Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What T.V. Didn't Show: Dragonball Chronicles: Emperor Zolly Saga ❯ A Few Surprising Visitors ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hehehehehe, I already like this story. YEP YEP! Here’s Chapter 1. Not much to say really I suppose. Well anyhoo, on with the responses to your reviews and the stupid, pointless disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Really wishing I did, but sadly, I don’t. Again, this is stupid, there is no way someone is going to write fanfiction on their own story.

What T.V. Didn’t Show: Dragonball Chronicles: Emperor Zolly Saga
By: CowgirlUSA
Chapter 1- A Few Surprising Visitors

The day was sunny, and the heat of the blazing sun beat down on my poor head with no forgiveness what so ever. The birds were chirping in the trees, singing their sweet songs for all to hear. The gentle breeze blew the grass along the ground, making it create little waves amongst the rich green. Smiling, I let my mind explore the quiet streets of Japan as few people walked on it at this time of day. What I wouldn’t give....

“Miss. Son!” a voice screeched, awakening from my wondering thoughts and bringing me back into the cold and harsh reality.

“Yes?” I asked nervously, watching the teacher eye me dangerously, she didn’t like when kids didn’t pay attention, and probably was the worse to punish those who defied that rule.

“I asked you a question and you did not answer. Wouldn’t your father be ashamed!” she scolded as I scoffed at that statement. My father didn’t care about me anymore, or so I thought.

“Uh, sorry?” I apologized as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of lunch and my freedom from this horrid class. Saved by the bell! (I use to watch that show!)

The hallways were crowded once I had left the room and escaped the rants of the teacher that was sorely upset with me at the moment. The stench of sweat was suffocating, and there was no room to walk without running into someone. It felt as if you were being swallowed hole by a huge monster that was hungry for revenge. Side-stepping, bumping, and whatever else you choose to call it, I made my way out of the school and onto the grass lawn where I would wait. Alex, foreign exchange student from America was getting the lunch this week, and next week it would be my turn. He was my only friend at the moment, and we had spent many a times after school hanging out at one place or another.

Closing my tired eyes, I let my body rest under the shade of the maple tree that I had decided would be the eating place of my friend and I. The cool breeze was just enough to cool my heated body with the sun beating down as so. I let the breeze lull me into a state of complete security as all possible stress and annoyances left my mind without a second thought.

“Hey, Sleeping Beauty!” I heard a voice call as foot steps approached where I now laid, propped up against the trunk of the tree.

“Don’t call me that! You know I hate any kind of fairy tale!” I cried out, throwing a stray clod of dirt had his annoying and amused head.

“Hey! Don’t kill the friend here!” he joked as he plopped the tray of food in between the two of us.

“And why not?” I asked sweetly, smirking for good measure, letting my Saiyan background show through.

“Because, who else do you have to watch your back while you’re training?” Alex challenged back, knowing he had won his first and last battle.

“Shut up,” I retorted lamely, sending him icy glares from my position on the ground while he just smiled in my direction. “I hate you.”

“No you don’t, you love me, you just haven’t realized it yet,” he replied simply and stood to throw away his trash. As his back was turned, I stuck my tongue out at him, and laughed my head off when I saw him trip over the trash can, landing flat on the ground, garbage everywhere.

Serves him right, I thought to myself as I sat back with a never fading grin on my face. The steady breeze shifted ever so slightly, heightening my already alert senses, something was watching me, and for that, I was sure. About to take to the sky and skip the rest of the day of school, I heard the most annoying voice ever to sound, my dear friend, Bulma Briefs.

“Pan?!” the voice called from my cell phone, which I had answered immediately after the first ring. “Is that you dear?!”

“Oh, Bulma, the hearing, remember? I am a quarter Saiyan,” I moaned as my head pounded from the ringing of my poor abused ears.

“ Don’t you dare say that race’s name, ever, ever” Bulma sneered out from the other end of the line.

“Sorry, but its true, you know? The hearing proves it, among other things. Anyways, what did you want?” I asked warily, as the very beat up looking Alex joined me again.

“Oh, I forgot, oh well,” came the slurred reply of the blue haired president of Capsule Corps.

