other intensifying their pleasure. Vegeta scrapped his teeth on the nape of Bulma's neck. He could feel the tension building in her body. Her moans of please quickly turned into screams of ecstasy. Bulma dug her nails into Vegeta's back, filling the room with the scent of blood. Both of their orgasms came at the same time. Vegeta sunk his teeth into the flesh of her skin. Blood gushed into his mouth. The sweet taste of the blood sent him over the edge for a second time. "Bite me back."

Bulma didn't hesitate as she bit him back. She moaned as his blood touched her tongue. She too was thrown over the edge for a second time. Their lives flashed before the other's mind. Vegeta was surprised, he expected Bulma's life to be full of happiness, but it wasn't. She was criticized and isolated by the children in her school because of her intelligence. Even her parents unintentionally ignored her. Her father was too busy with his inventions and her mother was working to put food on the table. By the time her father made the Hippo Capsule, she was the independent, loud mouth bitch he knows today.

Bulma buried her face in Vegeta's chest and cried. Vegeta looked down at her. "I don't want your pity onna." Bulma shook her head. "I just wish I could have been there for you." Vegeta rapped his arms around her and let her cry. "After all the be-" He put his finger over her lips. "Bulma, it doesn't matter anymore." She leaned forward and kissed him. They spent the rest of the day and night reinforcing and exploring the new bond between them.

*Ah the lemony goodness*

*There you have it*


Chichi sighed sadly. With her little boy gone, she was not motivated to do anything. She cooked when Goku asked and did the dishes. Everything around the house made her miss Gohan even more. The only reason she wasn't crying right now was because she ran out of tears. All she wanted to do was hold Gohan in her arms.

Chichi walked outside and sat on a chair she left out there. Icarus walked up to her and placed his head on her lap. "You miss him too." She lightly petted his head. "I just wish Piccolo and Goku finds him soon." The sounds of two sets of feet touching the ground came from behind Chichi. "Have you found him yet?" Her voice was filled with doubt.

There was a rush of wind and a laugh was heard behind her. Chichi's head whipped around. She couldn't believe what she saw. "GOHAN!" Completely forgetting about Icarus, Chichi stood up and ran to him. She rapped her arms around him, repeatedly kissing his face. "Where have you been? I've been so worried about you."

Gohan smiled at her. "Don't worry Mom every thing will be alright." Chichi looked at him sternly. "Where have you been?" He continued to smile and pointed behind him. "With him." She looked behind her. "Oh my Kami! Stay away from my son!" Gohan pouted behind her back. "Dad's not that bad Mom, really." Chichi turned around and grabbed his face. "He is not your father, Gohan. Goku is." Gohan frowned.

"I think she is going to need some convincing." Gohan nodded his head in agreement. "Sorry Mom but it is the only way." The man gave her a quick hit to the back of her head knocking her out. Gohan caught her before she hit the ground. They flew off leaving behind Icarus who witnessed it all.

******************************This took forever********************************

DG still tied to the chair: Hi everyone. Sorry this took so long but here it is. Where is everyone? One minute they where watching me write the next they where gone. Well all except Master Roshi. He's cleaning up a major nosebleed.

Chichi giggles: Goku that tickles.

DG -_-;: Now look what I've done I won't be getting any sleep tonight.

Bulma: Vegeta!

Vegeta: Bulma!

Yamcha: Frieza

DG O.O: Kami help me!

See ya!

Thursday, September 16, 2004