Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

Inga_Maximus@yahoo.com please tell me if this email is right. I keep sending emails and they cannot be delivered.

Sayianprincess I am so sorry, I had you email address wrong and I just caught it.

Fan fiction can now be accessed on my site. http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/dragongirl

This chapter isn't very long.



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I'm too lazy to make up a Saiyajin language

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Chapter 9


Goku, Piccolo, and Icarus had searched until the sun when down with no luck. All three were standing out side the front door. Goku was dreading going home and facing his wife. `Chichi is going to kill me.' "Chichi isn't going to take this well." Piccolo snorted. "That's putting it mildly." Goku took a deep breath and opened the door.

To his surprise, all of the Z senshi except for Yamcha, Bulma, and Vegeta were gathered in the living room. Launch was trying to comfort a hysterical Chichi. She looked up. Goku shook his head. Chichi burst into a fit of tears. "My poor baby." Goku walked to Chichi and held her in his arms, whispering reassurances in her ear. He carried her into their bedroom for the second time that day.

Krillin walked up to Piccolo. "What's going on Piccolo? Chichi called all of us. She was hysterical."

Piccolo removed his turban and cape, throwing them in the far corner of the living room. "We think Gohan has been kidnapped. Something happened to Gohan, Icarus came to get us, when we got to the last place they were at, they were signs of a fight, but Gohan was not any where to be found."

Piccolo sat on the couch as Goku walked into the room. "Chichi fell asleep. You filled them in?" Piccolo nodded his head. The entire room was quiet letting the information sink in. Krillin cleared his throat getting everyone's attention. "Guys who would be strong enough to kidnap Gohan? He is one of the strongest members of our group."

Before anyone could answer, Launch sneezed. "What's going on?" Everyone waited while Chou-Tzu and Tien filled her in. Launch stood up and pulled out her new machine gun. "What the hell are we waiting for? Let's get him back." Goku shook his head. "Krillin has a point. Who ever took him is very strong. As much as I want to get him back we need to know what we are getting ourselves into." Launch looked around. "Hay, Where is Yamcha, Bulma and that Vegeta guy?" Goku put he hand behind his head and laughed nervously. "Um… actually…"

Piccolo rolled his eyes. "This is going to take a while to explain." An hour went by when Piccolo was finally done. Krillin grabbed a pillow and hit Goku over the head. Goku saw the pillow coming, and covered his head with his arms. "Goku *hit* you *hit* should *hit* have *hit* told *hit* us! For all we know this all could be connected." He gave Goku one last whack with the pillow.

Goku looked at Krillin thru his arms. "Are you done yet? I'm hungry." His stomach emphasized the fact by growling. Krillin buried his face in the pillow and screamed in frustration. Everyone else groaned while Piccolo hit him up side the head. "BAKA!"


Vegeta opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. The sun was shining, birds where chirping and he hated it all. The sun was too bright and he wanted to blast those birds straight to hell. The only thing he didn't want to blast was the woman sound a sleep at his side purring. `Purring?' He listened closer. `She's really purring, but how?' Vegeta tried to sit up, but was stopped, when Bulma slammed him back on the bed. She laid her head on his shoulder and purred louder than before. `Okay I want answers!' "Onna get up now!"

Bulma groaned as Vegeta sat up. "Vegeta what's going on?" She pouted. "I haven't slept this good in a long time and you had to wake me up. What time is it?" Bulma looked at the clock. `It's 9 am, but we finished talking at 10 am. Wonderful I slept for a whole day.' She sat up and crossed her arms.

Vegeta leaned into the crook of her neck and breathed in her sent. He inwardly groaned as his instincts told him to bite her. His eyes widened. `She smells like a Saiyajin. There is only one more way to confirm it.' He flipped her over on her stomach, straddled her butt, and pulled down the hem of her sweatpants. "Vegeta what the hell are you doing you perve?!" Vegeta's eyes widened even more as a cerulean blue tail uncurled from her waist. He smirked and gently stroked her tail.

Bulma struggled to get Vegeta off of her but stopped when a feeling of pleasure shot up her spine and spread thru every inch of her body. Her eyes involuntarily closed. A deep purr filled the room as Vegeta continued his ministrations. Her sent overwhelmed his senses. He leaned forward and lightly kissed the back of Bulma's neck. Vegeta closed his eyes tightly and growled. `I better stop before I do something I might regret.' He let Bulma's tail slide out of his hand and stood next to the bed, to put distance between them.

Bulma whimpered as he stopped. She rolled over to face Vegeta. Her tail was reaching out to Vegeta wanting to be touched. She opened her mouth to talk be nothing came out as she spotted her tail. Bulma gave a small squeak as she touched the tip of her tail.

Vegeta cleared his throat to get her attention. Bulma look up and into Vegeta's eyes. She couldn't think as she lost her self in his eyes. Getting on her hands and knees, she slowly crawled to Vegeta. `She's trying to seduce me. *gulp* It's not going to work.' His body on the other hand disagreed with him. His pants felt and looked a size too small. Bulma pounced on Vegeta. Knocking them both to the ground. She put her hand on either side of his head and leaned down. "It seems to be working to me my prince," Her voice was deep and filled with lust.

Vegeta smirked. "As much as I'm enjoying this onna. I think we should stop before you do something you will regret later. This is a side effect from me petting your tail. You can bitch at me later for this." He quickly knocked her out with a strike to the back of her head. Vegeta laid her back on the bed and covered her up. `I'm getting way too soft. Training is in order.'


Gohan groaned and rolled over on his stomach. He didn't want to wake up. His whole body felt like it had been put thru a meat grinder. Slowly he opened his eyes not sure what to expect. The room was black, with a sliding glass door, and the only furniture in the room was the bed he was laying on and a dresser next to the bed. There were also three wooden doors in the room. One was on the opposite side of the room and the other two where side-by-side to his right.

Gohan got out of the bed. He looked down and noticed he had no close on. `I should get some clothes before I do anything else.' He opened the top drawer and pulled a pair of underwear out. Gohan walked to the two doors to his right and opened the left one. He didn't know why but he knew the closet was there and the door next to it was the bathroom. Gohan looked on the closet and pulled out a pair of baggy cotton pants. That was all that was in the closet.

The door to outside the room opened revealing a tanned man in a pair of pants matching Gohan's. "Come with me." He followed the man into a white room. Again, Gohan did know why but he knew he could trust him. Gohan watched as Yamcha floated in the tank. "I'm glad I don't have to be in that shit." The man rested his hand on Gohan's shoulder. "How long do we have to wait?" The man sighed. "Be patient. We have 19 days left." Gohan smirked. "I'm going to go train." He turned around and walked away. "I'll join you soon, son." Gohan stopped. `He called me son. That sounds right.' "Okay, father."

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DG: Hi everyone, Sorry about the chapter being short.

Bulma: Vegeta!

Chichi: Goku!

Both: Get her!

DG: Ahhhhh!

Vegeta and Goku pounce on DG and tie her to a chair.

DG -_-; : Um guys is there something you want to talk about.

Vegeta: Tell everyone see ya DG.

DG: Review if you want. See ya! I am in so much trouble.

Chichi pulls out her frying pan: You don't know the half of it.

DG: Help!