“Bulma? One question. Are you drunk again?” I asked as the evening already played out into my mind.

“Of course not, why would you say something like *hiccup* that? Ok, maybe just a few sips *uncontrollable giggles* well, maybe a few bottles,” the woman finally got out.

“Ok, stay home. Is Grandma Chi Chi there?” I asked, hoping beyond hope that she was.

“Yes Pan, I’m here,” came the tired voice of my grandmother who had been raising me for the past three years.

“Good, I was worried she was on her own,” I replied as I checked the clock on the side of the building.

“No, she’s not be herself, but do hurry home after school, she is really being a handful this time,” grandma’s tired voice stated before the line went dead.

Flipping the phone closed, I stuck it back into my backpack, hoping that teachers wouldn’t find out I had a cell phone on school hours. Looking to my good friend, I smiled weakly, as he put an arm around me and we slowly but surely headed back to the awful day ahead of us.

“See ya later!” I called as I slipped into my third period class as the bell rang signaling the beginning of class.

I hurried to find my seat before the teacher entered because of her strict policy, which was:
‘To be early is to be on time.
To be on time was to be late.
And to be late was to get your
ass sent to the principal’s.’
And I didn’t even want to imagine how grandma, who was already stressed with Bulma, would react to another call from the school about her beloved granddaughter.

“Good afternoon class,” the teacher, Ms. Applebomb, announced the moment I had reached my desk, I am so relieved.

“Good afternoon Ms. Applebomb,” the class greeted is unison as I rolled my eyes in disgust, stupid teacher.

“Well, I presume that you have completed your assignment. Yes?” the teacher asked the class with a knowing eye.

“Yes,” they all replied as I tried my best to become invisible since she was staring directly at me with venom.

“Miss. Son? Don’t tell me you didn’t do it,” she warned with an agitated voice, while her beady eyes bore hole into my cobalt ones.

“Umm, alright, then I won’t tell you,” I stated as I looked away, trying my best to avoid her heated stare.

“Really Pan, where is all this coming from?! Both of your parents were good enough students, and then I guess there was your uncle, but, there was that Briefs boy he was a good student until he got into highschool,” and so it went, her rambling on and on, while the rest of the class started chatting amongst themselves.

“Miss. Pan Son, Miss. Pan Son, a visitor will be coming for you in a matter of minutes, you are to wait there until the person comes. Then you and the other person will go back to the office to see the rest of you visitors, thank you,” the principal’s voice announced over the intercom.

“Well, you certainly seemed blessed today, since you are getting all these lucky breaks,” the teacher commented, as I smiled in return.

“More like cursed,” I breathed out so no one could hear, or so I thought until I heard the ever so slight chuckle from the classroom door.

Turning my already pounding head, my breath caught as I saw who one of my visitors were. There standing in the doorway, was none other that Bra Briefs herself. She wore her hair short, with black tips to each strand. Her ears were pierced twice with one hoop and one stud. Her black t-shirt fit her form perfectly, and her baggy camo pants had to be guys’ clothing. She sported the brown hiking boots, and she wore absolutely no make-up. If it wasn’t for the tight fitting shirt, you would of thought her a boy.

“Well, you must be Pan’s visitor. Are you a good friend of the family?” Ms. Applebomb asked nonchalantly, though I recognized it as one of her famous third degrees.

“Um, I guess you could say that,” Bra said nervously, shifting from foot to foot as all eyes were on her. Three years ago, she would of enjoyed being the center of attention.

“Well, if that’s so, then could you please tell her or whoever she will listen too, to start getting her homework done,” the teacher snarled, as I rose from my seat, even though Bra didn’t like me, I had been in situations like this before, and I was going to try and get her out of it.

“Um, sure,” Bra replied as I pushed her out into the hallway, escaping the probing voice of the annoying teacher.

“Oh don’t think this is over with yet Pan, I’m calling Chi Chi!” Ms. Applebomb threatened as I simply rolled my eyes, I didn’t have time for this.

The hallways were really quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the droning of the teachers in the classrooms. Sighing, I looked at the girl walking beside me, she really had changed, though I’m not surprised. Damn, I hated uncomfortable silences.

