Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Really Happened During The Three Year Gap ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Yuki~ *glare*
Chibi Vegeta~ *smirk* She's a loser so she dosn't- and never will- own anything of value.
Yuki~ *venom- filled glare at Chibi Veggie* I own you so you'd better watch it punk!


Vegeta was in the gravity room, training restlessly for the coming of the dreaded androids that the mysterious boy from the future had forwarned them of. He growled under his breath in irritation. Why was it that he, the great prince of saiyans, always was the last to do _anything_!?! First that damned retard Kakarotto stole *his* destiny as the legendary Super Saiyan, and now some waterpainted weakling hybrid from the future was danggling his one goal and desire above of his nose. Damn him! Damn them both for mocking him! Damn the Kami's that seemed to think his life was nothing but a great big cosmic joke! Hell, wouldn't be suprised in the least if Kakarotto's little brat reached the next level before him! Oh but he would show them... Vegeta smirked wickedly. He would show them all! Once he harnessed the power of the Super Saiyan, he would shove his foot sooo far up that third- class reject's ass, he would be wearing the idiot's small intestine as a pair of pantyhose! He paused in his training for a moment as the mental picture of him prancing about in said women's unmentionables fully formed. It was... rather disturbing, to say the least... Once he harnessed the power of the Super Saiyan, he would shove his foot sooo far up that third- class reject's ass, he would lose a boot! He grined evily, yes, he liked the sound of that much better, more masculan. And with this finishing thought, he resumed his self- barberizing sadistic/ machostic pleasures that he so fondly dubbed 'training'.

But unfotunently, the prince wasn't aware of the current lunar phase. For if he known what to expect that night, and the few nights following, he would have quit his training and fled to the desserts, or some other forsaken area of solitude, where he could try to find some peace and ride out what was to come. But alas, as stated before, he did not know that that very night was going to be the first full moon since said planetary satilite was wished back by some helpless romantic ala the dragonballs.

It certainly didn't take him too long to figure it out though. He groaned in frustration at himself and his lack of foresight and cursed at his lack of control as he tried, and was failing miserably, to finish his exercises. No matter what he tried to do, he just could not block the sensual fantasies that drifted into his feverish mind. He broke into a string of creative curses and turned up the gravity in a last ditch effort to squash the appitizing thoughts, he had more important things to worry about and he *refused* to give in! He released a self- satisfied grunt as the pressure fell upon his shoulders almost imediatly. The blue- haired bitch was a royal pain in the ass, but at least she knew how to create a damn good piece of training equipment. He paused suddenly as the memory of the time he walked in on her while she was in the shower wafted into his mind. The sparkling liquid trickling over her sensual curves, her gorgeus body barely obscured by the fogging glass... Gods why hadn't he joined her that day!?!... But it would be so easy... Her room was less than a mile away, he could be there in five seconds flat if he wanted... And it wasn't like she would be able to stop him from getting what he wanted, what he needed... He shoke his head vigerously and growled. No. No! Bad thoughts! Just concentrate on training... Just, just concentrate... on..He was fighting a losing battle, and he knew it. He sighed in defeat, he might as well just turn the gravity room off and hole himself up in a cave somewhere far, far away and wait it out. He trudged over to the central controls, then paused, before slowly turning around to face the opposite direction. He didn't *have* to be so weak... Maybe if he turned the gravity up high enough, he would have to focus entirely on the task at hand... But it was getting so hard (Not _that_ you pervs!) to think straight. He hissed in mild anger, he was willing to bet Kakarotto wasn't giving in to such weakness!

At the Son house~


Back to the gravity room~

He sighed wearily and leaned back against the controls, upon doing so his eyes popped open as he gave a sharp gasp. He had leaned against the edge of the control panel, and the corner was at just the right height to dig into the scar where his tail had once been, triggering the most.. pleasent sensations. He moaned softly, his eyes becoming half- slits and leaned into it just a bit more. He found himself again focusing on the shower incident, but he was feeling too good right now to care. Then other, little things about the woman who had taken him into her home began to take on a more tantilizing light. The sway of her sensual hips when she walked, her long, shaply legs sauntering around the room, her low- cut shirts showing generous amounts of cleavege. Even the way she looked after fixing the gravity room, her face flushed by the heat, her hair clinging to her by the delicate pearls of sweat that glistened on her pale skin, her breasts swelling with each heaving breath after a job well done... Every nerve in his body sang with pleasure as the gentle burning in his lower stomach was stroked into a raging flame that spread throughout his veins. Why hadn't he noticed how arousing she was until now? He panted slightly, rubing up against the edge a little harder, his tail spot was begining to hurt.. But in a good way, a *very* good way. Reality began to blend in with fantasy as the sweet torture continued, her sensual hips pressed beneath his own, her long, shaply legs wraped tightly around his waist, her face flushed with pleasure, her breasts heaving with each ragged breath while she screamed his name as he delved madly into her tight, hot, wet depths... deeper, harder... again and again... Oh god...His breathing had become uneven, his head tilted back and eyes shut tightly. He wanted... He needed... Oh god...He tightly griped the control panel as his knees started to feel weak. Damn her! Damn her for making him feel this way! Suddenly, the gravity room's door started to hiss open. The panel gave a sharp jolt that nearly sent the prince over the edge as it died immediatly like it was programed to do, leaving him irritated, not to mention rather embarassed, about the what he'd just been doing... and been caught doing. What the hell was wrong with him!?! He swiftly turned to face the panel to hide his swollen manhood and the horrid blush that was spreading across his scowling face. Surely he wasn't so weak as to stoop to the lows of... of _Masterbating!_ His face flushed a darker shade of red, he hoped that whoever it was hadn't seen anything overly... blackmail- worthy...

