Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What the F*** happened? ❯ Demensional Corridor ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

CO: I have nothing to say for the authors note! *begins to panic*

Vegeta: good. Get on with it then.

CO: but-

Vegeta: *glare*

CO: *sigh* ok…


Chapter 2: Dimensional Corridor


Vegeta stepped into the room and looked around. "What the hell is this place?" he asked. CO cocked her head to the side. She looked at her watch and sighed.


"I'm not so sure, it's 11:30 AM" she said putting emphasis on the AM. Vegeta frowned.


"What does that have to do with any thing, Chibaka?" he asked snidely.


"Well, my brain isn't fully engaged from 4:00 every morning to 11:59 AM every afternoon."


"What's that supposed to mean?"


"We have to ask information where this is, and information is still sleeping," Co jabbed her finger towards a desk that had popped out of nowhere. The desk was oak, which seemed out of place in the supremely white hallway, and so did its occupant, who was clad in a green pinstriped suit.


CO walked over to her and poked her. She snorted loudly. "Onomatopoeia?" she shook her. "Hello?!? Wake up!" she hollered. CO thumped loudly on her desk, "OHAYOU!" Onomatopoeia did not even stir.


"She's a part of your cracked up brain, right?" Vegeta asked out of nowhere. CO cocked her head.


"Yeah, I guess you could say that." She replied. Vegeta grinned evilly.


"CO! Clown!" he yelled pointing behind her, eyes full of concern. CO squeaked and both females darted under the desk. Vegeta sauntered over to the desk and reached under. He pulled out Onomatopoeia and set her on the desk. "I see you're awake. Good. Now tell me, where are we."


Onomatopoeia grinned widely. She pursed her lips together and said "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-at-ta-t-t-taaa!" Vegeta put on his what-the-fuck face, looking over at CO who had just peeped over the edge of the desk, realizing that there were no clowns.


She shrugged. Onomatopoeia continued explaining herself. "Yoho ho! Twoooooot! Yibida yibida, at-ta-t-t-taaa!" she repeated. She looked into Vegeta's face then sighed in exasperation. "Wah wah wah wah." She said sadly.


All of the sudden she sat bolt upright! "BANG!" she hollered so loud that CO ducked back under the desk, muttering something about clowns. Vegeta cocked his brow.


Onomatopoeia hopped off of her desk and pointed at her name plaque. Vegeta read it aloud.


"Omina-whatever: Dimensional Corridor information. Dimensional Corridor?" Onomatopoeia handed him a pamphlet. He skimmed through it quickly.


He learned that for every event there was a dimensional corridor showing all possible ways that event could have happened. This was obviously the corridor that showed all possibilities of his first time with Bulma.


"How the hell am I supposed to know which one is right?" he asked. Onomatopoeia shrugged.


"Swoosh." She said sympathetically. Vegeta growled then started down the hallway. He might as well start at the beginning. He threw open a door and stepped inside.


He was in a barn.


A barn? This couldn't be right. Out of sheer morbid curiosity he walked around the room. What did this have to do with him? He stepped around the corner and came face to face with…Kakarotto?


Vegeta nearly died. The third class was dressed from hair tip to boot tip in cowboy gear. Complete with a hat that was shoved messily over his unruly hair. He cocked a smile.


"You look ridiculous Kakarotto." Kakarotto frowned.


"Number one: don't call me that, and number two: your one to talk, what're you wearing? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the rodeo?" Kakarotto said with a terrible accent. Vegeta had no idea what Kakarotto was talking about. Rodeo?


He sniffed and crossed his arms. Kakarotto smiled widely.


"Well if'n your not gonna compete, then I'll just have t'take Miss Bulma's hand then." Vegeta growled. Kakarotto was not going to touch his Bulma's hand, or any part of her.


Just then, another man stepped into the room. Vegeta didn't recognize him at first, his hair was slicked back and spikes were sticking attractively out of the back of his black cowboy hat. He was a dark cowboy, from the top of his hat to the tip of his gold tipped boots.


Vegeta was looking at himself.


"What the hell?" Vegeta said in unison. Vegeta crossed his arms looking at this lower version of himself. This was certainly not what happened, and he was ready to leave. He turned, but stopped when he felt a soft hand on his arm.