“Um, thanks,” came the shaky voice of my companion, who seemed to be looking everywhere but at me.

“What do you mean?” I couldn’t imagine what she was talking about.

“For, uh, getting rid of that teacher.”

“Oh, right. No prob.”

We fell silent again as the front office came into view and my stomach did a flip. There, on one side, sat the entire Z team, while on the other side of the hallway sat grandma and Bulma, still as drunk as ever. Chuckling to myself, though Bra gave me a strange look, I thought about the night I had earlier thought was going to happen, and now, the rest of the day was a mystery.

“Well, there’s my Panny Pan,” Bulma’s drunken voice called out as my cheeks turned a embarrassing shade of scarlet.

“Oh Bulma, get a hold of yourself, the fragile girl is probably so frightened to have these beasts back,” grandma said as Bulma sat down again. This comment seemed to have the same effect almost everybody, Bra shrunk back slightly, giving a worried yet agitated look at her mother and her mother’s friend. The Z Team who was currently sitting were sending her very dirty glares from where they sat, and I, couldn’t believe she had called me fragile! I wasn’t the school’s strongest student for nothing, you know!

“I think that was uncalled for,” came the dark voice of my father, who had stood, and was now storming about, obviously upset about being in out presence.
“Well, I think it was!” grandma retorted as she too stood, and walked over to her very tall son. As for Bulma, well, grandma had been the one supporting her, so now she had fallen off the bench, and was laughing hysterically.

Rushing over, I picked up the fallen woman, as tears ran down her red face from the laughter that escaped her pink lips. Shaking my head, I half listened to the raised voices of my family and long ago friends, as the war of words continued.

“Come on Bulma, upsi daisy,” I coaxed as I tried lifting her, which would have been easy, if her arms wouldn’t of flown up and hit me square in the nose. “I think you broke my nose.”

“Oh, you’re so funny Pan Chan,” Bulma giggled like a school girl, as I tried hitting my head against the brick wall.

“Oh, Shut up woman!” the gruff voice of the Saiyan king ordered from his place leaning against a cold stone corner.

Oh, no, I groaned mentally at what Bulma was going to do next, and sure enough, she suddenly gained her balance in her legs again, hands on her hips, ready for a fight. Her drunken eyes blurred momentarily, as she slowly staggered to the male, his eyes watching her every move, and, if I had expected what was to come next, I would of tried to stop her.

Finally, Bulma reached the king, looking him directly into his eyes, which not many could do, and raised her small hand. With one loud crack, like a whip, her hand hit his cheek, causing his eyes to widen in surprise, and her stance become even more angrier.

The hall was silent for once, as we all stared in complete astonishment. My grandmother was smiling triumphantly as, even though she was drunk, Bulma had taught, supposedly, Vegeta a lesson, yeah right! Bra seemed to grow pale instantly, trying her best not to visibly shake with nerves, and she was failing. My grandfather had his forever permanent smile etched on his features, finding the whole situation rather entertaining, and, in a sense, it was. I also noticed, that even though we were supposed to be mad at one another, Grandpa Goku looked my way, meeting my eyes, and instead of scowling or frowning, he smiled very big and put a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it in the typical Son fashion. I couldn’t help but to return the gesture. Dad on the other hand was about ready to beat Bulma to ribbons, and, well, even though I was quite upset with the woman at the moment, this could be a very big problem. Mom seemed to keep to herself, excepting it almost, as if the life force that I remembered had somehow blew out. Krillen, Marron, Eighteen, Yamcha, Tien, Master Roshi, Dende, and Piccolo looked on, noting it as none of their concern. Goten glared murderously at all three of us, I didn’t like the new Goten in the least, I missed the old him. And, then there was Trunks, who, at the moment, was trying his best to calm his father down.

“There, serves you right, you...you...you uh...son of a bastard, you,” Bulma harshly told Vegeta, while I did a double take. That was it, she’d crossed the line.

“Bulma...stop it,” I whispered harshly, trying to stop her impending doom from occurring, which seemed to be failing miserably.

“Why?” Bulma slurred out, turning her body to face me, completely snubbing the raging male behind her form.