"... Vegeta?"


"Vegeta!" Her voice had taken a more harsh tone the second time.

Shitshitshitshitshit! Maybe if he ignored her she would just go away...

"Veg-E-Ta! Hel-Lo! I'm talking to you!"

He could sense her come up right behind him. His eyes widened, she smelt sooo good... No! Never!

"HEY!!! Don't You Ignore Me Mister!"


"What is it *Woman*?" He snarled. Perhaps if he got her pissed of she would leave... He could feel her bristle at the comment, but she stood her ground.

"It's almost 2 in the morning, don't you think you should be coming in now?" She snaped at him in a clipped tone. However, she couldn't stop herself from mentaly burning the lines of his perfectly sculpted back- and backside- into her memory. Not even she could deny that he look damn good... in a pompus, stuck up, pain in the ass alien kind of way...And what the hell was that smell...? She was begining to feel light- headed from the barely- audiable musky scent in the air. It took her a moment to notice the slight tingling in her neither regions... To which she responded to with a light blush and a silent thanks to Kami that Vegeta wasn't turned around to see it.

(Now it's time to learn a new word kids; Pheromones~ (noun) any chemical substance released by an animal that serves to influence physiology or behavior of other members of the same species... Then again, we all know how much humans and saiyans are alike...)

He wanted her, he wanted her _bad_ and there was no use denying it. His thoughts began to wind back down a previous path, it wasn't like she could do anything to resist him, and *she* was the one to come to *him*, so it would technically be her fault... wouldn't it? Gah! He wished she would back off a bit and give him some space to think _properly_! And the fact that other, more demanding areas of his anotomy were crying out for attention wasn't making it any easier. His legs seemed to act on their own accord as he turned to face her. She wore nothing but a short nightshirt and a pair of those silky undergarmets.

She had suddenly become the most sexually desirable creature he had ever seen. He took a determined step towards her. He wanted her. Another step. And the crown prince of Vejita- sei *always* got what he wanted.

He was directly in front of her now. She could feel the waves of heat generating off his god- like body. She was captured by his eyes, the raw, primal lust that swam in their depths. She made a soft whimpering noise as she pressed her legs together in a vain attempt to stop the pleading throbbing and the heat that was blosseming there. The next thing she knew she had been drawn into the most heated and passionate kiss she had ever experienced. She moaned and melted into his arms. Yes! No! YES! This _Is_ what she wanted! This is what they both _Needed!_

'What about Yamcha?' a cruel voice in the back of her mind whispered harshly. Her eyes popped open, what was she doing? She already had Yamcha! She tore her lips away with a severe burst of willpower.

"Vegeta, pl-" she was cut off as the saiyan roughly pressed his lips against hers again. Her protests were silenced as he sliped his hot, probing tounge into her mouth. God, he even *tasted* good... Her own tangled with his eagerly, her nails draging lightly down his back. It felt like he had a thousand hands as he touched her in places she never knew could cause such violent sensations to run through her body. She felt his length dig into her inner thigh, before rubing seductivly against her own throbbing womanhood. She gasped quickly as the fires of passion lanced up her spine and exploded in her brain. Screw Yamcha, he's probably with some little blond bitch now anyway...

And they screwed eachother rotten in pure, unharnessed lust again and again that night, and the next day, and the night after, and the night after that, and the day and night after _that_...You get the idea...


And that was the second scenario, dedicated especially to all you shameless hentais out there ^^
Always remember to R&R, as that is the writers only form of nourishment, so please, FEED ME!
And a Big THANK YOU to everyone who's reviewed already, I'm glad you like it so far :) :) :)