He turned to see Bulma standing there looking puzzled. She looked…sexy. Her hat was a pale tan, and she was wearing tight fitting jeans and a faded blue button up shirt that wasn't buttoned all the way. Her cleavage flashed appealingly. She had her hand on her waist and her hip stuck out.


Vegeta licked his lips. He pulled gently on her arm, bringing her close ignoring both of the men who were advancing on him. He buried his head into her neck and took in her scent. She gasped lightly.


Vegeta could feel the failed versions of himself and Kakarotto trying to pull them apart, but Vegeta was hooked. There was something different about her smell. Something childlike…he couldn't put his finger on it. Then it hit him…Bulma was a virgin.


He felt a tug at his pant leg and glanced to see Chibaka standing there.


"You done?" she asked, "This isn't it..." Vegeta frowned.


"I know this is not it! I'm busy, go wait for me in the hall." He ordered. CO `hmphed' indignantly and walked over to Gokuu and Vegeta. Gokuu had Vegeta pinned down, while the not-prince tried valiantly to shove him off. Gokuu had realized the superior strength of the new competition and didn't want his rival to get hurt.


CO's mind flashed evilly as she caught sight of Gokuu's backside. "Hnnnn" she said thoughtfully. She popped out of her Chibi form and walked over to the struggling pair. They looked up.


First she would need to get rid of Vegeta. She looked straight into Vegeta's eyes and twisted the plotline in her favor. "Bulma's iniside." She said simply. Vegeta finally threw Gokuu off and high-tailed it inside.


Gokuu looked at her and she stared back at her prey.


"Hi." She said smiling, throwing naughty images in his mind. He blinked, surprised, innocently at his own thoughts.


"Uh…hi." He replied smiling back. She took his hand and wrapped it around her own waist and was leading him to the ladder that led to the second floor when Vegeta came tearing around the corner. He stopped for a moment and gaped at the sight of a not-chibi Chibaka. Weird.


"What the fuck happened?!" he demanded. She whined and pulled herself tighter into his grip. He gasped as she rubbed against him "unintentionally."


"I needed to get rid of Vegeta!" Vegeta shook his head and grabbed her arm, Gokuu started to protest, but one look from the angry Saiyajin prince shut him up. Vegeta thumped CO on the head so hard that she popped back into chibi form.


"I get none, you get none." He snapped and pulled her away towards the door. Gokuu sighed looking down at his crotch, that was two down and one to go. He went off to try his luck with Chichi.


"Now how do we get out?" Vegeta asked. CO shrugged.


"Same way we came in probably." Vegeta shook his head.


"I came in through a door, there isn't one in here, and this is where I came in." a light bulb flashed above CO's head. "What?" Vegeta asked half-heartedly.


"Let's make one!" she suggested. Vegeta knew her mind too well to push that over as ridiculous. So he let her draw a door in the dirt. She opened it and walked/fell through. "This isn't right…" and it wasn't, the first thing that was wrong was the hallway was black…




"What kind of Bakayarou writes that SHIT!?!?" Vegeta kicked a small figure back through the door they just stepped out of. He shuddered and straightened his spandex. "That was pathetic."


"Well, yeah, did you expect every person who writes about you and ol' blue hair to be talented?" CO ignored Vegeta's glare and continued. "Some of them are so bad that I wanted to write myself out of having to go into them without having a plot hole." Vegeta furrowed his brow and looked down the hall way. CO opened her mouth to say something funny, but one look at the Saiyajins serious face made her swallow the joke the wrong way and choke.


"Orange, how will I know which one is right?" She smiled slightly, for the first time in a long time, she felt like his friend, so she gave him a straight answer.


"I don't know a lot about this Dimensional Corridor, but I do know about missing memories, and when you see the right one, or one that's a lot like it, it'll come back to you." Vegeta turned and walked towards a door that was a little down the hall.


CO smiled widely feeling a strong attachment to the haughty Saiyajin. Her heart belonged to Gokuu, of course, but Veg-head was turning into nothing short of a good friend.


"Chibaka! Get your fat ass down here!" he hollered. CO frowned and scurried down the hall.


"So much for good friend," she snorted.