“Oh, no Pan, let Bulma do what she pleases,” grandma reprimanded, smirking at Bulma with pride, and then nodding her head my way.

“But Grandma Chi Chi, you know as well as I do, Vegeta is getting upset, we need to stop her before something happens,” I tried once more, knowing by the way grandma shrugged her shoulders that I was going to lose my temper.

“No she won’t, besides, she’s a grown woman, let her do as she wants,” grandma glared at me, now angered that I had defied her authority. If she was upset now, I can’t imagine what later will bring.

“Grandma! How can you say something like that?! You haven’t lost all your common sense, have you? She’s fuckin’ drunk!” I screeched, already I knew I had crossed the line. I also felt the stares of everyone as they looked my way, amazed that the one they thought listened to Chi Chi’s every command, had just cursed and yelled at her grandmother.

“PAN! I’m your superior and don’t you forget it! DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, make me get the frying pan, and DON’T make me wash your foul mouth out with soap!” grandmother scolded me, which I didn’t like in the least.

Seeing what was going to happen, Bra tried her best to drag me away from the others, but, I planted my feet, and continued glaring at the woman I had previously yelled at. Powering up as far as she could without turning Super Saiyan, Bra pulled on my arm again, unsuccessfully might I add. Even though she had been training for while now, I still surpassed her in strength, which I’m sure ticked her off slightly.

Trunks looked our way with amusement, sighing, he strolled his way over, smirking the entire way. If I had seen him approaching, I probably would’ve tried my best to escape, but, as you know, I was locked in a staring contest with my grandmother. Picking me up by my waist, he put me over his shoulder as I hit his back fruitlessly, yelling at him the entire way.

“Let me go! Let me go, right now! Trunks Vegeta Briefs if you don’t put me down this instant I’ll...” I ranted and raved from my position slung over his shoulder. By this time, the front doors to the school had slammed shut behind all of us, including the rest of the Z-team, as they walked down to the parking lot to their vehicles.

“You’ll what?” Trunks challenged, smirking now that I was tongue-tied.

“Calm down, I know we have all been at odds lately, but Pan, that’s Chi Chi, don’t you know the consequence for defying her?” Bra questioned me, as I rolled my eyes, of course I knew the ending results, I had felt the consequence many times before.

“She probably doesn’t, always doing what her dear grand-mama tells her to do,” Trunks sneered sarcastically as I tried kicking him in the groin, problem was, though I may be taller than all the other females, I still was too short.

“Like hell I do, I’ve got the bumps to prove it!” I yelled full blast in his ear, though he did wince, is hold didn’t lessen in the slightest.

“Would you brats shut the fuck up?!” Vegeta roared, menacingly glaring our way, making us shut up immediately, though I still struggled.

“Yes, listen to you Uncle Veggie!” Bulma reprimanded from her place stumbling along at the back of the group.

“Oh, shut it, Bulma!” Chi Chi ordered the blue-haired woman, staring at her crossly.

“I said let me go, you ass-hole!” and the yelling of the younger Saiyans started up once again. Trunks was laughing his head off, Bra was looking at me as if I had grown a second head, Goten stared at me curiously, as if trying to figure me out, and I was about ready to transform.

“PAN! Such language!” grandma scolded, and I thanked Dende silently for grandma forgetting her frying skillet.

“Trunks, why don’t you let her down, okay?” Grandpa Goku’s reassuring voice told the prince, as I felt my body drop to the ground.

I wanted to rip off his head, how dare he do that to me! Though I didn’t have long to ponder this since grandma had latched onto my ear and was now pulling me down the sidewalk and into the van. Slamming the door closed as soon as she had succeeded in getting me where she wished me to be. Turning her form around, she yelled at Bulma to hurry it up, and climbed into the driver’s seat.

Bulma soon appeared at the passenger’s side door, tripping over a small pebble as she hit the van door with her falling weight. Fidgeting with the door-latch, as if it was the hardest thing to figure out, she looked to grandma, and sighing, Chi Chi leaned over to open the door for the poor woman. Flinging herself in, after many failed attempts, she buckled her seat belt, and we were off.

