Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Really Happened During The Three Year Gap ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: *heavy sigh* I own nothing. *hugs chibi- Trunks for comfort*

Before the begining of the final scenario, I would just like to take the time to point out why exactly I feel the previous two cases were not the 'real deal'

Scenario 1)~ Vegeta is training, Vegeta has some depressing melodramatic thoughts, Enter heartbroken Bulma, They consimate their love for eachother, The rest is history.

/// Please, this scenario is only *Completely* and *Utterly* out of character for the both of them! I mean, Vegeta... being melodramatic? I know it's happened before, but you can count the ocassions easily on one hand. Another thing, he never, Ever has complained about his supposedly 'horrible' childhood. Hell, he casualy shrugged the destruction of his entire planet off when he was only 12, I somewhat doubt he's going to start grieving for the loss of his race around 30 years later. Okay, it has been established that Vegeta *does* have feelings, but I'm sick of fic after fic portraying him to act like the world's coming to an end whenever his teddy goes into the wash! Stop Making My Vegeta- Sama Out As A Pathetic Whining Whimp!!! And as for Bulma,, she changes the love of her life even faster than she changes her hair! One minute she could be sobbing about Yamcha on Vegeta's shoulder, and the next she's whining about Vegeta while cudling her 'studmuffin' Yamcha. Aiya, and besides, they don't exactly get along very well, so why on earth would she go crying to everyone's favorite prince when she has a problem? I would think she'd go talk to Goku, Chichi, or even her mom, at least someone who she'd been friends with for a while. As I stated before, fic after fic always portrays her as the innocent damsel in distress who is being used by the evil boyfriend Yamcha to satisfy his perverse and sadistic pleasures (Sure it says in the series that Yamcha is unfaithful, but I certainly didn't catch anything about him being a totally evil, heartless bastard wifebeater, and I've seen the entire series... undubbed to boot) with Vegeta as her noble knight in shining armor, and it's so overused I feel almost ill whenever I find *yet another* fic with this plot. And believe me, there are a _lot_. Honestly, whatever happened to 'originality'? And besides, this is still our firey- tempered *Bulma* for crying out loud, and do you really think she'd just lay down and let evil Yamcha just walk all over her and trample her size- of- a- small- continent pride into the dust? I don't think so, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. And on a more realistic note, would *you* sleep with someone who tried to kill you less than two years ago fifteen seconds after breaking up with your long- time boy/girlfriend?///

Scenario 2)~ Vegeta is training, Full Moon, Enter Bulma, They writh all over eachother like ferrets in heat, The rest is history.

/// This one would be a bit more easy to swallow except for one, tiny detail... I don't recall ever hearing about the moon being wished back, do you? Maybe it's b/c I havn't seen the series in a while and I've forgotten little details like pheromone induced sex crazed monkies or Yamcha's entire personality being a mask to hide his true evil intentions that he only shows to the shy and timid Bulma... or maybe it's just yet another plot- hole in the bottemless abyss of B/V fanfiction. Sigh, there are quite a few real gems out there I admit (try for instanse, the Real Story of Bulma Breifs by Kamijen *not on MediaMiner, try Anipike*, or the Golden Crown of the Heavens by ssjprincess *shameless plug* shameless plug*), but in general, (as painful as it is to admit) the entire basis of B/V fandom puts swiss cheese to shame.///

*I'd just like to note that the above statements are my own personal opinions, and I apologize if I've offended anyone, but those are my guns and I'm sticking to them, so please, though feedback is greatly appriciated, don't go blasting me for saying what's on my mind, you won't change it by flaming me, therefore it would just be a waist of your time and my review box thing.*

Anyhoo, now that that's out of the way, we can move on to what you've all been waiting for.... Scenario 3!!!



Vegeta was in the gravity room, training restlessly for the coming of the dreaded androids that the mysterious boy from the future had forwarned them of. Actually, he was trying to go Super Sayajin. Actually, he was just training to get stronger than that damnable Kakarotto so he could finally wallow in the sweet taste of victory after kicking the baka's foo' ass.

~ Vegeta's Fantasy ~ (be afraid)

He lay in a puddle of his own crimson blood, gasping desperatly for air through clentched teeth, his face a mask of pain. One large, black eye squinted open, his pupil dulled by the agony that mercilessly throttled every nerve in his being. He could only gape in awe at the God- like power of his opponent, who hovered, glowing a chaoticly beautiful gold, several feet above the ground before the fallen warrior-

No, scratch that,

the fallen third class circus clown. The Golden Warrior -which was Vegeta, suprise, suprise- slowly and deliberatly floated down to land on the bloodstained soil without a sound. He sauntered over to his fallen opponent -which was Goku, suprise, suprise- and gave the simpleton a wicked smile, fully baring his enlongated canines. His eyes glinted with sadistic glee as he watched the fool squirm at his feet.

"My Prince, my lord, my God! I was nothing but a pathetic fool to even dream that I could ever defeat you! I am simply no match for your ungodly power! Please sire! I now realize that I am not worthy of licking the dust off of your mighty boot, let alone think of myself as superior to your awe- inspiring strength! Oh your highness! I can not ask for your forgivness, as I do not deserve such a kindness! I am mearly an unworthy worm! I do not deserve the pleasure of even making eye contact with you, your majesty! Punish me for my stupidity! Punish me for my cockiness! Punish me for I do not deserve to live after making a mockery of your perfection!" Vegeta's laugh almost had a maniacle edge as Kakarotto continued to grovel at the crown prince's feet, begging like the third class dog he was. Finally, everything was falling into place for the prince Vegeta!