The van had been deadly silent until we were about half way to Capsule Corps, I had been fidgeting slightly, really wishing Alex were here. The objects outside whizzed by, and I wished I was out there flying, the wind flowing through my midnight locks. But that was impossible at the moment, flying was even forbidden in my grandmother’s eyes.

“Pan, you do realize we need talk?” the emotionless voice of grandma called, making me cringe at the thought of what was to come.

“Yeah, I sorta figured that much out,” I replied as I got a pointed glare from the front seat, not sure how long I’m going to be able to do that.

The rest of the way was very silent, and when we reached the grounds, the van was surrounded by the other vehicles that had been following. Trunks, Bra, Goten, Uub, and Marron climbed out of the red convertible. Krillen, 18, Yamcha, and Tien got out of the classic GTO that was painted black with red fire, and blue mixed in with the red flames. I remembered that to Trunks’ car, and realized that he must of let them borrow it for times such as these. Master Roshi pulled up in an old Volkswagen, which had, without a doubt, seen better days. And lastly, dad, mom, grandpa, and Vegeta jumped out of the four-door green Dodge pickup, looking around, letting the surroundings to come back into their memory.

Hopping out of the van, wishing I had brought my own vehicle back with me, I chuckled at the thought of Alex jumping for joy when I called and said he could drive my baby. Pulling the phone out of my bag, I flipped it open and searched for the school’s phone number on my list. Finding it, I quickly hit the send button as the phone rang.

“Oh, no you don’t, no phone,” grandma demanded as she lunged for the electrical item. Sidestepping her, I looked as she caught herself before falling onto the pavement. Sending me a glare that promised certain death, I grinned sheepishly her way.

“I’m just calling Alex so he can bring my car home, kay?” I explained, backing away from the angered woman. “Oh, hello, may I please speak to Alex Johnson?”

“Sure, just a moment,” the secretary said on the other end as she called Alex to the front office. “He should be here momentarily, may I please ask who is calling?”

“Yes, Pan Son,” I told her, plopping myself down in the front lawn, ignoring everyone else around me.

“Very well Miss. Son, he should be here any moment,” the woman explained as she put me on hold and the light, classical music filled my ears.

“Hey babe!” Alex answered, after I waited several moments for him to get his sorry ass to the front office.

“What took you so long? Is that how you repay your good friend for getting you out of the class you hate the most?” I joked, as I heard him sigh on the other end.

“Yeah, if I knew who was calling from the beginning, I would of hurried. So what happened? I heard the intercom say you had visitors, who? And why are you not at school?” Alex asked curiously, as I rolled my eyes in exasperation.
“One, what happened was the people from my past showed up, and now grandma is staring at me murderously. Who, is Trunks, Vegeta, and Bra Briefs; Krillen, Marron, and Eighteen Chestnut; Master Roshi; Piccolo and Dende, who just landed; Yamcha and Tien; and Grandpa Goku, Dad, Mom, and Goten. And the reason why I’m not at school is because they showed up out of the blue, grandma’s going to murder me for opening my big mouth, and most likely there is some new threat to the Earth,” I explained, counting on my fingers to make sure I had answered all his questions.

“Awesome, so why did you call, not that I’m not grateful or anything, its just, that, well, you could of told me that later, you know?” Alex questioned me, my snickering able to be heard from all.

“Because, grandma was so pissed at me that she didn’t let me drive my car, so, guess what buddy boy?” I joked as I imagined him doing a little happy dance in front of the secretary.

“You mean I get to drive your precious baby! You’re the best Pan!” I rejoiced as I smirked at what a loser he could be.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You do have the spare keys, right?” I made sure before I hung up and faced the punishment that laid ahead.

“Sure, right here safely tucked away in my bag,” he told me, still excited at driving my vehicle that I yelled at anyone who even dared to look at it.

“Alright then, I’ll see ya later,” I said in a farewell as he returned the gesture and we both hung up, he promising to bring the car by later.

“Well...?” Grandma Chi Chi growled out while staring me down from my place at the base of the tree.

“Alex will bring it by around seven, is that alright?” I told her, making sure to sugar coat it some, hoping the skillet wouldn’t fall as hard if I did this.