"No, death is too good for the likes of you." He sneered down at the younger man. "Oh no, I have planned something much, Much worse!" The other saiyan's eyes widened with terror as he whimpered softly, pawing at his Master's feet. The next thing Kakarotto knew, he was straped down in a steel chair, his eyelids taped open and a little black box sitting innocently before him. Vegeta then strolled over to the box and shoved something inside before turning and grinning at him evily. "I have chosen a punishment more suited to your horrid crimes, you sniveling wentch!" the prince broke out into laughter again, and this time, there was an unmistakably insane note to it. "No, you are destined to watch the Funimation dubbed episode of DragonBall Z where you and Piccolo were forced to take driving lessons again and again and again for the rest of eternity!" Kakarotto looked at him in unhidden horrer.

~ End Fantasy ~ (be very afraid)

Vegeta stood in a moment of almost drunken glee as he ran the entire daydream through his mind for a second time. Heh, he was so brilliantly evil he scared himself sometimes!

Suddenly, the gravity room's door started to hiss open, the generator died immeadiatly as it was programed to do. The sudden and unexpected change in pressure made Vegeta lose his balance and fall, rather ungracfully, to the tiled floor. He turned in horrer to see who he had been dreading. Bulma stood in the doorway, shoulders squared and determined look on her features.

"Alright Vegeta, I've timed it exactly, and for things to work out properly, this has got to happen *now*!" she cringed slightly but held her ground. Without warning her eyes rolled back in her head, hand laided dramaticlly across her forehead as she floped over in a dead faint. Vegeta akwardly darted over to catch her, triped on a loose tile and wound up getting tangled up with her now concious, and very cheesed off body on the floor. They both kept trying to get up at the same time, causing the mass of limbs to tangle all the worse, both shouting obsenities at eachother as they both tried to crawl over the other.

Well, Great Way To Ruin The Romantic Mood You Guys

They both stopped fighting immeadiatly. Vegeta scowled and sulked from his position on the floor while Bulma at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"Well... I guess we should get this over with, I want to get back to my newest invention before supper." said Bulma after an akward pause. "...Well...?" she snarled down at the prone prince, growling in irritation when he fixed her with an empty look.

"I thought it was you who was supposed to go first." he drawled in an almost bored tone. She pouted cutely and sighed. She supposed he was right, and as she said before, she just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Oh alright." She muttered and rolled her eyes. Honestly! The things she had to do!

Vegeta, I've found out Yamcha has been cheating on me! *sniff* He's only been using me to fufill his perverse and sadistic pleasures! And last night, while I was lying in my bed, I realized that you're the only man I'll ever truly love! You seemed to have waltzed out of my dreams and into my arms, please, my sweet prince, take my away form this place! Take me back to the heavens where you must have been forged my angel!" She recited with more than a little 'flare'. (in other words, over- acting and exagerating the entire time) She ended her little speech by colapsing on his chest with a bit more 'zing' than nessicary. Vegeta was torn between laughing and puking. She looked up at him with wide, watery eyes, "Well?" she snapped, it was kind of freaky, as her face remained in the same, cutsy expression, but her voice was far to sharp to fit it.

"..... Fine...." He grunted after a short pause. Another short pause as Vegeta reatched into his pocket and pulled out a worn peice of paper and unfolded it slowly, in hopes not to rouse Bulma, in whom had planted her face into his chest again. Honestly! The things he had to do!

"Bulma... Dear sweet Bulma, from the first day I saw you, I knew I had to have you. I've never felt this way about anything before! You are my destin- Hey! What The Hell Do You Think You're Doing!?!" A brief tug- o- war began, and ended just as quickly when the paper was shredded. Vegeta and Bulma then settled with glaring death at eachother.

"You Pompus ASS! You're Supposed To Have Your Lines *Memorized*! You Can't Just Read Off The Script!"

"....... Um, you are my destiny..... And your very pretty..... Your eyes are like the ocean and all that crap.... I love you."

"Idiot! That was supposed to be My line!"

"Well Whatever! Ok, lines are done!" He growled softly as he began to fumble with the hem of his training shorts. Bulma's eyes widened slightly.

"Vegeta Wait!" he looked up at her and scowled

"No, we can't use birth control, I'm supposed to 'accidently' get you pregnant remember."

"It's not that!" she replied indignatly, "I just can't shake the feeling that we've forgotten something..." she continued in a softer tone. Vegeta stared at her for a moment before shrugging.

"It probably wasn't important anyway."

"Yeah, you're right I suppose. Now lets just get this over with, and once we're through, I call the shower first understand?" she growled lightly as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Hn. Whatever."

And they joined as one that night under the strict command of Toriyama- san ^^


Yea!!! Why is this the only *true* scenario you ask? Because Akira Toriyama- San said so!

~ Other possible scenarios ~

Consumption of large amounts of alcohal.

Game of strip- poker gone horribly wrong.

Temperary mind control.

Monumental brain- fart by both parties

Gravity room getting to Vegeta and Bulma getting back at Yamcha (suggested by Pandapants182)

Both needing someone to talk to, then one thing leading to the next (suggested by Chibi- Dacras babysitter)


And there we have it! Owari! The End!
Special THANKS goes out to all whos reviewed, *sniff*, you guys are the greatest ^^