“Yes, and you’re still in trouble,” she commented as she disappeared into the building after giving me a stern look. And now I was outside with just the Z Fighters, and it kinda made me nervous the way they looked at me.

Smiling, and rubbing the back of my neck in the typical Son fashion, I stood and nervously looked around, I was still the same old Pan, I didn’t like being stared at. Smiling, Grandpa Goku practically skipped over to me and enveloped me in a death grip. His hug was comforting, even though I could hardly breath, and, wrapping my arms around his neck, I returned the gesture. I had missed my grandfather terribly. I mean, he was my only grandfather since Grandpa Hercule died two years ago after a sniper shooting, even though he was a big-shot, it had left me broken hearted.

“How’s my little Panny now?” grandpa laughed out, after we released each other from the hug that he had started.

“Fine grandpa, and you?” I questioned as I finally relaxed, ignoring everyone else besides the male before me.

“Except for the whole Chi Chi thing, just fine, thanks,” he said, rather gloomily, looking towards the building with sadness in his loving eyes.

Putting a hand on his broad shoulder, I followed his gaze to the front door, and felt a completely different feeling than he did. I felt completely scared shitless. I had not only mouthed off to my grandmother, but I had also cussed in front of her, big, Big, BIG no no. Visibly shaking, I rubbed my previous bump on my head, which still hurt from last night when I had been caught flying. Whoops!

Chuckling, grandpa looked at me with love, and I smiled back, still nervous though that I most likely would getting acquainted with the frying pan once again. I hated that thing. How could one human scare someone with Saiyan blood in them so badly? It was beyond me.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Chi Chi will take it easy on you for being her grandchild,” he comforted me, as I snorted.

“Yeah right, I have said hi to that thing one too many times. In fact, me and the skillet became really good friends just last night,” I said disgusted at being hit so many times.

“What for?” grandpa asked curiously, hardly believing that I would do something that bad as to get hit with it before now.

“I flew, and she caught me in the act,” I grumbled, remembering the event quite clearly in my head.

“She won’t let you fly?!” he cried with astonishment, his eyes and mouth opened wide, not quite believing what I had said.

“Nope, against one of her many, many rules,” I sighed, looking towards the ground as I sneered at the thought of her list of rules that were not to be broken.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your little reunion, but I believe it is time we got down to business, don’t you?” Dende interrupted as we looked his way.

“Now Pan, you are the only one who doesn’t know, so here it is. In a couple of months an alien by the name of Emperor Zolly will show up, and we need to be prepared. So, in that case, you will be training with the rest of the Z-Team,” Dende explained briefly, looking at me pointedly.

“But you know grandma doesn’t allow training from me,” I tried, knowing it probably wouldn’t fly with them.

“WHAT?! You mean you don’t train and you’re still stronger than I am, man, this is a definite insult,” Bra whined, as she stared at me with wonder.

“Bra, she didn’t say that,” Dende told her, still looking at me, almost as if I was some strange looking creature.

“But, I heard her,” she cried, trying to piece everything together, still looking confused as she looked at the young guardian with curious eyes.

“No, she said her grandmother didn’t allow it, not, that she didn’t train anyways. She trains, Bra, almost every night in fact, where you guys all use to gather. Just you younger ones,” he told her with exasperation lining each word.

“How did you know? No one knew but Alex, and he wouldn’t tell you!” I cried in fear, oh no, what if grandma knew now?!

“Pan, I am the guardian of the Earth, I know. And Chi Chi doesn’t know, I would never wish the wrath of that woman on anyone,” he joked as I smiled in return.

And that’s how it went. The Sons and the Briefs had been reunited, and it looked like trouble was on its way, in more that one way. I may of had Grandpa Goku’s trust, but everyone else, besides maybe Bra, hated my very presence. This was going to a long two months.

A/N: So what did you guys think? Is it good? Bad? Should I continue or not? I thank all who reviewed once again. I know it wasn’t a very good beginning to the story, but, oh well, I don’t care, and I don’t really want to change it. Please review! Review = Update. Thanks everyone! See ya!


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